Vite+SvelteKit - Environment variables hyper-protection - environment-variables

I am trying to make a POC and I'm such making a really simple use-case.
In there, I use a src/lib/db.ts who, for our interest, contains this code
console.log(import.meta.env.MONGO_URI, import.meta.env.SSR);
undefined true
Of course, my .env file contains a definition for MONGO_URI, I tried with VITE_MONGO_URI and could see the value.
I know a way to expose it is to use VITE_MONGO_URI but my point is exactly not to expose it on the client-side.
I checked and the file db.ts is not bundled with the client, even the import.meta.env.SSR being true shows that the bundler knows it's happening on the server.
Question: How to access my private environment variables server-side ?
EDIT: As specified by Shriji Kondan, the API for this purpose has been created now : here

You could use dotenv on the server side, assuming you are using node-adapter, you can have a file _constants.ts in your app
import 'dotenv/config';
export const MONGO_URI = process.env.MONGO_URI;
and then import this variable into your script.

It's not very awesome to put secrets on client-side code. It should be either utilities.ts with a performed action SUPER_SECRET_API_KEY="$ecret#p1Key" in .env file, then request it via in src/lib/utilities/utility.js as explained here :
import { SUPER_SECRET_API_KEY } from '$env/static/private';
export function performApiAction() {
const apiInstance = initialiseApi({key: SUPER_SECRET_API_KEY});
or from page.server.ts via form actions as stated here which is preferable way but it's more complex.


Capacitorjs Sveltekit Adapter is not working

I have a WebApp which fetches data from a database.
I have +server.js files from which my frontend fetches the data.
When I run npm run build:
No suitable adapter found.
#sveltejs/adapter-static: all routes must be fully prerenderable, but found the following routes that are dynamic:
- src\routes
You have the following options:
- set the `fallback` option — see for more info.
- add `export const prerender = true` to your root `+layout.js/.ts` or `+layout.server.js/.ts` file. This will try to prerender all pages.
- add `export const prerender = true` to any `+server.js/ts` files that are not fetched by page `load` functions.
- pass `strict: false` to `adapter-static` to ignore this error. Only do this if you are sure you don't need the routes in question in your final app, as they will be unavailable. See for more info.
If this doesn't help, you may need to use a different adapter. #sveltejs/adapter-static can only be used for sites that don't need a server for dynamic rendering, and can run on just a static file server.
See for more details
I experienced the same problem. What worked for me is adding export const prerender = true; to my +layout.server.ts file. In your case, just add it to your +server.js file at the top and run the build command again.
You can learn more about prerendering in SvelteKit docs

Environment variable not working with Mapbox token on NextJS

I have a Mapbox map which I am trying to pass an environment variable in to using the built-in .env.local integration in NextJS 9.4. As per the Next docs, I am using a .env.local file and in order to expose the env variable to the browser, I am prefixing it with NEXT_PUBLIC_. However, the access token is not being passed through with this setup. When I pass the token in directly, it does work, so I know this is some sort of problem with the .env.local file not passing that particular env variable, even though it does with other tokens.
// Works
mapboxgl.accessToken = "my_mapbox_access_token";
// Doesn't work
mapboxgl.accessToken = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MAPBOX_TOKEN;
// Also works
class OtherAPI extends RESTDataSource {
constructor() {
this.baseURL = "";
willSendRequest(request) {
So the Mapbox token works when it is passed directly, and the environment variables work when used with other APIs, but for some reason the env variables are not working with the Mapbox API. I've tried with and without the NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix. What am I doing wrong?
Possibly this
You are using dotenv
Please see this discussion on GitHub:

Getting the API_KEY from SendGrid .env file (Node.js)

I'm using SendGrid(Node.js) for one of my personal projects. I followed the integration guide to set up my API KEY .env file as following:
echo "export SENDGRID_API_KEY='YOUR_API_KEY'" > sendgrid.env
echo "sendgrid.env" >> .gitignore
source ./sendgrid.env
My question is... Every time before running the backend locally, I have to first run
source ./sendgrid.env
In order for the process.env.YOUR_API_KEY be acknowledged where the key is.
But after renamed the sendgrid.env file to just .env, I don't have to run source anymore.
This is how I call the API KEY
const { validationResult } = require('express-validator')
const Appointment = require('../models/Appointment')
const User = require('../models/User')
const sgMail = require('#sendgrid/mail')
PS. I have set the dotenv config at the top of the file but still getting undefined until I changed the file name.
Does anyone know the reason or the logic behind this??
Thank you :)
If I am understanding it well enough. You have to change it to .env because by default require('dotenv').config() point to .env because the parenthesis of config are empty.
To follow the sendgrid way by calling your file sendgrid.env you would have to require('dotenv').config(sendgrid.env) and maybe, just require('dotenv').config(sendgrid) would be enough. Got to try it to know for sure. But at least from my understanding this is your answer.

How can I pass a pointer to a file in helm upgrade command?

I have a truststore file(a binary file) that I need to provide during helm upgrade. This file is different for each target env(dev,qa,staging or prod). So I can only provide this file at time of deployment. helm upgrade --set-file does not take a binary file. This seem to be the issue I found here: This truststore files are stored in Jenkins Credential store.
As the command itself is described below:
--set-file stringArray set values from respective files specified via the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=path1,key2=path2)
it is also important to know The Format and Limitations of
The error you see: Error: failed parsing --set-file data... means that the file you are trying to use does not meet the requirements. See the example below:
--set-file key=filepath is another variant of --set. It reads the
file and use its content as a value. An example use case of it is to
inject a multi-line text into values without dealing with indentation
in YAML. Say you want to create a brigade project with certain value
containing 5 lines JavaScript code, you might write a values.yaml
defaultScript: |
const { events, Job } = require("brigadier")
function run(e, project) {
console.log("hello default script")
events.on("run", run)
Being embedded in a YAML, this makes it harder for you to use IDE
features and testing framework and so on that supports writing code.
Instead, you can use --set-file defaultScript=brigade.js with
brigade.js containing:
const { events, Job } = require("brigadier")
function run(e, project) {
console.log("hello default script")
events.on("run", run)
I hope it helps.

How to use HMAC in Lua - Lightroom plugin

First thing I have to mention is I'm really really new to Lua and please be patient if you think my question is too dumb
Here is my requirement
I need to use HMAC-sha256 for Lightroom plugin development as I'm using that for security.
I was trying to use this but with no luck
These are the steps I followed
Got the code of and saved
as 'hmac.lua' file in my plugin directory
Got the code from this and saved
as 'sha2.lua' file
Now in the file I use it like this
local hmac = require'hmac'
local sha2 = require'sha2'
--somewhere doend the line inside a function
local hashvalue = hmac.sha2('key', 'message')
but unfortunately this does not work and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Can anyone advice me what I'm doing wrong here? Or is there an easier and better way of doing this with a good example.
I'm doing this to get the result. When I include that code the plugin does stops working. I cannot get the output string when I do this
hashvalue = hmac.sha2('key', 'message')
local LrLogger = import 'LrLogger'
myLogger = LrLogger('FlaggedFiles')
myLogger:trace ("=========================================\n")
myLogger:trace ('Winter is coming, ' .. hashvalue)
myLogger:trace ("=========================================\n")
and the Lightroom refuses to load the plugin and there is nothing on the log as well
Thank you very much for your help
I'd first make sure your code works outside of Lightroom. It seems that HMAC module you referenced has some other dependencies: it requires "glue", "bit", and "ffi" modules. Of these, bit and ffi are binary modules and I'm not sure you will be able to load them into Lightroom (unless they are already available there). In any case, you probably won't be able to make it run in LR if you don't have required modules and can't make it run without issues outside of LR.
If you just need to get SHA256 hash there is a way to do it Lightroom
I posted my question here and was able to get an answer. But there there was no reference of this on SDK documentation (Lightroom SDK)
local sha = import 'LrDigest'
d = sha.SHA256.digest ("Hello world")
but unfortunately there was no HMAC so I decided to use md5 with a salt because this was taking too much of my time
Spent quite some time trying to find a solution :-/
LrDigest is not documented, thanks Adobe!
local LrDigest = import "LrDigest"
LrDigest.HMAC.digest(string, 'SHA256', key)
