Alternative to Cloudflare tunnel if I can't open port 7844 and no root access on hosting server - port

I have a linux server hosting an app that I want to expose using my namecheap domain name.
The network that the linux server is behind seems to be blocking port 7844, docker error:
"ERR Serve tunnel error error="DialContext error: dial tcp xxx:7844: i/o timeout" connIndex=0 ip=xxx
ERR Unable to establish connection with Cloudflare edge error="DialContext e rror: dial tcp xxx.:7844: i/o timeout" connIndex=0 ip=xxx.33
Works fine on machines on another network, linux and windows. So looks to be the network, which I can't port forward on.
I found SirTunnel: but this requires sudo on my siteground server, which isn't possible.
Are there any free alternatives I can use? Or a way I can use cloudflare through a different port?


How do server programs work on Docker when *only* the listening port is mapped to the Docker host?

This is just a conceptual question that I have been thinking about recently.
Say I'm running an Nginx container on Docker on a host. Normally, for this to work, we have to map ports like 80 and 443 to host container. This is because these are listening ports, and connections from the outside world to port 80 should be forwarded to port 80 of the container. So far so good.
But also: port 80 is just the listening socket, right? The listening socket only accepts the connection; after this any communication done between a client and the Nginx server is supposedly done on a different socket with a random port number (on the server side). This is to allow multiple connections, and to keep the listening port free to establish more connections, etc. This is where my issue comes in.
Say I'm a client and I connect to this Nginx server. As far as I understand, I first send TCP packets to port 80 of the host that is hosting this Nginx Docker container. But during the establishment of the connection, the server changes their port to another number, say 45670. (Not sure how, but I am guessing the packets that are sent back suddenly mention this port, and our client will continue the rest of the exchange with this port number instead).
But now as I send packets (e.g. HTTP requests) to the host on port 45670, how will the Nginx docker container see those packets?
I am struggling to understand how server processes can run on Docker with only one port exposed / published for mapping.
But also: port 80 is just the listening socket, right? The listening socket only accepts the connection; after this any communication done between a client and the Nginx server is supposedly done on a different socket with a random port number (on the server side).
Nope. When a connection is established, the client side is a random port number (usually) and the server side is the same port that the server listens on.
In TCP there aren't actually listening sockets - they're an operating system thing - and a connection is identified by the combination of both the port numbers and both the IP addresses. The client sends a SYN ("new connection please") from its port 49621 (for example) to port 80 on the server; the server sends a SYN/ACK ("okay") from its port 80 to port 49621 on the client.

getting dial tcp: i/o timeout when accessing internet from a service inside a container

I am using PubNub (GO SDK) publish/subscribe service to receive messages but I am not receiving any messages even when I am able to ping from inside the container.
In the Pubnub logs, every time my program tries to connect to the origin (Pubnub server), I am getting "dial tcp: i/o timeout" error. I guess this is due to the slow internet connection either on the host or in the container.
What should I do to get around this error?
I was to solve this error by including Google DNS ( in my machine's nameservers. I think this error was due to the slow domain resolution process as my machine was getting DNS from DHCP.
I followed these steps:
Set static DNS in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/basefile:
Configure your PC so that it uses user-provided DNS, instead of obtaining it from DHCP. For that, open this file /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf and add this line:
supersede domain-name-servers,;
Restart network manager using:
sudo service network-manager restart

Port Forwarding for compute engine google cloud platform

I'm trying to open port TCP 28016 and UDP 28015 for a game server in my compute engine VM running on Microsoft Windows Server 2016.
I've tried opening the opening inside my server using RDP, going to Windows Firewall setting and creating new inbound rules for both TCP 28016 and UDP 28015.
Also done setting firewall rules on my Cloud Platform Firewall Rules for both port.
When running my game server application, running netstat didn't show any of the port being used / not listening . Not even shows up. What did i do wrong ?
Edit : it now shows up on netstat -a -b , but didn't have LISTENING
If it doesn't show as LISTENING, it's not a firewall or "port forwarding" issue; rather, the application either isn't running, or is running but isn't configured to listen for connections on that port.

Port 5432 is closed on Google Compute Engine

Currently I need to establish remote connection with my server (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS).
I Install Postgresql and I made the following settings:
host all all md5
If run this command: netstat -anpt | grep LISTEN
shows the port is listening
but when I try to establish the connection, I have this error:
And this tool tells me that the port is closed:
Allowing only on Configurations of Postgresql server is not enough. You need to add a firewall rule in google compute engine. Check this
Firewall rules control incoming or outgoing traffic to an instance. By default, incoming traffic from outside your network is blocked.

connection refused when I try to connect client with server

I made a basic client / server datasnap applications and it work in local network through http but when I tried to connect from the internet I get connection refused, here are the steps I followed:
I set at the server component TDSHTTPService to connect through port no 8081 then in the client I set to use same port in TSQLConnection component, and I used my PC public IP in the HostName but when I try to connect I get connection refused.
Any advise ?
Forgot to say the client is Firemonkey app running on Android.
You should go to router admin console, find something like "port forwarding" and route the port (8081) to your computer IP - you have to say the router that traffic on this port should go to your computer
