How to read settings from Jenkins in Gradle? - jenkins

I use Jenkins to build Gradle, but there was a problem when reading the settings.
I use the 'net.linguica.maven-settings' plugin and in build.gradle wrote the line:
mavenSettings { userSettingsFileName ='maven.settings.location) }
And now I can run the build like this:
gradle -Pmaven.settings.location=/u01/test.xml clean build publish
But when building, I get dependency errors.
Could not resolve org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-configuration-processor:2.1.6.RELEASE.
Required by:
project :
Skipped due to earlier error
Could not resolve org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.8.0.
What do I need to do?

Maven doesn't intrinsically know where to get dependencies from. It will look to the setting.xml for a list of repositories and look for any dependencies from there. If you list multiple repositories is will check each one until it finds the dependencies listed in the pom file.
I suspect because you are overriding the settings the file you are using doesn't have a repository listed which has the dependency you need.
That is what the error message is telling you - "I looked though all the registries I know about but couldn't find org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.8.0 in any of them"
You can read a bit about it here under "Repositories"


How to generate zip file for a grails plugin

I wrote a Grails plugin, lets say PluginA which has dependency on another plugin, lets say PluginB, which I wrote myself too, these both plugins are being used by a main project. I am trying to build a continious integration system for this project using jenkins, so far I managed to setup everything in Jenkins. But while building the project, I get this error
Zip C:\Users\me\project\PluginA\ is not a valid plugin
So, how do I generate that zip file, I noticed that all my other plugins have that zip file but I don't remember building them. I also tried to do a grails compile-plugin but I got an error saying that few classes were not found as they were in PluginB. So, how can I specify that PluginA has dependency on PluginB while running a grails command?
It's not entirely clear, but I believe the problem you are having occurs when trying to build the main project and not the plugins, so I will address that situation.
Since the error message mentions a zip file, I will also assume you are using Grails 2.x. If you are using Grails 3.x, then stop reading now and add info on how you are specifying your dependencies.
Key info: In my experience plugins don't come with their dependencies; I've had to re-declare them in my top-level projects. I have no idea if that is the intent of the grails plugin design, but I have found it works to do so.
Step 1: Build PluginB and install it to your local maven repo using
grails maven-install
Step 2: Specify PluginB as a dependency for PluginA in its app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy
Step 3: Build PluginA and install it to your local maven repo using the same command as for PluginB.
Step 4: In your main project, specify dependencies on BOTH PluginA and PluginB in app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy
Step 4 is the key.
If I've misinterpreted your problem, sorry about that! Please provide some more detail on exactly which part is failing and I'll let you know if I have any info on it.

When and how does gradle resolve its dependencies?

I'm trying to re-write our build to Gradle, but we want to keep the dependency management in Ivy, for internal reasons.
So while trying to do that, I'm having several questions regarding the way gradle handles its dependencies:
When does gradle resolve dependencies (without Ivy or anything)?
When adding IvySettings and ivy.xml, do I need to call something similar to ant's ivy:resolve or ivy:configure, or does Gradle take care of that? If so, when and how?
Gradle resolves dependencies (more precisely configurations) on first use (typically by a task). Gradle doesn't read ivysettings or ivy.xml. (It does read ivy.xml files in the repository.) All information about dependency resolution is configured in Gradle build script(s).
In regards to (2), I managed to get gradle to read an ivy.xml file, and resolve the dependencies from there.
Gradle doesn't take care of that naturally, but using code from this issue, with a few tweaks, managed to get dependencies with gradle.
further more, there is a IvyXML plugin for gradle, with claims it can take care of most of this stuff.

How do I install Rascal

Can someone tell me how to install Rascal?
The install instruction say - Eclipse Indigo for RCP/RAP - got it.
Then Install New Software and put in the repository address:
- done that
Check "Contact all update sites during install to find required software" - ok
Hit Next, and it complains can't find Jetty, so set up its repo, can't find some Http lib, and on it goes.
What I have done, after I temporarily gave up on Eclipse, is to compile using the Maven build.
This makes me think, is a dependency missing from the Developer Dependencies list? That being the 'rascal-master' project, which contains not much more than the top-level pom.xml file?
I downloaded that too, and tried to build. It did not work because Tycho could not resolve dependencies correctly, it ended up looking for pdb.values:0.0.0 instead of the correct version, I don't know how it managed to zero out the version.
I notice that there is a Jenkins build server, which presumably runs off the Maven poms? It might be an idea to update the Developer Dependencies page with an accurate list of what needs checked out to build from scratch with Maven. It should be as easy as check out some projects, then type 'mvn install' and it all works nicely. Perhaps that is already the case on the build server, but I can't get into the configurations to see how that works.
In the end I removed Tycho from the build, and found enough dependencies in the Maven central repo by hand to get it building, and just put in statements for each of them.
It really is a sad state of affairs the way that Eclipse disrespects the Maven repository, by creating their own and using their own format and tool; Tycho will not download stuff from Eclipse and put it in your local repository, from where you could use it in a more sane way.
The installation instructions seems to be outdated. I can confirm that Rascal will not install with Eclipse Indigo due to dependency errors. It works fine with Eclipse Juno for RCP/RAP.
Ouch, that's a painfull experience, it should not have been this hard, I will look into this.
As workaround: see Rascal Developer dependencies , if you install these dependencies by hand, it should work.
If you continue experiencing installation problems, leave a Github issue, since that is more suited for back and forward conversations.
To use Maven, you also need to insert the following into the pom.xml of rascal-master (replacing the old modules section if there is one):
Then run "mvn clean install" or "mvn clean install -DskipTests=true" from inside rascal-master.

How to install gradle-grails-plugin?

Complete gradle nooby here.
I want to be able to execute grails build commands like "grails compile", "grails test-app" and so forth from gradle.
I found the grails-gradle-plugin from Peter Ledbrook at:
Cloning the repository I get some files and folders. In the readme file it says " include the required JARs via buildscript {} and 'apply' the plugin". The apply part sure I get but how do I add the JAR? And which jar? Do I need to use gradle on the build file in the folder of the downloaded plug-in and compile a jar? And ones I get the jar where do I place it and how do I include it in my projects build.gradle file?
I have a feeling this is going to be ridiculously easy but I just can't get it to work.
In Gradle, the jars are added to build script or to your application class path through dependencies closure e.g.
dependencies {
compile "org.grails:grails-crud:1.3.4"
compile "org.grails:grails-gorm:1.3.4"
compile "ch.qos.logback:logback-core:1.0.7"
compile "org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.2"
compile is a name of one of the many configurations (there are also test, runtime etc.) and e.g. "org.grails:grails-crud:1.3.4" is a reference to a jar in one of the public repositories, which are also specified in your scripts in repositories closure.
You can read more about Gradle dependency management in
For your Grails project you need to define a build.gradle file which looks similar to what is described in the README.
Though I tried today to just create a simple Grails project using that plugin and gradle init command and it didn't work. I have created an issue for that:

Gradle fails injecting dependencies into subprojects using fileTree

Maybe I'm missing something about the way Gradle works. What I have here is a parent project, which only contains configuration, i.e. there won't be any artifact being built when building it, it merely manages and builds all its subprojects.
Now the subprojects share some dependency configuration, so I figured what I would do in the root project's build.gradle is:
subprojects {
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'lib', includes: ['*.jar'])
that, however, does not work, it fails with a rather obscure error message:
A problem occurred evaluating root
project 'qype-android' Cause: No
signature of method:
is applicable for argument types:
values: [file set 'lib'] Possible
solutions: module(java.lang.Object)
after some trial and error, I could "fix" this issue by applying the 'java' plugin to the parent project.
How come? I don't see anywhere from the Gradle docs that a fileTree dependency requires the Java plugin. Even so, why would I need it on the project that is injecting the configuration, as opposed to on the project that is being configured (note that the subprojects all apply the Java plugin themselves)?
Does this mean that if I have N different subprojects that are all of varying natures, and apply different plugins, that the parent projects must always apply the set of all plugins beings used somewhere to itself, too?
It is not the fileTree that requires 'java' plugin.
The error message is complaining about undefined compile dependency configuration. Java plugin defines this configuration for you, so that you can add dependencies (including your fileTree) to it.
