Trouble running openai gym environment on google colab - machine-learning

Error that I'm struggling with
I'm trying to use MarsExplorer ( in google colab, but I'm struggling with properly importing it. I was able to successfully clone the repo, but when I try to run the demo mars_explorer isn't imported. How can I fix this?

Indeed #Dr.Snoopy makes a great point here. This is the line in where it is expected to work:
from mars_explorer.envs.settings import DEFAULT_CONFIG as conf
Now, notice that this is being called from your runtime path, usually root in Colab's case (I suppose), then it should return an error.
Now, if installed, for instance with pip install -e you can both import the module and edit it as you go.
Check out these docs.-,6.1.2.%20The%20Module%20Search%20Path,-%C2%B6), they may be helpful to understand this error.

apply these two commands in colab cell:
!git clone
the above command will save GeneralExplorationPolicy folders in your colab and inside this folder you can find mars-explorer folder then make copy of the path of the mars-explorer folder for example. /content/GeneralExplorationPolicy/mars-explorer
then apply this command for install mars-explorer:
!pip install -e /content/GeneralExplorationPolicy/mars-explorer


Running lua ML model from Google Colab

I am trying to run the AdaIN-style model in Google Colab. In order to do this, I need to install Lua. I saw this question and tried the solution given (reproduced below for convenience), both with the given distro and the official torch distro.
%cd /content/
!git clone torch --recursive
import os
!bash install-deps
!. ./install/bin/torch-activate
Now it should work using absolute path to th:
!/content/torch/install/bin/th neural_style.lua -style_image examples/inputs/picasso_selfport1907.jpg -content_image examples/inputs/brad_pitt.jpg
However, the last line fails, giving me the below error
/bin/bash: . ./install/bin/torch-activate: No such file or directory
However, the binary for th seems to exist at the given filepath. Thus, I try to run the given command
th test.lua -content input/content/cornell.jpg -style input/style/woman_with_hat_matisse.jpg
but I get the following error
/content/torch/install/bin/luajit: /content/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/trepl/init.lua:389: module 'cudnn' not found:No LuaRocks module found for cudnn
I tried looking this up further, but wasn't able to make much progress.
I also tried this method, which seems similar to the above, but I get the same errors.
Any pointers would be appreciated.

pydrake is not available for installation anymore through google colab?

I have been using a google colab template for iterative LQR that uses the Pydrake, however, it seems like the code repository is removed and I can't reinstall it on google Colab:
import pydrake
import underactuated
except ImportError:
!curl -s >
from jupyter_setup import setup_underactuated
# Setup matplotlib backend (to notebook, if possible, or inline).
from underactuated.jupyter import setup_matplotlib_backend
plt_is_interactive = setup_matplotlib_backend()
File "/content/", line 1
404: Not Found
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I tried clicking this link, and the page is not found... everything was working fine yesterday
Sorry. You're correct... I updated it this morning, and don't have a good deprecation policy in place on that repo, and this setup script is two versions ago. The path you want is
(remove the script from the directory). But if you look at that file, you'll see that even that is pointing to an updated setup script which you might want to point to.
This is actually all good news... we are on the path to a much better solution. You can now just pip install drake on colab (see the drake installation guide). Once I land the pip install underactuated (probably in time for my Spring offering of the class), then all of that nasty setup will be gone.

How do I delete a ros/gazebo-simulation completly

I have a kinda weird problem. I'm currently messing around with the VRX-Simulator, which simulates an unmanned-watersurface-vehicle.
For the installation I followed the guide on
Then I tried to modify some of the files and tried to rebuild the project.
This was the point when I noticed it always used the "old" version of my simulation within gazebo.
From now on no matter what I did (I even deleted the whole catkin workspace folder) ROS somehow managed to always launch the original version of my simulation even without any build/src folder existing when I used roslaunch.
roslaunch vrx_gazebo sandisland.launch
So my question would be how can I get rid of my simulation/model and where does ros/gazebo cache my simulation?
You most probably installed the package with the command from the tutorial sudo apt install ros-melodic-vrx-gazebo. So the package launched with roslaunch vrx_gazebo sandisland.launch was not in your catkin workspace. If you want to get rid of it you can uninstall it with sudo apt remove ros-melodic-vrx-gazebo. But this is not strictly necessary.
There are several ways to find out where some ros package is located, try running some of these commands:
rospack find vrx_gazebo will show you where the package used is located
roscd vrx_gazebo will take you to the folder where it is installed something like
If you also followed the tutorials installing from source code then the issue most likely was not sourcing the built packages. The last line of the guide is a bit misleading. The line *Remember to run this command every time you open a new terminal. is meant to reference the command source ~/vrx_ws/devel/setup.bash
Whether the installed package or the package built from source is used depends on which order they are listed in the environment variable ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. This variable is modified by both source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash and source ~/vrx_ws/devel/setup.bash. So have a look at the variable after each step with printenv | grep ROS or echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. Theoretically if you source your terminal in the order I had the source commands it should be using the package built from source, you can verify with the rospack find ... and roscd ... commands mentioned earlier.
In the end it is probably easier to add the sourcing commands to your .bashrc file so you would not forget to source the terminals as mentioned in the ROS installation tutorial. You can add the sourcing of the workspace to the the same file, you will just have to be aware that you would need to change the file, should you want to use a different workspace.
relevant command from the tutorial:
echo "source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
you could do the same for the workspace:
echo "source ~/vrx_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
And after running those commands run exec bash to get the changes into the current terminal. All future terminals will have those commands already loaded.

running jupyter-notebook from terminal calls wrong script

I am trying to open jupyter-notebook (Anaconda 3 distribution) from the terminal, but whether I call jupyter, jupyter-notebook, or jupyter notebook, I get an error indicating that what was actually called was C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts\
I have C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts and C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3 added to PATH, so I can see that it is looking in the right directory, but matches with the wrong file.
Is the solution to add only the .exe's I want to PATH, rather than the folder? Or is there a way to add a folder to path such that only .exe's will be noticed. Or perhaps there is some way of setting the priority when the given command matches multiple entries in PATH?
I got what I need working by reinstalling Anaconda with the 'add to PATH' option selected. However, I am still interested in WHY this issue was occurring, and posting an answer to that may be helpful for future viewers of this page.
Are you running jupyter from the Anaconda Prompt?
On Windows it's bad practice to add the variables to PATH manually to use Anaconda. You lose the entire point of Anaconda managing these things itself.
If all you want is to launch an jupyter notebook using your anaconda distribution just open the anaconda prompt (comes with the installation), make sure the jupyter package is installed and run jupyter notebook.
If that doesn't work, might be that the conda environment's path got messed up during jupyter's installation so pip uninstall jupyter then pip install jupyter from within the Anaconda Prompt.
Lastly, if you haven't already, think about using conda envionments so that you really will never have to mess with your PATH anymore.
I was able to solve this issue by reinstalling Anaconda with 'Add to PATH' selected, rather than adding to path manually.

Cannot install golint package: wrong import path

I have a project that uses golint and installs it inside the docker container. It have been working ok for months (and have been built multiple times), but today when I build the container again I get the following error:
go get -u
code in directory /a-go-path/golang/lint/golint expects import ""
I can replicate the issue locally on my computer by typing go get I have deleted all the packages related to golint in the go path (source and bin folders), still when I try to install it again I get the former error.
I am using go 1.11.0
Any recommendations?
You are supposed to use go get -u to install golint. Note that this is exactly the URL in the error message.
You'll need to modify the image you use to build the container to use this URL.
It started to happen yesterday due to this commit (they added as the import path). See this issue for more information.
go get -u
it has been updated to this
