I have been trying to convert a trading strategy written in PineScript to EasyLanguage. As background, Tradingview uses PineScript and TradeStation uses EasyLanguage.
Here is a link that does a very good job describing what the strategy is doing. Pseudocode for Swing Trading script
Here is the PineScript version:
//Strategy Details
no = input(3, title='BUY/SELL Swing')
Barcolor = input(false, title='BUY/SELL Bar Color')
Bgcolor = input(false, title='BUY/SELL Background Color')
res = ta.highest(high, no)
sup = ta.lowest(low, no)
iff_1 = close < sup[1] ? -1 : 0
avd = close > res[1] ? 1 : iff_1
avn = ta.valuewhen(avd != 0, avd, 0)
tsl = avn == 1 ? sup : res
Buy = ta.crossover(close, tsl)
Sell = ta.crossunder(close, tsl)
plotshape(Buy, title='Buy', color=color.new(color.green, 0), style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar, text='Buy Signal', textcolor=color.new(color.lime, 0))
plotshape(Sell, title='Sell', color=color.new(color.red, 0), style=shape.arrowdown, text='Sell Signal', textcolor=color.new(color.red, 0))
colr = close >= tsl ? color.green : close <= tsl ? color.red : na
plot(tsl, color=colr, linewidth=3, title='BUY/SELL Chart Line')
barcolor(Barcolor ? colr : na)
bgcolor(Bgcolor ? colr : na)
alertcondition(Buy, title='Buy Signal', message='Buy Signal')
alertcondition(Sell, title='Sell Signal', message='Sell Signal')
Here is how far I was able to get in EasyLanguage:
//Strategy Details
input: length (3);
resistance( 0 ),
support( 0 ),
avd( 0 ),
avn( 0 ),
tsl( 0 ),
iff_1( 0 ),
counter( 0 ),
between( 0 );
resistance = highest(high, length);
support = lowest(low, length);
if close<support[1] then
iff_1 = - 1
iff_1 = 0;
if close>resistance[1] then
avd = 1
avd = iff_1;
if avd != 0 then
avn = avd
avn = 0
As you can see, I am having some difficulties here. Hoping someone with experience in both PineScript and EasyLanguage could lend me a hand with the conversion. Seems like a very easy conversion...but it is proving more difficult than my skills are allowing.
Anything you can provide would be most appreciated.
I have a highcharts sankey diagram with two sides:
There are situations where some of my nodes have empty links (=with 0 weight). I would like the node to being displayed despite having no link from or to it.
Any chance I can achieve this?
I read on this thread that I have to fake it with weight=1 connexions, I could make the link transparent, and twitch the tooltip to hide those, but that's very painful for something that feels pretty basic.
Maybe a custom call of the generateNode call or something?
Thanks for the help
You can use the following wrap to show a node when the weight is 0.
const isObject = Highcharts.isObject,
merge = Highcharts.merge
function getDLOptions(
) {
const optionsPoint = (
isObject(params.optionsPoint) ?
params.optionsPoint.dataLabels : {}
optionsLevel = (
isObject(params.level) ?
params.level.dataLabels : {}
options = merge({
style: {}
}, optionsLevel, optionsPoint);
return options;
function(proceed, node, column) {
var translationFactor = this.translationFactor,
series = this,
chart = this.chart,
options = this.options,
sum = node.getSum(),
nodeHeight = Math.max(Math.round(sum * translationFactor),
nodeWidth = Math.round(this.nodeWidth),
crisp = Math.round(options.borderWidth) % 2 / 2,
nodeOffset = column.sankeyColumn.offset(node,
fromNodeTop = Math.floor(Highcharts.pick(nodeOffset.absoluteTop, (column.sankeyColumn.top(translationFactor) +
nodeOffset.relativeTop))) + crisp,
left = Math.floor(this.colDistance * node.column +
options.borderWidth / 2) + Highcharts.relativeLength(node.options.offsetHorizontal || 0,
nodeWidth) +
nodeLeft = chart.inverted ?
chart.plotSizeX - left :
node.sum = sum;
proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
if (1) {
// Draw the node
node.shapeType = 'rect';
node.nodeX = nodeLeft;
node.nodeY = fromNodeTop;
let x = nodeLeft,
y = fromNodeTop,
width = node.options.width || options.width || nodeWidth,
height = node.options.height || options.height || nodeHeight;
if (chart.inverted) {
x = nodeLeft - nodeWidth;
y = chart.plotSizeY - fromNodeTop - nodeHeight;
width = node.options.height || options.height || nodeWidth;
height = node.options.width || options.width || nodeHeight;
// Calculate data label options for the point
node.dlOptions = getDLOptions({
level: (this.mapOptionsToLevel)[node.level],
optionsPoint: node.options
// Pass test in drawPoints
node.plotX = 1;
node.plotY = 1;
// Set the anchor position for tooltips
node.tooltipPos = chart.inverted ? [
(chart.plotSizeY) - y - height / 2,
(chart.plotSizeX) - x - width / 2
] : [
x + width / 2,
y + height / 2
node.shapeArgs = {
display: node.hasShape() ? '' : 'none'
} else {
node.dlOptions = {
enabled: false
In the above solution, another node arrangement would be difficult to achieve and may require a lot of modifications beyond our scope of support.
You can consider using mentioned "tricky solution", since might return a better positioning result. This solution is based on changing 0 weight nodes on the chart.load() event and converting the tooltip as well, so it may require adjustment to your project.
chart: {
events: {
load() {
this.series[0].points.forEach(point => {
if (point.weight === 0) {
weight: 0.1,
color: 'transparent'
tooltip: {
nodeFormatter: function() {
return `${this.name}: <b>${Math.floor(this.sum)}</b><br/>`
pointFormatter: function() {
return `${this.fromNode.name} → ${this.toNode.name}: <b>${Math.floor(this.weight)}</b><br/>`
I recently started working with Dart, and was trying to format a countdown clock with numbers in a per-second precision.
When counting down time, there's often a precise-yet-imperfect way of representing the time - so if I started a Duration at 2 minutes, and asked to show the current time after one second has elapsed, it is almost guaranteed that the precision of the timer will report at 1:58:999999 (example), and if use Duration.inSeconds() to emit the value, it will be 118 (seconds) which is due to how the ~/ operator works, since it's rounding down to integers based on the Duration's microseconds.
If I render the value as a clock, I'll see the clock go from "2:00" to "1:58" after one second, and will end up displaying "0:00" twice, until the countdown is truly at 0:00:00.
As a human, this appears like the clock is skipping, so I figured since the delta is so small, I should round up to the nearest second, and that would be accurate enough for a countdown timer, and handle the slight imprecision measured in micro/milli-seconds to better serve the viewer.
I came up with this secondRounder approach:
Duration secondRounder(Duration duration) {
int roundedDuration;
if (duration.inMilliseconds > (duration.inSeconds * 1000)) {
roundedDuration = duration.inSeconds + 1;
} else {
roundedDuration = duration.inSeconds;
return new Duration(seconds: roundedDuration);
This can also be run in this DartPad: https://dartpad.dartlang.org/2a08161c5f889e018938316237c0e810
As I'm yet unfamiliar with all of the methods, I've read through a lot of the docs, and this is the best I've come up with so far. I think I was looking for a method that might looks like:
roundedDuration = duration.ceil(nearest: millisecond)
Is there a better way to go about solving this that I haven't figured out yet?
You can "add" your own method to Duration as an extension method:
extension RoundDurationExtension on Duration {
/// Rounds the time of this duration up to the nearest multiple of [to].
Duration ceil(Duration to) {
int us = this.inMicroseconds;
int toUs = to.inMicroseconds.abs(); // Ignore if [to] is negative.
int mod = us % toUs;
if (mod != 0) {
return Duration(microseconds: us - mod + toUs);
return this;
That should allow you to write myDuration = myDuration.ceil(Duration(seconds: 1)); and round the myDuration up to the nearest second.
The best solution according to the documentation is to use .toStringAsFixed() function
Examples from the Documentation
1.toStringAsFixed(3); // 1.000
(4321.12345678).toStringAsFixed(3); // 4321.123
(4321.12345678).toStringAsFixed(5); // 4321.12346
123456789012345678901.toStringAsFixed(3); // 123456789012345683968.000
1000000000000000000000.toStringAsFixed(3); // 1e+21
5.25.toStringAsFixed(0); // 5
Another more flexible option can be...
You can use this function to roundup the time.
DateTime alignDateTime(DateTime dt, Duration alignment,
[bool roundUp = false]) {
assert(alignment >= Duration.zero);
if (alignment == Duration.zero) return dt;
final correction = Duration(
days: 0,
hours: alignment.inDays > 0
? dt.hour
: alignment.inHours > 0
? dt.hour % alignment.inHours
: 0,
minutes: alignment.inHours > 0
? dt.minute
: alignment.inMinutes > 0
? dt.minute % alignment.inMinutes
: 0,
seconds: alignment.inMinutes > 0
? dt.second
: alignment.inSeconds > 0
? dt.second % alignment.inSeconds
: 0,
milliseconds: alignment.inSeconds > 0
? dt.millisecond
: alignment.inMilliseconds > 0
? dt.millisecond % alignment.inMilliseconds
: 0,
microseconds: alignment.inMilliseconds > 0 ? dt.microsecond : 0);
if (correction == Duration.zero) return dt;
final corrected = dt.subtract(correction);
final result = roundUp ? corrected.add(alignment) : corrected;
return result;
and then use it the following way
void main() {
DateTime dt = DateTime.now();
var newDate = alignDateTime(dt,Duration(minutes:30));
print(dt); // prints 2022-01-07 15:35:56.288
print(newDate); // prints 2022-01-07 15:30:00.000
The problem is that when the i in the for loop reaches 15, I get an Array out of range error.
What I want to achieve is on every tick to check every Symbol in the MarketWatch and in each Symbol to check the current bar ( PERIOD_M5 ) and the previous one if there is a gap.
void OnTick()
int size = ArraySize( Symbols );
for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
int current_bar_index = iHighest( Symbols[i], PERIOD_M5, MODE_HIGH, 1, 0 );
int previous_bar_index = iHighest( Symbols[i], PERIOD_M5, MODE_HIGH, 1, 1 );
int current_bar_index_low = iLowest( Symbols[i], PERIOD_M5, MODE_LOW, 1, 0 );
int previous_bar_index_low = iLowest( Symbols[i], PERIOD_M5, MODE_LOW, 1, 1 );
double current_high = High[ current_bar_index];
double previous_high = High[previous_bar_index];
double current_low = Low[ current_bar_index_low];
double previous_low = Low[ previous_bar_index_low];
if ( current_low > ( previous_high + 0.00002 )
|| current_high < ( previous_low - 0.00002 )
Print( "There is a gap" );
Symbols[] is the array containing all the symbols. I loop through it and pass the current Symbol and get the index for the current bar and the previous one and then simply check if there is a gap.
The first problem is that passing every Symbol doesn't work. It gets only one and that's it. How can I achieve that and also, why I get an Array out of range error?
Let's start with the Array out of range error:
Given the MCVE was not present, let's assume, there is some fair declaration of the MQL4 code in the header or something like that.
So to diagnose this, add a trivial debug tool:
string SymbolsARRAY[] = { ..., // be carefull, some Brokers
..., // have quite strange names
for ( int cellPTR = 0;
cellPTR < ArraySize( SymbolsARRAY );
PrintFormat( "%s[%d] = %s",
and post here the output.
Next, the GAP detection:
if you would not mind, checking a pair of M5-Bars for a GAP on each and every price QUOTE message arrival, is quite devastating the MQL4 computing resources. The GAP may principally appear only upon a new Bar starts ( and yet may disappear, during the Bar duration ).
Let's detect the initial GAP-condition ( it is similar to engulfing detection ):
if ( iLow( SymbolsARRAY[cellPTR], PERIOD_M5, 1 ) > iHigh( SymbolsARRAY[cellPTR], PERIOD_M5, 0 )
|| iHigh( SymbolsARRAY[cellPTR], PERIOD_M5, 1 ) < iLow( SymbolsARRAY[cellPTR], PERIOD_M5, 0 )
Print( "Initial GAP detected" );
Using this inside a detection of a new bar event may look like this:
void OnTick(){
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
static bool aCurrentGAP = False;
static datetime aCurrentBAR = Time[0];
if ( aCurrentBAR != Time[0] ){
aCurrentBAR = Time[0];
// testInitGAP .........................present?
aCurrentGAP = testInitialGAP_onNewBarEVENT();
else {
if ( aCurrentGAP ){
// testInitGAP .....................disappeared?
aCurrentGAP = testInitialGAP_DISAPPEARED();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
about the error - when you receive it, it also can see the address of the code that generates it: number of line and symbol number in that line
about Symbol - as you may know, in MQL5 you can select all symbols from the market watch, in MQL4 such option is not available, as far as I remember, so I suspect your array of symbol names is empty or sth like that.
Could you show how you initialized that array? A correct way is the following one:
string Symbol[]={"EURUSD","AUDUSD","GBPUSD"};
also your code doesn't make any sense - when you select iHighest(*,*,*,i,j) - that means that EA-code checks i-elements, starting from j-th element ( 1, 0 ) means a current bar only, ( 1, 1 ) means to select just 1 bar, starting from bar 1, so still only 1 Bar is used.
For that it is much easier to have
double cur_high = iHigh( Symbol[i], 5, 0 ),
prev_high = iHigh( Symbol[i], 5, 1 );
I want to create an own extbase extension for TYPO3 CMS 7.6. The extension has to run in different languages. I figured out, that the repository matching does only work for me with non-localized records.
My repository function looks like that:
public function findNew() {
$query = $this->createQuery();
$query->matching($query->equals('new', 1));
return $query->execute();
This function says: Show all records with new = 1
I have a default record that has the checkbox "New" NOT activated. Now I create a localized version of this record and set the "New" checkbox to activated.
If I execute the function findNew() in the default language, the record will not show up. If I execute the function in another language, the record will also not show up although the "New"-flag is set!
In other words: The matching does only affect the default/parent record.
I'm using the following config-settings:
config {
sys_language_mode = strict
sys_language_overlay = hideNonTranslated
Here's the complete generated SQL query:
SELECT tx_extension_domain_model_table.*
tx_extension_domain_model_table.new = '1'
tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = -1
OR (
tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = 1
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.l10n_parent = 0
OR (
tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.uid IN (
SELECT tx_extension_domain_model_table.l10n_parent
FROM tx_extension_domain_model_table
WHERE tx_extension_domain_model_table.l10n_parent > 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = 1
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.deleted = 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.deleted = 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.t3ver_state <= 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.pid <> -1
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.hidden = 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.starttime <= 1459780380
AND (tx_extension_domain_model_table.endtime = 0 OR tx_extension_domain_model_table.endtime > 1459780380)
ORDER BY tx_extension_domain_model_table.sorting ASC
...and the important part:
tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = -1
OR (
tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = 1
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.l10n_parent = 0
OR (
tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.uid IN (
SELECT tx_extension_domain_model_table.l10n_parent
FROM tx_extension_domain_model_table
WHERE tx_extension_domain_model_table.l10n_parent > 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = 1
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.deleted = 0
That explains my problem. TYPO3 is not looking for new = 1 in sys_language_uid = 1 when it's localized... but why?
Question: Is this a bug or a feature?
It's a bug in extbase, see here for more information: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/57272
I have been googling around for a bit and am trying to determine how to do a simple swipe event across an html element such as a div, to cause some action to happen in javascript.
<div id="swipe_me">
Swipe Test
Can someone show me or point me to some documentation?
something a bit like (untested code)
onInitialized: function(e, slider) {
var time = 1000, // allow movement if < 1000 ms (1 sec)
range = 100, // swipe movement of 50 pixels triggers the slider
x = 0, t = 0, touch = "ontouchend" in document,
st = (touch) ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown',
mv = (touch) ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove',
en = (touch) ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup';
.bind(st, function(e){
// prevent image drag (Firefox)
t = (new Date()).getTime();
x = e.originalEvent.touches ? e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
.bind(en, function(e){
t = 0; x = 0;
.bind(mv, function(e){
var newx = e.originalEvent.touches ? e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX,
r = (x === 0) ? 0 : Math.abs(newx - x),
// allow if movement < 1 sec
ct = (new Date()).getTime();
if (t !== 0 && ct - t < time && r > range) {
if (newx < x) { slider.goForward(); }
if (newx > x) { slider.goBack(); }
t = 0; x = 0;