ElasticsearchRepository.refresh() is deprecated. What should I use? - spring-data-elasticsearch

I am migrating from spring data ES 4.1.15 to 4.4.1. The old code has below
What should I use to replace refresh?

Nothing. This was changed in version 4.2 (released in April 2021) and is described in https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/elasticsearch/docs/current/reference/html/#elasticsearch-migration-guide-4.1-4.2.breaking-changes.
Doing a refresh is automatically done in repository methods, unless the user explicitly defines a refresh policy.


Springcloud data flow 2.9.3 delete the TriggerProperties

REcently upgraded my springcloud data flow version and I cant configure the trigger sources.
2.1.0 version
I cant configure it now... any help please ?
The application properties were removed in favor of common spring integration properties. We will look into adding these to the property dialog. Meanwhile, you should be able to manually type them into the stream definition or set as deployment properties. https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/blob/main/spring-boot-project/spring-boot-autoconfigure/src/main/java/org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/integration/IntegrationProperties.java#L325 e.g., --spring.integration.poller.fixedDelay=2000

neo4j v2.2.0 default password not working?

I recently upgraded from Neo4j v.2.1.7 to v.2.2.0
However, the default username/password (neo4j/neo4j) is not being recognized.
How is this resolved?
Do you need authentication? If not you could turn it off by setting
in neo4j-server.properties. This is a new config line added in Neo4j 2.2. If found in a fresh installation it would look like this:
# Require (or disable the requirement of) auth to access Neo4j
When upgrading the line may not be present - if not it can be added in safely.

SDWebImage 2.7.4 version - allow http caching

Latest version of SDWebImage allows app to override its rigorous caching mechanism and honor HTTP Cache headers with this flag - SDWebImageRefreshCached but its not available in older versions. Is it possible to do the same with older version 2.7.4?
This is not really an answer to the question but it did solve my problem. Looking more into the code I found that the images are not cached for ever. The api uses maxCacheAge to expire the cache and clear the images and this is set to 1 week by default. In 2.7.4 this value can not be modified but I believe it can be in later versions. in case this helps someone.
static NSInteger cacheMaxCacheAge = 60*60*24*7; // 1 week

Grails Spring Security Plugin Migrate User Passwords from to 2.0

I am using Grails 2.3.2 and am trying to upgrade my Spring Security Core Plugin from to 2.0.
I made all the import changes and got my app to start, but I was unable to login. One of the changes in 2.0 is that it uses the bcrypt algorithm for passwords, making all my old passwords useless. So, I went through the password reset process in my app and sure enough after that I could log in just fine.
But, I want to keep my old passwords for all my users, so I went and found the documentation for the version of the plugin and looked up what algorithm it used: http://grails-plugins.github.io/grails-spring-security-core/docs/manual.1273/guide/12%20Password%20and%20Account%20Protection.html
According to these docs its default is SHA-256. So, I added that config change, yet I still cannot log in.
So, how can I migrate all my user's passwords to the 2.0 version of the plugin? As of right now it doesn't seem possible...
There's another change - the number of hash iterations. In 1.2.x the password was hashed once but in 2.0 it's hashed 10,000 times for password stretching - see http://grails-plugins.github.io/grails-spring-security-core/2.0.x/guide/passwords.html#hashing
Add this to revert to the old behavior:
grails.plugin.springsecurity.password.algorithm = 'SHA-256'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.password.hash.iterations = 1

Facebook Connect SDK not working after the 13th december

I'm struggling with my Facebook Connect after December the 13th.
Here my Facebook.php based on the old PHP SDK 2.0 - hoping someone can point me in the right direction in order to make it functional again.
I've read that $session is now $user - and params in the JavaScript is now scope.
What else would need to be changed?
Specifically, is this still valid?
My JavaScript is getting the login and user correctly. Its my PHP which needs an update.
there was many changes between SDK 2.0 and 3.x.
As I see in your code, you use old cookie function which will not work. There was similar problem here
Some changes and quick fix for them you can find here
You should use the new oauth sdk : http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/614/
