Could not find goal 'update-theme' in plugin com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:23.1.1 among available goals build-frontend, prepare-frontend - vaadin

I have started using Vaadin 23 which is launched recently. But when I'm trying to compile theme its not working. Below is the message I'm getting on console.
[ERROR] Could not find goal 'update-theme' in plugin com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:23.1.1 among available goals build-frontend, clean-frontend, dance, prepare-frontend

Many things have changed since Vaadin 8. There is no more update-theme. You should create a new template project and use that as a reference.

Vaadin 23 uses plain CSS instead of SCSS, so it doesn't need to be compiled. Thus there is no need for an "update-theme" goal.


custom codec not found in plugin

I have a grails application with multiple internally developed plugins. Since upgrading from 4.x to 5.2.3, codecs are not found in one plugin, but are found in others. Specifically, I can place the same file (UsernameListCodec.groovy, package name changed from one plugin to the next but otherwise no changes) in grails-app/utils in one plugin and it works; when placed in grails-app/utils in another plugin it fails with MissingMethodException.
What could cause this? The plugins are fairly different in terms of what they provide, but very similar in terms of how they're built, published, etc. Clearly this is something I'm doing wrong (since the codec works in another plugin) but I don't even know where to begin looking. Does a plugin need to do something in particular to be able to provide custom codecs as of grails 5?

What happened to VaadinWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter in Vaadin 19?

We are building a web app with Vaadin 19 Fusion, and I'm following this tutorial:
(I have selected the V19+ Docs and then Fusion)
In the tutorial there is a reference to VaadinWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter which is used for setting up the security with Spring, but this class is not available on the classpath. I have tried downloading a plain starter project (v19) from, and here I am also not able to use VaadinWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter.
Is there an alternative in v19 or am I missing a dependency? I have the same dependency tree as the starter project, so I was assuming the pom is correct.
It looks like the VaadinWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter will end up in V20, which is scheduled for release in June.
The documentation page you linked has a tag V20 pre-release at the top. This could certainly be made more visible.

Vaadin 14 with Bower Components: module not found error

My project uses Vaadin 14.4.9. I'm trying to create a chart and to do so I'm using an add-on ChartJS for Vaadin 10: (
I have added the required dependencies into my pom file; however when I run the project, I get the following error:
ERROR in ../target/frontend/generated-flow-imports.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'bower_components/chart.js/dist/Chart.min.js' in 'C:\Users\[...]'
Possibly this does not work anymore with Vaadin 14:
Reply from the author Petr Ċ mejkal
I no longer maintain this plugin. Test it and if you want I will grant
you access to the repository.
It seems like ChartJS for Vaadin 10+ uses webjars so it should still work with v14 as long as you run in compatibility mode.
For more information see Compatibility mode

Where are the platform services in eclipse rcp/e4?

I have the latest eclipse rcp/e4 and I'm trying to access the platform services listed here:
However, I can't even find ECommandService, EHandlerService or any IEclipseContext type object. I do however have the ability to inject EModelService and EContextService.
I'm simply trying to execute a handler/command from my code, and I think I need to #inject those objects above and execute them. I don't see any documentation saying this process has changed, so what would I need to do?
My ultimate goal is to create a Button somewhere, and cause it to change perspectives. My strategy is to put this in a handler, and then in there, use the modelService to find that perspective and switch to it.
I'm using the Eclipse Mars 4.5.1, and Eclipse E4 Tools.
You probably just need to add the appropriate plugins to your plugin dependencies (Set this on the 'Required Plug-ins' list on the 'Dependencies' tab in the MANIFEST.MF editor).
ECommandService and EHandlerService are in the org.eclipse.e4.core.commands plugin.
IEclipseContext is in the org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts plugin.

Command to change package name in Grails

I have created my application under package music. Now I want to change my package to
One way is I can manually create the package for grails-app. Is there anything else that I need to take care while changing the package name.
Alternatively, is there a command in grails which can be used to change the package.
I found a way out in the below link. But this works only when you create new files. What if you want to change the package of the older files.
IntelliJ IDEA has very good support for rename refactoring. I believe it is currently the best (9.0.3 stable) chance you'll have of any major refactoring jobs in Grails. They have a 30 day trial, so it is worth a try.
Why not use Spring Source Tool Suite. Its a great IDE with solid support for Groovy n Grails.
