Bitbucket pipelines: problem cloning source repository on self-hosted runner with dind - docker

I work on a project where we have specific computers (configured specs) which pair with our products (hardware). My aim is to configure a self hosted runner so that we can run our test suite on a real product with the same computer and environment that our customers have.
I've been able to set up a self hosted agent with this code
But this gives me a docker container on my self host.
Q1) is there any way to use bitbucket-pipelines to run the CI on the self hosted machine itself, rather than a docker container inside of the self hosted machine?
My research has suggested the answer to this Q1 is no, so I then continued to try and develop using the docker container provided by bitbucket for self hosted runner.
The problem now, was that I did not have the environment needed in the docker container provided by bitbucket. Configuring the environment with bash script is doable, but not an attractive option due to increases in build time.
I then found the docker-in-docker (dind) option so that I can run my normal build environment inside the self-hosted runner environment. Essentially then involved adding a CLONE_IMAGE argument to the docker command provided by bitbucket.
We now reach my current problem in that I get the following error in bitbucket-pipelines:
# under build tab
GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true retry 6 git clone --branch="feature/testing-infrastructure" https://x-token-auth:$$BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME.git $BUILD_DIR
/tmp/7b85a726-7c76-55d5-b4f4-d7fe74abc8e0/tmp/ line 13: retry: command not found
# under the docker tab
time="2022-07-13T13:38:41.939639712Z" level=info msg="Starting up"
time="2022-07-13T13:38:41.940255296Z" level=warning msg="could not change group /var/run/docker.sock to docker: group docker not found"
time="2022-07-13T13:38:41.940338812Z" level=warning msg="Binding to IP address without --tlsverify is insecure and gives root access on this machine to everyone who has access to your network." host="tcp://"
time="2022-07-13T13:38:41.940347755Z" level=warning msg="Binding to an IP address, even on localhost, can also give access to scripts run in a browser. Be safe out there!" host="tcp://"
The logging output from the docker container on the self-hosted runner is:
Completing step with result Result{status=ERROR, error=Some(Error{key='runner.bitbucket-pipelines.clone-container-failure', message='We couldn't clone the repository. Try rerunning the pipeline.', arguments={}})}.
Q2) What is the problem? What is this retry comment that can't be found? I tried sudo apt install retry which worked, but this is not the program that is needed.
(apologies for the formatting, it seems bitbucket-questions does not want to let me have any more code blocks (?))


Docker socket is not found while using Intellij IDEA and Docker desktop on MacOS

I downloaded Docker using Docker Desktop for Apple M1 chips. I can run containers, the integration with VsCode works okay but I can't integrate it with Intellij IDEA Ultimate. It keeps giving this error.
But I can run my containers and create images from the terminal, I can also see the containers and images in Docker Desktop too. What could be the reason behind this? I also tried to check whether var/run/docker.sock is existing and it really isn't, there is no such file as that.
I also tried the same steps on my second computer and the exact same thing happened. Steps to reproduce: 1- Download Intellij IDEA Ultimate, open a repo that uses docker 2- Download Docker Desktop for Mac M1 3- Try to add Docker service to Intellij
I didn't do anything else because I think Docker Desktop is enough to configure everything on Mac. I am trying to run an FT on intellij and I get the error
[main] ERROR o.t.d.DockerClientProviderStrategy - Could not find a valid Docker environment. Please check configuration. Attempted configurations were:
[main] ERROR o.t.d.DockerClientProviderStrategy - UnixSocketClientProviderStrategy: failed with exception InvalidConfigurationException (Could not find unix domain socket). Root cause NoSuchFileException (/var/run/docker.sock)
[main] ERROR o.t.d.DockerClientProviderStrategy - DockerMachineClientProviderStrategy: failed with exception ShellCommandException (Exception when executing docker-machine status ). Root cause InvalidExitValueException (Unexpected exit value: 1, allowed exit values: [0], executed command [docker-machine, status, ], output was 122 bytes:
Docker machine "" does not exist. Use "docker-machine ls" to list machines. Use "docker-machine create" to add a new one.)
[main] ERROR o.t.d.DockerClientProviderStrategy - As no valid configuration was found, execution cannot continue
I've been trying everything for the last 2 days but I can't seem to find a solution.
EDITED 2022-10-31
As per the latest release notes for Docker Desktop (4.13.1), there is no need to create the symlink anymore, citing notes:
Added back the /var/run/docker.sock symlink on Mac by default, to increase compatibility with tooling like tilt and docker-py. Fixes docker/for-mac#6529.
The official fix now is to UPGRADE your Docker Desktop installation.
For the Docker Desktop (4.13.0) version:
By default Docker will not create the /var/run/docker.sock symlink on the host and use the docker-desktop CLI context instead. (see:
That will prevent IntelliJ from finding Docker using the default context.
You can see the current contexts in your machine by running docker context ls, which should produce an output like:
default moby Current DOCKER_HOST based configuration unix:///var/run/docker.sock https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443 (default) swarm
desktop-linux * moby unix:///Users/<USER>/.docker/run/docker.sock
As a workaround that will allow IntelliJ to connect to Docker you can use the TCP Socket checkbox and put in the Engine API URL the value that appears under DOCKER ENDPOINT in the active context.
The case for this example will be: unix:///Users/<USER>/.docker/run/docker.sock
Then IntelliJ will be able to connect to Docker Desktop.
**Hacky option**
Another way to make IntelliJ (and other components that rely on the default config) to find Docker will be to manually create a symlink to the new DOCKER ENDPOINT by running:
sudo ln -svf /Users/<USER>/.docker/run/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock
In that way all the components looking for Docker under /var/run/docker.sock will find it.

Jenkins build Docker container on remote host with dockerfile

I'm quite new to Jenkins and spent 2 whole days not twisting my head (and google and stackoverflow) around, how to get a docker container built on a remote host (from Jenkins host perspective).
My setup:
Docker runs on a MacOS machine (aka the "remote host")
Jenkins runs as docker container on this machine
Bitbucket Cloud runs at Atlassian
PyCharm is my development tool - running on the MacOS machine
Everything works fine so far. Now, I want Jenkins to build a docker container (on the "remote host") containing my python demo.
I'm using a dockerfile in my project:
FROM python:3
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . .
CMD [""]
ENTRYPOINT ["python3"]
I'm trying to build a jenkinsfile, I'm expecting to do 2 things
Pull the repo
Build the docker image with the help of the dockerfile on the "remote host"
Docker is installed as plugin and configured.
Docker is installed via Jenkins configuration.
Docker remote host is set up in "Cloud" setup in Jenkins - connection works (with the help of socat running as docker container)
Docker Host ist set to the remote host IP and port 2376
I'm using a jenkins pipeline project.
Most promising threat about using remote hosts is of course
But using docker.withServer('tcp://') (in my case, locally, no credentials because not reachable from outside), I had no luck at all.
Most common error message: hudson.remoting.ProxyException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: org.jenkinsci.plugins.docker.workflow.Docker.withServer() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) values: [tcp://]
If I try to let Jenkins build it inside it's own container with its own docker, it tells me /var/jenkins_home/workspace/dockerbuild#tmp/durable-6e12255b/ 1: /var/jenkins_home/workspace/dockerbuild#tmp/durable-6e12255b/ docker: not found
Strange, as I thought, docker was installed. But I want to build at remote host anyway.
In my eyes the most promising jenkinsfile is the following - but to be honest, I am totally lost at the moment and really need some help:
node {
checkout scm
def customImage ="my-image:${env.BUILD_ID}")
customImage.inside {
sh 'make test'
I appreciate any hint and am greatful for your help.
Best regards

Local Gitlab cicd failed 'fatal: unable to access...Could not resolve host:...' with linux runner

I am trying to test my python project and run via gitlab. I have installed runner on my ubuntu notebook and complete registered with local
gitlab server.
Thus, got 2 seperate machine one runner and another one is gitlab server. Both machine can communicate each other.
Notebook( ---- GitLab(
Once I commit test, my job failed with message below;
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/dz/mytest/.git/
fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host:
Uploading artifacts for failed job
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
From my notebook cli, i can ping gitlab server ip but not the host name even curl also doesnt know the hostname.
I believe this is something to do with the dns that cannot resolved.
I add hostname in my notebook /etc/hosts , i can ping hostname but still failed run job with the same message.
I have tried people suggest add below inside gitlab-runner config.toml, thus I add below in config.toml (Not sure if this is correct to add in config.toml)
dns_search = [""]
Still failed and got the same message could not resilve host.
What can I do on my notebook setting/runner? I dont have admin access to gitlab to check further.
Anyone face the same problem. Appreciate help and support thank you.
--For information I have tried testing the runner on my notebook with public gitlab ( and I can run the job successfully without any error message--
I'm assuming you are using docker as the executor for your GitLab runner since you did not specify it in your question. Docker executor does not share the /etc/hosts of the host machine but you can use extra_hosts parameter inside your config.toml to let the runner container know about the custom hostname:
extra_hosts = [""]

Why doesn't TeamCity recognize docker server properties with the jetbrains/agent image?

I have an ECS Fargate service running the jetbrains/teamcity-agent image. This is connected to my TeamCity Host which is running on an EC2 instance(windows).
When I check whether the agent is capable of running docker commands, it shows the following errors:
Unmet requirements:
docker.server.osType contains linux
docker.server.version exists
Under Agent Parameters -> Configuration Parameters, I can see the docker version and the dockerCompose.version properly. Is there a setting that I am missing?
If you are trying to access a docker socket in fargate, Fargate does not support running docker commands, there is a proposed ticket for this feature.
the issue with "docker.server.osType" not showing up usually means
that the docker command run from the agent cannot connect with the
docker daemon running. This is usually due to a lack of permissions,
as docker by default only allows connections from root and users of
the group docker
I was facing similar issues got them fixed by adding "build agent" user in "docker" group and restarted/rebooted the server.
Where build agent user ==> Means the user with which your TeamCity services are running.
Command to add a user to group
#chmod -a -G docker <userasperyourrequirement>
Command to reboot the server:
#init 6

pending jenkins doesn't have label docker-slave

I am trying to configure jenkins slave as docker container, have enabled docker API and connections works fine to the API
Have added the configuration for docker template and docker cloud but it seems that my job does not starts
I can see container getting created on my docker node but the job does not start
Docker cloud configuration image
docker template image
One thing to note is that when i run the container specifically on the docker node and then try to ssh using the same credentials that i am using in jenkins i can ssh into the container.
This message of "Jenkins doesn't have label XXXX" is rather misleading and unhelpful.
You think the problem is something you did wrong in your configuration and when you find out what happen it is nothing to do with jenkins or how you set up the docker plugin.
I run into the same problem than you, and the problem was the docker installation I was using.
The steps I followed to fix it were:
(I was using CENTOS7,jenkins 2.1.38, docker version 1.13.1)
1) Go to the logs of your jenkins (centos logs are /var/log/jenkins.log)
2) Looking into the logs you are going to find out the problem. For instance for me was this:
com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.NotFoundException: {"message":"driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint happy_heyrovsky (cbfa0d43f8c89d2531323249468503be11e9dd603597a870530d28540c662695): exec: \"docker-proxy\": executable file not found in $PATH"}
As you see the problem is that docker it is not able to find docker-proxy ¿how to fix this?
Go to /usr/libexec/docker and you will see docker-proxy-current. so what you have to do is create a link:
sudo ln -s docker-proxy-current docker-proxy
Tha´s all. After doing this change I execute my build on jenkins and it works.
