Use shell variable in grep lookahead in csh - grep

I am trying to utilize a grep lookahead to get a value at the end of a line for a project I'm working on. The main issue I'm having is that I'm not sure how to use a shell variable in the grep lookahead syntax in cshell
Here's the gist of what I'm trying to do.
There will be a dogfile.txt with several lines listing the names of dogs in the format below
genericDog2033, pomeranian
genericDog2034, greatDane
genericDog2035, Doberman
I wanted a way of retrieving the breed of the dog after the comma on each line so I thought a grep lookahead might be a good way of doing it. The project I'm working on isn't so hard-coded however, so I have no way of knowing what genericDog number I am searching for. There will be a shell variable in a greater while loop which will have access to the dog name.
For example if I set the dogNumber variable to the first dog in the file like so:
set dogNumber = genericDog2033
I then try to access the value of dogNumber in the grep lookahead
set dogBreed = `cat File.txt | grep -oP '(?<=$dogNumber ,)[^ ]*'`
The problem with the line above is that I think grep is looking for the literal string "$dognumber ," in the file which obviously doesn't exist. Is there some sort of wrapper I can put around the shell variable so cshell knows that dogNumber is a variable? I'm also open to other methods of doing this. Any help would be appreciated, this is the literal last line of code I need to finish my project and I'm at my wits end.

Variable expansion only happens inside double quotes ("), and not single quotes ('):
% set var = 'hello'
% echo '$var'
% echo "$var"
Furthermore, you have an error in your regexp:
(?<=$dogNumber ,)[^ ]*
In your data, the space is after the comma, not before.
% set dogNumber = genericDog2033
% set dogBreed = `cat a | grep -oP "(?<=$dogNumber, )[^ ]*"`
% echo $dogBreed
The easiest way to debug this is to not use variables at all in the first place, and simply check if the grep works:
% grep -oP "(?<=genericDog2034 ,)[^ ].*" a
[no output]
Then first make the grep work with static data, add the variable to make that work, and then put it all together by assigning it to a variable.


is there a sophisticated way to grep this file

I have one file. Written in BNF it could be
<line>:== ((<ISBN10>|<ISBN13>)([a-Z/0-9]*)) {1,4})
For example
How can I grep the ISBN10 or ISBN13 ONLY one per line even when in the line are more ISBNs. If there are more ISBNs in the line it should take only the first in line.
When I grep that way
grep -Po "[0-9]{9,13}X{0,1}" file
then I get more lines than the file originally has. (As there could be max 4 ISBNs in line)
I would also need the linecount of file should be the linecount of the grepresult.
Any advices?
Well, assuming the other answer offered isn't correct in assuming that the 'first' ISBN isn't at the start of line, you could always try in perl.
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<>) {
my ( $first_isbn, #rest ) = m/(\d{9,13}X{0,1})/g;
print $., ":", $first_isbn, "\n" if $first_isbn;
$. is the line number in perl, and so we print that and the match if there's a match. <> says read and iterate either filenames or STDIN much like grep does. So you could invoke this in a similar way to grep:
perl <filename>
cat <filename> | ./
This would one-liner-ify as:
perl -lne 'my ( $first_isbn ) = m/(\d{9,13}X{0,1})/g; print $., ":", $first_isbn, "\n" if $first_isbn;'
One trivial solution is to include the beginning of the line in your regex:
grep -Po "^[0-9]{9,13}X{0,1}" file
This ensures that matches after the first do not satisfy the regex. It does seem from your BNF that the ISBNs, if present, are guaranteed to be the first characters of the line.
Another way is to use sed:
sed -n "s/\([0-9]\{9,13\}X\).*/\1/p" file
This matches your pattern along with the rest of the line, but only prints your pattern. You could then use another utility to add line numbers. E.g. pipe your output to nl -nrz -w9.

extract a line from a file using csh

I am writing a csh script that will extract a line from a file xyz.
the xyz file contains a no. of lines of code and the line in which I am interested appears after 2-3 lines of the file.
I tried the following code
set product1 = `grep -e '<product_version_info.*/>' xyz`
I want it to be in a way so that as the script find out that line it should save that line in some variable as a string & terminate reading the file immediately ie. it should not read furthermore aftr extracting the line.
Please help !!
grep has an -m or --max-count flag that tells it to stop after a specified number of matches. Hopefully your version of grep supports it.
set product1 = `grep -m 1 -e '<product_version_info.*/>' xyz`
From the man page linked above:
-m NUM, --max-count=NUM
Stop reading a file after NUM matching lines. If the input is
standard input from a regular file, and NUM matching lines are
output, grep ensures that the standard input is positioned to
just after the last matching line before exiting, regardless of
the presence of trailing context lines. This enables a calling
process to resume a search. When grep stops after NUM matching
lines, it outputs any trailing context lines. When the -c or
--count option is also used, grep does not output a count
greater than NUM. When the -v or --invert-match option is also
used, grep stops after outputting NUM non-matching lines.
As an alternative, you can always the command below to just check the first few lines (since it always occurs in the first 2-3 lines):
set product1 = `head -3 xyz | grep -e '<product_version_info.*/>'`
I think you're asking to return the first matching line in the file. If so, one solution is to pipe the grep result to head
set product1 = `grep -e '<product_version_info.*/>' xyz | head -1`

Recursively grep results and pipe back

I need to find some matching conditions from a file and recursively find the next conditions in previously matched files , i have something like this
The files where you need to find above terms in following files, the challenge is if 123 is found in say 10 files , the 22 should be searched in these 10 files only and so on...
Example of files are like f1,f2,f3,f4.....f1200
so it is like i need to grep -w "123" f* | grep -w "123" | .....
its not possible to list them manually so any easier way?
You can solve this using awk script, i ve encountered a similar problem and this will work fine
awk '{ if(!NR){printf("grep -w %d f*|",$1)} else {printf("grep -w %d f*",$1)} }' input.txt | sh
What it Does?
it reads input.txt line by line
until it is at last record , it prints grep -w %d | (note there is a
pipe here)
which is then sent to shell for execution and results are piped back
to back
and when you reach the end the pipe is avoided
Perhaps taking a meta-programming viewpoint would help. Have grep output a series of grep commands. Or write a little PERL program. Maybe Ruby, if the mood suits.
You can use grep -lw to write the list of file names that matched (note that it will stop after finding the first match).
You capture the list of file names and use that for the next iteration in a loop.

Searching tabs with grep

I have a file that might contain a line like this.
A B //Seperated by a tab
I wanna return true to terminal if the line is found, false if the value isn't found.
when I do
grep 'A' 'file.tsv', It returns to row (not true / false)
grep 'A \t B' "File.tsv"
grep 'A \\t B' "File.tsv"
grep 'A\tB'
grep 'A<TAB>B' //pressing tab button
doesn't return anything.
How do I search tab seperated values with grep.
How do I return a boolean value with grep.
Use a literal Tab character, not the \t escape. (You may need to press Ctrl+V first.) Also, grep is not Perl 6 (or Perl 5 with the /x modifier); spaces are significant and will be matched literally, so even if \t worked A \t B with the extra spaces around the \t would not unless the spaces were actually there in the original.
As for the return value, know that you get three different kinds of responses from a program: standard output, standard error, and exit code. The latter is 0 for success and non-0 for some error (for most programs that do matching, 1 means not found and 2 and up mean some kind of usage error). In traditional Unix you redirect the output from grep if you only want the exit code; with GNU grep you could use the -q option instead, but be aware that that is not portable. Both traditional and GNU grep allow -s to suppress standard error, but there are some differences in how the two handle it; most portable is grep PATTERN FILE >/dev/null 2>&1.
Two methods:
use the -P option:
grep -P 'A\tB' "File.tsv"
enter ctrl+v first and enter tab
grep 'A B' "File.tsv"
Here's a handy way to create a variable with a literal tab as its value:
TAB=`echo -e "\t"`
Then, you can use it as follows:
grep "A${TAB}B" File.tsv
This way, there's no literal tab required. Note that with this approach, you'll need to use double quotes (not single quotes) around the pattern string, otherwise the variable reference won't be replaced.

Grep for beginning and end of line?

I have a file where I want to grep for lines that start with either -rwx or drwx AND end in any number.
I've got this, but it isnt quite right. Any ideas?
grep [^.rwx]*[0-9] usrLog.txt
The tricky part is a regex that includes a dash as one of the valid characters in a character class. The dash has to come immediately after the start for a (normal) character class and immediately after the caret for a negated character class. If you need a close square bracket too, then you need the close square bracket followed by the dash. Mercifully, you only need dash, hence the notation chosen.
grep '^[-d]rwx.*[0-9]$' "$#"
See: Regular Expressions and grep for POSIX-standard details.
It looks like you were on the right track... The ^ character matches beginning-of-line, and $ matches end-of-line. Jonathan's pattern will work for you... just wanted to give you the explanation behind it
It should be noted that not only will the caret (^) behave differently within the brackets, it will have the opposite result of placing it outside of the brackets. Placing the caret where you have it will search for all strings NOT beginning with the content you placed within the brackets. You also would want to place a period before the asterisk in between your brackets as with grep, it also acts as a "wildcard".
grep ^[.rwx].*[0-9]$
This should work for you, I noticed that some posters used a character class in their expressions which is an effective method as well, but you were not using any in your original expression so I am trying to get one as close to yours as possible explaining every minor change along the way so that it is better understood. How can we learn otherwise?
You probably want egrep. Try:
egrep '^[d-]rwx.*[0-9]$' usrLog.txt
are you parsing output of ls -l?
If you are, and you just want to get the file name
find . -iname "*[0-9]"
If you have no choice because usrLog.txt is created by something/someone else and you absolutely must use this file, other options include
awk '/^[-d].*[0-9]$/' file
ruby -ne 'print if /^[-d].*[0-9]$/' file
while read -r line ; do case $line in [-d]*[0-9] ) echo $line; esac; done < file
Many answers provided for this question. Just wanted to add one more which uses bashism-
#! /bin/bash
while read -r || [[ -n "$REPLY" ]]; do
[[ "$REPLY" =~ ^(-rwx|drwx).*[[:digit:]]+$ ]] && echo "Got one -> $REPLY"
done <"$1"
#kurumi answer for bash, which uses case is also correct but it will not read last line of file if there is no newline sequence at the end(Just save the file without pressing 'Enter/Return' at the last line).
