Dart How to load file in runtime - dart

I'm writing a discord bot using the nyxx library and want use dynamic file import for load command info and handler. But, after 5 hours of searching with Google, I didn't find anything to help me do that.
In Node.js, I can use require() or import() for it: Does the dart have something like that?
A small code snippet, showing what I want do:
this.commands = new Collection();
fs.readdirSync('./src/commands').filter(( f ) => f.endsWith( '.js' )).forEach((file) => {
const command = require(`../commands/${file}`);
this.commands.set( command.info.name, command );
Is it possible to do this or not? (I don't like to write many imports for commands and register it in lib.)

You can in theory use Isolate.spawnUri to spawn external Dart programs to run in its own Isolate instances that can then communicate back to the main program using SendPort.
It does, however, come with some limitations. E.g. it is very limited what types of objects you can send though SendPort when using spawnUri since the two programs does not share any type information (compared to Isolate.spawn which does allow you to send your own custom types). The documented types you can send can be found here:
List or Map (whose elements are any of these)
But it does allow us to make some kind of protocol and you can create some helper class around this to handle the conversion of a known object structure into e.g. Map<String, Object>.
A small example that works with Dart VM would be:
Your command implemented as: command.dart
import 'dart:isolate';
void main(List<String> arguments, Map<String, Object> message) {
final userName = message['username'] as String;
final sendPort = message['port'] as SendPort;
sendPort.send('Hi $userName. '
'You got a message from my external command program!');
Your server that calls your command: server.dart
import 'dart:isolate';
void main() {
final recievePort = ReceivePort();
recievePort.listen((message) {
print('Got the following message: $message');
Isolate.spawnUri(Uri.file('command.dart'), [], {
'username': 'julemand101',
'port': recievePort.sendPort,
If running this with: dart server.dart you, hopefully, get:
Got the following message: Hi julemand101. You got a message from my external command program!
If you want to compile your application, you can do so by doing the following. You need to compile the command.dart, since a compiled Dart program does not understand how to read Dart code.
dart compile exe server.dart
dart compile aot-snapshot command.dart
You should here change Uri.file('command.dart') to Uri.file('command.aot') since the file-extension for aot-snapshot are .aot.
If everything works, you should be able to see:
> .\server.exe
Got the following message: Hi julemand101. You got a message from my external command program!


Dart Isolates - How to access a specific one?

How can I create an Isolate n°2 from an Isolate n°1 and give it some sort of identification ? The goal would be to be able to communicate with it from Isolate n°3, despite that third Isolate not having a SendPort letting it talk to Isolate n°2.
Isolate n°3 would have to create a SendPort from the identification choosen.
I have found IsolateNameServer from the Flutter team, and https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/44495 mentions using the Registry functionality instead. Is there any resources/examples talking about these 2 solutions ?
I have not seen any direct way to attach an identity to a specific Isolate.
Isolates get IDs as soon as they're generated.
You may retrieve the specific ID of an Isolate by the example below:
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:developer';
void isolateExample(var n){
// displaying 5*5 result and the specific Isolate's ID
print('Result is: ${n*n} and it has the Isolate ID: ');
void main() async{
// producing an Isolate to perform a computation 5*5
await Isolate.spawn(isolateExample,5);
// Output: 25 and **it has the Isolate ID: isolates/189015374367763**

Dart build runner generate one dart file with content

I am working on a dart package with includes over 200 models and at the moment i have to write manually one line of "export" for each model, to make the models available for everyone who uses this package.
I want the build runner to generate one dart file which contains every export definition.
Therefore I would create an annotation "ExportModel". The builder should search for each class annotated with this annotation.
I tried creating some Builders, but they will generate a *.g.dart file for each class that is annotated. I just want to have one file.
Is where a way to create a builder that runs only once and creates a file at the end ?
The short answer to your question of a builder that only runs once and creates a single file in the package is to use r'$lib$' as the input extension. The long answer is that to find the classes that are annotated you probably want an intermediate output to track them.
I'd write this with 2 builders, one to search for the ExportModel annotation, and another to write the exports file. Here is a rough sketch with details omitted - I haven't tested any of the code here but it should get you started on the right path.
Builder 1 - find the classes annotated with #ExportModel().
Could write with some utilities from package:source_gen, but can't use LibraryBuilder since it's not outputting Dart code...
Goal is to write a .exports file next to each .dart file which as the name of all the classes that are annotated with #ExportModel().
class ExportLocatingBuilder implements Builder {
final buildExtensions = const {
'.dart': ['.exports']
Future<void> build(BuildStep buildStep) async {
final resolver = buildStep.resolver;
if (!await resolver.isLibrary(buildStep.inputId)) return;
final lib = LibraryReader(await buildStep.inputLibrary);
final exportAnnotation = TypeChecker.fromRuntime(ExportModel);
final annotated = [
for (var member in lib.annotatedWith(exportAnnotation)) element.name,
if (annotated.isNotEmpty) {
buildStep.inputId.changeExtension('.exports'), annotated.join(','));
This builder should be build_to: cache and you may want to have a PostProcessBuilder that cleans up all the outputs it produces which would be specified with applies_builder. You can use the FileDeletingBuilder to cheaply implement the cleanup. See the FAQ on temporary outputs and the angular cleanup for example.
Builder 2 - find the .exports files and generate a Dart file
Use findAssets to track down all those .exports files, and write an export statement for each one. Use a show with the content of the file which should contain the names of the members that were annotated.
class ExportsBuilder implements Builder {
final buildExtensions = const {
r'$lib$': ['exports.dart']
Future<void> build(BuildStep buildStep) async {
final exports = buildStep.findAssets(Glob('**/*.exports'));
final content = [
await for (var exportLibrary in exports)
'export \'${exportLibrary.changeExtension('.dart').uri}\' '
'show ${await buildStep.readAsString(exportLibrary)};',
if (content.isNotEmpty) {
AssetId(buildStep.inputId.package, 'lib/exports.dart'),
This builder should likely be build_to: source if you want to publish this file on pub. It should have a required_inputs: [".exports"] to ensure it runs after the previous builder.
Why does it need to be this complex?
You could implement this as a single builder which uses findAssets to find all the Dart files. The downside is that rebuilds would be much slower because it would be invalidated by any content change in any Dart file and you'd end up parsing all Dart code for a change in any Dart code. With the 2 builder approach then only the individual .exports which come from a changed Dart file need to be resolved and rebuilt on a change, and then only if the exports change will the exports.dart file be invalidated.
Older versions of build_runner also didn't support using the Resolver to resolve code that isn't transitively imported from the input library. Recent version of build_runner have relaxed this constraint.

Isolate.spawnUri currently results in error when including SendPort within message?

Current Dart environment:
Dart VM version: 2.0.0-dev.69.0 (Unknown timestamp) on "linux_x64"
I am attempting to spawn an isolate via the Isolate.spawnUri method, and include a SendPort within the message. The code I have is set up like:
import 'dart:convert' show json;
import 'dart:isolate';
var servicePort = new ReceivePort()
..listen (/stuff to handle response/);
Map isolateRequest = {
'sendPort': servicePort.sendPort, <-- String => SendPort
'info': json.encode (/info to send to spawned isolate/) <-- String => String
Isolate.spawnUri (new Uri.file (/isolate main/), [], isolateRequest);
This type of set up used to work. Now I get the following error:
"Invalid argument(s): Illegal argument in isolate message : (object is a regular Dart Instance)"
The two keys for the Map are strings, and the values include a SendPort and another string. Simple, nothing fancy, and should be acceptable to send as the message to spawn the isolate (worked perfectly up until a few days ago).
Questions: what changed that I am now doing something wrong? What are potential workarounds?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
This does not reproduce for me with a freshly build VM from the 2.0.0-dev.69.0 tag (--version is: Dart VM version: 2.0.0-dev.69.0 (Tue Jul 17 14:57:16 2018 +0200) on "linux_x64").
Using this complete program:
import 'dart:convert' show json;
import 'dart:isolate';
main(args, message) {
if (message != null) {
print("Out, ");
message["sendPort"].send("And home again!");
var servicePort = new ReceivePort();
servicePort.forEach((m) {
Map isolateRequest = {
'sendPort': servicePort.sendPort, // <-- String => SendPort
'info': json.encode({}) // <-- String => String
Isolate.spawnUri (new Uri(path:"iso.dart"), [], isolateRequest);
it runs and prints the expected lines.
The isolate request does look like something that should be serializable (map with string keys and values that are either strings or a SendPort), something else must be going on in the code you are not showing.
Can you extract a runnable program from your code which still exhibits this behavior, or say something more about what happens around the code?

Using Futures to load config.json in Flutter

Being new to Dart/Flutter I am using this snippet to try and load a config.json file that I have stored in my assets folder. In trying to read this file, I am using models on the Dart language Futures documentation and in the Flutter docs on reading local text files:
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show rootBundle;
import 'dart:convert';
Future<List> loadAsset() async {
String raw = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/config.json');
List configData = json.decode(raw);
return configData;
Then, inside my class, I try to load the config into a List, like this:
Future<List> configData = loadAsset();
// prints out: Instance of 'Future<List<dynamic>>'
The result of all this seems to work. Yet I can find no way of using the data I have loaded. Any effort to access elements in the List, e.g. configData[0] results in an error:
The following _CompileTimeError was thrown building
HomePage(dirty, state: HomePageState#b1af8):
'package:myapp/pages/home_page.dart': error:
line 64 pos 19: lib/pages/home_page.dart:64:19:
Error: The method '[]' isn't defined for the class
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method,
or defining a method named '[]'.
I would like to convert the configData Future into a normal object that I can read and pass around my app. I am able to do something very similar, and to get it to work inside a widget's build method, using a FutureBuilder and the DefaultAssetBundle thus...
...but I don't want the overhead of reloading the data inside all the widgets that need it. I would like to load inside a separate Dart package and have it available as a global configuration across all my app. Any pointers would be appreciated.
I have tried the suggestion by Rémi Rousselet:
List configData = await loadAsset();
In this case, I get a compiler error:
compiler message: lib/pages/home_page.dart:55:21: Error: Getter not found: 'await'.
compiler message: List configData = await loadAsset();
compiler message: ^^^^^
You can't do configData[0] as configData is not a List but a Future.
Instead, await the future to have access to the List inside
List configData = await loadAsset();
You can only use await INSIDE async methods.
If you want to you your assets in entire application you want to load the asset in the main method similar like this.
void main() async {
StorageUtils.localStorage = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
Now you can use localStorage synchronously in entire application and you don't need to deal with another asynchronous calls or load it again.
Different example, same principle.

How do I print to the console with Dart?

I'd like my Dart program to print to the dev console of my browser. How can I print to the console (DevTools's console, for example) ?
Use print() to print a string to the console of your browser:
import 'dart:html';
main() {
var value = querySelector('input').value;
print('The value of the input is: $value');
You will see a message printed to the developer console.
If you simlpy want to print text to the console you can use print('Text').
But if you want to access the advanced fatures of the DevTools console you need to use the Console class from dart:html: Console.log('Text').
It supports printing on different levels (info, warn, error, debug). It also allows to print tables and other more advanced features. Note that these are not supported in every browser! It's sad that the documentation about the Console class is incomplete, but you can take a look at the documentation of Chrome here and here.
There is log() from import 'dart:developer' library also.
int name = "Something";
log("ClassName: successfully initialized: $name");
[log] ClassName: successfully initialized: Something
Please note that log and debugPrint taking a value of String not like print. So, you have to add .toString() at the end or use with String interpolation like I used in above example.
From doc:
You have two options for logging for your application. The first is to
use stdout and stderr. Generally, this is done using print()
statements, or by importing dart:io and invoking methods on stderr and
stdout. For example:
stderr.writeln('print me');
If you output too much at once, then Android sometimes discards some
log lines. To avoid this, use debugPrint(), from Flutter’s foundation
library. This is a wrapper around print that throttles the output to a
level that avoids being dropped by Android’s kernel.
The other option for application logging is to use the dart:developer
log() function. This allows you to include a bit more granularity and
information in the logging output. Here’s an example:
import 'dart:developer' as developer;
void main() {
developer.log('log me', name: 'my.app.category');
developer.log('log me 1', name: 'my.other.category');
developer.log('log me 2', name: 'my.other.category');
You can also pass application data to the log call. The convention for
this is to use the error: named parameter on the log() call, JSON
encode the object you want to send, and pass the encoded string to the
error parameter.
import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:developer' as developer;
void main() {
var myCustomObject = ...;
'log me',
name: 'my.app.category',
error: jsonEncode(myCustomObject),
If viewing the logging output in DevTool’s logging view, the JSON
encoded error param is interpreted as a data object and rendered in
the details view for that log entry.
read more(It's cool like a tutorial).
If you are here for Flutter, there's debugPrint which you should use.
Here's the doc text for the same.
/// Prints a message to the console, which you can access using the "flutter"
/// tool's "logs" command ("flutter logs").
/// By default, this function very crudely attempts to throttle the rate at
/// which messages are sent to avoid data loss on Android. This means that
/// interleaving calls to this function (directly or indirectly via, e.g.,
/// [debugDumpRenderTree] or [debugDumpApp]) and to the Dart [print] method can
/// result in out-of-order messages in the logs.
You might get SDK version constraint as it is only for 2.2 and above.
Dart print() function works differently in different environment.
print() when used in console based application it outputs in the terminal console
print() when used in web based application it outputs to the developer console.
void main() {
print("HTML WebApp");
The only way I know , which is supported by dartpad ,is through using print();
by the way Dart uses the ${} syntax for expressions, or just a $ for single value.
int x=3;
print('hello world') ;
print(x) ;
print('x = $x') ;
and her is the link for the documentation
print method!
