Creating and inserting a multi nop Instruction in llvm - clang

I am new to using llvm and I am trying to find a way to create and insert multi-nop instruction after every call instruction in llvm.
I have created a MachineFunctionPass in order to identify call instruction but I am unable to find enough information to create a nop / multi-nop instruction in llvm documentation. I have found the contructor for Instruction(llvm::Instruction) but I can't find a list of the possible values for the parameters that would allow me to create the instruction needed.
Has anyone ever tried to do this, or has working examples about creating instructions or resources detailed better than the official documentations please share.


Autotools AC_CHECK_LIB get path of library

I am a newbie with Autotools and currently trying to create a file in order to check for several dependencies for the later installation of my program.
Now, I want to check the existence of certain libraries and I have found that using AC_CHECK_LIB can do the trick. I think PCK_CHECK_MODULES could help too but I would like to stick to the former unless PCK_CHECK_MODULES solved my problem:
AC_CHECK_LIB does what is expected to do which is to look for the library and perform an action if found or another one if not found, but, my question then is:
If AC_CHECK_LIB finds my library, how can I obtain the exact path of this library? That is to say, if the AC_CHECK_LIB I have is:
AC_CHECK_LIB (foo, function, [action-if-found], [action-if-not-found])
Is there any way for me to get the exact path of this foo library if it is found?
If AC_CHECK_LIB finds my library, how can I obtain the exact path of this library?
AC_CHECK_LIB does not provide any mechanism by which you could do so. It does not determine an actual location itself. Per its documentation, this is what it actually does:
Test whether the library library is available by trying to link a test
program that calls function function with the library. function should
be a function provided by the library.
When AC_CHECK_LIB succeeds, then, it knows only that the linker found a library corresponding to the given library name that provides a function having the specified function name. It doesn't know where the linker found it. On the flip side, when that macros does not find a library, that does not necessarily mean it is unavailable, but rather that the linker does not find it subject to the link options, if any, in effect at that point.
Note, too, that that's perfectly satisfactory for many purposes. You need to know the actual location only if you want to use that to locate some other, related resource. And it's rare that configure can find a library without help, yet needs extra information to locate related resources.

Creating a custom pcore for Xilinx ISE 14.7?

A bit of a general question, but what is the most popular/common/easiest way of creating a custom pcore?
I have seen some examples and they were mostly done on Matlab and since I do not have Matlab anywhere, I am a bit lost here. There has got to be a proper way of doing without it!
Thank you in advance!!!
You can create it with VHDL or Verilog languages, but after that you need to make few files like .mdp and .pao, create directory move all the files there and then put the directory to a library.
Detailed information you can find in Xilinx Manual

adding opencv to cmake --help-module

I like the help which is provided by --help-module. Here you can read how to add new libraries and which variables are being set. Because I only occasionally create a framework from scratch I only add libraries once and forget how to add them for the next time.
So, if I want to create a new project I only have to make a quick search with --help-module and the package I want to use. Unfortunately OpenCV is not in this list. So, I am curious if there is a way to add a help for Opencv?
TLTR; I want to add a help for OpenCV. Where I can refresh my mind on how to find opencv and how link against it etc.
I doubt this can be done.
The help module is generated from the RST CMake documentation. You are not supposed to add it there. It should be part of the documentation from the project which provides the module.

Combining Log4Delphi and jcl debug

At the moment I'm testing various logging framework for use in Delphi XE 3. Since using Log4Delphi made least problems concerning implementation into existing programs, I'm currently trying to get additional Informations for my logmessages. Now what I want to have are additional informations like method name and the line of code. I've already found the Jedi Code Librarys' debug functions might provide such data. Sadly I wasn't able to figure out hot to get this to work the way I want it.
As it is I'm currently using this function:
function CurrentFunctionName: string;
Result := jcldebug.getlocationInfoStr(Caller(1));
But while the code examples I've found provide data like this:
[004223A7] jcldebugtest.SomeProcedure (Line 10, "jcldebugtest.dpr")
All data I get when I'm trying to use it in my programs looks like this:
(00E8EF63) [0128FF63]
I don't fully understand the reason for this behavior, so it would be very nice if someone could explain to me how to do this properly and where my mistake/misunderstanding is located.
You need to go into Project->Options->Linker, and turn on the Detailed map file, and then build (not compile!) your project. The map file information is necessary to convert from raw addresses to specific locations in the code.
You can test this using the example located in the JCL\Examples\Windows\Debug\SourceLoc folder. If you build and run the SourceLocExample.dpr, clicking the "Caller()", "Address lookup", or "Stack dump" buttons will return simply the memory addresses. Then follow the instructions above to enable the detailed map file, do a Project->Build from the IDE's menu, and run the example again, clicking the same buttons and comparing the output.
You can then (optionally) use the Project->JCL Debug expert to embed the debug info into your executable instead of providing it as a separate file that needs to be distributed.

How can I find opencv functions source code?

I am new to opencv and I am using opencv for windows. How can I see the source code for a specific function of an opencv library ? I just one want to get an idea of how that specific machine vision algorithm is implemented.
You can get the OpenCV source code from An easy way to find the header for a function is to open an explorer window in OPENCV_HOME\build\include (where is the location where you chose to install OpenCV) and use the search box to find the header file that contains your function - this will help you know what module it is in. Then you can search in OPENCV_HOME\modules\MODULE_NAME\src to find the source of the the function. This is even easier if you install a search tool like grepWin.
Looking at the source is almost essential for finding out why those pesky OpenCV exceptions are thrown. It also means that you can answer most things about OpenCV yourself without having to ask here.
Here is a direct link to an excellent source code search, courtesy of Github. This is a very straightforward way to find the implementation and internal usages of a function or type.
All the source is now on github: and you can use it's search functionalities as well.
I found the answer by Drew Noakes to be the most helpful, especially given the fact that repository structures keep changing over time.
To search in the code or in other places inside a repository using a keyword, the instructions here can be followed.
What would be even easier for first-timers however, would be to simply search for a key word in the github search bar. Then the appropriate advanced search option would generate the tags described in the the earlier linked tutorial.
