ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at - is it running? - docker

I am watching a course on Hyperledger Composer development online. I installed all the required prerequisites, docker, docker-compose, nodejs, golang. After cloning the fabric-samples repository from github. There is a file called inside a folder called first-network. On running the command ./ up, it's giving the following error:
If, someone has experience working on it, please help. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

I think the first thing you should do is stop looking at or trying to use Hyperledger Composer. It is end of life now and some of it's components will have problems even if you install the exact required versions (for example the rest server fails to launch now on node 8 but changing to a newer version of node may break other parts of Composer).
As you had planned to use it with hyperledger fabric I would suggest that you just invest your time in Hyperledger fabric, see
Regarding your problem with docker, I suspect you tried to install docker through the apt command in your wsl window ? I'm guessing that you are using WSL2, but if you are using WSL1 then docker will never work in a WSL1 environment. If it was WSL2 then the docker daemon doesn't automatically start in that environment you need to start it yourself first. I think the command is service docker start. The important thing here is to make sure you are using WSL2 and not WSL1 (see hyperledger fabric link later which provides guidance on making sure you are using WSL2).
An alternative to installing docker into WSL2 directly would be to install Docker Desktop for Windows and follow the hyperledger fabric instructions here


visual-studio-code : failed to connect. is docker installed?

my environment :
MacOS M1 chip
VSCode version 1.66.2 arm64
local installed docker version : 20.10.22
I have situations that docker is not working in VSCode.
I already installed docker in local. But when I'm trying to connect docker in VSCode, repeatedly asking install docker extensions. (but I do have docker already ). and if I do reinstall with following the VSCode, the docker version was broken (changed to intel chip docker).
Does anybody know what's wrong?
Docker Extensions for VS Code have nothing to do with the Docker engine itself. They are like an additional layer of tools and commands over the installed Docker. E.g. they provide IntelliSense for editing Docker-related files, you can run Docker commands from F1 drop-down, etc. But you should be able to do all the required tasks even without Docker Extensions, e.g. from the Terminal in VS Code, but for this the path to Docker CLI (command line interface) should be added to PATH environment variable.
If you are getting failed to connect error then maybe Docker engine is not running. Please refer to and about how to check if the engine is running and how to troubleshoot the issues.
If that doesn't help, please provide some specific error and steps, which led to it, then we'll try to find out.

How do you resolve the GitLab error "Error response from daemon: invalid condition: 'not-running'"?

I set up a Windows GitLab runner that's supposed to download a Docker image from our Container Registry and then run a build script in the pipeline. Unfortunately the Docker container never launches due to the following error:
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
on WindowsDockerRunner wZMWQZYi
Resolving secrets
Preparing the "docker-windows" executor
Using Docker executor with image ...
Pulling docker image ...
Using docker image sha256:e6b07227af5ca9303c2112b574f6f27f38135bbf9df29d829142410221967401 for with digest ...
Preparing environment
Running on RUNNER-WZMWQZYI via
ERROR: Job failed (system failure): prepare environment: Error response from daemon: invalid condition: "not-running". Check for more information
The error message doesn't clearly state what the cause of the problem is and the documentation that it references doesn't mention anything about "condition". Based on the link pointing to shell profiles I suspect it might have something to do with the shell that's being run, but when I run the Docker container locally it boots into PowerShell just fine.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
I came across this issue after installing Docker Engine using the Windows Server install script, which fetches docker.exe and dockerd.exe from, These builds were last updated in March 2022, I found gitlab-runner 14.9 and earlier work okay with this version (released prior to March 2022), but 14.10 does not (released 2022-04-19) nor do any newer versions.
Installing Docker Desktop resolves this as it provides the latest version. However using Docker Desktop introduces licensing issues. An alternative is to manually install Docker Engine / update the version downloaded by the Microsoft script.
Docker Engine builds are provided on the Moby GitHub project to download from downloading the lastest version from here and replacing the docker executables in C:\Windows\System32 fixes the problem, working with the latest gitlab-runner.
An alternative is to use the docker-engine chocolatey package (which incidentally I maintain) which provides installation scripting for the above stable builds:
choco install docker-engine
There is also an open issue with the Windows-Containers team to move off (out of date) nightlies: which would provide a stable docker build, through the Microsoft recommended installation method.
Was finally able to solve this issue. We had the Docker Engine installed on our GitLab Runner, but that doesn't seem to be sufficient for GitLab CI/CD. After installing Docker Desktop on the runner the issue disappeared and we were able to run the pipeline.
After some trial and error I got it up and running.
I have another server running the gitlab-runner and docker without any issues (no docker desktop installed, which is not allowed because of licensing stuff).
The server I'm trying to setup right now is a 'redundancy' build server.
So to find out what was my problem, I started switching things from one build server to the other. Currently, it appears that simply downgrading to the gitlab-runner V13.4.0 was enough.
I did reregister the runner, since gitlab stated that the V15.x.x version was using executor "unknown".
Not sure what is going on there, but at least I can continue building now.

Docker for mac on machine that previously had boot2docker installed complains about TLS configuration

I took an older macbook back in use. It previously had boot2docker installed when the native docker for mac didn't exist yet. That might be the root cause of my issue.
I've installed the new docker for mac but when I run docker-compose I've got the following error:
docker.errors.TLSParameterError: Path to a certificate and key files must be provided through the client_config param. TLS configurations should map the Docker CLI client configurations. See for API details.
I don't want to install a docker machine with virtual box or anything. I just want to run it natively like a fresh docker for mac installation. All the solutions I've found so far require me to use a docker-machine.
Fixed it by unsetting all legacy docker machine environment variables so that it uses the correct docker commands
unset ${!DOCKER_*}
I've found the solution on the docker troubleshooting page over here.

Can I Install Docker Over cPanel?

Can I install Docker over a server with pre-installed cPanel and CentOS 7? Since I am not aware of Docker, I am not completely sure whether it will mess with cPanel or not. I already have a server with CentOS 7 and cPanel configured. I want to know if I can install Docker over this configuration I mentioned without messing up?
Yes you can install docker over cPanel/WHM just like installing it on any other CentOS server/virtual machine.
Just follow these simple steps (as root):
1) yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 (these should be already installed...)
2) yum-config-manager --add-repo
3) yum install docker-ce
4) enable docker at boot (systemctl enable docker)
5) start docker service (systemctl start docker)
The guide above is for CentOS 7.x. Don't expect to find any references or options related to Docker in the WHM interface. You will be able to control docker via command line from a SSH shell.
I have some docker containers already running on my cPanel/WHM server and I have no issues with them. I basically use them for caching, proxying and other similar stuff.
And as long as you follow these instructions, you won't mess-up any of your cPanel/WHM services/settings or current cPanel accounts/settings/sites/emails etc.
Not sure why you haven't tried this already!
I've been doing research and working on getting Docker working on cPanel. It's not just getting it to work on a CentOS 7 box but rather making it palatable for the cPanel crowd in the form of a plugin. So far I can confirm that it's absolutely doable. Here's what I've accomplished and how:
Integrate Docker Compose with cPanel (which is somewhat a step
further from WHM)
Leverage the user-namespace kernel feature in Linux so Docker
services can't escalate their privileges (see userns remap)
Leverage Docker Compose so users can build complex services and
start ready apps from the store with a click
Make sure services starting via Docker run on a non-public IP on the
server. Everything gets routed via ProxyPass
cPanel has been gracious to provide a Slack channel for people to discuss this upcoming plugin. I'd be more than happy to invite you if you'd like to be kept updated or to contribute. Let me know!
FYI, there's more info here on if you're interested. Please note that this plugin is in private beta but more than happy to let people use it!
Yes you could, in fact someone else has done it already:

Development environment setup for Mac and CentOS using Docker

I have searched the history a little bit but failed to find a good answer. So I just asked my question here. If there is a good answer already, please redirect it for me. Thanks.
The question is, I found my company's new hire doc lists a bunch of software to install to setup the development environment. Usually it took 1 or 2 days for a new hire to setup everything ready for a new mac. We want to shorten that process. The first thing I thought is Docker.
I read through the user guide of Docker and followed some blogs regarding to how to setup dev environment using Docker but still a little confused if Docker applies to our setting. So here's the detail of requirements:
We need to install a bunch of software (many of them are customized binaries). Right now, we distribute the source code, a new hire need to build from the source code, install it and set environment to include the binary into path. I am wondering if Docker allows us to install customized binaries into it's container?
The source code should not stay in the container. The source code is still checked out in one's local machine using git. Then, how can I rely on the Docker container's environment to build my software? I have searched a little bit is that, you need to mount your folder into the container, and then shell into your container to build? Is that how it works?
We usually develop in mac, does Docker also support mac container or it just allows you to run Linux container using boot2Docker?
Thank you so much in advance for your help.
Some answers :)
First, I think it's a really good idea to use Docker to standardise the development configuration (softwares, custom packages, env variables, ...).
With Docker, you can get your customised binaries from the host, it's not a problem. With the CMD command, you can use bash to install them and add them into your PATH. You can also write a shell script to install all your stuff and launch this script when you build your container
Your code will be on the host and you can "mount" a host folder in your docker image with the -v command. Ex: docker run -v /home/user/code:/tmp/code your_image. I'll detail below how the developer will use your Docker image.
Yep, you have to use Boot2Docker, it works well
Once your development image will be ready, you have to publish it on the official Docker registry (or to host a local registry on your network).
Next, the developer will launch the following Docker command:
docker run -rm -ti your_build_image /bin/bash
This will launch a bash terminal in your Docker image and the developer will be able to compile the code. Ex: cd /tmp/code + mvn clean install
Please have a look to this article to learn about volumes:
And this one about Dockerfile:
You can also find a lot of Dockerfiles on github (search Dockerfile).
If the goal is to speed up the time it takes to get a Mac setup and usable in your environment, you might want to look at Boxen.
From the "About" section:
"Boxen is your team's IT robot. It's a dangerously opinionated framework that automates every piece of your development environment. GitHub, Inc. wrote the first version of Boxen (imaginatively called “The Setup”) to help employees start shipping on day one."
