Combining Polly policies and accessing handled exception in Polly policy Fallback - f#

Given the following F# snippets
//User Code
.. code that can throw exceptions
P1 policy
.Handle<CosmosException>(fun cx -> cx.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests)
.WaitAndRetryForever((fun _ cx _ -> (cx :?> CosmosException).RetryAfter.Value), (fun _ _ _ _ -> ()))
P2 policy
P3 Policy
.Fallback(fun ex -> ex.Message)
Question #1 - How to combine P1 and P2?
Combine P1 and P2 in a policy P so that:
if User Code succeeds, "Success" is returned to the caller
if User Code throws CosmosException, P retries forever using the returned RetryAfter TimeSpan
if User Code throws any other exception, "Failure" is returned to the caller
Question # 2 - How to write P3?
There doesn't seem to be a Fallback overload that allows to access the handled exception to use it when constructing the fallback return value
Final scope is to combine P1 and P3 to obtain a policy PFinal such that:
if User Code succeeds, "Success" is returned to the caller
if User Code throws CosmosException, PFinal retries forever using the returned RetryAfter TimeSpan
if User Code throws any other exception, the handled exception message is returned to the caller

Answer to question 1
In order to be able to chain policies you need to define them as compatible policies. Your p2 returns a string whereas your p1 returns nothing. So, you need to change p1 to return with string as well. Then you can use Policy.Wrap to define chaining, escalation.
I'm not an F# developer so I will present the solution in C#. But the idea is the same in both languages:
var p1 = Policy<string>
.Handle<CosmosException>(ex => ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests)
.WaitAndRetryForever(sleepDurationProvider: (_, dr, __) => ((CosmosException)dr.Exception).RetryAfter.Value,
onRetry: (_, __, ___) => { });
var p2 = Policy<string>
var p = Policy.Wrap(p1, p2);
Please note that we have to change Policy to Policy<string> in p1
Also note that the sleepDurationProvider will not receive the Exception as a parameter
Rather it will receive a DelegateResult<string> which have two mutually exclusive properties: Exception and Result
Answer to question 2
There is an overload, where the fallbackAction delegate receives a DelegateResult<string> as a parameter
var p2 = Policy<string>
.Fallback(fallbackAction: (dr, _, __) => dr.Exception.Message,
onFallback: (_, __) => { });
Update #1: Providing clarity
Changing the p1 definition from Policy to Policy<string> has another implication as well: Your to be decorated code should return a string (namely "Success")
Before the change:
//user code
//to be decorated code which might throw exception
return "Success";
After the change:
//user code
//The decorated code either return "Success" or throws CosmosException
return combinedPolicy.Execute(...
Update #2: Fix ordering
I suggested to chain the p1 and p2 with Policy.Wrap. Unfortunately I have showed you the wrong order Policy.Wrap(p1, p2). The correct one is Policy.Wrap(p2, p1) since the right most parameter is the most inner and the left most is the most outer. So, in your case the retry is the inner and the fallback is the outer.
Apologise for the inconvenience.


Return async value from Fable.Remoting

Here is a client side Fable.Remoting example that prints the result of an async function.
// Client code (Compiled to Javascript using Fable)
// ============
open Fable.Remoting.Client
let server = Proxy.create<IServer>
async {
let! length = server.getLength “hello”
do printfn “%d” length // 5
|> Async.StartImmediate
How do I get the length value?
I see you've tagged your question with elmish, so I'm going to assume you have a Msg type defined. Don't use Async.StartImmediate or Async.RunSynchronously; in Elmish, you should use Cmd.OfAsync to schedule a message to be dispatched once the async block returns a value. There are four functions in Cmd.OfAsync (and the same four appear in Cmd.OfPromise as well): either, perform, attempt, and result. I'll break them down for you since their documentation isn't quite up to snuff yet:
either: takes four parameters, task, arg, ofSuccess, and ofError. task is the async function you want to call (of type 'a -> Async<'b>). arg is the parameter of type 'a that you want to pass to the task function. ofSuccess is a function of type 'b -> 'Msg: it will receive the result of the async function and is supposed to create a message, presumably one that incorporates the 'b result. Finally, ofError is a function of type exn -> 'Msg: if the task function throws an exception, then ofError will be called instead of ofSuccess, and is supposed to turn that exception into an Elmish message that your code can handle (presumably one that will log an error to the Javascript console or pop up a notification with Thoth.Toast or something like that).
perform: like either but there's no ofError parameter. Use this if your async command cannot fail (which is never the case with remote API calls, as it's always possible the network is down or your server is unresponsive), or if you just don't care about exceptions and don't mind an unhandled exception getting thrown.
attempt: like either but there's no ofSuccess parameter, so the task function's result will be ignored if it succeeds.
result: this one is completely different. It just takes a single parameter of type Async<'Msg>, i.e. you pass it an async block that is already going to produce a message.
With the code you've written, you would use Cmd.OfAsync.result if you wanted to make minimal changes to your code, but I would suggest using Cmd.OfAsync.perform instead (and upgrading it to Cmd.OfAsync.either once you have written some error-handling code). I'll show you both ways:
type Msg =
// ... rest of your messages go here
| GetLength of string
| LengthResult of int
let update msg model =
match msg with
// ... rest of your update function
| GetLength s ->
let usePerform = true
if usePerform then
model, Cmd.OfAsync.perform server.getLength s LengthResult
let length : Async<Msg> = async {
let! length = server.getLength s
return (LengthResult length)
model, Cmd.OfAsync.result length
| LengthResult len ->
// Do whatever you needed to do with the API result
printfn "Length was %d" len
model, Cmd.none
And if you were using either (which you really should do once you go to production), there would be a third message LogError of exn that would be handled like:
| LogError e ->
printfn "Error: %s" e.Message
model, Cmd.none
and the Cmd.OfAsync.perform line in the code above would become:
model, Cmd.OfAsync.either server.getLength s LengthResult LogError
That's the right way to handle async-producing functions in Elmish.
Async is one of the places where you use return in F#. So you need to return the length value. Also, Async.StartImmediate returns () (unit). Use something else, e.g. Async.RunSynchronously if you need the extracted value. Depends on what you need to achieve with it.
let length =
async {
let! length = async {return String.length "hello"}
do printfn "%d" length // 5
return length
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
length // val it : int = 5
Btw, you mention fable. So you might be able to use JS promise.
Some resources on Async in F#:
F# Async Guide from Jet
Async Programming
FSharp for Fun and Profit
Microsoft Docs
C# and F# Async
For those who want to call from js code.
// Client code (Compiled to Javascript using Fable)
// ============
open Fable.Remoting.Client
open Fable.Core // required for Async.StartAsPromise
let server = Proxy.create<IServer>
let len_from_fable () =
async {
let! length = server.getLength “hello”
return length
} |> Async.StartAsPromise
call from js
async func() {
let len = await len_from_fable()
works in fable 3.0.

How do I compose a list of functions?

If I have a type named Person, and list of functions, for example...
let checks = [checkAge; checkWeight; checkHeight]
...where each function is of the type (Person -> bool), and I want to do the equivalent of...
checkAge >> checkWeight >> checkHeight
...but I don't know in advance what functions are in the list, how would I do it?
I tried the following...
checks |> List.reduce (>>)
...but this gives the following error...
error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a
(Person -> bool) -> (Person -> bool) -> Person -> bool
but given a
(Person -> bool) -> (bool -> 'a) -> Person -> 'a
The type 'Person' does not match the type 'bool'
What am I doing wrong?
It looks like Railway oriented programming would be a good fit here.
If you choose to go this route, you basically have two options.
You can either go all in, or the quick route.
Quick route
You rewrite your validation functions to take a Person option instead of just plain Person.
let validAge (record:Record option) =
match record with
| Some rec when rec.Age < 65 && rec.Age > 18 -> record
| None -> None
Now you should be able to easily chain your function.
checks |> List.reduce (>>)
All in
Alternatively, if you are lazy and don't want to match .. with in every validation function, you can write some more code.
(samples taken from [1])
First there's a bit of setup to do.
We'll define a special return type, so we can get meaningful error messages.
type Result<'TSuccess,'TFailure> =
| Success of 'TSuccess
| Failure of 'TFailure
A bind function, to bind the validations together
let bind switchFunction =
| Success s -> switchFunction s
| Failure f -> Failure f
You'll have to rewrite your validation functions as well.
let validAge (record:Record) =
if record.Age < 65 && record.Age > 18 then Success input
else Failure "Not the right age bracket"
Now combine with
checks |> List.reduce (fun acc elem -> acc >> bind elem)
Either way, check out the original article.
There's much more there you might be able to use :)
Edit: I just noticed that I was too slow in writing this answer once again.
Besides, I think Helge explained the concetp better than I did as well.
You may somehow have stumbled upon a dreaded concept. Apperently its the Voldemort (dont say his name!) of functional programming.
With no further ado lets walk right into the code:
type Person =
{ Name : string
Age : int
Weight : int
Height : int }
type Result =
| Ok of Person
| Fail
let bind f m =
match m with
| Ok p -> f p
| _ -> Fail
let (>=>) f1 f2 = f1 >> (bind f2)
let checkAge p =
if p.Age > 18 then Ok(p)
else Fail
let checkWeight p =
if p.Weight < 80 then Ok(p)
else Fail
let checkHeight p =
if p.Height > 150 then Ok(p)
else Fail
let checks = [ checkAge; checkWeight; checkHeight ]
let allcheckfunc = checks |> List.reduce (>=>)
let combinedChecks =
>=> checkWeight
>=> checkHeight
let p1 =
{ Name = "p1"
Age = 10
Weight = 20
Height = 110 }
let p2 =
{ Name = "p2"
Age = 19
Weight = 65
Height = 180 }
allcheckfunc p1
combinedChecks p1
allcheckfunc p2
combineChecks p2
At this point I could throw around a lot of weirdo lingo (not really true, I couldnt...), but lets just look at what I have done.
I dropped your return value of bool and went for another type (Result) with either (mark that keyword!) Ok or Fail.
Then made a helper (bind) to wrap and unwrapp stuff from that Result-type.
And a new operator (>=>) to combine the stuff in reduce.
Mind that the first check-function to Fail will shortcut the entire chain and more or less immediately (not calling the other functions) return Fail. In addition you will not know where in this chain it did Fail or which functions ahead of any Fail did actually Ok.
There are methods to also accumulate the errors as you go along, so that you get get a feedback of type: "the checkAge returned Fail, but the others was great success"
The code is mostly stolen from here:
And you may want to read about the entire website of Wlaschin and even a lot more to get into the finer and harder details if wanted.
Good luck on your journey to the upper floors of the Ivory Tower. ;-)
Footnote: This is called an Either-monad usually. Its not entirely finished and what not in the above code, but never mind... I think it will work in your case...
The >> operator is useful if you have functions that perform some transformation. For example, if you had a list of functions Person -> Person that turn one person into another.
In your case, it seems that you have functions Person -> bool and you want to build a composed function that returns true if all functions return true.
Using List.reduce you can write:
checks|> List.reduce (fun f g -> (fun p -> f p && g p))
Perhaps an easier option is to just write a function that takes a person and uses List.forall:
let checkAll checks person = checks |> List.forall (fun f -> f person)

How do I retrieve a value from a composite generic type?

How do I retrieve a value from a generic?
Specifically, I am attempting the following:
// Test
let result = Validate goodInput;;
// How to access record??
let request = getRequest result
Here's the code:
type Result<'TSuccess,'TFailure> =
| Success of 'TSuccess
| Failure of 'TFailure
let bind nextFunction lastFunctionResult =
match lastFunctionResult with
| Success input -> nextFunction input
| Failure f -> Failure f
type Request = {name:string; email:string}
let validate1 input =
if = "" then Failure "Name must not be blank"
else Success input
let validate2 input =
if > 50 then Failure "Name must not be longer than 50 chars"
else Success input
let validate3 input =
if = "" then Failure "Email must not be blank"
else Success input;;
let Validate =
>> bind validate2
>> bind validate3;;
// Setup
let goodInput = {name="Alice"; email=""}
let badInput = {name=""; email=""};;
// I have no clue how to do this...
let getRequest = function
| "Alice", "" -> {name="Scott"; email=""}
| _ -> {name="none"; email="none"}
// Test
let result = Validate goodInput;;
// How to access record??
let request = getRequest result
printfn "%A" result
You mean how do you extract the record out of your result type? Through pattern matching, that's what you're already doing in bind.
let getRequest result =
match result with
| Success input -> input
| Failure msg -> failwithf "Invalid input: %s" msg
let result = Validate goodInput
let record = getRequest result
This will return the record or throw an exception. Up to you how you handle the success and failure cases once you have your Result - that could be throwing an exception, or turning it into option, or logging the message and returning a default etc.
This seems to be a frequently asked question: How do I get the value out of a monadic value? The correct answer, I believe, is Mu.
The monadic value is the value.
It's like asking, how do I get the value out of a list of integers, like [1;3;3;7]?
You don't; the list is the value.
Perhaps, then, you'd argue that lists aren't Discriminated Unions; they have no mutually exclusive cases, like the above Result<'TSuccess,'TFailure>. Consider, instead, a tree:
type Tree<'a> = Node of Tree<'a> list | Leaf of 'a
This is another Discriminated Union. Examples include:
let t1 = Leaf 42
let t2 = Node [Node []; Node[Leaf 1; Leaf 3]; Node[Leaf 3; Leaf 7]]
How do you get the value out of a tree? You don't; the tree is the value.
Like 'a option in F#, the above Result<'TSuccess,'TFailure> type (really, it's the Either monad) is deceptive, because it seems like there should only be one value: the success. The failure we don't like to think about (just like we don't like to think about None).
The type, however, doesn't work like that. The failure case is just as important as the success case. The Either monad is often used to model error handling, and the entire point of it is to have a type-safe way to deal with errors, instead of exceptions, which are nothing more than specialised, non-deterministic GOTO blocks.
This is the reason the Result<'TSuccess,'TFailure> type comes with bind, map, and lots of other goodies.
A monadic type is what Scott Wlaschin calls an 'elevated world'. While you work with the type, you're not supposed to pull data out of that world. Rather, you're supposed to elevate data and functions up to that world.
Going back to the above code, imagine that given a valid Request value, you'd like to send an email to that address. Therefore, you write the following (impure) function:
let send { name = name; email = email } =
// Send email using name and email
This function has the type Request -> unit. Notice that it's not elevated into the Either world. Still, you want to send the email if the request was valid, so you elevate the send method up to the Either world:
let map f = bind (fun x -> Success (f x))
let run = validate1 >> bind validate2 >> bind validate3 >> map send
The run function has the type Request -> Result<unit,string>, so used with goodInput and badInput, the results are the following:
> run goodInput;;
val it : Result<unit,string> = Success unit
> run badInput;;
val it : Result<unit,string> = Failure "Name must not be blank"
And then you probably ask: and how do I get the value out of that?
The answer to that question depends entirely on what you want to do with the value, but, imagine that you want to report the result of run back to the user. Displaying something to the user often involves some text, and you can easily convert a result to a string:
let reportOnRun = function
| Success () -> "Email was sent."
| Failure msg -> msg
This function has the type Result<unit,string> -> string, so you can use it to report on any result:
> run goodInput |> reportOnRun;;
val it : string = "Email was sent."
> run badInput |> reportOnRun;;
val it : string = "Name must not be blank"
In all cases, you get back a string that you can display to the user.

Handling exception in the right way

I am pretty new in f# world. I wrote a very small application that query data from sap and show the result as output. When the application try to connect sap, it could throw some exceptions, in case something goes wrong.
Look at following code:
type Customer() =
let mutable _lastName = String.Empty
member self.LastName with get () = _lastName
member self.QueryData () =
//Some CODES here
let bapi = SapBapi()
let bapiFunc = bapi.GetBapiFunc(dest, "BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETDETAIL1")
match bapiFunc with
| Success bp ->
//Some CODES here
let addressData = bp.GetStructure("PE_PERSONALDATA")
_lastName <- addressData.GetString("LASTNAME")
| RfcCommunication ex ->
Some(ex :> Exception)
| RfcLogon ex ->
Some(ex :> Exception)
| RfcAbapRuntime ex ->
Some(ex :> Exception)
As you can see, I handle the error with option type and downcast the throwed exception to base exception type.
In the main function
open CustomerBapi
open System
let main argv =
let customer = CustomerBapi.Customer()
let ex = customer.QueryData()
match ex with
| Some ex ->
printfn "%s" ex.Message
| None ->
printfn "%s" customer.LastName
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
0 // return an integer exit code
This code works but do I handle exception in the right way?
I read an article in internet, that handling exception in f# should return an error code, it's more easy then the exception style.
A typical way of handling errors within the type system is to employ an Either type.
type Either<'a,'b> =
| Left of 'a
| Right of 'b
Conventionally Right value carries the success result and Left carries an error or exception (either as a string or an exc type). A simple way to think about it is to treat it like an option where Right corresponds to the Some case and instead of a None you have error information.
So your code could become:
// QueryData no longer needs to depend on side effects to work,
//so you can make it a regular function instead of a method
let result = queryData()
match result with
| Left ex ->
// handle exception
printfn "%s" ex.Message
| Right result ->
// either set the property, or make customer a record
// and set the name field here
customer.LastName <- result
printfn "%s" customer.LastName
The bit about error codes sounds very wrong, would like to know where you found it.
In general I think that your solution is okay, but can be improved.
You mix a bit the functional and OO style in your code. It feels a bit strange to me that you are working with the exception as the only optional value. Usually the customer should be the value which has the optionality included and the match should be if the customer has a value or not.

Where/how to declare the unique key of variables in a compiler written in Ocaml?

I am writing a compiler of mini-pascal in Ocaml. I would like my compiler to accept the following code for instance:
program test;
a,b : boolean;
n : integer;
I have difficulties in dealing with the declaration of variables (the part following var). At the moment, the type of variables is defined like this in
type s_var =
{ s_var_name: string;
s_var_type: s_type;
s_var_uniqueId: s_uniqueId (* key *) }
Where s_var_uniqueId (instead of s_var_name) is the unique key of the variables. My first question is, where and how I could implement the mechanism of generating a new id (actually by increasing the biggest id by 1) every time I have got a new variable. I am wondering if I should implement it in sib_parser.mly, which probably involves a static variable cur_id and the modification of the part of binding, again don't know how to realize them in .mly. Or should I implement the mechanism at the next stage - the but in this case, the question is how to make the .mly consistent with the type s_var, what s_var_uniqueId should I provide in the part of binding?
Another question is about this part of statement in .mly:
id = IDENT COLONEQ e = expression
{ Sc_assign (Sle_var {s_var_name = id; s_var_type = St_void}, e) }
Here, I also need to provide the next level (the a variable of which I only know the s_var_name, so what could I do regarding its s_var_type and s_var_uniqueId here?
Could anyone help? Thank you very much!
The first question to ask yourself is whether you actually need an unique id. From my experience, they're almost never necessary or even useful. If what you're trying to do is making variables unique through alpha-equivalence, then this should happen after parsing is complete, and will probably involve some form of DeBruijn indices instead of unique identifiers.
Either way, a function which returns a new integer identifier every time it is called is:
let unique =
let last = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr last ; !last
let one = unique () (* 1 *)
let two = unique () (* 2 *)
So, you can simply assign { ... ; s_var_uniqueId = unique () } in your Menhir rules.
The more important problem you're trying to solve here is that of variable binding. Variable x is defined in one location and used in another, and you need to determine that it happens to be the same variable in both places. There are many ways of doing this, one of them being to delay the binding until the interpreter. I'm going to show you how to deal with this during parsing.
First, I'm going to define a context: it's a set of variables that allows you to easily retrieve a variable based on its name. You might want to create it with hash tables or maps, but to keep things simple I will be using List.assoc here.
type s_context = {
s_ctx_parent : s_context option ;
s_ctx_bindings : (string * (int * s_type)) list ;
s_ctx_size : int ;
let empty_context parent = {
s_ctx_parent = parent ;
s_ctx_bindings = [] ;
s_ctx_size = 0
let bind v_name v_type ctx =
try let _ = List.assoc ctx.s_ctx_bindings v_name in
failwith "Variable is already defined"
with Not_found ->
{ ctx with
s_ctx_bindings = (v_name, (ctx.s_ctx_size, v_type))
:: ctx.s_ctx_bindings ;
s_ctx_size = ctx.s_ctx_size + 1 }
let rec find v_name ctx =
try 0, List.assoc ctx.s_ctx_bindings v_name
with Not_found ->
match ctx.s_ctx_parent with
| Some parent -> let depth, found = find v_name parent in
depth + 1, found
| None -> failwith "Variable is not defined"
So, bind adds a new variable to the current context, find looks for a variable in the current context and its parents, and returns both the bound data and the depth at which it was found. So, you could have all global variables in one context, then all parameters of a function in another context that has the global context as its parent, then all local variables in a function (when you'll have them) in a third context that has the function's main context as the parent, and so on.
So, for instance, find 'x' ctx will return something like 0, (3, St_int) where 0 is the DeBruijn index of the variable, 3 is the position of the variable in the context identified by the DeBruijn index, and St_int is the type.
type s_var = {
s_var_deBruijn: int;
s_var_type: s_type;
s_var_pos: int
let find v_name ctx =
let deBruijn, (pos, typ) = find v_name ctx in
{ s_var_deBruijn = deBruijn ;
s_var_type = typ ;
s_var_pos = pos }
Of course, you need your functions to store their context, and make sure that the first argument is the variable at position 0 within the context:
type s_fun =
{ s_fun_name: string;
s_fun_type: s_type;
s_fun_params: context;
s_fun_body: s_block; }
let context_of_paramlist parent paramlist =
(fun ctx (v_name,v_type) -> bind v_name v_type ctx)
(empty_context parent)
Then, you can change your parser to take into account the context. The trick is that instead of returning an object representing part of your AST, most of your rules will return a function that takes a context as an argument and returns an AST node.
For instance:
(* Constant : ignore the context *)
| c = INT { fun _ -> Se_const (Sc_int c) }
(* Variable : look for the variable inside the contex *)
| id = IDENT { fun ctx -> Se_var (find id ctx) }
(* Subexpressions : pass the context to both *)
| e1 = int_expression o = operator e2 = int_expression
{ fun ctx -> Se_binary (o, e1 ctx, e2 ctx) }
So, you simply propagate the context "down" recursively through the expressions. The only clever parts are those when new contexts are created (you don't have this syntax yet, so I'm just adding a placeholder):
| function_definition_expression (args, body)
{ fun ctx -> let ctx = context_of_paramlist (Some ctx) args in
{ s_fun_params = ctx ;
s_fun_body = body ctx } }
As well as the global context (the program rule itself does not return a function, but the block rule does, and so a context is created from the globals and provided).
globals = variables
main = block
{ let ctx = context_of_paramlist None globals in
{ globals = ctx;
main = main ctx } }
All of this makes the implementation of your interpreter much easier due to the DeBruijn indices: you can have a "stack" which holds your values (of type value) defined as:
type stack = value array list
Then, reading and writing variable x is as simple as:
let read stack x =
(List.nth stack x.s_var_deBruijn).(x.s_var_pos)
let write stack x value =
(List.nth stack x.s_var_deBruijn).(x.s_var_pos) <- value
Also, since we made sure that function parameters are in the same order as their position in the function context, if you want to call function f and its arguments are stored in the array args, then constructing the stack is as simple as:
let inner_stack = args :: stack in
(* Evaluate f.s_fun_body with inner_stack here *)
But I'm sure you'll have a lot more questions to ask when you start working on your interpeter ;)
How to create a global id generator:
let unique =
let counter = ref (-1) in
fun () -> incr counter; !counter
# unique ();;
- : int = 0
# unique ();;
- : int = 1
Regarding your more general design question: it seems that your data representation does not faithfully represent the compiler phases. If you must return a type-aware data-type (with this field s_var_type) after the parsing phase, something is wrong. You have two choices:
devise a more precise data representation for the post-parsing AST, that would be different from the post-typing AST, and not have those s_var_type fields. Typing would then be a conversion from the untyped to the typed AST. This is a clean solution that I would recommend.
admit that you must break the data representation semantics because you don't have enough information at this stage, and try to be at peace with the idea of returning garbage such as St_void after the parsing phase, to reconstruct the correct information later. This is less typed (as you have an implicit assumption on your data which is not apparent in the type), more pragmatic, ugly but sometimes necessary. I don't think it's the right decision in this case, but you will encounter situation where it's better to be a bit less typed.
I think the specific choice of unique id handling design depends on your position on this more general question, and your concrete decisions about types. If you choose a finer-typed representation of post-parsing AST, it's your choice to decide whether to include unique ids or not (I would, because generating a unique ID is dead simple and doesn't need a separate pass, and I would rather slightly complexify the grammar productions than the typing phase). If you choose to hack the type field with a dummy value, it's also reasonable to do that for variable ids if you wish to, putting 0 as a dummy value and defining it later; but still I personally would do that in the parsing phase.
