problem with start and execute a docker container - nvidia

I am new to docker
I am using ssh to connect to Nvidia jetson NX and use the docker on nvidia
the system for nvidia is a modifed ubuntu 18.04 called tegra.
What I want to do is to exec the container named tetraai_service_nx.
It worked fine until yesterday by command "docker exec -it tetraai_service_nx /bin/bash
however, today when I tried the same command, i see"Error response from daemon: Container 0feeb9be5a251bb9ce45ed9a05d24a86e5a77ef9d93439c717fdef9f7a6560d4 is not running
0feeb9be5a251bb9ce45ed9a05d24a86e5a77ef9d93439c717fdef9f7a6560d4 is the right id for the container I want which is correct.
Then i tried as in the following picture and got the error
This is the error i see
Error response from daemon: Cannot restart container tetraai_service_nx: failed to create shim: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:545: container init caused: Running hook #0:: error running hook: exit status 1, stdout: , stderr: Auto-detected mode as 'csv'
invoking the NVIDIA Container Runtime Hook directly (e.g. specifying the docker --gpus flag) is not supported. Please use the NVIDIA Container Runtime instead.: unknown
Could anyone explain what this message mean exactly and what might the problem be? because I saw similar errors in different places
some command result for me
some command result for me
some command result for me

I have the same issue. If you install the previous version, 1.9 it should work until they can fix 1.10. For more information, check out this: and read the comments.


OCI runtime exec failed

since today i have got an error message with various docker commands. Unfortunately I don't really know what to do with it. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be and how I fix it?
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:370: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:95: starting setns process caused: fork/exec /proc/self/exe: resource temporarily unavailable: unknown
Another Error:
ERROR: for hosting_mail_1 Cannot start service mail: OCI runtime create failed: unable to retrieve OCI runtime error (open /run/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/moby/5fabf9edf67fbd6455bdc955c56c063683aa78e8e31514660661799aaa867391/log.json: no such file or directory): runc did not terminate successfully: unknown
ERROR: for mail Cannot start service mail: OCI runtime create failed: unable to retrieve OCI runtime error (open /run/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/moby/5fabf9edf67fbd6455bdc955c56c063683aa78e8e31514660661799aaa867391/log.json: no such file or directory): runc did not terminate successfully: unknown
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
I don't know if you solved your problem finally, but this really looks like bad file system authorization that may have been corrupted from an update on the file systems.
Regarding the error : container_linux.go:370:,/run/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/moby/5fabf9edf67fbd6455bdc955c56c063683aa78e8e31514660661799aaa867391/log.json
I can see that :
docker manage to initiate a volume ID
did not manage to mount that volume on the disk
0/ Check docker basic command
docker ps
docker images
docker pull ubuntu:latest
If one of these commands is failing, you are up to review docker installation, seems that maybe docker is not installed properly.
To check if you need to completely re-install docker, you may try the following basic command
docker run --name checkDocker -it ubuntu:latest bash
If this is not displaying any docker shell, then you have a problem on running a container, not necessarly docker installation.
Check your docker volumes and rights, I don't have your installation setup, but It seems you are using docker-compose and maybe there is some conflicts when mounting the volume of your containers with specific rights and the host's rights and user id
If you are ending up here you should follow that work around of re-installation, which would be the fatest solution to restore your application if you have backup (hope you have )

Cannot execute Docker Commands in UNIX environment

I installed the Docker installation to my UNIX (macOS), once I execute simple commands like,
$ docker run ubuntu
it shows following error prompted in terminal:
docker: Error response from daemon: dial unix docker.raw.sock: connect: no such file or directory.
I tried in several docker commands, but docker daemon throws the mentioned error message.
This is issue of Docker Engine startup not linked with docker demons, I resolved this problem by Reset to Factory Settings option in Docker Troubleshooting pane

docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: unable to retrieve OCI runtime error

my docker starts giving error after a recent update. Existing containers works but I can not build or run any image.
A simple
docker run hello-world
gives me an error:
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: unable to retrieve OCI runtime error (open /run/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux/moby/881b53be5cfe91d19577414c2f4a52dd06804624fe1d2189d06c1c3c13f2b4d1/log.json: no such file or directory): runc did not terminate successfully: unknown.
I tried all the tips that are suggested on the internet regarding this issue as restarting, building links, reinstall.....
My current docker version is 18.09.5, Ubuntu 19.04
Does anyone had a similar issue and solved it?
To check the issue by run docker in the debug mode.
stop docker with systemctl stop docker
run docker in debug mode dockerd --debug
start container with docker start container_name
Then check the output in docker debug console in 2.
In my case, it shows
ERRO[2020-07-07T23:15:02Z] stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo
ERRO[2020-07-07T23:15:02Z] stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo
And solve it by removing the container state folder with rm -rf /var/run/docker/runtime-runc/moby/docker_id
Then start your container.
Refer to: Solving Error response from daemon OCI runtime create failed container with id exists
Check the output of docker version and see if the client version and daemon version have gone out of sync.
Check the output of following commands which runc and which docker-runc. If the docker daemon version is 18.09, you should be having runc or else docker-runc.
I use debian 11 with docker 20.10.5, When I run docker run hello-world I got:
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: unable
to retrieve OCI runtime error (open
no such file or directory): runc did not terminate successfully: exit
status 139: unknown. ERRO[0010] error waiting for container: context
when I run runc command , I got "segmentation fault".
I solved it by apt reinstall runc.
I was trying to run docker as docker run ... Because wasn't w/in the docker image I was getting the error. What I did was to set the scripts argument w/in my as scripts=["path/to/"] and rebuild docker image. That solved the problem.

docker raised rpc error: code = 14 desc = grpc: the connection is unavailable

I ran a service using docker-compose in ubuntu 16.04. After a while I think somethings went wrong and system ran out of memory and every command I ran by docker or docker-compose for services or containers I got the following error:
rpc error: code = 14 desc = grpc: the connection is unavailable
I checked container info and every things seems OK. Also I can view containers by running sudo docker container list and also their status is Up.
First I got a backup from volume data by running sudo docker cp CONTAINER_ID:/path/to/data . to avoid loosing volume data.Then I restart docker as following:
sudo service docker restart
And the problem fixed. now container status is Exited. I think docker crashed when system ran out of memory and then docker has not its normal functionality.

Cannot start container : [8] System error: exec: "up3": executable file not found in $PATH

I'm new to Stack Overflow and I checked the similar issue in Stack Overflow but not found what I expected answer. so hopefully my questions aren't too silly.
I cannot start my container after I created it.
I use the command:docker start 6069dba3cb02
and get the below error message:
root#boot2docker:/mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/containers# docker start 6069dba3cb02
Error response from daemon: Cannot start container 6069dba3cb02: [8] System error: exec: "up3": executable file not found in $PATH
Error: failed to start containers: [6069dba3cb02]
The container info as below:
Even I use the other command: "docker restart 6069dba3cb02" or "docker run ubuntu:14.04 up3", I still get the error
Docker info: Operating System: Boot2Docker 1.8.0 (TCL 6.3);
Install path:
What do you want to achieve with the parameter up3? This command is executed inside of the container you just started. But Ubuntu does not know this command, because it simply does not exist in the plain Ubuntu image (that's what the error message said: executable file not found).
Therefore you have to install your up3 tool before you try to access it. Or you have a misunderstanding about what up3 should do with your container, i don't know.
Try to replace up3 with ls / or something like this to understand what the last arguments do when running docker:
docker run --rm ubuntu ls /
--rm removes the container after the command exits.
To give your container the name up3, you have to add this to your command:
docker create --name up3 ubuntu:14.04
Then you can start your container by name:
docker start up3
