I have purchased a digital signature and have the dongle for it. I have a Delphi project from which I generate invoice PDF and I need to add that digital signature to the pdf files created. Is there any way I can do this programmatically using Delphi? I am looking for a free Delphi component to use. I am currently using RAD Studio 10.4. I am making the PDF using Microsoft print to PDF and sometimes dopdf.
I have checked the below but it is a paid product.
I have checked this Acrobat component, but I am not able to figure out if we can sign the pdf using this, like we sign manually:
I am using RAD Studio xe6 and I have a simple Firemonkey form, what I want to do is get all Images that are in a folder and display them in a list for the user to see, is this possible, and if yes how.
Delphi already ships with a sample program which does similar thing that you seek. The sample program is called FireFlow. If you haven't installed sample programs while installing Delphi you can get the sample program from:
But othervise what you want to do is first search the specific directory for supported image files. To do this use FindFirst, FindNext.
Then you need to decide how are you going to display these images. Now if you intend to display them inside the listbox controll do check the CustomListBox sample which you can also get from web here:
Am I correct in that Delphi 4 XE Pro does not supply any native way of reading XML documents? (TXMLDocument is Windows only) I have pondered about using TClientDataSet, but I am not sure if that is the right way to go.
Here is an example of what I want:
Readonly XML file that defines a list of contacts. In the XML file, it also contains e.g. file path to photo of contact.
Ideally I then want to show the data in e.g. a TListBox (which might mean I need to write my own logic for loading images in/out of memory.)
If validation is not required (as in the linked answer above), try
Both are free open source libraries for Delphi, however I have not checked if they can be used on other platforms.
Update: see http://www.kluug.net/omnixml.php and Windows & Mac XML library for delphi XE2
I have used the Synactis product PDF-in-the-box in Delphi 2006 projects and also a free component they had called TPDFViewer, which allows you to embed a PDF viewer in your application.
I am porting one app to XE and - having found that trying to install the TPDFViewer I had in XE did some serious damage to my installation - I'm looking for a replacement.
I have installed XE-supported trial versions of their current offerings PDF-in-the-box 4.04 and All-in-the-box 4.04 but can't see any sign of the TPdfViewer component in either. Their website FAQ implies this functionality has been replaced by functions to start Adobe Reader.
So I want a (free would be nice, but not essential) PDF viewer for Delphi XE which doesn't just chain to Adobe Reader and allows user interaction or programmatic control over zoom, page number etc.
I tried several times to find a good PDF viewer. Most of them were fake components. The best way is to embed acrobat reader dll directly into your application and command it from there.
It was 8 years ago, so I do not remember the code that I used to do this. You import the acroXX.dll file directly into Delphi, it prepares a user component for you and then you install this component directly in to your Component palette.
The worst thing in this configuration is that you have to take care of the acrobat reader dll that is installed on your clients. Any update/upgrade of the reader may cause your application to fail.
I’m using Delphi 6 and I need to enable the user to modify a Quick report with WinWord.
How can I export whatever chosen to the quick report to word file ?
Or is there any other way to build reports and export them other than quickreport?
Like third part tools?
thank you
You were probably looking for the QR Design. It is the standalone end-user report designer based on Quickreport. You can either compile it into your application or just distribute it as a standalone, separate application for printing and designing Quickreport reports. For more information about how to get a copy for your Quickreport version contact vendor.
QRDesign Screenshots
QRDesign Feature List
I'm looking for an application that will allow me to add mark-ups to pdfs just like adobe acrobat does via the comments option (e.g. stickynotes), including the options of hiding all comments, showing, printing and saving them to the pdf. My application is written using delphi 2009 and this is an additional feature I require.
There doesn't appear to be any vcl providers out there doing this at the moment (?). I've contacted quickpdf, vispdf, etc, etc
I'm particularly interested in hearing from anyone who has done this already / can do this,
Gnostice are well known for their PDF components for Delphi, specifically PDFtoolkit.
For future readers, Amyuni PDF Creator allows to select (and create) specific components within a PDF file (such as text, images or annotations) and change their attributes. It can be used in Delphi as an ActiveX control.