MVC Architecture in .Net6 -

Basically I want to follow MVC Architecture. So should I use Asp.Net Web Api or Asp.Net MVC for backend development?
Does Asp.Net Web Api have MVC architecture? If does help me build Web Api using MVC Architecture in .net 6.

Based on what you've written, you have a couple options.
MVC is a front-end design pattern. For backend development, you could create a Web API project, which would give you the ability to create models and controllers similar to MVC. You would not create views with Web API as there is no UI.
Alternatively, and especially if it's a smaller project where scalability is not a concern, you could create an MVC project representing the whole app and include the backend code there rather than creating a separate backend project. In this case you'd have models and controllers driving the UI, but not the backend.


how to authenticate from MVC controller into seperate Web Api project

We are going to build a web project which will potentially use Mobile app as well in the future. So we decide to consume all data works via Web Api. As a start, we will use seperate MVC project. In traditional way, I use Identity2 for authentatication issues and all Controllers of MVC project is secured by [Autherize] attribute. In our scenario, we want to give this job to Web Api project. MVC project will be only consumer of Web Api project. So I am wondering how I can login to Web Api project from MVC project and secure controllers via Web Api. Do you have any suggestions or sample?

Should I use Mvc with Angular 4 Cli ?

I am a beginner to angular4 wanted to integrate angular with MVC,
Should I use the only Angular to develop web Application or with MVC ?
AngularJS is a Client Side web (for browser) development framework, and it has nothing to do with the server-side stuff (eg. database related operations or managing user session).
You can use ASP.NET MVC with angular, but it's a good practice to use WEB API, because the View part from MVC will be taking care by the angular framework.
It shouldn't be a problem. You'll need to add a json api to your .net app but people do it all the time. As with everything, right tools for the right job though.

Adding Web API Controllers to an MVC Project vs Adding a whole new Web API Project

I have an MVC application that uses MVC Controllers to return views. Now I want to expose an API to other applications to consume, as well as returning JSON data types for some SPA features in the same MVC. What are the differences between adding Web API Controllers to my MVC Project vs adding a whole new Web API Project?
returning JSON data types for some SPA features in the same MVC
For that case, I'll place Web API inside existing MVC. By doing so, you can share business logic, services and even models.
In my case, I have SPA silos using AngularJS, and both MVC and Web API live happily in the same web application, and share business logic and data access layers.
It is worth noting that you can share Authentication cookie if you keep MVC and Web API together. Otherwise, it is pain in the neck to authenticate in both places at the same time, because Web API is token based and MVC is cookie based by default.
FYI: In new ASP.Net MVC 5, there won't be separate MVC and Web API anymore.
The only difference between the two is reusability and good design practice. I highly recommend to use it in a separate project. Then, later on, you will be able to reuse it without much or any effort.
Another advantage to segregate is the impact on testing required for any changes made. If you keep the projects different then if later on you change anything, the domain for the re-testing efforts would also be just the second project.

Silverlight/RIA Services and ASP .NET MVC/WebAPI

I did some research around but I have some doubts still about following topic...
I have Silverlight/RIA Services project that needs to have ASP.NET MVC look as well as WebAPI for some different clients.
So my question is following
Can we use somehow RIA Services with ASP.NET MVC 5?
And if not what is a painless way to represent all existing logic in ASP.NET MVC?
Thank you!
Ria services have nothing to do with look and feel.
A Silverlight app or a non plugin, which uses RIA services can be hosted in a web page created using ASP.Net.
Can we use somehow RIA Services with ASP.NET MVC 5?
RIA services which could be used by an backend would not gain the benefit of RIA services because changes made in the backend end are not generated forward to an application such as a Silverlight plugin. It just becomes another way of accessing data.

How to integrate WebAPI to an MVC application

I am developing an MVC5 application and use Entity Framewerok 6 code first on this. Now we we will also develop an android application that will interact with the MVC application (CRUD operations) by using the web services. At this stage I want to be clarified about the issues below:
1) I think WebAPI is better option for us as we use the services on android apps. What do you suggest?
2) In order to integrate WebAPI to an MVC project, which changes should be made? On the other hand, can we use the same controller and data layer methods (i.e. SaveChanges, etc.) by making some modifications i.e. inheritance? Or do we have to create a seperate methods for web services? Could you give an example by code?
3) Does integrating WebAPI to the MVC project affect the MVC project's abilities or methods? I mean that is there any disadvantage integrating WebAPI to an MVC project?
Any help would be appreciated.
1) That's a good idea. Web API is easy to implement and consume
2) You don't need to make changes to intergate Web API in your application: just start using it. As you want to expose CRUD operations from EF a good idea would be to implement ODATA services. Or use something like Breeze (depending on how you want to consume the services). See "MVC and Web API" bwelow
3) Web API doesn't affect at all the MVC part, unless you make a mistake setting the routes. Although they run in the same host, they work completely independent of each other.
MVC and Web API
Unless you need to do something special, like exposing Web API in a different URL or "domain name", MVC and Web API are implemented in the same web application project. To start using Web API in your MVC project simply add a new controller. Perhaps you'll have to include also the WEB API route configuration, and some other Web API configuration.
If you want to expose the EF model throug Web API you simply have to follow the instructions in the link to create an ODATA controller, which will expose the EF model as a RESTful service, allowing you to execute the CRUD operations to the EF model through URLs.
NOTE: What you want to do is a very frequesnt pattern in MVC applications: MVC is used for generating the views, and Web API fos exposing functionalities that can be easily consumed from the views usin Javascript + AJAX. Don't be afraid to use it. You'll find no problems at all
