'defaultPerDayPerProject' to 'default/CLIENT_PROJECT-1d' [duplicate] - youtube-api

I got new YouTube quotas approved. But there is one problem. They do not work. It appears to me that there are actually two of them. In fact, there are new quotas, but they are not.
What could it be and how can I get out of this situation? Thanks

Currently this appears to be an internal issue with the YouTube API.
When you get a quota extension, either the old 10k quota should either be removed or the new higher quota should be the one applied when you are making requests.
There appears to be a bug some where in the system. where you have two quotas and only the lower one is being applied and the higher one is being ignored.
I am in contact with the team and they are looking into it. I have not heard anything positive back yet only that they are still trying to diagnose the issue.
I'm going placing this as an answer here as it was the first question regarding this issue. I can close vote all other questions as duplicate to this one. There by keeping everything in one place.
Currently there are four.
YouTube api does not apply quota extension, quota still limited to 10k
'defaultPerDayPerProject' to 'default/CLIENT_PROJECT-1d'
Youtube data API not using the correct quota
Why am I getting quota exceeded with enough quota remaining
There is also a report on the issue forum
Quota Increase Not Working


Regarding YOUTUBE API Daily Quota Extension

I have reached the Daily Quota Limit, and have submitted the Quota Increase Form.
After seeing the confirmation notice of my submission, I have not heard or received an email from them.
Is there any other solution to this issue? How long does it usually take for them to get back?
With things considered, we may have to increase the daily quota up to 100,000.
Is there a way to collect multiple data from a single quota?
My website mainly involves collecting view counts of videos through video IDs.
I have submitted the YouTube API Services - Audit and Quota Extension Form.
Thank you in advance
The time to get the quota increase varies greatly. It kind of depends on how back logged the team is.
In the beginning when they reduced it to 10k and I applied for mine it took more then three months.
These days I think you should get something in less then two weeks but don't hold me to that I dont work for YouTube this is just my experience.
Oh and just check it now and then they may apply it before the actually send you an email saying that they are going to apply it.

YouTube api does not apply quota extension, quota still limited to 10k

I got new YouTube quotas approved. But there is one problem. They do not work. It appears to me that there are actually two of them. In fact, there are new quotas, but they are not.
What could it be and how can I get out of this situation? Thanks
Currently this appears to be an internal issue with the YouTube API.
When you get a quota extension, either the old 10k quota should either be removed or the new higher quota should be the one applied when you are making requests.
There appears to be a bug some where in the system. where you have two quotas and only the lower one is being applied and the higher one is being ignored.
I am in contact with the team and they are looking into it. I have not heard anything positive back yet only that they are still trying to diagnose the issue.
I'm going placing this as an answer here as it was the first question regarding this issue. I can close vote all other questions as duplicate to this one. There by keeping everything in one place.
Currently there are four.
YouTube api does not apply quota extension, quota still limited to 10k
'defaultPerDayPerProject' to 'default/CLIENT_PROJECT-1d'
Youtube data API not using the correct quota
Why am I getting quota exceeded with enough quota remaining
There is also a report on the issue forum
Quota Increase Not Working

Youtube Data API Wrongly Calculated, Quota Exceeded

I have a very simple message and getting the v3 youtube data api to get the list of comments. I am just fetching the list of videos and then fetching the comments (at frequency of 5 sec) to get updated messages. using the page token as needed to minimize the load and computaion.
Today after some time while internally testing the application i started getting the quota exceeded exception. I know the youtube provided by default 10000 units and since reading the comments (and videos as well) is just 1 unit, i should expect to get similar numbers.
However, the data is wrongly calculated.
Following are request details
If you see, there are 2895 total requests LiveChatMessages-> List.
However, when i go to IAM-> Quotas, it showed 14k earlier, then 12.6k in quota usage
There seems to be some problem either with the computation or with the Documentation that defines the units for queries. Can someone help please..
PS: Just using the two apis as mentioned above in screenshot. Both are list.
If you see, there are 2895 total requests LiveChatMessages-> List. However, when i go to IAM-> Quotas, it showed 14k earlier, then 12.6k in quota usage
Yes i can see that there are 2895 requests, but how do you know what the qutoa costs are for those requests. You are using the YouTube Live Streaming api for those requests. Not the YouTube-Data-api
There is no documentation of the quota cost for the YouTube Live Streaming api calls. If Google says you used all your quota then you probably have.
I would post an issue over on the issue forum asking them to document the quota cost for the calls Issue forum

Why does Youtube shows 301+ views?

I am just curious about why does Youtube shows 301+ views. I think there must be some logic behind that. What it could be?
I have seen exact count of views lesser than 300 views as well as having count in several thousands and millions.
It can stay stuck for a while. This is a control procedure for preventing the use of bots, any video getting more than 301 views in a short period gets verified in terms of source of traffic. However views are still getting counted (logged) in the back-end and will appear when YouTube will unlock the view counts.
Answering myself, it is no longer the case and it's been resolved.
So whenever a new video used to upload it receives many likes including from bots. So to verify the legitimacy of likes YouTube counter used to stop after 300 likes to verify sources of likes.
Official release: https://mobile.twitter.com/YTCreators/status/628958720953819136

YouTube API V2 Quota Limits

For V2 of the YouTube Data API what are the exact limits for the quota?
I am aware that this is a frequent question, however I am yet to find any concrete answers.
Reason for Question:
I am going to querying a large pool of videos for their comments on a regular basis and would like to know when I am coming close to my quota limit, so the system can slow down. In V3 of the YouTube API, the quota limits are clearly documented. However I'm unable to use V3 of the API as it does not support the retrieval of comments (sidenote - does anyone know why?)
In v2 of the data API, the quota was not a fixed number per day as it is in v3, but instead was a limit that prevented too many requests within a short period of time. Unfortunately, I don't believe that there exists anywhere some firm documentation as to how many requests that would be or what the short period of time would be, either; generally, Youtube has always stated that if you get a quota error while making a call to v2 of the data API you should wait "a few minutes" before trying again. Here's the only official statement.
It is possible that one of the reasons for this lack of direct documentation is that there isn't a hard and fast number, but it changes in response to the current load.
In answer to your side question, there haven't been any official statements from the YouTube team about why comment retrieval hasn't yet been implemented, but it likely will be in time (as will other pieces of data retrievable via v2 but not yet via v3).
