Why it returns Instance of instead of the value? - dart

Why the getCurrencyFromAPI function returns Intance of currency instead of the value itself. Is there some thing wrong with my model class?
This is the function
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:app_bloc/data/models/currency.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:app_bloc/constants/api_urls.dart';
class Repository {
Future<dynamic> getCurrencyFromAPI() async {
final res = await http.get(Uri.parse(coinbaseURL));
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
final resData = jsonDecode(res.body);
final data = resData['data'] as List;
List<Currency> list = [];
for (var e in data) {
final a = Currency.fromJson(e);
} else {
throw Exception('Error fetching data from API');
void main(List<String> args) {
Repository repo = Repository();
this is the model class
class Currency {
String id;
String name;
String minSize;
Currency({required this.id, required this.name, required this.minSize});
factory Currency.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> data) {
final id = data['id'] as String;
final name = data['name'] as String;
final minSize = data['min_size'] as String;
return Currency(id: id, name: name, minSize: minSize);

Your Currency class does not have a toString method. That means it inherits the default from Object which returns Instance of 'Currency'.
When you print the List<Currency> it calls toString on every element to get a string representation. So, that's what you see. It is a Currency object.
Try adding:
String toString() => "Currency(id: $id, name: $name, minSize: $minSize)";
to you Currency class and see if it makes a difference.

Currency currencyModelFromJson(String str) => Currency.fromJson(json.decode(str));
class Currency {
String id;
String name;
String minSize;
Currency({required this.id, required this.name, required this.minSize});
factory Currency.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> data) {
final id = data['id'] as String;
final name = data['name'] as String;
final minSize = data['min_size'] as String;
return Currency(id: id, name: name, minSize: minSize);
Then do this :
class Repository {
Future<dynamic> getCurrencyFromAPI() async {
final res = await http.get(Uri.parse(coinbaseURL));
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
final resData = jsonDecode(res.body);
final data = resData['data'] as List;
List<Currency> list = [];
for (var e in data) {
final a = currencyModelFromJson(e); // change here
} else {
throw Exception('Error fetching data from API');


type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future<DataState<List<CustomerEntity>>>

I'm working on a test CRUD application using Bloc for state management and sqflite database. I was asked to implement BDD testing for the app but I have no idea about BDD testing. From what I've learned so far I tryed to implement a simple scenario for the start which is landing on the home screen, but I'm getting this error when I run the test.
Also I don't know exactly how to mock my database to test the four main Create, Read, Update, and Delete functionalities.
I'm using getIt for dependency injection, Mocktail, and bdd_widget_test.
It is the scenario that I wrote in the .feature file:
Feature: Add Feature
Scenario: Landing on the home screen
Given the app is running
Then I see enabled elevated button
And it's the logic for the test.dart file where I get the mentioned exception:
class MockGetAllCustomers extends Mock implements GetAllCustomersUsecase {}
class MockAddCustomer extends Mock implements AddCustomerUsecase {}
class MockUpdateCustomer extends Mock implements UpdateCustomerUsecase {}
class MockDeleteCustomer extends Mock implements DeleteCustomerUsecase {}
class MockDbHelper extends Mock implements DBHelper {}
void main() {
final GetIt getIt = GetIt.instance;
late CustomersBloc bloc;
late MockGetAllCustomers mockGetAllCustomers;
late MockAddCustomer mockAddCustomer;
late MockUpdateCustomer mockUpdateCustomer;
late MockDeleteCustomer mockDeleteCustomer;
late MockDbHelper dbHelper;
late Database database;
CustomerEntity customer = CustomerEntity(
firstName: 'firstName',
lastName: 'lastName',
dateOfBirth: 'dateOfBirth',
phoneNumber: 'phoneNumber',
email: 'email',
bankAccountNumber: 'bankAccountNumber');
setUpAll(() async {
// Initialize FFI
database = await databaseFactoryFfi.openDatabase(inMemoryDatabasePath);
await database.execute(
'CREATE TABLE $customersTable($colId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, $colFirstName TEXT, $colLastName TEXT, $colDateOfBirth TEXT, $colPhoneNumber TEXT, $colEmail TEXT, $colAccountNum TEXT)');
dbHelper = MockDbHelper();
dbHelper.database = database;
databaseFactory = databaseFactoryFfi;
setUp(() {
mockGetAllCustomers = MockGetAllCustomers();
mockAddCustomer = MockAddCustomer();
mockUpdateCustomer = MockUpdateCustomer();
mockDeleteCustomer = MockDeleteCustomer();
bloc = CustomersBloc(mockGetAllCustomers, mockAddCustomer,
mockUpdateCustomer, mockDeleteCustomer);
getIt.registerFactory(() => bloc);
group('''Add Feature''', () {
testWidgets('''Landing on the home screen''', (tester) async {
await theAppIsRunning(tester);
await iSeeEnabledElevatedButton(tester);
It's a part of the exception message I'm receiving:
type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future<DataState<List<CustomerEntity>>>'
package:mc_crud_test/features/customer_feature/domain/usecases/get_all_customers_usecase.dart 11:43 MockGetAllCustomers.execute
package:mc_crud_test/features/customer_feature/presentation/bloc/bloc/customers_bloc.dart 43:60 new CustomersBloc.<fn>
package:bloc/src/bloc.dart 226:26 Bloc.on.<fn>.handleEvent
package:bloc/src/bloc.dart 235:9 Bloc.on.<fn>
And it's my database class:
String customersTable = 'customers_table';
String colId = 'id';
String colFirstName = 'firstName';
String colLastName = 'lastName';
String colDateOfBirth = 'dateOfBirth';
String colPhoneNumber = 'phoneNumber';
String colEmail = 'email';
String colAccountNum = 'bankAccountNumber';
class DBHelper {
Database database;
DBHelper({required this.database});
//Database initialization and creation
static Future<Database> initDatabase() async {
final dbPath = await sql.getDatabasesPath();
return await sql.openDatabase(
path.join(dbPath, 'customers.db'),
onCreate: (db, version) {
return db.execute(
'CREATE TABLE $customersTable($colId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, $colFirstName TEXT, $colLastName TEXT, $colDateOfBirth TEXT, $colPhoneNumber TEXT, $colEmail TEXT, $colAccountNum TEXT)');
version: 1,
//find a customer by firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth, and email
Future<bool> findCustomer(CustomerEntity customer) async {
List<Map<String, dynamic>> map = await database.query(customersTable,
columns: [colFirstName, colLastName, colDateOfBirth, colEmail],
'$colFirstName = ? OR $colLastName = ? OR $colDateOfBirth = ? OR $colEmail = ?',
whereArgs: [
if (map.isEmpty) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// Add a customer to the Database
Future<int> insertCustomer(CustomerEntity customer) async {
final id = await database.insert(
conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace,
return id;
// Get the list of customers
Future<List<CustomerEntity>> getAllCustomers() async {
try {
final List<Map<String, Object?>> queryResult = await database.query(
orderBy: colId,
return queryResult.isEmpty
? []
: queryResult.map((e) => CustomerEntity.fromMapObject(e)).toList();
} catch (e) {
print('Error reading database : $e');
return [];
// Delete a Customer
Future<int> deleteCustomer(int id) async {
return await database
.delete(customersTable, where: '$colId = ?', whereArgs: [id]);
//Update a Customer
Future<bool> updateCustomer(CustomerEntity customer) async {
try {
final count = await database.update(customersTable, customer.toMap(),
where: '$colId = ?', whereArgs: [customer.id]);
if (count == 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to update the customer: $e');
return false;

How to define a factory method in dart abstracts

I want to extend or implement some BaseModel so that I can summarize some hard coded methods exist in a lot of my classes.
So I want to declare some methods and factory methods as static and required methods in all the inherited classes.
The following is a draft of what I tried.
How can I do that properly?
abstract class BaseDataModel {
// BaseDataModel();
abstract class DataModel{
factory DataModel.fromJson(Map json) => ConcreteDataModel();
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {};
class ConcreteDataModel extends DataModel{
// extension DataModelJsonHandler on List<DataModel> {
// List<DataModel> itemsFromJson(String json) {
// List<DataModel> modelItems = [];
// List jsonlist = jsonDecodeSafeToList(json);
// jsonlist.forEach((item) {
// modelItems.add(DataModel.fromJson(item));
// });
// return modelItems;
// }
// String itemsToJson() {
// final List jsonlist = [];
// forEach((item) {
// jsonlist.add(item.toJson());
// });
// return jsonEncodeSafe(jsonlist);
// }
// }
class DataModelJsonHandler {
static List<DataModel> itemsFromJson(String json) {
List<DataModel> items = [];
List jsonlist = jsonDecodeSafeToList(json);
jsonlist.forEach((item) {
return items;
static String itemsToJson(List<DataModel> items) {
final List jsonlist = [];
items.forEach((item) {
return jsonEncodeSafe(jsonlist);
class User implements DataModel {
final String? name;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> map = <String, dynamic>{};
map['name'] = name;
return map;
void main() {
List<User> users = [User(name: 'User 1'), User(name: 'User 2')];
String usersJson = DataModelJsonHandler.itemsToJson();
List<User> usersFromJson = DataModelJsonHandler.itemsFromJson(usersJson); // Error

How to read List<Model class> in Nested structures with Lists?

How to get one by one values in Nested structures with Lists json structure.
final jsonResponse = json.decode(response.body);
AssetRegister model = AssetRegister.fromJson(jsonResponse);
how to print like this print(model.dart.i);//error
class AssetRegister {
final List<Data> data;
factory AssetRegister.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
var list = json['data'] as List;
List<Data> assetList = list.map((i) => Data.fromJson(i)).toList();
return AssetRegister(data: assetList);
class Data {
final int i;
final String d;
Data({this.i, this.d});
factory Data.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Data(
i: json['i'],
d: json['d'],
You should provide toString method implementation for Data class like this:
class Data {
final int i;
final String d;
Data({this.i, this.d});
factory Data.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Data(
i: json['i'],
d: json['d'],
String toString() => return 'i = $i, $d';

StreamBuilder throws dirty state

I am trying to fetch some data from the internet, store it to my sqlite database and display it on the screen using a ListView.
When I fetch the data for the first time everything works fine and I am able to see the data on the screen, the data is also inserted in the sqlite database, but when I reopen the app I get an error saying
flutter: The following NoSuchMethodError was thrown building StreamBuilder<StudentModel>(dirty, state:
flutter: _StreamBuilderBaseState<StudentModel, AsyncSnapshot<StudentModel>>#3f888):
flutter: The getter 'studentData' was called on null.
flutter: Receiver: null
flutter: Tried calling: studentData
Here is my model class
class StudentModel {
int status;
String msg;
StudentModelData studentModelData;
StudentModel({this.status, this.msg, this.studentModelData});
StudentModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
status = json['status'];
msg = json['msg'];
studentModelData = json['data'] != null ? new StudentModelData.fromJson(json['data']) : null;
StudentModel.fromDb(Map<String, dynamic> parsedJson) {
status = parsedJson['status'];
msg = parsedJson['msg'];
studentModelData = parsedJson['data'] != null ? new StudentModelData.fromJson(parsedJson['data']) : null;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['status'] = this.status;
data['msg'] = this.msg;
if (this.studentModelData != null) {
data['data'] = this.studentModelData.toJson();
return data;
class StudentModelData {
int lastIndex;
List<StudentData> studentData;
StudentModelData({this.lastIndex, this.studentData});
StudentModelData.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
lastIndex = json['lastIndex'];
if (json['studentData'] != null) {
studentData = new List<StudentData>();
json['studentData'].forEach((v) {
studentData.add(new StudentData.fromJson(v));
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['lastIndex'] = this.lastIndex;
if (this.studentData != null) {
data['studentData'] = this.studentData.map((v) => v.toJson()).toList();
return data;
class StudentData {
String studentId;
String studName;
String studProfilepic;
String studentEmail;
String studentMobile;
String courseName;
String classCode;
int minAvg;
int avg;
StudentData.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
studentId = json['student_id'];
studName = json['stud_name'];
studProfilepic = json['stud_profilepic'];
studentEmail = json['student_email'];
studentMobile = json['student_mobile'];
courseName = json['course_name'];
classCode = json['class_code'];
minAvg = json['minAvg'];
avg = json['avg'];
StudentData.fromDb(Map<String, dynamic> parsedJson){
studentId = parsedJson['student_id'];
studName = parsedJson['stud_name'];
studProfilepic = parsedJson['stud_profilepic'];
studentEmail = parsedJson['student_email'];
studentMobile = parsedJson['student_mobile'];
courseName = parsedJson['course_name'];
classCode = parsedJson['class_code'];
minAvg = parsedJson['minAvg'];
avg = parsedJson['avg'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['student_id'] = this.studentId;
data['stud_name'] = this.studName;
data['stud_profilepic'] = this.studProfilepic;
data['student_email'] = this.studentEmail;
data['student_mobile'] = this.studentMobile;
data['course_name'] = this.courseName;
data['class_code'] = this.classCode;
data['minAvg'] = this.minAvg;
data['avg'] = this.avg;
return data;
Following is my repository class
class StudentDbProvider implements Source, Cache {
Database db;
void init() async {
print("database initialized");
Directory documentsDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final path = join(documentsDirectory.path, "students.db");
db = await openDatabase(path, version: 1,
onCreate: (Database newDb, int version) {
student_id TEXT,
stud_name TEXT,
stud_profilepic TEXT,
student_email TEXT,
student_mobile TEXT,
course_name TEXT,
class_code TEXT,
minAvg TEXT,
avg TEXT
Future<int> clear() {
return db.delete("STUDENTS");
Future<StudentModel> fetchStudents(String disciplineId, String schoolId,
String year_id, String lastIndex) async {
final maps =
await db.query("STUDENTS");
if (maps.length > 0) {
return StudentModel.fromDb(maps.first);
return null;
Future<int> addStudent(StudentData studentData) {
return db.insert("STUDENTS", studentData.toJson(),
conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.ignore);
final studentDbProvider = StudentDbProvider();
Following is my bloc class
class StudentsBloc {
final _repository = Repository();
final _students = PublishSubject<StudentModel>();
Observable<StudentModel> get students => _students.stream;
fetchStudents(String disciplineId,String schoolId,String year_id,String lastIndex) async {
await studentDbProvider.init();
final student = await _repository.fetchStudents(disciplineId, schoolId, year_id, lastIndex);
return _repository.clearCache();
As far as I can understand the error must be occurring due to improper database initialisation but when I did the first network request everything was working fine and I did not get any error in the console and the database was also initialised. I am not able to understand why the error is occurring for the second time onwards?
I suppose you are calling snapshot.data.studentData in some part of your code.
On a stream builder, I tend to first do a null check
if (snapshot.data != null) {
// your code here
And then proceed to verify the data, else you can use a getter on a null data provided by the StreamBuilder
You should check snapshot!=null && snapshot.hasError to ensure your data is actually returned
if (snapshot!=null && !snapshot.hasError) {
// your code here

Flutter Sqflite error says The method 'query' was called on null

I am trying to fetch some data from network and store it in sqlite database. Following is the model class
class StudentModel {
int status;
String msg;
StudentModelData studentModelData;
StudentModel({this.status, this.msg, this.studentModelData});
StudentModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
status = json['status'];
msg = json['msg'];
studentModelData = json['data'] != null ? new StudentModelData.fromJson(json['data']) : null;
StudentModel.fromDb(Map<String, dynamic> parsedJson) {
status = parsedJson['status'];
msg = parsedJson['msg'];
studentModelData = studentModelData = jsonDecode(json['data']) != null ? new StudentModelData.fromJson(jsonDecode(json['data'])) : null;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['status'] = this.status;
data['msg'] = this.msg;
if (this.studentModelData != null) {
data['data'] = this.studentModelData.toJson();
return data;
class StudentModelData {
int lastIndex;
List<StudentData> studentData;
StudentModelData({this.lastIndex, this.studentData});
StudentModelData.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
lastIndex = json['lastIndex'];
if (json['studentData'] != null) {
studentData = new List<StudentData>();
json['studentData'].forEach((v) {
studentData.add(new StudentData.fromJson(v));
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['lastIndex'] = this.lastIndex;
if (this.studentData != null) {
data['studentData'] = this.studentData.map((v) => v.toJson()).toList();
return data;
class StudentData {
String studentId;
String studName;
String studProfilepic;
String studentEmail;
String studentMobile;
String courseName;
String classCode;
int minAvg;
int avg;
StudentData.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
studentId = json['student_id'];
studName = json['stud_name'];
studProfilepic = json['stud_profilepic'];
studentEmail = json['student_email'];
studentMobile = json['student_mobile'];
courseName = json['course_name'];
classCode = json['class_code'];
minAvg = json['minAvg'];
avg = json['avg'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['student_id'] = this.studentId;
data['stud_name'] = this.studName;
data['stud_profilepic'] = this.studProfilepic;
data['student_email'] = this.studentEmail;
data['student_mobile'] = this.studentMobile;
data['course_name'] = this.courseName;
data['class_code'] = this.classCode;
data['minAvg'] = this.minAvg;
data['avg'] = this.avg;
return data;
And my database provider class looks like following
class StudentDbProvider implements Source, Cache {
Database db;
StudentDbProvider() {
void init() async {
Directory documentsDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final path = join(documentsDirectory.path, "students.db");
db = await openDatabase(path, version: 1,
onCreate: (Database newDb, int version) {
status INTEGER,
msg TEXT,
data BLOB
Future<int> clear() {
return db.delete("STUDENTS");
Future<StudentModel> fetchStudents(String disciplineId, String schoolId,
String year_id, String lastIndex) async {
final maps =
await db.query("STUDENTS");
if (maps.length > 0) {
return StudentModel.fromDb(maps.first);
return null;
Future<int> addStudent(StudentModel studentModel) {
return db.insert("STUDENTS", studentModel.toJson(),conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.ignore);
final studentDbProvider = StudentDbProvider();
Whenever I tried to fetch the data and stored in the database, I get the following error in the console
NoSuchMethodError: The method 'query' was called on null.
Receiver: null
Tried calling: query("STUDENTS")
#0 Object.noSuchMethod (dart:core/runtime/libobject_patch.dart:50:5)
The data gets added to the database but I am not able to query the data from the database.
Reducing at minimum your example, this throws the exception The method 'query' was called on null
because fetch is executed before db is properly initialized:
class Database {
Future<int> query() {
return Future.value(1);
const oneSecond = Duration(seconds: 1);
class Provider {
Database db;
Provider() {
void init() async {
db = await Future.delayed(oneSecond, () => Database());
Future<int> fetch() {
return db.query();
main() async {
var provider = Provider();
await provider.fetch();
The problem resides in calling an async method inside a constructor, see also:
Calling an async method from component constructor in Dart
This works:
class Database {
Future<int> query() {
return Future.value(1);
const oneSecond = Duration(seconds: 1);
class Provider {
Database db;
Provider() {
void init() async {
db = await Future.delayed(oneSecond, () => Database());
Future<int> fetch() {
return db.query();
main() async {
var provider = Provider();
await provider.init();
await provider.fetch();
Please note that init must be awaited, otherwise you will catch the same The method 'query' was called on null.
the problem is the init must be awaited. here what I did to fix it
_onCreate(Database db, int version) async {
Future<Database> getDatabaseInstance() async {
final String databasesPath = await getDatabasesPath();
final String path = join(databasesPath, '<YOUR DB NAME>');
return await openDatabase(path, version: 1, onCreate: _onCreate);
Future<int> save(Contact contact) {
return getDatabaseInstance().then((db) {
final Map<String, dynamic> contactMap = Map();
contactMap['name'] = contact.name;
contactMap['account_number'] = contact.accountNumber;
return db.insert('contacts', contactMap);
The SQFlite page gives a good example about it and helps a lot.
