Spyder - how can I disable Issue reporter - spyder

is it possible to permanently disable Issue reporter window in Spyder?


MatDialog is not opening on Safari iOS 10

I have a problem with opening dialogs on Safari iOS 10.3.3 (Angular 5.2, Angular Material 5.2.4). I can open and close dialog multiple times but after several attempts dialog doesn't show up (dialog is visible in the DOM but is not shown to the user). When I trigger any style recalculation in dev tools dialog shows up. Switching browser tab and switching it back also helps.
My problem is related to issue https://github.com/angular/material2/issues/10530.
Do you have any workaround or idea how can fix it before Angular Material team will solve this?

Ionic2 ion-input not working on iOS Simulator

I submitted my first ionic application for review to the App Store.
Basically, Apple rejected the review because they couldn’t login to my application. They said that when they tap on the username textfield, the keyboard doesn’t show up (They provided a screenshot and I have noted that they are using a simulator for testing).
I have being researching that there is a bug on the iOS Simulator, and the way to fix the problem is to Toggle the Software Keyboard, or uncheck the "Connect Hardware Keyboard".
I have a lot of back and forth messages with Apple, trying to explain this, but they replied that it still not working.
Honestly, I am not sure they followed the Keyboard steps. As far as I know, it works as expected on phisical devices, and in iOS Simulator when you toggle the keyboard.
Is there any solution, or another way to tackle this problem?
This is a well known bug that can be circumvented in two ways.
Press CMD + K and then click into the field.
Disable "Slow Animations" which can be found under "Debug" -> "Slow Animations". For me, that permanently fixes the issue. Shortcut is: CMD + T
Regarding Apple's rejection:
Tell Apple, that this is a known Bug ONLY for the simulator, and that they should disable slow animations and press CMD + K (twice).
Why don't you use one of these events on the text inpu:
keyup, keydown, keypress, input
and then use this plugin and explicitly show/hide the keyboard?
You need to add the following line to config.xml:
<preference name="KeyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction" value="false" />
so that the keyboard will show in iOS when a text input is tapped.
(Note that Android does not require this additional config.)
You may also need to focus into the field with JavaScript directly; declare an ElementRef:
#ViewChild('elemName') yourField: ElementRef;
and then focus into its native element element:

Xcode Instruments 8.3 Display Settings button missing

In the latest version of Instruments 8.3 the display settings button has been removed and replaced by the File->Record settings dialog.
When using the allocation tools I now can no longer activate Automatic Snapshotting, because the option is gone from the right panel and the record options dialog is only showing the value for the allocation tool but not for the vm tracker. Record options dialog
Does anybody know where the option has been moved to?
Many thanks
Many of the display settings have been moved to the bottom of the trace document window. To answer your question about automatic snapshots for the VM Tracker instrument, start by selecting the VM Tracker instrument from the instrument list.
At the bottom of the trace document window is a Snapshots button. Click the button and a popover opens for you to turn on automatic snapshots.

How to prevent debugger bar from appearing in Xcode 7?

The problem
I'm not sure how to prevent the debugger bar from appearing/disappearing for certain files. This is an issue that has occurred ever since I started using Xcode 7.
Why it is a problem
Two to three lines are selected in the editor after I tap in it, to switch from/to the assistant editor, as show in the attached image below.
Here is what I know about the issue so far:
I've looked online, and found no information on the issue.
The issue still occurs if I elect to show the Assistant Editor on the right.
Some files do not cause the debugger to show.
Even if I choose to hide the debugger in Behaviors, the issue still occurs.
If I use the activation button to show the debugger, and then try to drag it down, the bar sticks at the bottom, and does not disappear.
For files that don't show the debugger bar, I'm able to drag the debugger down and it hides completely.
This does not happen on Xcode 6.4.
This occurs on both OSX and iOS projects.
Ideal Solution
I'm looking for a way to hide the debugger completely, so that the editor doesn't freak out and select lines when I tap inside it. Any help is greatly appreciated!
After more experimenting in Xcode, I found a fix.
Here are the steps for anyone else who is having the same issue:
Delete the UI Testing target
If you are using UI Testing in the project, then re-create the UI Test target, and files will no longer show the debugger bar.
I went through a lot of permutations before finding this, and nothing else had any effect. However, I'm not sure how long this fix will last, since whatever bug in Xcode caused it to occur in the first place could cause it to surface again. This is especially true for projects that have a large amount of UI Testing.
The debugger bar does reappear for a new file, even after adding the UI Testing target had been removed and re-created for the project. This happens even if the new file isn't a view object.
The Xcode debugging tools are integrated throughout the Xcode main window but are primarily located in the Debug area, the debug navigator, the breakpoint navigator, and the source editor. The debugging UI is dynamic; it reconfigures as you build and run your app. To customize how Xcode displays portions of the UI, choose Xcode Preferences > Behaviors.

How can I maximize the editor pane in IntelliJ IDEA?

In Eclipse, I can type Ctrl+M or click the maximize icon in the editor pane to make the editor pane take up the entire Eclipse window, and then again to restore the pane back to its previous size exposing the other panes.
Is it possible to perform the equivalent in IntelliJ IDEA?
To clarify, I'm asking about hiding all other tool panes to show only the editor pane. I'm not asking how to go to distraction-free mode, because this is mode is completely "full screen", hiding all toolbars, window decorations, etc.
The closest thing would be to hide all tool windows by invoking the Hide All Tool Windows action. The shortcut for that is Ctrl + Shift + F12 (Default keymap).
This will hide all tool windows, effectively maximizing the editor window (though not full screen). The IntelliJ menu bar, toolbar, breadcrumb and tab bar will still be visible.
I'm using IntelliJ 11.1.2 on Kubuntu 12.04 LTS with the Default keymap.
14.0.3 on MacOS X
It's Cmd + Shift + F12 in IntelliJ IDEA 14.0.3 on MacOS X.
UPDATE on 2015-03-24:
IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 now has support for Distraction Free Mode. You can invoke it by clicking View > Enter Distraction Free Mode. In this mode, IntelliJ hides everything but the menu. For more details, follow their video detailing the new feature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVwE8MFgYig.
If you want to maximize a pane , select that pane (by clicking inside or on its title bar) and then use the shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+Quotes"
You can double click anywhere on the tab title bar of the editor pane.
All answers work for only hiding other tools. If you have more than one editor pane and you want to maximize only one editor pane (hide all tolls and hide all other editor panes), it is not possible right now.
PyCharm version: 2018.2.7
I use Ctrl-Shift-F12("Hide All Windows") toggle between maximum and normal modes of the editor.
Using IntelliJ 14.1.5
If you want to maximize the editor window AND full-screen the app, you can create a macro with the following two commands:
Toggle Full Screen Mode
Hide All Tool Windows
And then assign a hotkey to the macro. Here's how I did this:
File > Settings > Keymap
Use the search bar to search for the two commands above. Assign obscure hotkeys to those.
Edit > Macros > Start macro recording
Hit the two obscure hotkeys you just assigned: this should max the editor and full-screen the app
Stop recording. Name the macro
Open File > Settings > Keymap again. Find the Macros section, find your macro, assign a nice hotkey to it.
I just assigned ^M(ctrl+M) to Main menu | Window | Active Tool Window | Hide All Tool Windows under preferences(by clicking cmd,). This worked for me exactly like eclipse.
something similar can be achieved by opening your tab in a new window.
The default hotkey for that is shift+f4.
the editor tab remains in the main app window as well, and the new window appears on top of the main app window.
This has already been answered, but since when I google "android studio maximize tab" this is the first answer I see, I'm going to add my two cents.
I hate the keyboard shortcuts since, at any given time, I have 1 hand on my keyboard and 1 hand on my mouse. Having to let go of my mouse to hit a 3-key combination to maximize the current tab is not a shortcut. What I was looking for was an Eclipse-style behavior: double-click the tab to maximize. Here's how to do that:
In Android Studio, under Preferences, go to Keymap->Main Menu->Window->Active Tool Window. Right-click the "Maximize tool window" mapping and select "Add mouse shortcut."
For "Click Count" pick "Double Click" and then double-click on the "Click Pad" mouse icon.
Click OK out of the menus and you should now be able to double-click on any tab and it will be maximized. Double-clicking again will minimize it.
Coming from Eclipse to IntelliJ, this was one of the most frustrating aspects I've had to deal with.
full screen plugin is availble for IntelliJ Idea...
If you need to use the same shortcut like Eclipse Ctrl+M, to minimize/maximize the active editor window,
You can follow the below steps:
Open (File > Settings...) or click ( Ctrl+Alt+s )
Select Keymap
Search for "Hide All Tool Windows"
Change the default shortcut to Ctrl+M
Then you will be able to use the same shortcut as Eclipse.
This is quite an old question and the distraction free mode wasn't exactly what I wanted. This is because it does not hide other editor windows. With 2021.1 EAP this issue has been resolved and maximising the editor hides all other editors but the active one.
For people using IdeaVim trying to emulate the <leader> z behavior of tmux, you can use the following mapping:
map <leader>zz <Action>(MaximizeEditorInSplit)
I searched for something like ctrl+b zin tmux. For me, the similar task solved by key combination shift+f4. It opens your tab in the separated window (which can be closed as usual, alt+f4). My PyCharm version:
PyCharm 2019.2 (Professional Edition)
Build #PY-192.5728.105, built on July 23, 2019
Runtime version: 11.0.3+12-b304.10 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows 10 10.0
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 725M
Cores: 8
Non-Bundled Plugins:
