Create an Array of Senders in Contiki - contiki

I'm trying to create an array of IP addresses where I can store only the value of the senders as the following:
linkaddr_t sender;
sender.u8[0] = UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr.u8[15];
I checked the linkaddr_t type and found:
typedef union {
unsigned char u8[LINKADDR_SIZE];
uint16_t u16;
#endif /* LINKADDR_SIZE == 2 */
} linkaddr_t;
I tried to create an array with different types but nothing worked. One of the things I tried is:
uint8_t Array[];
Array[i] = (int8_t)sender;
Can you please advise me what type should I use for the array to store the senders.
Many Thanks


Converting the result from JSON GENERATE to EBCDIC

For one of my requirements I need the JSON GENERATE function in COBOL 6. My problem is, that it returns UTF-8, but I need the data in EBCDIC (CCSID 1140). Is there a way to convert this? Every solution I found uses national data types, but I have to use the NODBCS compiler option, so those don't work.
I do apologize for not first asking a question (but I am too new to StackOverflow to allow that.) The question would be "do you have C++ and can you link C++ with your COBOL?" I just tried this program:
#include <iconv.h>
class myConv
static myConv globalConv;
size_t conv(char ** restrict f, unsigned int * restrict flen,
char ** restrict t, unsigned int * restrict tlen)
if (ok_)
return iconv(cd_, f, flen, t, tlen);
return (size_t)-1;
cd_ = iconv_open("1047", // EBCDID
"1208"); // UTF-8
ok_ = (cd_ != (iconv_t)-1);
// possibly indicate what the error is
if (ok_)
if (iconv_close(cd_) != 0)
// possibly indicate what the error is
bool ok_;
iconv_t cd_;
myConv myConv::globalConv;
extern "C" bool CNV(char * f, unsigned int flen,
char * t, unsigned int tlen)
return myConv::globalConv.conv(&f, &flen,
&t, &tlen) != (size_t)-1;
and the COBOL call looked like this:
json generate result from grp
call "CNV" using by reference result,
by value length of result,
by reference convertedres,
by value length of convertedres,
returning cres
and cres is a PIC S9(9) COMP data item which will have a non-zero value of the conversion succeeded.
Again, I apologize for not first asking if C++ is a possibility. (Or even C. The code could be easily done in C.) Also, the result is not quite perfect owing to the JSON GENERATE result being zero filled.

Converting NSStrings to C chars and calling a C function from Objective-C

I'm in an Objective-C method with various NSStrings that I want to pass to a C function. The C function requires a struct object be malloc'd so that it can be passed in - this struct contains char fields. So the struct is defined like this:
struct libannotate_baseManual {
char *la_bm_code; // The base code for this manual (pointer to malloc'd memory)
char *la_bm_effectiveRevisionId; // The currently effective revision ID (pointer to malloc'd memory or null if none effective)
char **la_bm_revisionId; // The null-terminated list of revision IDs in the library for this manual (pointer to malloc'd array of pointers to malloc'd memory)
This struct is then used in the following C function definition:
void libannotate_setManualLibrary(struct libannotate_baseManual **library) { ..
So that's the function I need to call from Objective-C.
So I have various NSStrings that I basically want to pass in there, to represent the chars - la_bm_code, la_bm_effectiveRevisionId, la_bm_revision. I could convert those to const chars by using [NSString UTF8String], but I need chars, not const chars.
Also I need to do suitable malloc's for these fields, though apparently I don't need to worry about freeing the memory afterwards. C is not my strong point, though I know Objective-C well.
strdup() is your friend here as that both malloc()s and strcpy()s for you in one simple step. It's memory is also released using free() and it does your const char * to char * conversion for you!
NSString *code = ..., *effectiveRevId = ..., *revId = ...;
struct libannotate_baseManual *abm = malloc(sizeof(struct libannotate_baseManual));
abm->la_bm_code = strdup([code UTF8String]);
abm->la_bm_effectiveRevisionId = strdup([effectiveRevId UTF8String]);
const unsigned numRevIds = 1;
abm->la_bm_effectiveRevisionId = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (numRevIds + 1));
abm->la_bm_effectiveRevisionId[0] = strdup([revId UTF8String]);
abm->la_bm_effectiveRevisionId[1] = NULL;
const unsigned numAbms = 1;
struct libannotate_baseManual **abms = malloc(sizeof(struct libannotate_baseManual *) * (numAbms + 1));
abms[0] = abm;
abms[1] = NULL;
Good luck, you'll need it. It's one of the worst interfaces I've ever seen.

Objective-C how to convert a keystroke to ASCII character code?

I need to find a way to convert an arbitrary character typed by a user into an ASCII representation to be sent to a network service. My current approach is to create a lookup dictionary and send the corresponding code. After creating this dictionary, I see that it is hard to maintain and determine if it is complete:
__asciiKeycodes[#"F1"] = #(112);
__asciiKeycodes[#"F2"] = #(113);
__asciiKeycodes[#"F3"] = #(114);
__asciiKeycodes[#"a"] = #(97);
__asciiKeycodes[#"b"] = #(98);
__asciiKeycodes[#"c"] = #(99);
Is there a better way to get ASCII character code from an arbitrary key typed by a user (using standard 104 keyboard)?
Objective C has base C primitive data types. There is a little trick you can do. You want to set the keyStroke to a char, and then cast it as an int. The default conversion in c from a char to an int is that char's ascii value. Here's a quick example.
char character= 'a';
NSLog("a = %ld", (int)test);
console output = a = 97
To go the other way around, cast an int as a char;
int asciiValue= (int)97;
NSLog("97 = %c", (char)asciiValue);
console output = 97 = a
Alternatively, you can do a direct conversion within initialization of your int or char and store it in a variable.
char asciiToCharOf97 = (char)97; //Stores 'a' in asciiToCharOf97
int charToAsciiOfA = (int)'a'; //Stores 97 in charToAsciiOfA
This seems to work for most keyboard keys, not sure about function keys and return key.
NSString* input = #"abcdefghijklkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890!##$%^&*()_+[]\{}|;':\"\\,./<>?~ ";
for(int i = 0; i<input.length; i ++)
NSLog(#"Found (at %i): %i",i , [input characterAtIndex:i]);
Use stringWithFormat call and pass the int values.

Sizeof const char* wrong value

NSString *lang = #"en";
const char* ar = [lang UTF8String];
int size_of_array = (sizeof ar) / (sizeof ar[0]);
size_of_array is equal to 4 and (sizeof ar) = 4 and sizeof ar[0] = 1.
Why? I think it (size_of_array) has to be 2.
sizeof ar will get the size of the type char *, which is a pointer and so takes 4 bytes in memory. You want to get the length of the string, so use the function strlen instead of sizeof ar
It isn't clear what you are trying to do.
Your third line of code references an array "ar" that isn't declared anywhere in your post, and doesn't seem to relate to the code before it.
Also, the bit sizeof ar[] doesn't make much sense. That will give you the size of a single element in your ar array, whatever that is. So you are taking the size of the pointer variable ar, and dividing it by the size of one element in the ar array.
Are you trying to determine the memory size of the ASCII string lang_ch?
If so, then you want
int size_of_array = strlen(lang_ch) + 1;
That will give you the length of the string you get back, including the null terminator.

CFNumber macro for constants

Pretty sure the answer is No on this one, but it's painful enough I have to ask: Is there a CFNumber equivalent to CFString's CFSTR macro? To avoid this sort of thing:
char one = 1;
CFNumberRef cfONE = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberCharType, &one);
if (cfONE != NULL) {
... finally I can compare something to the number 1! ...
} else {
// not likely, but possible, if you really want to be conservative
Note that I'm not using Objective-C in this particular code.
If you plan on using this function multiple times, you could the static modifier and stop worrying about deallocation:
static CFNumberRef cfONE = NULL;
if (cfONE == NULL) {
static char one = 1;
cfONE = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberCharType, &one);
assert (cfONE != NULL); // Oh no, destroy the world!
// ... finally I can compare something to the number 1! ...
So long as you have static, the static analyzer will leave you alone on the leak issue since it is an expected constant size memory allocation, O(1) rather than O(n) where n is the number of executions.
There are several ways to make this a macro. I came up with this lazy one:
#define CFNUMDEF(name, type, numberType, value) \
static CFNumberRef name = NULL; \
if ( name == NULL) { \
static type val = value ;\
name = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, numberType , &val);\
assert ( name != NULL); \
CFNUMDEF(cfONE, char, kCFNumberCharType, 1);
// ... finally I can compare something to the number 1! ...
CFSTR is a little different from your case
CFSTR() allows creation of compile-time constant CFStringRefs; the argument
should be a constant C-string.
CFSTR(), not being a "Copy" or "Create" function, does not return a new
reference for you. So, you should not release the return value. This is
much like constant C or Pascal strings --- when you use "hello world"
in a program, you do not free it.
Where as the object you create with CFNumberCreate will be owned by the caller so you may still want to keep the word create in the name to make this clear.
You could always make a helper function just to avoid passing the same arguments over and over
CFNumberRef PSNumberCreateWithChar(x)
return CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberCharType, &x);
CFNumberRef and NSNumber are toll free bridged so you can use the NSNumber literal syntax and cast the result.
