I have a depth video stream (grayscale) of a pen and pen-like objects. Since they are mostly of an ellipse shape, I want to fit an ellipse using PCA and get real-time output of ellipse angles.
The final goal is to estimate object(ellipse) orientation with respect x-y coordinate system.
Here are the image samples:
Depth Image
I have read this paper on using PCA for ellipse fitting but I am not sure how to apply it.
I am attempting camera calibration from a single RGB image (panorama) given 3D pointcloud
The methods that I have considered all require an intrinsic properties matrix (which I have no access to)
The intrinsic properties matrix can be estimated using the Bouguet’s camera calibration Toolbox, but as I have said, I have a single image only and a single point cloud for that image.
So, knowing 2D image coordinates, extrinsic properties, and 3D world coordinates, how can the intrinsic properties be estimated?
It would seem that the initCameraMatrix2D function from the OpenCV (https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/calib3d/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.html) works in the same way as the Bouguet’s camera calibration Toolbox and requires multiple images of the same object
I am looking into the Direct linear transformation DLT and Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm with implementations https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gDW9zRmd0jF_7tHPqM0RgChBWz-dwPe1
but it would seem that both use the pinhole camera model and therefore find linear transformation between 3D and 2D points
I can't find my half year old source code, but from top of my head
cx, cy is optical centre which is width/2, height/2 in pixels
fx=fy is focal length in pixels (distance from camera to image plane or axis of rotation)
If you know that image distance from camera to is for example 30cm and it captures image that has 16x10cm and 1920x1200 pixels, size of pixel is 100mm/1200=1/12mm and camera distance (fx,fy) would be 300mm*12px/1mm=3600px and image centre is cx=1920/2=960, cy=1200/2=600. I assume that pixels are square and camera sensor is centered at optical axis.
You can get focal lenght from image size in pixels and measured angle of view.
I have two images, one is the result of applying an affine transform to the other.
I can register them using homography by extracting the points using the ORB_create function in OpenCV.
However, I want to calculate the Affine matrix needed for this transformation.
is there any way of doing it simply by having the two images?
Detect a rotated rectangle and use its corners to get your transformation matrix
Use : getPerspectiveTransform or getAffineTransform
Edit: regarding rotated rectangle detection :
Please check this Opencv tutorial on how to find contours and detect rotated rectangles Creating Bounding rotated boxes and ellipses for contours
I am currently implementing HOG in Matlab, but I don't understand the binning, especially the trilinear interpolation part.
What I understood is, that each pixel in a cell is dropped into a bin to form the histogram for this cell. But that's all I understand atm.
How is the magnitude computed?
What are the edges of the cube, and what are the 3D coordinates for one pixel?
Wikipedia describes the gradient (in the context of images) and shows how to obtain its x and y coordinates.
How is the magnitude computed?
r = sqrt(x*x+y*y)
what are the 3D coordinates for one pixel?
When computing the gradient, the image is considered as a height map. For a pixel at a position (x,y) with a gray scale value z it represents the height map 3D position (x,y,z).
A gradient at (x,y,z) has an orientation and magnitude. The histogram is a discretization of all possible orientations into bins. For example with 8 bins, all orientations from 0 to 45 degrees will be associated to the same bin.
The selection of bins is based on the gradient orientation and a weight is added to the bin based on the magnitude.
Wikipedia describes the steps of HOG and gives details pointers in the original paper.
I am implementing shape descriptors based classification. I have already implemented convex hull, code chain and fourier and getting successful results. Now I am trying to find polar shape matrix. The image below shows an example. If more than half pixels in a sector are of the shape, then I store it as 1, else 0. Now my problem is, how do I scan the sectors?
Image shows an example of polar shape coordinates.
Try to find the approximative shapes that containing invariant measures. Then you compare by these measures that preserve the same value under geometric deformations.
For example a triangle you can find a ratio of length as invariant if you don't have complex deformation (Euclidean), or a barycenteric coordinates if you have affine deformation (see this paper it may be useful : ), and a cross ratio could be for the most complex deformation (projectivity), see this pages also for cross ratio
I have a dataset of images with faces. I also have for each face within the dataset a set of 66 2D points that correspond to my face landmarks(nose, eyes, shape of my face, mouth).
So basically I have the shape of my face in terms of 2D points from my image.
Do you know any algorithm that I can use and that can rotate my shape so that the face shape is straight? Let's say that the pan angle is 30 degrees and I want it rotated to 30 degrees so that it is positioned at 0 degrees on the pan angle. I have illustrated bellow what I want to say.
Basically you can consider the above illustrated shapes outlines for my images, which are represented in 2D. I want to rotate my first shape points so that they can look like the second shape. A shape is made out of a set of 66 2D points which are basically pixel coordinates. All I want to do is to find the correspondence of each of those 66 points so that the new shape is rotated with a certain degree on the pan angle.
From your question, I can assume you either have the rotation parameters (e.g. degrees in x,y) or the point correspondences (since you have a database of matched points). Thus you either need to apply or estimate (and apply) a 2D similarity transformation for image alignment/registration. See also the response on this question: face alignment algorithm on images
From rotation angle and to new point locations: You can define a 2D rotation matrix R and transform your point coordinates with it.
From point correspondences between shape A and Shape B to rotation: Estimate a 2D similarity transform (image alignment) using 3 or more matching points.
From either rotation or point correspondences to warped image: From the similarity transform, map image values (accounting for interpolation or non-values) using the underlying coordinate transformation for the entire image grid.
(image courtesy of Denis Simakov, AAM Slides)
Most of these are already implemented in OpenCV and MATLAB. See also the background and relevant methods around Active Shape and Active Appearance Models (Tim Cootes page includes binaries and background material).