field 'day' missing in date table in Lua - plantweb optics - lua

Summary of issue
Facing field 'day' missing in date table issue while adding days to timestamp extracted as an object.
my try
I have converted object to string and then adding the days to the timestamp, no use.
local my_obj = syslib.getobject(myPath)
local my_ts = tostring(my_obj)
local y, m, d, Hr, Min, Sec, Milli = my_ts:match '(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+).(%d+)'
local new_ts = os.time({ year = y, month = m, day = d, hour = Hr, min = Min, sec = Sec }) + 1*24*60*60
local next_time = string.format("%s.%03d","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", new_ts), Milli)
syslib.setvalue(my_obj, next_time)
Please help


add days to given timestamp (YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.sss) in lua script

I would like to add 1 day to given timestamp in lua script.
My try
local creation_date = "2016-01-01 00:00:00.000"
local y, m, d, Hr, Min, Sec, Milli = creation_date:match '(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+).(%d+)'
local dt = y .. '-' .. m .. '-'..d.. ' '..Hr..':'..Min..'-'..Sec..'.'..Milli
local new_ts = os.time
{ year = y, month = m, day = d,
hour = Hr, min = Min, sec = Sec, mill=Milli } + 1*24*60*60
I am getting new_ts = 1452470400
Expected result
2016-01-01 00:01:00.000 (in this format only)
The closest you may be able to get is something like this:
local creation_date = "2016-01-01 00:00:00.000"
local y, m, d, Hr, Min, Sec, Milli = creation_date:match '(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+).(%d+)'
local dt = y .. '-' .. m .. '-'..d.. ' '..Hr..':'..Min..'-'..Sec..'.'..Milli
local new_ts = os.time { year = y, month = m, day = d, hour = Hr, min = Min, sec = Sec } + 1*24*60*60
print(string.format("%s.%03d","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", new_ts), Milli))
The Mill entry in the table that you pass on to os.time() is being ignored, and the resulting value doesn't provide millisecond precision, so there's no point in including it. To get the format you desire, you need with an appropriate format, and then you can append the milliseconds to that again, manually.
With that, it looks like this:
$ lua script.lua
2016-01-01 00:00-00.000
2016-01-02 00:00:00.000
With the suggestion from #Nifim it can be simplified further, confirmed by the documentation
When the function is called, the values in these fields do not need to be inside their valid ranges. For instance, if sec is -10, it means 10 seconds before the time specified by the other fields; if hour is 1000, it means 1000 hours after the time specified by the other fields. - Lua 5.4 Reference Manual: os.time
local creation_date = "2016-01-31 00:00:00.000"
local y, m, d, Hr, Min, Sec, Milli = creation_date:match '(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+).(%d+)'
local dt = y .. '-' .. m .. '-'..d.. ' '..Hr..':'..Min..'-'..Sec..'.'..Milli
local new_ts = os.time { year = y, month = m, day = d + 1, hour = Hr, min = Min, sec = Sec }
print(string.format("%s.%03d","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", new_ts), Milli))
$ lua script.lua
2016-01-31 00:00-00.000
2016-02-01 00:00:00.000

How to convert a string timestamp into an array in Lua (or other languages)

I'm having this problem for a while and I can't find a good way to resolve it. So I have a timestamp like this for example : local t = "00:00:0.031" and I'm trying to convert it into an array like this :
local ft = {
hours = 0,
minutes = 0,
seconds = 0,
milliseconds = 31
This is pretty much the same no matter the language so if you have an idea on how to solve this but don't know Lua you can submit your answer anyway in any language. I tried solving it myself using regex and I'm quite sure it's possible this way...
Thank you for the interest to my question, have a good day (:
You could use string.match to extract the substrings in a first place. In a second time, you could use the function tonumber to convert it into numbers.
function ParseTimestampString (TimestampString)
local Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds = string.match(TimestampString, "(%d+)%:(%d+)%:(%d+)%.(%d+)")
local Result
if Hours and Minutes and Seconds and Milliseconds then
Result = {
hours = tonumber(Hours),
minutes = tonumber(Minutes),
seconds = tonumber(Seconds),
milliseconds = tonumber(Milliseconds)
return Result
With the following code, you could get the results you want:
Result = ParseTimestampString("00:00:0.031")
This should returns:
> Result = ParseTimestampString("00:00:0.031")
> print(Result.hours)
> print(Result.minutes)
> print(Result.seconds)
> print(Result.milliseconds)
Here is a not bad way using string.gmatch which is splitting by regex in Lua. Here the value is being split by either ":" or ".". Then there is a counter in place to match the index for the resulting table.
local t = "00:00:0.031"
local ft = {
hours = 0,
minutes = 0,
seconds = 0,
milliseconds = 0
local count = 1
for str in string.gmatch(t, "([^:|.]+)") do
ft[count] = tonumber(str)
count = count + 1
You can do a printing loop afterwards to check the results
for i = 1, 4 do
The main problem I have found with my solution is that it does not save the values under the keys listed but instead the numbers 1 2 3 4.
My Simplest Answer Will Be Just Split the given string by your regex, in This Case For HOUR:MIN:SEC.MS
first Split By (:) To Get HOUR MIN & SEC+MS, Then Split SEC+MS by (.) To separate Both seconds And milliseconds
Below is my answer in java
import java.util.*;
class timeX {
long hours = 0,
minutes = 0,
seconds = 0,
milliseconds = 31;
//Convert Given Time String To Vars
timeX(String input) {
//Split Input By (:) For Hour, Minutes & Seconds+Miliseconds
String[] splitted=input.split(":");
//Split Again For Seconds And Miliseconds By (.)
String[] splittedMandS=splitted[2].split("\\.");
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
timeX tmp = new timeX("30:20:2.031");
System.out.println("H: "+tmp.hours+" M: "+tmp.minutes+" S: "+tmp.seconds+" MS: "+tmp.milliseconds);
With Lua you can do...
The can be a format tool for seconds.
...but depends on Operating System.
This works on Linux but not (as i know so far) on MS-Windows.
print('%H:%M:%S',0-3600)) -- puts out: 00:00:00
print('%H:%M:%S',300-3600)) -- puts out: 00:05:00
Also it can output the date/time as a table.
> tshow=function(tab) for k,v in pairs(tab) do print(k,'=',v) end end
> tshow('*t'))
day = 4
year = 2021
month = 11
hour = 11
yday = 308
isdst = false
min = 23
wday = 5
sec = 51
...and unfortunally it has no milliseconds.
If the table output of is saved as a table...
> os.time(ttable)
Thu Nov 4 11:27:52 2021
...then its key/value pairs can be used for: os.time()
Further code do nearly what you expect when in ttable key 1 is your time with milliseconds as a string...
local tshow=function(tab) for k,v in pairs(tab) do print(k,'=',v) end end
local'*t') -- Create a time table
ttable[1]='0:0:0.31' -- Numbered keys in sequence are ignored by os.tim()
ttable[2]=ttable[1]:gsub('(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)[.](%d+)','return {year=ttable.year,month=ttable.month,,hour=%1,min=%2,sec=%3,milliseconds=%4}')
-- That creates ttable[2] with the value:
--- return {year=ttable.year,month=ttable.month,,hour=0,min=0,sec=0,milliseconds=31}
-- Lets convert it now to a table with...
-- Using tshow() to look inside
That will output...
milliseconds = 31
day = 4
year = 2021
hour = 0
month = 11
min = 0
sec = 0
And this will put it out formated with
-- Output: 00:00:00.31

Can I use to convert seconds to time format?

I need a simple function to convert seconds into a time string that humans can read to represent the countdown. I can get the results what I need through very intuitive mathematical calculations, but not elegant enough.
Then I noticed that there is a function named, but I can't get the result I want, what is wrong with my calling, here is my code:
#!usr/bin/env lua
local function getDate1(sec)
local days = math.floor(sec / 86400)
local hours = math.floor((sec % 86400) / 3600)
local minutes = math.floor((sec % 3600) / 60)
local seconds = math.floor(sec % 60)
return days, hours, minutes, seconds
local function getDate2(sec)
local date ="*t", sec)
return date["day"], date["hour"], date["min"], date["sec"]
local function printDate(d, h, m, s)
print(string.format("%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", d, h, m, s))
function main()
11 13:46:39
12 21:46:39
local function getDate2(sec)
local date ="!*t", sec)
return date["day"]-1, date["hour"], date["min"], date["sec"]

How to convert string time to unix?

I'm creating an administrating tool and I need to convert string type like that: '1y2m3d4h5mi6s' to unixtime (seconds) in Lua. How can I make this?
I expect the output of StrToTime("1d") to be 86400.
function StrToTime(time_as_string)
local dt = {year = 2000, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0}
local time0 = os.time(dt)
local units = {y="year", m="month", d="day", h="hour", mi="min", s="sec", w="7day"}
for num, unit in time_as_string:gmatch"(%d+)(%a+)" do
local factor, field = units[unit]:match"^(%d*)(%a+)$"
dt[field] = dt[field] + tonumber(num) * (tonumber(factor) or 1)
return os.time(dt) - time0
print(StrToTime("1d")) -- 86400
print(StrToTime("1d1s")) -- 86401
print(StrToTime("1w1d1s")) -- 691201
print(StrToTime("1w1d")) -- 691200
Code snippet converting your date string to seconds
local testDate = '2019y2m8d15h0mi42s'
local seconds = string.gsub(
function(y, mon, d, h, min, s)
return os.time{
year = tonumber(y),
month = tonumber(mon),
day = tonumber(d),
hour = tonumber(h),
min = tonumber(min),
sec = tonumber(s)
You can also write a local function, I think it's a bit better to read.
local function printTime(y, mon, d, h, min, s)
local res = os.time{
year = tonumber(y),
month = tonumber(mon),
day = tonumber(d),
hour = tonumber(h),
min = tonumber(min),
sec = tonumber(s)
return res
local testDate = '2019y2m8d15h0mi42s'
local seconds = string.gsub(

Find weekday of a date given the month start weekday

If X = weekday that the month started on (for example, this month would be 4, or Wednesday)
Y = some other day of the month (for example, 21)
Find Z, which is the weekday (1-7) of Y
I thought this would work:
Z = (Y-X) % 7
In the example above Z = (21-4) % 7 = 3, which is correct (Oct. 21st is a Tuesday)
But it fails for November 8th: Z = (8-7) % 7 = 1, incorrect because Nov. 8th is a Saturday (weekday=7).
So what would be a robust formula for this?
Note - I know there are NSDate utilities for finding the weekday of a date, but in this case all I know is X,Y as given above.
It is hard to use modular arithmetic if you don't start counting from zero.
So let's define some new variables:
W = X - 1 = the weekday number, where W = 0 means Sunday
D = Y - 1 = the day of the month, starting with 0
Then W + D is the weekday number (Sunday = 0) of day D, if W + D < 7.
So take (W + D) mod 7 to get the weekday number of day D. Add 1 to convert back to Sunday = 1, so ((W + D) mod 7) + 1.
Substitute the definitions of W and D.
Weekday number of day X (where Sunday = 1) = ((X - 1 + Y - 1) mod 7) + 1 = ((X + Y - 2) mod 7) + 1.
