How to use cosine similarity within triplet loss - machine-learning

The triplet loss is defined as follows:
L(A, P, N) = max(‖f(A) - f(P)‖² - ‖f(A) - f(N)‖² + margin, 0)
where A=anchor, P=positive, and N=negative are the data samples in the loss, and margin is the minimum distance between the anchor and positive/negative samples.
I read somewhere that (1 - cosine_similarity) may be used instead of the L2 distance.
Note that I am using Tensorflow - and the cosine similarity loss is defined that When it is a negative number between -1 and 0, 0 indicates orthogonality and values closer to -1 indicate greater similarity. The values closer to 1 indicate greater dissimilarity. So, it is the opposite of cosine similarity metric.
Any suggestions on how to write my triplet loss with cosine similarity?
All good stuff in the answers (comments and answers). Based on all the hints - this is working ok for me:
self.margin = 1
self.loss = tf.keras.losses.CosineSimilarity(axis=1)
ap_distance = self.loss(anchor, positive)
an_distance = self.loss(anchor, negative)
loss = tf.maximum(ap_distance - an_distance + self.margin, 0.0)
I would like to eventually use the tensorflow addon loss as #pygeek pointed out but I haven't figured out how to pass the data yet.
To use it standalone - one must do something like this:
cosine_similarity = tf.keras.metrics.CosineSimilarity()
cosine_similarity.update_state(anch_prediction, other_prediction)
similarity = cosine_similarity.result().numpy()
pytorch cosine embedding layer
tensorflow cosine similarity implmentation
tensorflow triplet loss hard/soft margin

First of all, Cosine_distance = 1 - cosine_similarity. The distance and similarity are different. This is not correctly mentioned in some of the answers!
Secondly, you should look at the TensorFlow code on how the cosine similarity loss is implemented, which is different from PyTorch!!
Finally, I suggest you use existing loss: You should replace the || ... ||^2 with tf.losses.cosineDistance(...).

I am guessing that what you red about replacing L2 with cosine origins from the definition of cosine between two vectors:
cos(f(A), f(P)) = f(A) * f(P)/(‖f(A)‖*‖f(P)‖)
where dot product along the feature dimension is implied in the above. Next, note that
[1 - cos(f(A), f(P))]*‖f(A)‖*‖f(P)‖ = ‖f(A) - f(P)‖² - (‖f(A)‖ - ‖f(P)‖)²
which gives a hint on where the notion comes from when ‖f(A)‖ = ‖f(P)‖. So your formula can be naturally changed to
L(A, P, N) = max(cos(f(A), f(N)) - cos(f(A), f(P)) + margin, 0)
Your margin parameter should be adjusted accordingly. Here is some Tensorflow code to compute the cosines for vectors
def cos(A, B):
return tf.reduce_sum(A*B, axis=-1)/tf.norm(A, axis=-1)/tf.norm(B, axis=-1)
Whenever this loss would benefit your particular problem depends on the problem, so good luck with your experiments.


How does pytorch backprop through argmax?

I'm building Kmeans in pytorch using gradient descent on centroid locations, instead of expectation-maximisation. Loss is the sum of square distances of each point to its nearest centroid. To identify which centroid is nearest to each point, I use argmin, which is not differentiable everywhere. However, pytorch is still able to backprop and update weights (centroid locations), giving similar performance to sklearn kmeans on the data.
Any ideas how this is working, or how I can figure this out within pytorch? Discussion on pytorch github suggests argmax is not differentiable:
Example code below (on random pts):
import numpy as np
import torch
num_pts, batch_size, n_dims, num_clusters, lr = 1000, 100, 200, 20, 1e-5
# generate random points
vector = torch.from_numpy(np.random.rand(num_pts, n_dims)).float()
# randomly pick starting centroids
idx = np.random.choice(num_pts, size=num_clusters)
kmean_centroids = vector[idx][:,None,:] # [num_clusters,1,n_dims]
kmean_centroids = torch.tensor(kmean_centroids, requires_grad=True)
for t in range(4001):
# get batch
idx = np.random.choice(num_pts, size=batch_size)
vector_batch = vector[idx]
distances = vector_batch - kmean_centroids # [num_clusters, #pts, #dims]
distances = torch.sum(distances**2, dim=2) # [num_clusters, #pts]
# argmin
membership = torch.min(distances, 0)[1] # [#pts]
# cluster distances
cluster_loss = 0
for i in range(num_clusters):
subset = torch.transpose(distances,0,1)[membership==i]
if len(subset)!=0: # to prevent NaN
cluster_loss += torch.sum(subset[:,i])
with torch.no_grad():
kmean_centroids -= lr * kmean_centroids.grad
As alvas noted in the comments, argmax is not differentiable. However, once you compute it and assign each datapoint to a cluster, the derivative of loss with respect to the location of these clusters is well-defined. This is what your algorithm does.
Why does it work? If you had only one cluster (so that the argmax operation didn't matter), your loss function would be quadratic, with minimum at the mean of the data points. Now with multiple clusters, you can see that your loss function is piecewise (in higher dimensions think volumewise) quadratic - for any set of centroids [C1, C2, C3, ...] each data point is assigned to some centroid CN and the loss is locally quadratic. The extent of this locality is given by all alternative centroids [C1', C2', C3', ...] for which the assignment coming from argmax remains the same; within this region the argmax can be treated as a constant, rather than a function and thus the derivative of loss is well-defined.
Now, in reality, it's unlikely you can treat argmax as constant, but you can still treat the naive "argmax-is-a-constant" derivative as pointing approximately towards a minimum, because the majority of data points are likely to indeed belong to the same cluster between iterations. And once you get close enough to a local minimum such that the points no longer change their assignments, the process can converge to a minimum.
Another, more theoretical way to look at it is that you're doing an approximation of expectation maximization. Normally, you would have the "compute assignments" step, which is mirrored by argmax, and the "minimize" step which boils down to finding the minimizing cluster centers given the current assignments. The minimum is given by d(loss)/d([C1, C2, ...]) == 0, which for a quadratic loss is given analytically by the means of data points within each cluster. In your implementation, you're solving the same equation but with a gradient descent step. In fact, if you used a 2nd order (Newton) update scheme instead of 1st order gradient descent, you would be implicitly reproducing exactly the baseline EM scheme.
Imagine this:
t = torch.tensor([-0.0627, 0.1373, 0.0616, -1.7994, 0.8853,
-0.0656, 1.0034, 0.6974, -0.2919, -0.0456])
torch.argmax(t).item() # outputs 6
We increase t[0] for some, δ close to 0, will this update the argmax? It will not, so we are dealing with 0 gradients, all the time. Just ignore this layer, or assume it is frozen.
The same is for argmin, or any other function where the dependent variable is in discrete steps.

distance measure used to calculate k nearest neighbour

I am reading about k nearest neighbour, and the distance measure given in the example is as below.
It says Ri is the range of the i-th component. I am confused about which distance measure is used here? I understand Euclidean Distance but this doesn't seem to be it. Could you help to explain what "range of the i-th component" is and which distance measure is this? Many thanks. Please let me know if more information is needed.
Range is difference between max and min of that feature (column) in the training dataset.
You can think about this as L1 norm since we are taking just the absolute distance between the max and min. This is commonly done to normalize the distance calculation across features so that some feature should not dominate the distance calculation.
The formula given is just for the Euclidean Distance, except that the normalization of data is done in place when calculating the distance.
Normalization of data is necessary for KNN because if not done then the features with higher values will be dominant in deciding the output.
The above formula for KNN omits the explicit step of normalization and does it in place while calculating the distance.
NOTE:- Here, i denotes the ith column and not row.
Here, is the actual explanation of the formula,
Ri = ximax - ximin
While normalization we transform each row using the following transformation,
xi = xi / (ximax - ximin)
So, when computing for the distance the formula is effective,
d2 = ((a1 - xmin)-(b1 - xmin))2 / R12 + ((a2 - xmin)-(b2 - xmin))2 / R22 + ... + ((an - xmin)-(bn - xmin))2 / Rn2
which is effectively,
d2 = (a1 - b1)2 / R12 + (a2 - b2)2 / R22 + ... + (an- bn)2 / Rn2
, which is shown in the above image.

Is there an optimizer in keras based on precision or recall instead of loss?

I am developping a segmentation neural network with only two classes, 0 and 1 (0 is the background and 1 the object that I want to find on the image). On each image, there are about 80% of 1 and 20% of 0. As you can see, the dataset is unbalanced and it makes the results wrong. My accuracy is 85% and my loss is low, but that is only because my model is good at finding the background !
I would like to base the optimizer on another metric, like precision or recall which is more usefull in this case.
Does anyone know how to implement this ?
You don't use precision or recall to be optimize. You just track them as valid scores to get the best weights. Do not mix loss, optimizer, metrics and other. They are not meant for the same thing.
def precision(y_true, y_pred, threshold_shift=0.5-THRESHOLD):
# just in case
y_pred = K.clip(y_pred, 0, 1)
# shifting the prediction threshold from .5 if needed
y_pred_bin = K.round(y_pred + threshold_shift)
tp = K.sum(K.round(y_true * y_pred_bin)) + K.epsilon()
fp = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_pred_bin - y_true, 0, 1)))
precision = tp / (tp + fp)
return precision
def recall(y_true, y_pred, threshold_shift=0.5-THRESHOLD):
# just in case
y_pred = K.clip(y_pred, 0, 1)
# shifting the prediction threshold from .5 if needed
y_pred_bin = K.round(y_pred + threshold_shift)
tp = K.sum(K.round(y_true * y_pred_bin)) + K.epsilon()
fn = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true - y_pred_bin, 0, 1)))
recall = tp / (tp + fn)
return recall
def fbeta(y_true, y_pred, beta = 2, threshold_shift=0.5-THRESHOLD):
# just in case
y_pred = K.clip(y_pred, 0, 1)
# shifting the prediction threshold from .5 if needed
y_pred_bin = K.round(y_pred + threshold_shift)
tp = K.sum(K.round(y_true * y_pred_bin)) + K.epsilon()
fp = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_pred_bin - y_true, 0, 1)))
fn = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true - y_pred, 0, 1)))
precision = tp / (tp + fp)
recall = tp / (tp + fn)
beta_squared = beta ** 2
return (beta_squared + 1) * (precision * recall) / (beta_squared * precision + recall)
def model_fit(X,y,X_test,y_test):
1: 1/(np.sum(y) / len(y)),
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(1000, input_shape=(X.shape[1],)))
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adamax',metrics=[fbeta,precision,recall]), y,validation_data=(X_test,y_test), epochs=200, batch_size=50, verbose=2,class_weight = class_weight)
return model
No. To do a 'gradient descent', you need to compute a gradient. For this the function need to be somehow smooth. Precision/recall or accuracy is not a smooth function, it has only sharp edges on which the gradient is infinity and flat places on which the gradient is zero. Hence you can not use any kind of numerical method to find a minimum of such a function - you would have to use some kind of combinatorial optimization and that would be NP-hard.
As others have stated, precision/recall is not directly usable as a loss function. However, better proxy loss functions have been found that help with a whole family of precision/recall related functions (e.g. ROC AUC, precision at fixed recall, etc.)
The research paper Scalable Learning of Non-Decomposable Objectives covers this with a method to sidestep the combinatorial optimization by the use of certain calculated bounds, and some Tensorflow code by the authors is available at the tensorflow/models repository. Additionally, there is a followup question on StackOverflow that has an answer that adapts this into a usable Keras loss function.
Special thanks to Francois Chollet and other participants on the Keras issue thread here that turned up that research paper. You may also find that thread provides other useful insights into the problem at hand.
Having the same problem with an unbalanced dataset, I'd suggest you use the F1 score as the metric of your optimizer.
Andrew Ng teaches that having ONE metric for the model is the simplest (best?) way to train a model. If you have 2 metrics, like precision and recall - it's not clear which one is more important. Trying to set limits on one metric obviously impacts the other metric...
F1 score is the prodigy of recall and precision - it is their harmonic mean.
Keras that I'm using, unfortunately has no implementation of F1 score as a metric, like there is one for accuracy, or many other Keras metrics
I found an implementation of the F1 score as a Keras metric, used at each epoch at:
I've implemented the simple function from the above article and the model trains now on F1 score as its Keras optimizer metric. Results on test: accuracy went down a bit and F1 score went up a lot.
I have the same problem regarding an unbalanced dataset for binary classification and I want to increase the recall sensitivity too. I found out that there is a built-in function for recall in tf.keras and can be used in the compile statement as follow:
from tensorflow.keras.metrics import Recall, Accuracy
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy' , optimizer=opt, metrics=[Accuracy(),Recall()])
The recommended approach to deal with an unbalanced dataset like you have is to use class_weights or sample_weights. See the model fit API for details.
class_weight: Optional dictionary mapping class indices (integers) to a weight (float) value, used for weighting the loss function (during training only). This can be useful to tell the model to "pay more attention" to samples from an under-represented class.
With weights that are inversely proportional to the class frequency the loss will avoid just predicting the background class.
I understand that this is not how you formulated the question but imho it is the most practical approach to the issue you are facing.
I think that the Callbacks and Early Stopping mechanisms provide one with techniques that can lead you as close as possible to what you want to achieve. Please read the following article by Jason Brownlee about Early Stopping (read to the end!):

Confused about sklearn’s implementation of OSVM

I have recently started experimenting with OneClassSVM ( using Sklearn ) for unsupervised learning and I followed
this example .
I apologize for the silly questions But I’m a bit confused about two things :
Should I train my svm on both regular example case as well as the outliers , or the training is on regular examples only ?
Which of labels predicted by the OSVM and represent outliers is it 1 or -1
Once again i apologize for those questions but for some reason i cannot find this documented anyware
As this example you reference is about novelty-detection, the docs say:
novelty detection:
The training data is not polluted by outliers, and we are interested in detecting anomalies in new observations.
Meaning: you should train on regular examples only.
The approach is based on:
Schölkopf, Bernhard, et al. "Estimating the support of a high-dimensional distribution." Neural computation 13.7 (2001): 1443-1471.
Suppose you are given some data set drawn from an underlying probability distribution P and you want to estimate a “simple” subset S of input space such that the probability that a test point drawn from P lies outside of S equals some a priori specied value between 0 and 1.
We propose a method to approach this problem by trying to estimate a function f that is positive on S and negative on the complement.
The above docs also say:
Inliers are labeled 1, while outliers are labeled -1.
This can also be seen in your example code, extracted:
# Generate some regular novel observations
X = 0.3 * np.random.randn(20, 2)
X_test = np.r_[X + 2, X - 2]
# all regular = inliers (defined above)
y_pred_test = clf.predict(X_test)
# -1 = outlier <-> error as assumed to be inlier
n_error_test = y_pred_test[y_pred_test == -1].size

ML Classification - Decision Boundary Algorithm

Given a classification problem in Machine Learning the hypothesis is described as below.
z = θ'x
g(z) = 1 / (1+e^−z)
In order to get our discrete 0 or 1 classification, we can translate the output of the hypothesis function as follows:
The way our logistic function g behaves is that when its input is greater than or equal to zero, its output is greater than or equal to 0.5:
So if our input to g is θTX, then that means:
From these statements we can now say:
If The decision boundary is the line that separates the area where y = 0 and where y = 1 and is created by our hypothesis function:
What part of this relates to the Decision Boundary? Or where does the Decision Boundary algorithm come from?
This is basic logistic regression with a threshold. So your theta' * x is just the vector notation of your weight vector multiplied by your input. If you put that into the logistic function which outputs a value between 0 and 1 exclusively, you'll threshold that value at 0.5. So if it's equal and above this, you'll treat it as a positive sample and as a negative one otherwise.
The classification algorithm is just that simple. The training is a bit more complicated and the goal of it is the find a weight vector theta which satisfies the condition to correctly classify all your labeled data...or at least as much as possible. The way to do this is to minimize a cost function which measures the difference between the output of your function and the expected label. You can do this using gradient descent. I guess, Andrew Ng is teaching this.
Edit: Your classification algorithm is g(theta'x)>=0.5 and g(theta'x)<0.5, so a basic step function.
Courtesy of other posters on a different tech forum.
Solving for theta'*x >= 0 and theta'*x<0 gives the decision boundary. The RHS of the inequality ( i.e. 0) comes from the sigmoid function.
Theta gives you the hypothesis that best fits the training set.
From theta, you can compute the decision boundary - it is the locus of points where (X * theta) = 0, or equivalently where g(X * theta) = 0.5.
