A leetcode problem about Remove Duplicates from Sorted ListCode image
Ive been trying to solve this leetcode problem number 83. I am not able to find the mistake in my code or logic, seems I'am doing some silly mistake.
class Solution {
ListNode* deleteDuplicates(ListNode* head) {
if(head == NULL)
return NULL;
ListNode* p = head;
ListNode* q = head->next;
while(q != NULL){
if(p->val == q->val){
p->next = q->next;
ListNode* temp = q;
q = q->next;
delete temp;
q = q->next;
p = p->next;
return head;
Due to inconsistent indentation, you have the impression that the else block has two statements, but it only has one.
Use braces to make it a statement block.
I am currently trying to formulate a mergeSort mechanism for a singly linked list. Through research and finding consistent ideas about A) a merge sort being the best way to sort a singly linked list, and B) that these are the key components for performing such an operation, I have arrived at this following code. It almost works exactly as intended, but will only return all of the integers larger than the last inputted number. For example, inputting 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 will return 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, but inputting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 will only return 5. I've used random input orders so it's not a problem localised to just inputting the numbers in reverse order, but literally any order. If a number is smaller than the final number, it gets removed from the list in the sort process. I cannot locate the cause for this at all. My original problem was caused by an errant while loop that was stopping the iterations after one go, so once I removed that the merge sort was working, but for this problem I have just described.
Any and all advice or suggestions are more than welcome, and thanks for any input you have. My knowledge of linked lists and recursion isn't the greatest, so I really welcome all input/constructive criticism here.
public Node mergeSort(Node head) {
if (head == null || head.getNext() == null) return head;
Node midpoint = findMidpoint(head);
Node rightliststart = midpoint.getNext();
Node rightlist = mergeSort(rightliststart);
Node sorted = sort(leftlist, rightlist);
return sorted;
public Node findMidpoint(Node head) {
if (head == null) return head;
Node slowpointer = head;
Node fastpointer = slowpointer.getNext();
while (fastpointer != null) {
fastpointer = fastpointer.getNext();
if (fastpointer != null) {
slowpointer = slowpointer.getNext();
fastpointer = fastpointer.getNext();
return slowpointer;
public Node sort(Node one, Node two) {
Node temp = null;
if (one == null) return two;
if (two == null) return one;
if (one.getData() <= two.getData()) {
temp = one;
temp.setNext(sort(one.getNext(), two));
} else {
temp = two;
temp.setNext(sort(one, two.getNext()));
return temp;
Example merge code. This shows how the dummy node is used to simplify the code (avoids special case to update head on first node merged).
// merge two already sorted lists
static Node merge(Node list0, Node list1) {
if(list0 == null)
return list1;
if(list1 == null)
return list0;
Node temp = new Node(); // dummy node
Node dest = temp;
if(list0.data <= list1.data){
dest.next = list0;
dest = list0;
list0 = list0.next;
if(list0 == null){
dest.next = list1;
} else {
dest.next = list1;
dest = list1;
list1 = list1.next;
if(list1 == null){
dest.next = list0;
return temp.next;
Example top down merge sort code. It scans the list one time to get the size of the list to avoid double scanning (fast, slow), only scanning n/2 nodes for each recursive split.
// return size of list
static int size(Node head) {
int i = 0;
while(head != null){
head = head.next;
return i;
// advance to node n
static Node advance(Node head, int n) {
while(0 < n--)
head = head.next;
return head;
// top down merge sort for single link list entry function
static Node sorttd(Node head) {
int n = size(head);
if(n < 2)
return head;
head = sorttdr(head, n);
return head;
// top down merge sort for single link list recursive function
static Node sorttdr(Node head, int n) {
if(n < 2)
return head;
int n2 = (n/2);
Node node = advance(head, n2-1);
Node next = node.next;
node.next = null;
head = sorttdr(head, n2);
next = sorttdr(next, n-n2);
head = merge(head, next);
return head;
Example bottom up merge sort code. It uses a small (32) array of lists, where array[i] is a list with 0 (empty slot) or 2^i nodes. array[{0 1 2 3 4 ...}] = sorted sub-lists with 0 or {1 2 4 8 16 ...} nodes. Nodes are merged into the array one at a time. A working list is created via a sequence of merge steps with a caller's list node and the leading non-empty slots in the array. The size of the working list doubles with each merge step. After each non-empty slot is used to merge into the working list, that slot is set to empty. After each sequence of merge steps is done, the first empty slot after the leading non-empty slots is set to the working list. A prior slots will now be empty. Once all nodes are merged into the array, the array is merged into a single sorted list. On a large list that doesn't fit in cache, and with randomly scattered nodes, there will be a lot of cache misses for each node accessed, in which case bottom up merge sort is about 30% faster than top down.
// bottom up merge sort for single link list
static Node sortbu(Node head) {
final int NUMLIST = 32;
Node[] alist = new Node[NUMLIST];
Node node;
Node next;
int i;
// if < 2 nodes, return
if(head == null || head.next == null)
return null;
node = head;
// merge node into array
while(node != null){
next = node.next;
node.next = null;
for(i = 0; (i < NUMLIST) && (alist[i] != null); i++){
node = merge(alist[i], node);
alist[i] = null;
if(i == NUMLIST) // don't go past end of array
alist[i] = node;
node = next;
// node == null
// merge array into single list
for(i = 0; i < NUMLIST; i++)
node = merge(alist[i], node);
return node;
I have skip list contains an ADC, FIFO, DAC, FILO etc.
I want to know whether these words are used in the entire module or not .if used in the module should return the unused words.
I have a program but it is taking too much time to execute.
Please help me with this.
Here is the code :
Skip Search_In_Entire_Module(Skip List)
int sKey = 0
Skip sList = create()
string data = ""
string objText1
Object obj
for data in List do
int var_count = 0
for obj in m do
objText1 = obj."Object Text"
if objText1!=null then
if (isDeleted obj){continue}
if (table obj) {continue}
if (row obj) {continue}
if (cell obj) {continue}
Buffer buf = create()
buf = objText1
int index = 0
index = contains(buf, data, index)
if(0 <= index)
index += length(data)
if (var_count ==0)
return sList
Unused_Terminolody_Data = Search_In_Entire_Module(Terminology_Data)
Just wondering: why is this in a while loop?
index = contains(buf, data, index)
if(0 <= index)
index += length(data)
I would instead just do:
index = contains ( buf, data )
if ( index == -1 ) {
buf = ""
I would also not keep deleting and recreating the buffer. Create the buffer up where you create the object variable, then set it equal to "" to clear it, then delete it at the end of the program.
Let me know if this helps!
Balthos makes good points, and I think there's a little more you could do. My adaptation of your function follows. Points to note:
I implemented Balthos's suggestions (above) of taking out the
'while' loop, and buffer creation/deletion.
I changed the function signature. Given that Skip lists are passed
by reference, and must be created and deleted outside the function
it's syntactically confusing (to me, anyway) to return them from a
function. So, I pass both skip lists (terms we're seeking, terms not
found) in as function parameters. Please excuse me changing variable
names - it helped me to understand what was going on more quickly.
There's no need to put the Object Text in a string - this is
relatively slow and consumes memory that will not be freed until
DOORS exits. So, I put the Object Text in a buffer earlier in the
function, and search that. The 'if (!null bufObjText)' at my line 34
is equivalent to your 'objText1!=null'. If you prefer, 'if
(bufObjText != null)' does the same.
The conditional 'if (var_count ==0)' is redundant - I moved it's
functions into an earlier 'if' block (my line 40).
I moved the tests for deleted, table, row and cell objects up, so
that they occur before we take the time to fill a buffer with object
text - so that's only done if necessary.
Item 2 probably isn't going to have a performance impact, but the others will. The only quesiton is, how large?
Please let us know if this improves the running time over what you currently have. I don't have a sufficiently large set of sample data to make meaningful comparisons with your code.
Module modCurrent = current
Skip skUnused_Terminology_Data = create
Skip skSeeking_Terminology_Data = create()
put (skSeeking_Terminology_Data, 0, "SPONG")
put (skSeeking_Terminology_Data, 1, "DoD")
void Search_In_Entire_Module(Skip skTermsSought, skTermsNotFound)
Object obj
Buffer bufObjText = create()
int intSkipKey = 0
int index = 0
string strSkipData = ""
for strSkipData in skTermsSought do
int var_count = 0
bool blFoundTerm = false
for obj in modCurrent do
if (isDeleted obj){continue}
if (table obj) {continue}
if (row obj) {continue}
if (cell obj) {continue}
bufObjText = obj."Object Text"
if (!null bufObjText) then
Regexp re = regexp2 strSkipData
blFoundTerm = search (re, bufObjText, 0)
if ( blFoundTerm ) {
put(skUnused_Terminology_Data, intSkipKey, strSkipData)
bufObjText = ""
delete (bufObjText)
Search_In_Entire_Module (skSeeking_Terminology_Data, skUnused_Terminology_Data)
string strNotFound
for strNotFound in skUnused_Terminology_Data do
print strNotFound "\n"
delete skUnused_Terminology_Data
delete skSeeking_Terminology_Data
I have been working on this for like 10 hours.
int particle_remove(struct particle* p);
How do I find the head when I'm passing the location of the "node-to-be-deleted" to the function?
I know that:
prev->next = curr->next;
how do I find the location of the head to traverse down to (curr -1)?
This is what I have so far:
int particle_remove(struct particle *p){
struct particle *curr = p;
struct particle *prev = *head; /* should point to the head */
if (p != NULL){
while (prev != curr){
prev->next = curr->next;
return 0;
I have been over this a million times and I can't think of how to get to the head node, without passing a parameter of the location of the head node into the function. Is it possible to do this with the current function "signature" or do I have to add a reference to the head?
OK I have figured it out by creating a new function that takes both the current node to be destroyed and a pointer to the head, as I don't believe that just using a function to the node to be deleted will work as there is no reference to the head. (Unless someone can prove me wrong, please do!)
I ended up with a prototype that looks like this: (for those that are looking for a hint)
int particle_remove(struct particle *p, struct particle **head);
The problem is: you have to change the head pointer if the pointer to be deleted (p) happens to be first in the list. Using a pointer-to-pointer (a pointer to the head pointer) is the easiest way:
int particle_remove(struct particle *p){
struct particle **pp; /* should point to the head */
for(pp = &head; *pp; pp = &(*pp)->next){
if (*pp != p) continue;
*pp = p->next;
return 0;
If head is not a gobal pointer, you indeed end up with a function where the pointer to head is passed as an argument:
int particle_remove(struct particle **pphead, struct particle *p){
for( ; *pphead; pphead = &(*pphead)->next){
if (*pphead != p) continue;
*pphead = p->next;
return 0;
BTW: the return value is nonsense. If there is no useful return for the function, it could just as well return void.
OK, so the way to solve this using the original function prototype is if you use:
if(p->next != NULL){
/* do something */
You are checking to see if the next node is to be deleted. This gives you access to the previous node and the next node (to be deleted).
Can anyone suggest an algorithm to convert a Binary Search Tree to a singly linked list.
Also note that at each step of conversion the highest values node in the list should point to the smallest valued node in the list.
Node node1 = tree.removeMin();
Node node2;
Node currentNode;
Node temp;
node2 = tree.removeMax();
currentNode = node2;
temp = tree.removeMin();
currentNode = temp;
Node head = temp;
This conforms to a singly linked list and the maximum value in the list always points to the least value in the list. No other qualifications were given.
public static LinkedListNode<Integer> constructLinkedList(BinaryTreeNode<Integer> root) {
if(root == null)
return null;
LinkedListNode<Integer> newHead = constructLinkedList(root.left);
LinkedListNode<Integer> temp = newHead;
if(newHead == null)
newHead = new LinkedListNode<>(root.data);
while(temp != null && temp.next != null)
temp = temp.next;
temp.next = new LinkedListNode<>(root.data);
LinkedListNode<Integer> rightHead = constructLinkedList(root.right);
if(newHead.next == null)
newHead.next = rightHead;
temp.next.next = rightHead;
return newHead;
Given a problem to insert a new node within a sorted linked list in the correct position, I have come up with the following solution.
void SortedInsert(node** headref, node* newnode) {
node* prev = NULL;
node* curr = *headref;
for (; curr; ) {
if (curr->info > newnode->info) {
prev = curr;
curr = curr->next;
if (!prev) {
newnode->next = *headref;
*headref = newnode;
} else {
newnode->next = prev->next;
prev->next = newnode;
Does this work.
Are there any edge cases this does not work for. Is there a simpler solution.
Instead of making curr point to the node before which you want to insert, make curr point to the pointer that points to the node before which you want to insert.