groovy.sql.Sql.commit info message in - grails

Sometimes I have this message in
catalina.2022-07-14.log:14-Jul-2022 09:04:00.805 INFO [Thread-33] groovy.sql.Sql.commit Commit operation not supported when using datasets unless using withTransaction or cacheConnection - attempt to commit ignored
There is nothing in the exception log or other logs. What could this message mean?


getting this error while trying to run cube js

I'm getting this error while trying to run cube js with the default command in the getting started docs. I've started this in a folder and running it in docker.
Warning. There is no cube.js file. Continue with environment variables
πŸ”₯ Cube Store (0.28.31) is assigned to 3030 port.
Warning. Option apiSecret is required in dev mode. Cube.js has generated it as e3b8c5a35fe378f4d481ada777e5f3c4
πŸ”“ Authentication checks are disabled in developer mode. Please use NODE_ENV=production to enable it.
πŸ¦… Dev environment available at http://localhost:4000
πŸš€ Cube.js server (0.28.31) is listening on 4000
2021-09-03 15:06:01,512 INFO [cubestore::http::status] <pid:17> Serving status probes at
2021-09-03 15:06:01,515 INFO [cubestore::metastore] <pid:17> Using existing metastore in /cube/conf/.cubestore/data/metastore
thread '
' panicked at '
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Error { message: "IO error: While fsync: a directory: Invalid argument" }
', /project/cubestore/src/metastore/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
Cube Store Start Error: undefined
I guess it’s corrupted metastore due to it was incorrectly shutdown for you locally. Could you please try to drop the .cubestore directory?

Jenkins is spawning a lot of daemon processes and server crashes

I've recently installed Jenkins on a cheap VM on Azure. The specs are very low, since I use this server for testing the setup: 1vCPU & 1GB RAM. There will usually only be 1 build at the same time, with a max. of 3, in very rare occassions.
During the build process from Jenkins quite frequently my server would crash completely and stay so for +- 10 - 15 minutes until being able to be used again.
I checked the processes on the server and this is the result:
The full line is like this:
/etc/alternatives/java -Dcom.sun.akuma.Daemon=daemonized -Djava.awt.headless=true -DJENKINS_HOME=/var/lib/jenkins -jar /usr/lib/jenkins/jenkins.war --logfile=/var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log --webroot=/var/cache/jenkins/war --daemon --httpPort=8080 --debug=5 --handlerCountMax=100 --handlerCountMaxIdle=20
It is the same for every single one of those daemons, not a single parameter is different.
Is this normal behavior, and is this the reason why my server is crashing? Or are my specs just too low for Jenkins to run on to?
Thanks in advance!
My jenkins.log file looks pretty normal except for one NullPointerException that keeps coming back up:
2020-01-08 12:43:17.702+0000 [id=148] WARNING h.ExpressionFactory2$JexlExpression#evaluate: Caught exception evaluating: h.filterDescriptors(it,attrs.descriptors) in /configure. Reason: java.lang.NullPointerException: Descriptor list is null for context 'class hudson.model.Hudson' in thread 'Handling GET /configure from : qtp2085857771-148 Jenkins/configure.jelly GlobalLibraries/config.jelly LibraryConfiguration/config.jelly SCMRetriever/DescriptorImpl/config.jelly MultiSCM/DescriptorImpl/config.jelly'
java.lang.NullPointerException: Descriptor list is null for context 'class hudson.model.Hudson' in thread 'Handling GET /configure from : qtp2085857771-148 Jenkins/configure.jelly GlobalLibraries/config.jelly LibraryConfiguration/config.jelly SCMRetriever/DescriptorImpl/config.jelly MultiSCM/DescriptorImpl/config.jelly'
at hudson.model.DescriptorVisibilityFilter.apply(

Redis EXECABORT Transaction discarded because of previous errors. (Redis::CommandError) Sidekiq rror

I am using sidekiq 3.4.2 and redis 3.0.3 for some long running jobs and after about two~four hours I get the following error:
ERROR: heartbeat: EXECABORT Transaction discarded because of previous errors.
EXECABORT Transaction discarded because of previous errors.
block in call_pipeline'
block in multi'
block in synchronize'
Everything is killed (no enqueued jobs ran) unless I restart sidekiq, which is not what I need to do.
Any idea what is happening?
This can also happen due to empty multi command.
running redis-cli monitor I saw
1546789398.881549 [0 the-ip] "multi"
1546789398.881575 [0 the-ip] "exec"
Before executing multi, make sure that you have at least 1 command to execute on the transaction.
I'd guess your Redis instance is out of memory.
multi block is suppressing the actual error message. Run your code without the multi block to see the original error message.
I tried to run the entire code in mutli block within a try/rescue block, it still didn't catch the exception.
Whatever command you are running through your code, try to run same commands through redis-cli.
You may get the actual error.
In my case actual error was :
HSET some_key some_field some_value
(error) NOREPLICAS Not enough good slaves to write.

Neo4j server failed to start

Tried starting neo4j service and got a message like
WARNING: Detected a limit of 1024 for maximum open files, while a
minimum value of 40000 is recommended.
WARNING: Problems with the
operation of the server may occur. Please refer to the Neo4j manual
regarding lifting this limitation. Starting Neo4j Server...
not changing user process [17348]... waiting for server to be
ready... BAD. Neo4j Server may have failed to start, please check the
The log says :
Opened [/home/ub/graph_db/neo4j-community-1.7.M01/data/graph.db/nioneo_logical.log.1] clean empty log, version=224, lastTxId=654769
2013-03-14 11:26:28.111+0000: TM opening log: /home/ub/graph_db/neo4j-community-1.7.M01/data/graph.db/tm_tx_log.1
2013-03-14 11:26:28.159+0000: Failed to load index provider lucene Target file[lucene.log.v318] already exists
org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException: Target file[lucene.log.v318] already exists
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.util.FileUtils.renameFile(
at org.neo4j.kernel.DefaultFileSystemAbstraction.renameFile(
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.xaframework.XaLogicalLog.renameLogFileToRightVersion(
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.xaframework.XaLogicalLog.renameIfExists(
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.xaframework.XaContainer.openLogicalLog(
at org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene.LuceneDataSource.<init>(
at org.neo4j.index.lucene.LuceneIndexProvider.load(
at org.neo4j.kernel.AbstractGraphDatabase$DefaultKernelExtensionLoader.loadIndexImplementations(
at org.neo4j.kernel.AbstractGraphDatabase$DefaultKernelExtensionLoader.init(
at org.neo4j.kernel.LifeSupport$LifecycleInstance.init(
at org.neo4j.kernel.LifeSupport.init(
at org.neo4j.kernel.LifeSupport.start(
at org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase.<init>(
at org.neo4j.server.NeoServerBootstrapper$1.createDatabase(
at org.neo4j.server.database.Database.createDatabase(
at org.neo4j.server.database.Database.<init>(
at org.neo4j.server.NeoServerWithEmbeddedWebServer.startDatabase(
at org.neo4j.server.NeoServerWithEmbeddedWebServer.start(
at org.neo4j.server.Bootstrapper.start(
at org.neo4j.server.Bootstrapper.main(
2013-03-14 11:26:28.160+0000: TM shutting down
2013-03-14 11:26:28.382+0000: Closed log /home/biju/graph_db/neo4j-community-1.7.M01/data/graph.db/nioneo_logical.log
2013-03-14 11:26:28.945+0000: NeoStore closed
2013-03-14 11:26:28.946+0000: --- SHUTDOWN diagnostics START ---
2013-03-14 11:26:28.947+0000: --- SHUTDOWN diagnostics END ---
This started happening when I have installed ElasticSearch on my machine. There was one issue with starting Elastic search "JAVA_HOME issue", which is sorted.
I had such a problem when I was installing Neo4j the first time on my Linux laptop, I solved putting this couple of rows at the end of the /etc/security/limits.conf file:
user hard nofile 100000
user soft nofile 40000
where user is the login name of the user who starts Neo4j.
The 10000 and 40000 are somewhat arbirtrary, they were ok for me, in case you still get the error try to increase them.
If you've got a db with that problem, upgrading won't make it go away. 1.8.2 will prevent this from happening though. You're running community I see so keeping old logs around isn't all that necessary. Try deleting the existing lucene.log.v318 file, or move it away at least and see what happens the next startup.

Error running UI Automation from command line

I think this is a first - I'm getting an error and the exception constant that I'm getting back returns nothing when I search for it on Google.
Basically I'm trying to run UI Automation on my iOS app from the CLI and am getting the following error message:
2013-02-22 13:12:17.820 ScriptAgent[16626:2e07] +[UIAXElement initialize]: UIAutomation never received kAXAccessibilityLoaded. Waited 20.02 seconds.
2013-02-22 13:12:17.826 ScriptAgent[16626:2e07] Unexpected error in -[UIAXElement_0xad343c initialize], /SourceCache/UIAutomation_Sim/UIAutomation-271/Framework/UIAXElement.m line 165, kAXErrorServerNotFound
2013-02-22 13:12:17.828 ScriptAgent[16626:2e07] Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'kUIAExeceptionAccessibilityError', reason: 'Unexpected error in -[UIAXElement_0xad343c initialize], /SourceCache/UIAutomation_Sim/UIAutomation-271/Framework/UIAXElement.m line 165, kAXErrorServerNotFound'
First throw call stack:
(0x491012 0x1b78e7e 0x490deb 0xa8a55b 0x1b797cf 0x1b80a0d 0x1b77aeb 0x1b77e22 0x1b8a0e1 0xaa2605 0xa847 0x5d8d 0x866d 0x2925)
libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception
2013-02-22 13:12:18.264 instruments[16585:2227] Automation Instrument ran into an exception while trying to run the script. UIAScriptAgentSignaledException
2013-02-22 19:12:18 +0000 Fail: An error occurred while trying to run the script.
Instruments Trace Complete (Duration : 41.326542s; Output : /Users/newmanp/Work/iOS/CMAiPad/CMA.Mobile/UIScripts/instrumentscli3.trace)
I search on kAXAccessibilityLoaded or kAXErrorServerNotFound and get no hits at all. Here's what my command line call looks like:
instruments -t ~/Work/iOS/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform//Developer/Library/Instruments/PlugIns/AutomationInstrument.bundle/Contents/Resources/Automation.tracetemplate /Users/newmanp/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator/6.0/Applications/B60B9BD7-357D-49AA-9E6F-986929C5D151/ -e UIASCRIPT ./cmaAutomationTests.js -e UIARESULTSPATH "."
Any suggestions of what I might be doing wrong greatly appreciated.
We saw this error when "Enable UI Automation" wasn't turned on in the "Developer" section of the "Settings" app. Turning on the setting resolved the error.
I had something similar, try
sudo rm /tmp/instruments_sock
You can see it here
My UIAScriptAgentSignaledException is resolved by enabling the 'Enable UI Automation' option in iPhone/Settings/Developer/UI Automation section.
