Flopy error: Cannot find gridgen binary executable - spyder

Trying to call gridgen executable file using below codes:
# use of gridgen # https://github.com/modflowpy/flopy/blob/5fcf9709ec8a655106c57d55657c47b1d4987812/examples/Notebooks/flopy3_gridgen.ipynb
# setup the active domain
from flopy.utils.gridgen import Gridgen
# Check and make sure the data folder exists.
if not os.path.exists(model_ws):
gridgen_ws = os.path.join(model_ws, 'gridgen')
if not os.path.exists(gridgen_ws):
print('Model workspace is : {}'.format(model_ws))
print('Gridgen workspace is : {}'.format(gridgen_ws))
# **Getting an error while executing below code**
g = Gridgen(dis, model_ws=gridgen_ws)
Error: raise Exception("Cannot find gridgen binary executable")
Exception: Cannot find gridgen binary executable
Copied the code from: https://github.com/chenmingzhang/ewatering/blob/main/modflow_planar_2D/ewatering_mf6_jupytext.py.
From line 504 to 516 & line 541.
I have downloaded GRIDGEN to the indicated folder, then tried changing paths names, replacing all kinds of slashes, but can't resolve the issue.
Followed this video, but there isn't much explained about gridgen
So, please help..


Docker, ENOENT: no such file or directory

I have a Storage constant that is used in a file called listingController.js
const storage = Storage({
keyFilename: "../key/keyname.json"
Everything works fine when I'm not using Docker but after I create a Docker image and deploy it on server I get the following error:
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/key/keyname.json'
at wrapError (/app/node_modules/gcs-resumable-upload/build/src/index.js:17:12)
at /app/node_modules/gcs-resumable-upload/build/src/index.js:235:19
at getToken (/app/node_modules/google-auto-auth/index.js:27:9)
at getAuthClient (/app/node_modules/google-auto-auth/index.js:233:9)
at <anonymous>
Here I see a problem that the '..' is ignored in front of the path which is why I think that file is not found.
Here is my project structure:
--- key
----- keyname.json
----- firebasekeyfilename.json
--- controller
----- listingController.js
----- firebaseController.js
I have tried all different combinations of file names and paths but I cannot get it to find that file.
Does anyone have a clue why this is happening?
In my firebaseController I have the following reference to a similar file in the same folder and it works fine.
var serviceAccount = require("../key/firebasekeyfilename");
The only difference is that the path is inside require() and I guess that requires a different path.
Been stuck with this for a couple of days now, any pointers would be appreciated, thank!

How To Require Lua Socket?

I'm very new to lua development with file manipulation, and now trying to import the lua socket package into my project according to this post, but I can't run even the code below.
I guess the error message indicates I need to import not only the socket.lua but also .\socket\core (probably .dll, since it doesn't have core.lua), while a reply at the post suggested importing only the file.
I'm stuck in just the beginning... What do I have to do for the next step?
local function main()
local socket = require("socket")
Exception in thread "main" com.naef.jnlua.LuaRuntimeException: ...n32.win32.x86_64\workspace\TestForCiv\src\socket.lua:13: module 'socket.core' not found:
no field package.preload['socket.core']
no file '.\socket\core.lua'
no file 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_151\bin\lua\socket\core.lua'
no file 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_151\bin\lua\socket\core\init.lua'
...(a bunch of no file errors continues)
Edit: I added the folder structure. Even I add the .dll file it returns the same error.
I don't know the details of you configuration, but try this
require ("src.socket")
you should require a module from the root path of the lib

bitbake SRC_URI file://

If I have a tarball, helloworld.tar.gz in a local directory, say /home/user/tarballs/, how can I make my bitbake recipe fetch from that directory?
my helloworld.bb is
SECTION = "examples"
LICENSE = "Proprietary"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING; md5=1b1b8016e15e07a2fec59623ebf12345"
SRC_URI = "file://helloworld.tar.gz"
but when I bitbake, I get the below warning message:
WARNING: Unable to get checksum for helloworld SRC_URI entry helloworld.tar.gz: file could not be found
I read something about FILES and FILESEXTRAPATHS can influence the download path but not sure where/how to set them.
I did a bitbake -c show FILESEXTRAPATHS but get an error message:
Well, if you want to fetch from a local directory, use e.g.:
SRC_URI = "file:///home/user/tarballs/helloworld.tar.gz"
The FILES and FILESEXTRAPATHS variables tells bitbake where to find files which are referenced as:
SRC_URI = "file://helloworld.tar.gz"
These files are searched for in the locations specified by those two variables. (Or rather, FILESEXTRAPATHS is searched and then some possible subdirectories of the directories specified in FILESEXTRAPATHS, amongst those the expanded values of DISTRO, MACHINE, ARCH, etc).
FILES (and FILESEXTRAPATHS) are used to find files stored together with the meta-data, i.e. under the paths meta-/recipes-/name/XXX.
See http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.7/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#var-FILES and http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.7/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#var-FILESEXTRAPATHS
Better you can keep your files in present(where the .bb file present) directory and give the below lines in your .bb file.
SRC_URI = "file://helloworld.tar.gz"
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend : tells to bitbake the files are present in where the .bb file is present.
Also you can edit .bb file as follows,
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "path_to_home_folder_of_source_folders:"
SRC_URI = "file://Source_floder/*"
as an example
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "/home/username/:"
SRC_URI = "file://tarballs/*"

Assetic dump reveals "_settings.scss failed to import not found or unreadable"

I have been learning how to use assetic filters and integrating compass/foundation5 through assetics. When I attempt to use assetic:dump I get a mess of errors and despite my best efforts I have yet to find the solution. First off I think the root of the error lies here.
error assetic_compassyGuG5K.scss (Line 13 of src/test/CoreBundle/Resources/public/scss/_settings.scss: File to import not found or unreadable: foundation/functions.
Load paths:
I have attempted to do anything I can think of to clear the error (aside removing the filter completely, which would fix it). I even attempted to use foundation to load the site and though I got rid of this error it was replaced by a error stating that the foundation.xml could not be located.
My question is do I need to add the config.rb to the filter to define the locations or am I missing something all together in the filter?
# Assetic Configuration
debug: "%kernel.debug%"
use_controller: true
bundles: [ ]
#java: /usr/bin/java
cssrewrite: ~
bin: /home/nathan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/bin/compass
apply_to: "/.scss$"
# jar: "%kernel.root_dir%/Resources/java/compiler.jar"
# jar: "%kernel.root_dir%/Resources/java/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar"
assetic.ruby.bin: /home/nathan/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/bin/ruby
The apply_to checks a regular expression, and \ indicates that the next character will be escaped (dot in this case), then, / should be replaced with \.

Using tdbloader.bat to upload a RDF file and querying using tdbquery.bat

I want to upload an RDF file using tdbloader.bat (C:\apache-jena-2.10.0\bat, in my case).
My turtle file is located in C:\apache-jena-2.10.0, and is named test.ttl. What will be the command line to load the turtle file using tdbloader.bat? After it is loaded, what would be a command line to query with tdbquery.bat?
I have used the following command-
tdbloader.bat -loc c:\apache-jena-2.10.0 test.ttl
But it returned a FileNotFound Exception.
The file test.ttl isnt in the same directory as bat files which is causing FileNotFound exception. A correction would be to copy test.ttl to C:\apache-jena-2.10.0\bat. After doing that execute command
tdbloader.bat -loc potato test.ttl.
This would load test.ttl to a folder named potato in same directory as tdbloader.bat. Hope it helps
