How to manipulate my dataset when making an input in flexdashboard? - upload

I dont know how to call my dataset and manipulate it
fileInput(inputId = "file",
label = h4("Input File .csv"), fonte
multiple = F,
accept = c("text/csv",
In this area I can generate my table from my upload
rv = reactiveValues(data = NULL)
inFile = input$file
data2 = read.csv2(inFile$datapath, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
save(data2, file = "dataread.RData")
rv$data = data2
But from here i don't know how to call it and handle it


Spawning an Object with State TTS

I would like to combine two and more objects in the TabletopSimulator. Wenn I spawn the objects I can combine like this page I would like this create with Lua. So I need help... I spawn the objects like here, but I didn`t get two objects with 2 states.
function SpawnLevel1(Obj1, ID)
spawnparamslvl = {
type = 'Custom_Assetbundle',
position = Obj1.getPosition(),
rotation = Obj1.getRotation(),
scale = {x=1, y=1, z=1},
paramslvl = {
assetbundle = data[CID].assetbundle,
type = 1,
material = 0,
Obj2 = spawnObject(spawnparamslvl)
obj_name = data[CID].display_name
function deploy(PID)
display_name = data[PID].display_name
spawnparams = {
type = 'Custom_Assetbundle',
position = self.getPosition(),
rotation = self.getRotation(),
scale = {x=1, y=1, z=1},
params = {
assetbundle = data[PID].assetbundle,
type = 0,
material = 0,
Spawning(spawnparams, params, display_name, PID)
function Spawning(spawnparams, params, display_name, PID)
Obj1 = spawnObject(spawnparamsmain)
Level1 = SpawnLevel1(Obj1, ID)
Thank you for your help
You have to use spawnObjectData or spawnObjectJSON. The format of the "object data" follows the format of the save file.
Rather than hardcoding the large data structures needed to build an object, I'll use existing objects as templates. This is a common practice that's also reflected by the following common idiom for modifying an existing object:
local data = obj.getData()
-- Modify `data` here --
obj = spawnObjectData({ data = data })
The following are the relevant bits of "object data" for states:
{ -- Object data (current state)
-- ...
States = {
["1"] = { -- Object data (state 1)
--- ...
["3"] = { -- Object data (state 3)
-- ...
["4"] = { -- Object data (state 4)
-- ...
-- ...
So you could use this:
function combine_objects(base_obj, objs_to_add)
if not objs[1] then
return base_obj
local data = base_obj.getData()
if not data.States then
data.States = { }
local i = 1
while data.States[tostring(i)] do i = i + 1 end
i = i + 1 -- Skip current state.
while data.States[tostring(i)] do i = i + 1 end
for _, obj in ipairs(objs_to_add) do
data.States[tostring(i)] = obj.getData()
i = i + 1
return spawnObjectData({ data = data })

Full path to the required value

How do I get the full path to the required value in the table? I want to track changes in another table through a proxy table.
I understand that I need to use metatables and __index in it. But I haven't been able to come up with a tracker yet.
Sample table structure:
Objects = {
Panel = { layer = 1, x = 600, y = 328, w = 331, h = 491;
objects = {
label = { layer = 1, x = 0, y = 0, text = 'header' };
Window = { layer = 2, x = 400, y = 100, w = 100, h = 100;
objects = {
label = { layer = 1, x = 0, y = 0, text = 'lorem ipsum dorem' };
Path: Objects.Panel.objects.Window.objects.label.text
I tried to create a metatable for each of the tables and collect the result of each call to __index into a table in order to roughly understand which key and value were retrieved or changed in order to synchronize these values ​​with other tables.
This will prove itself to be horrendously slow and memory inefficient. Anyway, you were right on the track: proxy and handle __index and __newindex metamethods to your liking. This being said you also need to track the state of the proxy somehow.
You can try to hide it with some closures and upvalues but the easy way is to store the information directly in the proxy tables:
function make_tracker (o, name)
local mt = {}
mt.__index = function (proxy, key)
local path = {unpack(rawget(proxy, "__path"))} -- Stupid shallow copy
local object = rawget(proxy, "__to")
table.insert(path, key)
if type(object[key]) == "table" then
return setmetatable({__to = object[key], __path = path}, mt)
return table.concat(path, ".") .. " = " .. tostring(object[key])
return setmetatable({__to = o, __path = {name}}, mt)
__to fields indicates what proxy should point to and __path is there to cover fields we have trespassed so far. It does a shallow copy, so that one can use subproxies with local variables. name parameter is there to initialize the name of the first table, as you just simply can't know that. You use it like this:
local tObjects = make_tracker(Objects, "Objects")
local subproxy = tObjects.Panel.objects.Window
-- prints:
-- Objects.Panel.objects.Window.objects.label.text = lorem ipsum dorem
-- Objects.Panel.objects.label.text = header
-- Objects.Panel.objects.Window.x = 400
Of course, I doubt that appending the path to the original value is what you want. Modify insides of else block:
return table.concat(path, ".") .. " = " .. tostring(object[key])
according to your needs, e.g:
register_tracked_path(table.concat(path, "."))
return object[key]
If you want to handle modification of values you need to extend the metatable with similar __newindex.

error when add multiple OBX segments to NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_ORDER

I am working on creating HL7 VXU V04 type message using NHapi V2.5.
Below is the required message outcome( from NIST site:
The issue I am running into is how to create four OBX segments("NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.OBX ") and add it to the "NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_ORDER" ?
Below is my code, Line#5 works, it create multiple ORDER but if i try to do the same to create multiple OBSERVATION (Line#8), I get the below error:
"Can't create repetition #1 of Structure OBSERVATION - this Structure is non-repeating"
As per HL7 specifications OBSERVATION is repeating structure, Anyone please help here?
Any pointers or any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
NHapi.Model.V25.Message.VXU_V04 vxuMsg = new VXU_V04();
PipeParser parser = new PipeParser();
for (int i = 0; i < person.Immunizations.Count; i++)
NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_ORDER orc = (NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_ORDER)vxuMsg.GetStructure("ORDER", i);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_OBSERVATION observation = (NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_OBSERVATION)orc.GetStructure("OBSERVATION", j);
NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.OBX obx1 = (NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.OBX)obx.GetStructure("OBX");
NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.RXA im = orc.RXA;
NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.ORC oc = orc.ORC;
NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.RXR rxr = orc.RXR;
Required message outcome
MSH|^~\&|Test EHR Application|X68||NIST Test Iz Reg|201207010822||VXU^V04^VXU_V04|NIST-IZ-001.00|P|2.5.1|||AL|ER
PID|1||D26376273^^^NIST MPI^MR||Snow^Madelynn^Ainsley^^^^L|Lam^Morgan|20070706|F||2076-8^Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander^CDCREC|32 Prescott Street Ave^^Warwick^MA^02452^USA^L||^PRN^PH^^^657^5558563|||||||||2186-5^non Hispanic or Latino^CDCREC
PD1|||||||||||02^Reminder/Recall - any method^HL70215|||||A|20120701|20120701
NK1|1|Lam^Morgan^^^^^L|MTH^Mother^HL70063|32 Prescott Street Ave^^Warwick^MA^02452^USA^L|^PRN^PH^^^657^5558563
RXA|0|1|20120814||140^Influenza, seasonal, injectable, preservative free^CVX|0.5|mL^MilliLiter [SI Volume Units]^UCUM||00^New immunization record^NIP001|7832-1^Lemon^Mike^A^^^^^NIST-AA-1|^^^X68||||Z0860BB|20121104|CSL^CSL Behring^MVX|||CP|A
RXR|C28161^Intramuscular^NCIT|LD^Left Arm^HL70163
OBX|1|CE|64994-7^Vaccine funding program eligibility category^LN|1|V05^VFC eligible - Federally Qualified Health Center Patient (under-insured)^HL70064||||||F|||20120701|||VXC40^Eligibility captured at the immunization level^CDCPHINVS
OBX|2|CE|30956-7^vaccine type^LN|2|88^Influenza, unspecified formulation^CVX||||||F
OBX|3|TS|29768-9^Date vaccine information statement published^LN|2|20120702||||||F
OBX|4|TS|29769-7^Date vaccine information statement presented^LN|2|20120814||||||F
Dim vxuMsg As NHapi.Model.V25.Message.VXU_V04 = New VXU_V04()
Dim orc As NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_ORDER = DirectCast(vxuMsg.GetStructure("ORDER", 0), NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_ORDER)
Dim observation As NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_OBSERVATION = orc.GetOBSERVATION(0) 'DirectCast(orc.GetStructure("OBSERVATION", 0), NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_OBSERVATION)
Dim orderobservation As VXU_V04_ORDER = vxuMsg.GetORDER(0)
Dim obx1 As NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.OBX = DirectCast(observation.GetStructure("OBX"), NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.OBX)
obx1 = orderobservation.GetOBSERVATION(0).OBX
obx1.SetIDOBX.Value = "1"
obx1.ValueType.Value = "CE"
obx1.ObservationIdentifier.Identifier.Value = "64994-7"
obx1.ObservationIdentifier.Text.Value = "Vaccine funding program eligibility category"
obx1.ObservationIdentifier.NameOfCodingSystem.Value = "LN"
obx1.ObservationSubID.Value = "1"
Dim ce As New CE(oru01)
ce.Identifier.Value = "V05"
ce.Text.Value = "VFC eligible - Federally Qualified Health Center Patient(under-insured)"
ce.NameOfCodingSystem.Value = "HL70064"
obx1.GetObservationValue(0).Data = ce
obx1.ObservationResultStatus.Value = "F"
obx1.DateTimeOfTheObservation.Time.Value = "20120701"
obx1.GetObservationMethod(0).Identifier.Value = "VXC40"
obx1.GetObservationMethod(0).Text.Value = "Eligibility captured at the immunization level"
obx1.GetObservationMethod(0).NameOfCodingSystem.Value = "CDCPHINVS"
Dim obx2 As NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.OBX = obx1
obx2 = orderobservation.GetOBSERVATION(1).OBX
obx2.SetIDOBX.Value = "2"
obx2.ValueType.Value = "CE"
obx2.ObservationIdentifier.Identifier.Value = "30956-7"
obx2.ObservationIdentifier.Text.Value = "vaccine type"
obx2.ObservationIdentifier.NameOfCodingSystem.Value = "LN"
obx2.ObservationSubID.Value = "2"
Dim ce2 As New CE(oru01)
ce2.Identifier.Value = "88"
ce2.Text.Value = "Influenza, unspecified formulation"
ce2.NameOfCodingSystem.Value = "CVX"
obx2.GetObservationValue(0).Data = ce2
obx2.ObservationResultStatus.Value = "F"
Dim obx3 As NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.OBX = obx1 'DirectCast(observation.GetStructure("OBX"), NHapi.Model.V251.Segment.OBX)
obx3 = orderobservation.GetOBSERVATION(2).OBX
obx3.SetIDOBX.Value = "3"
obx3.ValueType.Value = "TS"
obx3.ObservationIdentifier.Identifier.Value = "29768-9"
obx3.ObservationIdentifier.Text.Value = "Date vaccine information statement published"
obx3.ObservationIdentifier.NameOfCodingSystem.Value = "LN"
obx3.ObservationSubID.Value = "2"
Dim ts3 As New TS(oru01)
ts3.Time.Value = "20120702"
obx3.GetObservationValue(0).Data = ts3
obx3.ObservationResultStatus.Value = "F"

OpenOffice Draw macro to find replace text

I'm looking to find replace text within multiple PDF documents using Draw. Thus far I've managed to open the PDF however
appears not to be a valid property / method on a Draw doc. Although oddly this is used in many examples for writer and calc.
Are there any alternatives?
Okay after some playing around with the recorder in the Writer I managed to record a macro that seems to be more general purpose than the createReplaceDiscription I was trying earlier.
It's got a lot of bumf that I guess could be cleaned up but it works...
REM ***** BASIC *****
Sub Main
End Sub
sub WriterFindReplace
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem define variables
dim document as object
dim dispatcher as object
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem get access to the document
document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim args1(18) as new
args1(0).Name = "SearchItem.StyleFamily"
args1(0).Value = 2
args1(1).Name = "SearchItem.CellType"
args1(1).Value = 0
args1(2).Name = "SearchItem.RowDirection"
args1(2).Value = true
args1(3).Name = "SearchItem.AllTables"
args1(3).Value = false
args1(4).Name = "SearchItem.Backward"
args1(4).Value = false
args1(5).Name = "SearchItem.Pattern"
args1(5).Value = false
args1(6).Name = "SearchItem.Content"
args1(6).Value = false
args1(7).Name = "SearchItem.AsianOptions"
args1(7).Value = false
args1(8).Name = "SearchItem.AlgorithmType"
args1(8).Value = 0
args1(9).Name = "SearchItem.SearchFlags"
args1(9).Value = 65536
args1(10).Name = "SearchItem.SearchString"
args1(10).Value = "<<THE WORD YOUR FINDING>>"
args1(11).Name = "SearchItem.ReplaceString"
args1(11).Value = "<< THE WORD YOUR USING TO REPLACE>>"
args1(12).Name = "SearchItem.Locale"
args1(12).Value = 255
args1(13).Name = "SearchItem.ChangedChars"
args1(13).Value = 2
args1(14).Name = "SearchItem.DeletedChars"
args1(14).Value = 2
args1(15).Name = "SearchItem.InsertedChars"
args1(15).Value = 2
args1(16).Name = "SearchItem.TransliterateFlags"
args1(16).Value = 1280
args1(17).Name = "SearchItem.Command"
args1(17).Value = 3
args1(18).Name = "Quiet"
args1(18).Value = true
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:ExecuteSearch", "", 0, args1())
end sub

cannot preserve space between runs

i want to generate a word document
as an input i have this string "open packaging conventions" and each word will have a different style
the result should be open packaging conventions
WordprocessingDocument document = WordprocessingDocument.Create(
#"C:\test PFE.docx",
MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart = document.AddMainDocumentPart();
mainDocumentPart.Document = new Document();
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("ve", "");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", "");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp", "");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wne", "");
Body documentBody = new Body();
StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart =
FileStream stylesTemplate =
new FileStream("styles.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
#region Titre du document
Paragraph titleParagraphe = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00AF4948", RsidParagraphProperties = "00625634", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00625634" }; ;
Run run = new Run();
RunProperties rpr = new RunProperties();
RunStyle rstylr = new RunStyle { Val = "style1" };
Text t = new Text("open");
run = new Run();
rpr = new RunProperties();
rstylr = new RunStyle { Val = "style2" };
t = new Text("packaging")
Space = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.EnumValue<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SpaceProcessingModeValues> { InnerText = "preserve" }
run = new Run();
rpr = new RunProperties();
rstylr = new RunStyle { Val = "style1" };
t = new Text("conventions")
Space = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.EnumValue<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SpaceProcessingModeValues> { InnerText = "preserve" }
and the result is open*packaging*conventions without space between words
can some one help me please?!
You're on good way by handling the Space property, but you need to do it like this:
t = new Text()
Text = "your text with spaces ",
Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
Here is another way to set the attribute Space that can be used to specify SpaceProcessingMode.
t = new Text("This is some text");
t.Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve;
The default of the attribute is SpaceProcessingModeValues.Default.
From API Documentation:
<w:t> significant whitespace </w:t>
Although there are three spaces on each side of the text content in the run, that whitespace has not been specifically marked as significant, therefore it is subject to the space preservation rules currently specified in that run's scope. end example]
The possible values for this attribute are defined by §2.10 of the XML 1.0 specification.
