iOS: How to create a scrollable UIStackView? - ios

How can i create something like this? I believe the labels should be buttons because i would like to click on them and then they would take me to another UIViewController.
But how can i make a stackView scrollable or this is not even a stackView?

Did you tried to adopt UICollectionView insted of StackView?
I think it could support this approach better than StackViews

stackView doesn't scroll, You need to make either a horizontal scroll view with stackview in it Or The best approach is to use UICollectionView for this.
You will then write code for navigation in didSelectItemAt method of UICollectionViewDelegate.


Embedded UIcollectionView scrolling inside UITableView Cell

I have UICollectionView inside Static UITableView Cell. I want to ask how to enable vertical scrolling in UIcollectionView interface builder. what are the right settings to achieve that?
You couldn't see any scrolling in the Interface Builder:) Only when compiled.
Yes, you have right set - Scroll direction to Vertical. But... I guess, this is doesn't work for you?
If you set custom layout for collection view in code - you have to setup it.

How to make a Horizontal and vertical scrolling TableView in iOS using storyboard?

here is my design structure
I was wondering about creating a horizontal and vertical scrolling tableview. I have tried a tableview inside a scrollview but I failed miserably. What to do?
I use swift4 but I wanted to do in storyboard.
The nature of content is like an excel sheet with lots of horizontal and vertical scrolling rows and columns of data.
Actually you can do this using a hack. Put the tableView inside a scrollView. Then you should give a dynamic width to the tableView by specifying a width in storyboard for tableView or any child view of that scrollView(So we get the horizontal scrolling).You have to adjust some constraints depending on your requirement
Mine worked fine but as many users have said try a collection View if its easy
Note. There is a default scrollView within a tableView, So adjust your height of tableView in a way so the scrollView of tableView work and not the parent scrollView, while scrolling from top to bottom
Instead of using TableView try using collection view, there you can use horizontal and vertical scrolling using storyboard?
Try to use collectionview instead of tableview.
If your requirement demands use of tableview anyhow, then you can use tableview within scrollview.
In tableview within scrollview approach, you need to distinguish your parent scrollview as well as tableview's scrollview. Try to differentiate parent scrollview and tableview's scrollview with different tags. Because both scrollview will call delegate methods of viewcontroller, if implemented. Just check tag of scrollview in all delegate methods of scrollview and perform action accordingly.
As per my understaing you want a view which you want vertical scroll view and horizontal inside it.
So here my suggestion is to use UITABLEVIEW for vertical scrolling and UICOLLECTIONVIEW for horizontal scrolling inside tableview
Both will work fine

Using a Big Cell in TableView instead of a ScrollView?

I'm making an app that requires I use multiple custom UIControls in some sort of scrolling view. The control's size depends on the auto layout constraints placed on it. Unfortunately, ScrollView doesn't interact well with AutoLayout and this particular UIControl's sizing.
One potential solution would be to place these controls in a very tall UITableView cell and simply use that cell as a sort of ScrollView.
Besides accessibility, are there any problems with doing this?
I'm new to this so any help is appreciated,

How to setup a UIScrollView to arrange content dynamically?

I am trying to create a user profile screen. The screen will have lots of information about a user. It will look similar to this AirB
From the looks of it, it seems to be some sort of scrollView? or is it a tableView or a collectionView? (because it seems that there are some rows in there i think)
Does any one here know how this type of view can be accomplished or can be setup?
EDIT two answers below says to use a UITableview, and 2 other answers says to avoid it. Are there any benefits/disadvantages to using either?
Use only one child UIView as i will call it ContainerView inside UIScrollView and then place your child views inside that ContainerView. Use constraint to trailing and leading and top and bottom of that ContainerView to UIScrollView. and use constraint for placing child views to viewController.view not to ContainerView to then iOS will find where child views have to be.
Good Tutorial to find out how to use constraint on scrollView
Apple Technical Note
Do Not use tableview in this case, this content is difficult to maintain in a table view, really, use a scrollview, as for how, a simple googling for "swift uiscrollview tutorial"
Tableview is the best solution for this kind of scrolling views but in the screen you have mapview if it updates every moment i.e. updates with current location then it is not recommended to use tableview.
In that case you can use scrollview with custom views add subview changing with parameters.
In one of my app i did same thing using Tableview. And for that tableview i created a custom cell which have such a big height and i added all the images,map,details of user in that. And it work similar to what you want.
If you want help reply to my answer

How to make a UITableView look like this?

I'm curious of how Youtube `s UITableViewCells are done, here is a screenshot:
Like you can see the cells are like squared and centred, how can I do that?
While you actually can use UICollectionView instead of a UITableView, this layout (YouTube App) can actually be achieved with UITableView as well.
You will need to create a custom UITableViewCell, that has few images and labels. When you create a custom UITableViewCell, you add items to the contentView property. You can then change the constraints or frame of the contentView property to achieve the effect.
Of course, there are more ways to achieve this layout, but I would follow this one:
Create a custom subclass of UITableViewCell.
Give UITableViewCell a clear background.
Give white background to the contentView UIView property of the created subclass.
Add constraints for margin between cells to contentView in UITableViewCell.
Design the layout of the cell in contentView.
It is basically not hard to create a design like this.
Use a UICollectionView instead of a UITableView
Cells are automatically centered, just create a square size.
