How do I get a compiled .app file from xcode? - ios

When I click on the products folder in xcode and open the file in finder - I copy this to my text editor and it appears as folder and files. How can I get the compiled .app file?
Copied from products in xcode:

You can find the .app file here please check:
xCode window tab
Right-click on the archive part, you can select which version you want to get the app file.
Show in finder
Right-click to (ProductName….). xcarchive file
Show package contents


How to create .dsym file in Xcode 6.4

I know this should be a simple problem to solve, but I'm stumped.
Using Xcode 6.4, how can I create the .dsym file (this is for submission for Veracode scanning, if that matters).
All the instructions I can find are for Xcode <=5, and don't fully translate to Xcode 6.x
After archiving your app, in your derived data
Go to your application
your .dsym file will be in this folder.
Finding the dSYM of a particular build through the Terminal can be quite cumbersome. Instead, use Xcode to do that. In the Window menu, choose Organiser. A list of your apps and archives appears. Select the one you are interested in. Right-click on it, and choose Show in Finder. You will end up in a directory with files called <AppName>-<ArchiveDate>.xcarchive, with the archive you selected in Xcode already selected in the Finder. Right-click again on it, and choose Show Package Contents. And you'll find here a dSYMs folder.

Where is the (.app) project directory in iOS

I need to test my app with AppScanner for private API.
AppScanner said like following.
You can use App Scanner one of three ways: drop a compiled simulator .app folder into the GUI to scan the app, type method signatures into the search text field, or integrate the command line version into your build phase as part of a script to automatically check code right after it is compiled by Xcode.
I don't know where to find .app folder that compiled simulator.
Where is it?
The .app is in the Products Folder in your Xcode project.
As its Red now So you need to Build on a iOS device then it will be Black then Right Click and choose Show in Finder(it will open a finder window with .app location).
Here is path to iPhone Simulator path folder:
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/[OS
There you can find .app file.

Physical location of target in xcode

I am creating an app in IOS with xcode 5.4.2. Can anybody tell me the physical location of target in xcode. Which files store the build settings given in the target in xcode IDE?
Most of the settings are stored in the "project.pbxproj" file inside the .xcodeproj file/folder, but this file isn't particularly easy to read.
Right Click the .xcodeproj
Click Show Package Contents
project.pbxproj file is in there.

iOS app does not have a Build directory with .app in - for binary upload

I have an iOS app which I need to upload the binary of. From what I could find online, I have to ZIP the .app folder and upload that.
Problem is I cannot find my .app directory. In my other apps I do find it. But in this specific one, there is no Build directory whatsoever.
Must I set it in my Target or somewhere for it to create that folder?
(This is in Xcode 4.2)
Does the app appear in the Products folder for your project (should be at the bottom of the project file/folder list in the left column)? If it does, right click on the .app file and choose the Open in Finder option. Zip the Application file and you should be fine.
If this is an app that you can run on a device, choose Build > Archive. The Organizer window will open, and now you can select and "share" the archive.
Otherwise, open the Preferences window and, under Locations, click the arrow next to the Derived Data pathname. Your build folder is usually inside the derived data folder for this project.

iphone: Where the .dSYM file is located in crash report

According to this page here if you have proper application binary and .dSYM file then it is easy to symbolic them. But where are .dSYM and application binary files located?
Right Click on your archive -> Show in Finder -> Right click on file and click on Show package contents.
Here you will find your .dSYM file.
You can locate .dSYM and application binary file in archive.
Select Window -> Organizer
This will open up Organizer window containing last created Archive of project
Right click on Archive and select 'Show in Finder'
Select 'Show Package Content' for archive
Project.xcarchive contains dSYMs, Info.plist and Products
dSYMs folder contains dSYM file of your project.
Application folder in Project contains application binary of your project.
If you have archived your project, you can find the dSYM file as above.
If you have build you project for a real device, you can also find the dSYM file by the following way:
Go to Project Navigator, and find Products folder
Right click the app, and choose Show in Finder.
Make sure that the app is in black color, not red. Because red color means that you have not build the target for a real device.
You can find the dSYM file with the same name with your app, in the same folder.
Before all of these actions, make sure you have configured the xcode build settings right, as follows:
Generate Debug Symbols setting is enabled.
Debug Infomation Format are set to DWARF with dSYM File.
Hope this will help.
I found my .dsym file in /Users/<username>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<appname>/Build/Products/<appname>
If you removed archive from Xcode's Organizer like me, you can download dsym at the appstore. Select your app, select target version and go to Activity tab. Here you can download desired dsym.
In Xcode 5.1.1 you will find it under Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> DerivedData. Under DerivedData you will see a bunch of random directory names. Find the ones that starts with your project name. Then get the latest directory that was created for your project. Then under that directory go to Build/Products/<Your specific release>/*.app.dSYM.
You can even click on your end product under "Products" in project explorer and do a "Show in finder" to get there directly.
The .dSYM file should have been generated when you built your application. Look in your build product directory.
If you have the UUID you are looking for, you can search the files with the following command:
mdfind "com_apple_xcode_dsym_uuids == <UUID>"
It's simple. Please follow the steps here:
Open your project in Xcode, and select the project file in the Xcode Navigator.
Select your main build target from the Select a project or target dropdown.
Open the target's Build Settings tab.
Click All near the top of the tab.
Search for "debug information format".
Set Debug Information Format to DWARF with dSYM File.
Now go to Product > Archive > Your Build > right click on your build and click on Show in Finder. Now right click and go to Show Package Contents > dSYMs >
If you haven't generated an archive and are trying to debug it on the device, dsym can be found at
1.Select Window -> Organizer
2.Right click on Archive(your app name) and select 'Show in Finder'
3.Select 'Show Package Content' for archive
4.Right click on yourProject.xcarchive contains dSYMs, Info.plist and Products
I just want to share something from my experience. Every time when I release a new version of my framework I save its dSYM in a separate folder. So, later I can find the relevant dSYM easily when I need it. It could be easily done by adding this line of code to the bash script in Build Settings (e.g. in this example I'm saving it to the desktop).
cp -r "${BUILD_DIR}/${CONFIGURATION}-iphoneos/${FRAMEWORK_NAME}.framework.dSYM" "${HOME}/Desktop/${FRAMEWORK_NAME}.framework.dSYM"
Just one more way to find them all, UUID as a bonus
mdfind -name .dSYM | while read -r line; do dwarfdump -u "$line"; done
If you want, you can download them from App Store Connect.
It's under Testflight > Builds > Click your build version code > Build Metadata > Download dSYM
.dSYM is generated near .app..dSYM is defined by Build location[About]. Usually it is a Derived Data folder.
For example is located
I found build configuration should be Release to generate .dSYM file.
First check both of them are in the same configuration - DWARF with dSYM File
If it is okay, then navigate to the following path of your finder or from your terminal
Find App Name and Open Package Content, you will find your .dsym file
