Active choices reactive parameter doesn't show desired default branch - jenkins

I want to use Jenkins' active choices reactive parameter to use Groovy script to show all branches in the repository.
I have the following code sample to get all branches of a repository and since that there are hundreds of branches, I want the default to be master branch.
Even though I specifically inserted the defaultBranch variable, it shows the first item as the default and not the branch I written to.
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider;
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials;
import jenkins.model.Jenkins
def git_url ="url"
def getAllBranches(url, credentialID, activeChoice = false, defaultBranch = 'master') {
def jenkinsCredentials = CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(
def key = jenkinsCredentials.findResult { == credentialID ? it.privateKey : null }
if( !key ) {
return 'Error: credentials not found'
Process process = ['ssh-agent','bash','-c', "echo '" + key + "' | ssh-add - 2> /dev/null && git ls-remote -t -h " + url].execute()
def out = new StringBuilder()
def err = new StringBuilder()
process.consumeProcessOutput( out, err )
if( err.size() > 0 ) return err
if( out.size() > 0 ) {
def branches = out.readLines().collect { it.split()[1].replaceAll('refs/heads/', '') }
if( activeChoice ) {
def defaultBranchIndex = branches.indexOf(defaultBranch)
if( defaultBranchIndex >= 0 ) branches.set(defaultBranchIndex, defaultBranch + ':selected')
return branches
return getAllBranches(git_url, "efa7bed9-56a0-42ac-8fa3-a68fe7700801")

You have set default for activeChoice to false in the getAllBranches method and do not set while calling it, thus the if-branch that adds the :selected is never entered.

I changed activeChoice method's value from false to true and it solved my issue:
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider;
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials;
import jenkins.model.Jenkins
def git_url ="url"
def getAllBranches(url, credentialID, activeChoice = true, defaultBranch = 'master') {
def jenkinsCredentials = CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(
def key = jenkinsCredentials.findResult { == credentialID ? it.privateKey : null }
if( !key ) {
return 'Error: credentials not found'
Process process = ['ssh-agent','bash','-c', "echo '" + key + "' | ssh-add - 2> /dev/null && git ls-remote -t -h " + url].execute()
def out = new StringBuilder()
def err = new StringBuilder()
process.consumeProcessOutput( out, err )
if( err.size() > 0 ) return err
if( out.size() > 0 ) {
def branches = out.readLines().collect { it.split()[1].replaceAll('refs/heads/', '') }
if( activeChoice ) {
def defaultBranchIndex = branches.indexOf(defaultBranch)
if( defaultBranchIndex >= 0 ) branches.set(defaultBranchIndex, defaultBranch + ':selected')
return branches
return getAllBranches(git_url, "efa7bed9-56a0-42ac-8fa3-a68fe7700801")


java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method

have the next field which I try to send in slack results of my job
} finally {
sh(script: 'ls -lah')
slack.jobResultNotification(currentBuild.result, '#some_channel',null,null,null,'')
But everytime I get
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method getSecret() on null object
Function for slack Notification ( I only added the important parts of my code)
def jobResultNotification(String buildStatusParam, String channel = "#some_channel",
String jobName=null,
Number buildNumber=null, String buildUrl=null,
String credentialsId="SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL") {
def jobNameParam = jobName != null && jobName != "" ? jobName : env.JOB_NAME
def buildUrlParam = buildUrl != null && buildUrl != "" ? buildUrl : env.BUILD_URL
def buildNumberParam = buildNumber != null && buildNumber != "" ? buildNumber : env.BUILD_NUMBER
def common = new com.Common()
cred = common.getCredentialsById(credentialsId)
hook_url_parsed = cred.getSecret().toString()
and for creds
def getCredentialsById(String credsId, String credsType = 'any') {
def credClasses = [ // ordered by class name
sshKey : com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey.class,
cert : com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.CertificateCredentials.class,
password : com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials.class,
any : com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.BaseStandardCredentials.class,
dockerCert: org.jenkinsci.plugins.docker.commons.credentials.DockerServerCredentials.class,
file : org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.FileCredentials.class,
string : org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.StringCredentials.class,
return com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(
).findAll { cred -> == credsId }[0]

How can I get revision/commitID in changeSet in Jenkins

I am trying to get the commitID/revision in changeSet in Jenkins. And here is my code:
The commitId I got is null but I can get the revision from the summary under the Changes page when the build finished.
def project = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getItem(project_name)
def buildnum = some_number
build = project.getBuildByNumber(buildnum)
def upstreamBuilds = build.getUpstreamBuilds()
upstreamBuilds.each() { key, value ->
def prj = key;
def num = value;
build = prj.getBuildByNumber(num);
def changeSet = build.changeSet
if(changeSet != null) {
def hadChanges = false
changeSet.each() { cs ->
hadChanges = true
How can I get the correct commitId from changeSet of the build?

How to get the changes since the last successful build in jenkins pipeline?

Anyone have a Jenkins Pipeline script that can stuff all the changes since the previous successful build in a variable? I'm using git and a multibranch pipeline job.
Well I managed to cobble something together. I'm pretty sure you can iterate the arrays better but here's what I've got for now:
node('Android') {
passedBuilds = []
lastSuccessfulBuild(passedBuilds, currentBuild);
def changeLog = getChangeLog(passedBuilds)
echo "changeLog ${changeLog}"
def lastSuccessfulBuild(passedBuilds, build) {
if ((build != null) && (build.result != 'SUCCESS')) {
lastSuccessfulBuild(passedBuilds, build.getPreviousBuild())
def getChangeLog(passedBuilds) {
def log = ""
for (int x = 0; x < passedBuilds.size(); x++) {
def currentBuild = passedBuilds[x];
def changeLogSets = currentBuild.rawBuild.changeSets
for (int i = 0; i < changeLogSets.size(); i++) {
def entries = changeLogSets[i].items
for (int j = 0; j < entries.length; j++) {
def entry = entries[j]
log += "* ${entry.msg} by ${} \n"
return log;
Based on the answer from CaptRespect I came up with the following script for use in the declarative pipeline:
def changes = "Changes:\n"
build = currentBuild
while(build != null && build.result != 'SUCCESS') {
changes += "In ${}:\n"
for (changeLog in build.changeSets) {
for(entry in changeLog.items) {
for(file in entry.affectedFiles) {
changes += "* ${file.path}\n"
build = build.previousBuild
echo changes
This is quite useful in stage->when->expression parts to run a stage only when certain files were changed. I haven't gotten to that part yet though, I'd love to create a shared library from this and make it possible to pass it some globbing patterns to check for.
EDIT: Check the docs btw, in case you want to delve a little deeper. You should be able to convert all the object.getSomeProperty() calls into just entry.someProperty.
This is what I've used:
def listFilesForBuild(build) {
def files = []
currentBuild.changeSets.each {
it.items.each {
it.affectedFiles.each {
files << it.path
def filesSinceLastPass() {
def files = []
def build = currentBuild
while(build.result != 'SUCCESS') {
files += listFilesForBuild(build)
build = build.getPreviousBuild()
return files.unique()
def files = filesSinceLastPass()
There's the Changes Since Last Success Plugin that could help you with that.
For anyone using Accurev here is an adaptation of andsens answer. andsens answer can't be used because the Accurev plugin doesn't implement getAffectedFiles. Documentation for the AccurevTransaction that extends the ChangeLogSet.Entry class can be found at here.
import hudson.plugins.accurev.*
def changes = "Changes: \n"
build = currentBuild
// Go through the previous builds and get changes until the
// last successful build is found.
while (build != null && build.result != 'SUCCESS') {
changes += "Build ${}:\n"
for (changeLog in build.changeSets) {
for (AccurevTransaction entry in changeLog.items) {
changes += "\n Issue: " + entry.getIssueNum()
changes += "\n Change Type: " + entry.getAction()
changes += "\n Change Message: " + entry.getMsg()
changes += "\n Author: " + entry.getAuthor()
changes += "\n Date: " + entry.getDate()
changes += "\n Files: "
for (path in entry.getAffectedPaths()) {
changes += "\n " + path;
changes += "\n"
build = build.previousBuild
echo changes
writeFile file: "changeLog.txt", text: changes
In order to return the changes as a list of strings, instead of just printing them, you may use this function (based on #andsens answer):
def getChangesSinceLastSuccessfulBuild() {
def changes = []
def build = currentBuild
while (build != null && build.result != 'SUCCESS') {
changes += (build.changeSets.collect { changeSet ->
(changeSet.items.collect { item ->
(item.affectedFiles.collect { affectedFile ->
build = build.previousBuild
return changes.unique()

NPE after grails clean

The application works just fine, but after grails clean it starts throwing an error if I execute grails war or grail web-app:
|Loading Grails 2.4.3
|Configuring classpath
|Environment set to production
|Packaging Grails application
|Compiling 18 source files
Compilation error: startup failed:
General error during class generation: NPE while processing BcvjobService.groovy
groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: NPE while processing BcvjobService.groovy
at org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.AsmClassGenerator.visitClass(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit$
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.applyToPrimaryClassNodes(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.doPhaseOperation(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.processPhaseOperations(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.compile(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.compile(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyc.runCompiler(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyc.compile(
at org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler.Grailsc.compile(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyc.execute(
Googling didn't help in the least, so I can't even understand where to start, and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is BcvjobService.groovy:
package bcvapp
import grails.transaction.Transactional
import groovy.lang.Closure;
import groovy.util.AntBuilder
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import grails.util.Mixin
import grails.util.Holders
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.context.ServletContextHolder as SCH
class BcvjobService {
def mailService
def holderService
def servletContext = SCH.servletContext
def String absPath = getAbsPath()
def String configPath = servletContext.getRealPath("/pipeline/bcvrun.prj.xml")
def outputMap = [:]
def prepareDirectory(Bcvjob job, String sessionId, List fileList, List directionList, Integer queueSize){
def configFile = new File (configPath)
def defaultConfig = new XmlParser().parse(configFile)
// Create directory structure
def inputLine = defaultConfig.BCV_Input
def input = inputLine.text().replaceAll(Pattern.compile('[\\.\\/\\\\]'), '')
def outputLine = defaultConfig.BCV_Output
def output = outputLine.text().replaceAll(Pattern.compile('[\\.\\/\\\\]'), '')
def folderPath = "${absPath}${sessionId}"
def inputPath = folderPath + "/" + input
def outputPath = folderPath + "/" + output
addResultsPath(sessionId, outputPath)
inputLine[0].value = inputPath
outputLine[0].value = outputPath
def inpath = defaultConfig.InPath // why there are two almost identical lines in bcv config?
inpath[0].value = inputPath
new File (inputPath).mkdirs()
new File (outputPath).mkdir()
new File(outputPath + "/simple_results.html").createNewFile()
File res = new File(outputPath + "/simple_results.html")
if (queueSize > 2 ){
res << ("Your task was submitted at ${new Date()}<p>")
res << ("Waiting in queue..<p>")
res << ("Please, bookmark this page to see the results later. Refresh the page to check if they are ready.")
else {
res << ("Your task was submitted at ${new Date()}<p>")
res << ("Running..<p>")
res << ("Please, bookmark this page to see the results later. Refresh the page to check if they are ready.")
res << ("<script>")
res << ("var interval = setInterval('location.reload()', '30000');")
res << ("</script>")
for (f in fileList){
new File (outputPath + "/" + f.getOriginalFilename().replaceAll(Pattern.compile('\\..*'), '').replaceAll("\\s+", "_")).mkdir()
uploadFiles(inputPath, fileList)
// Write custom configuration file
def vocabulary = defaultConfig.Vocabulary
def vocabularyPath = vocabulary[0].text().substring(0, vocabulary[0].text().lastIndexOf("/")+1)
def vocabularyName = job.vocabulary.replaceAll(/\s+/, "_")
vocabulary[0].value = vocabularyPath + vocabularyName + ".seq.fas"
def reads = defaultConfig.READS.find{'READS'}
def counter = 0
for (f in fileList){
def stringDirection
if (directionList.get(counter) == "r"){
stringDirection = "reverse"
else stringDirection = "forward"
reads.appendNode('Read', [name:f.getOriginalFilename().replaceAll("\\s+", "_")]).appendNode('Direction', stringDirection)
def taxdb = defaultConfig.Database
if (job.taxdb == "full"){
taxdb[0].value = "all"
else if (job.taxdb == "named isolates"){
taxdb[0].value = "named"
def distance = defaultConfig.DistanceThreshold
distance[0].value = job.distance.toFloat()
def email = defaultConfig.Email
email[0].value =
def mode = defaultConfig.Mode
mode[0].value = "PIPELINE"
def writer = new StringWriter()
def printer = new XmlNodePrinter(new PrintWriter(writer))
printer.with {
preserveWhitespace = true
expandEmptyElements = true
def result = writer.toString()
new File(folderPath + "/bcvrun.prj.xml").write(result)
return outputPath
def Closure getWaitingPipeline = {Bcvjob job ->
def queueSize = Bcvjob.countByDateCreatedLessThanEquals(job.dateCreated) + Stapjob.countByDateCreatedLessThanEquals(job.dateCreated)
if(queueSize > 2){
println (" bcv waiting in queue; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
while (queueSize > 2){ // 1 running task + our task
queueSize = Bcvjob.countByDateCreatedLessThanEquals(job.dateCreated) + Stapjob.countByDateCreatedLessThanEquals(job.dateCreated)
println (" bcv finished waiting in queue; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
def res = new File(getResults(job.sessionId)).newWriter()
res.write("Your task was submitted at ${new Date()}<p>")
res.write("Please, bookmark this page to see the results later. Refresh the page to check if they are ready.")
def returnCode = runPipeline(job.sessionId)
println (" bcv waiting pipeline finished; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
if (returnCode != 143){
println (" bcv waiting results zipped; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
if (returnCode == 0){
if ( {
sendResults(, job.sessionId)
println (" bcv waiting results sent; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
else {
if ( {
sendLogs(, job.sessionId)
println (" bcv bad news sent; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
else if (returnCode != 143) {
sendLogs(job.sessionId) // send to weidewind
else {
println (" user left; sessionId ${job.sessionId} ")
def sessionId = job.sessionId
def Closure getPipeline = {Bcvjob job ->
def returnCode = runPipeline(job.sessionId)
println (" bcv pipeline finished; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
if (returnCode != 143){
println (" bcv results zipped; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
if (returnCode == 0){
if ( {
sendResults(, job.sessionId)
println (" bcv results sent; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
else {
if ( {
sendLogs(, job.sessionId, returnCode)
println (" bcv bad news sent; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
else if (returnCode != 143) {
sendLogs(job.sessionId) // send to weidewind
else {
println (" user left; sessionId ${job.sessionId} ")
def sessionId = job.sessionId
private def addResultsPath(String sessionId, String outputPath){
outputMap.putAt(sessionId, outputPath)
def runPipeline(String sessionId){
println (" going to run bcv pipeline, sessionId ${sessionId}")
def command = "perl /store/home/popova/Programs/BCV_pipeline/ ${absPath}${sessionId} bcvrun.prj.xml >${absPath}pipelinelog.txt >2${absPath}pipelinerr.txt"// Create the String
holderService.procs[sessionId] = command.execute() // Call *execute* on the string
holderService.procs[sessionId].consumeProcessOutput( System.out, System.err ) //31.10
holderService.procs[sessionId].waitFor() // Wait for the command to finish
def exitValue = holderService.procs[sessionId].exitValue()
println "return code " + exitValue
return exitValue
def uploadFiles(String uploadPath, List fileList){
for (f in fileList){
if(f instanceof org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartFile){
def fileName = f.getOriginalFilename().replaceAll("\\s+", "_")
new FileOutputStream(uploadPath + "/" + fileName).leftShift( f.getInputStream() )
} else {
log.error("wrong attachment type [${f.getClass()}]");
def uploadSequenceFiles(String uploadPath, List fileList){
for (f in fileList){
if(f instanceof org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartFile){
def fileName = f.getOriginalFilename().replaceAll("\\s+", "_")
new FileOutputStream(uploadPath + "/" + fileName.replaceAll(Pattern.compile('\\..*'), '') + "/" + fileName).leftShift( f.getInputStream() )
} else {
log.error("wrong attachment type [${f.getClass()}]");
def sendResults(String email, String sessionId) {
def results = getZipResults(sessionId)
println "going to send files, sessionID ${sessionId} resultsPath ${results} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
mailService.sendMail {
multipart true
to email
subject "BCV results"
body "Thanks for using BCV!\n Here are your results. \n Have a nice day!"
attachBytes '','application/zip', new File(results).readBytes()
def sendExampleResults(String email, String folderName){
def results = getStorePath() + folderName + "/"
println "going to send files, folderName ${folderName} resultsPath ${results} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
mailService.sendMail {
multipart true
to email
subject "Example BCV results"
body "Thanks for using BCV!\n Here are your example results. \n Have a nice day!"
attachBytes '','application/zip', new File(results).readBytes()
def sendLogs(String email, String sessionId) {
//def logs = "${absPath}${sessionId}logfile"
def results = getZipResults(sessionId)
println "going to send logs, sessionID ${sessionId} logPath ${logs} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
mailService.sendMail {
multipart true
to email
subject "BCV failed"
body "We are very sorry, but something has gone amiss. Here are some of your results, though."
attachBytes '','application/zip', new File(results).readBytes()
//just in case there is no results at all and does not exist. Todo: catch mailService or zip exception
//else user left, auto-termination
mailService.sendMail {
multipart true
to ""
subject "BCV failed"
body "Achtung! email: ${email}, sessionId: ${sessionId}"
mailService.sendMail {
multipart true
to ""
subject "BCV failed"
body "Achtung! email: ${email}, sessionId: ${sessionId}"
attachBytes '','application/zip', new File(results).readBytes()
println (" bcv bad news sent to webmaster; sessionId ${job.sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
def sendLogs(String sessionId){
//just in case there is no results at all and does not exist. Todo: catch mailService or zip exception
mailService.sendMail {
multipart true
to ""
subject "BCV failed"
body "Achtung! sessionId: ${sessionId}"
println (" bcv bad news sent to webmaster; sessionId ${sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
def zipResults(String sessionId){
def output = getOutput(sessionId)
def results = getZipResults(sessionId)
println "going to zip files, sessionID ${sessionId} time ${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
println (output)
def p = ~/.*\.(svg|html|with_names|cluster\.fasta)/
def filelist = []
def outputDir = new File(output)
outputDir.eachDir { chrom ->
def chromDir = new File(chrom.absolutePath)
chromDir.eachFileMatch(FileType.FILES, p){ tree ->
def splittedPath = tree.absolutePath.split('/')
println ("going to add ${splittedPath[splittedPath.size()-2]}/${splittedPath[splittedPath.size()-1]} from ${output} to zip list; sessionId ${sessionId}")
println("results will be placed here ${results}")
def zipFile = new File("${results}")
new AntBuilder().zip( basedir: output,
destFile: zipFile.absolutePath,
includes: filelist.join( ' ' ) )
def getResults (String sessionId){
return outputMap.getAt(sessionId) + "/simple_results.html"
def getOutput(String sessionId){
return outputMap.getAt(sessionId)
def getZipResults(String sessionId){
return outputMap.getAt(sessionId) + "/"
def getExampleFolderName(List fileList){
def exampleFileNames = []
for (f in fileList){
def folderName = ""
for (f in exampleFileNames){
folderName = folderName + (f.replaceAll(Pattern.compile('\\..*'), ''))
println folderName
return folderName
def checkInput(Bcvjob job, List fileList){
String errorMessage = ""
if (!job.validate()) {
errorMessage = "Some errors occured: "
job.errors.each {
errorMessage += "<p>" + it + "</p>"
//if (!isFloat(job.distance) || job.distance.toFloat() < 0 || job.distance.toFloat() > 0.1){
if ( job.distance < 0 || job.distance > 0.1){
errorMessage += "<p> Maximum distance must not be less than 0 or more than 0.1 </p>"
if (job.errors.hasFieldErrors("email")){
errorMessage += "<p>Your e-mail does not seem valid </p>"
if (job.errors.hasFieldErrors("files") || (fileList.size() == 0 & job.isExample == "false")){
errorMessage += "<p>Select at least one file </p>"
if (fileList.size() > 10){
errorMessage += "<p>Please, do not select more than 10 files at once. </p>"
if (job.isExample == "false"){
for (f in fileList) {
def name = f.getOriginalFilename()
int dot= name.lastIndexOf(".");
if (name.substring(dot+1) != "ab1"){
errorMessage += "<p>Unsupported extension: ${name} </p>"
def bytes = f.getBytes()
if (bytes[0] != 'A' || bytes[1] != 'B' || bytes[2] != 'I' || bytes[3] != 'F' || !(bytes[4]+bytes[5] >= 101)){
errorMessage += "<p>Not ABI: ${name} </p>"
return errorMessage
def isFloat(String value)
return true;
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe)
return false;
def getAbsPath(){
return Holders.config.absPath
def getStorePath(){
return Holders.config.storePath
def talkWork(){
def talkQueue(){

Creating an instance of a domain class inside a grails script

I am trying to create an instance of a domain class inside a grails 2.3.6 script:
def player = new Player(name:"Bob")
But I keep getting an exception
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gaming/Player
I've tried all the different bootstrapping tricks I've managed to find on the internet but they don't really change the result:
I've tried importing:
import gaming.Player
I've tried loading the bootstrap script:
includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsBootstrap")
I've tried depending on every task I managed to find:
depends(configureProxy, packageApp, classpath, loadApp, configureApp, compile, bootstrap)
I've even tried loading the class at runtime:
Interestingly enough, this last line doesn't barf which suggests that grails can find my class, but chooses to ignore the find when I actually go to use it.
Edit. As requested, here is the current version of the script
import gaming.Player
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ApplicationHolder
includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsInit")
includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsBootstrap")
includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsClasspath")
def handleHeaderLine(line) {
def retval = []
line.each {
if(!it.equals("Game Name") && !it.equals("Total # of Copies")) {
println("Creating Player: " + it)
def player = new Player(name:it)
retval << it
} else {
retval << null
return retval;
def handleGameLine(header, line) {
println("Creating Game: " + line[0])
for(int i = 1; i < line.length - 1; i++) {
if(!header[i].equals("Total # of Copies")) {
def count = line[i] == "" ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(line[i]);
for(int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
println "Creating copy of " + line[0] + " owned by " + header[i]
target(loadAssets: "The description of the script goes here!") {
depends(configureProxy, packageApp, classpath, loadApp, configureApp, compile, bootstrap)
def tsv = new File("...")
def header = null;
tsv.eachLine {
def line = it.split("\t")
if(header == null) {
header = handleHeaderLine(line)
println header
} else {
handleGameLine(header, line)
You do not have to do all the boiler plate effort to bring up the environment while running your script. run-script does that for you. When grails run-script is used following targets are run by default: checkVersion, configureProxy, bootstrap. And finally the script run-script is run.
run-script runs your custom script in GroovyShell by providing ApplicationContext and grailsApplication as bindings to shell. So what you would end up with your script is shown below as if it is written in Groovy console/shell:
def handleHeaderLine(line) {
def retval = []
line.each {
if(!it.equals("Game Name") && !it.equals("Total # of Copies")) {
println("Creating Player: " + it)
def player = new Player(name: it) true)
retval << it
} else {
retval << null
return retval
def handleGameLine(header, line) {
println("Creating Game: " + line[0])
for(int i = 1; i < line.length - 1; i++) {
if(!header[i].equals("Total # of Copies")) {
def count = line[i] == "" ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(line[i]);
for(int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
println "Creating copy of " + line[0] + " owned by " + header[i]
def tsv = new File("...")
def header = null
tsv.eachLine {
def line = it.split("\t")
if(header == null) {
header = handleHeaderLine(line)
println header
} else {
handleGameLine(header, line)
And then use run-script as below:
grails run-script scripts/player/PlayerScript.groovy
which would by default run the script in dev environment. If you want for other envirnments then use as
grails test run-script scripts/player/PlayerScript.groovy
Due to a major bug in latest version of grails, you won't be able to run script the above mentioned way because run-script always depends on bootstrap target and would always try to bring tomcat up while running script as the plugin scope in build which would result in Error loading plugin manager: TomcatGrailsPlugin. The workaround is also mentioned in the defect but here is a groovier implementation. Change in BuildConfig.groovy as:
plugins {
if ( !System.getProperty("noTomcat") ) {
build ":tomcat:"
and then issue run-script command as:
grails -DnoTomcat=true run-script scripts/player/PlayerScript.groovy
On a side note, the reason your script was not running is that the class Player will not be loaded at this time while running script, for use. It has to be loaded manually using classLoader and then create an instance off of it. Something like:
includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsInit")
includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsBootstrap")
target(playerScript: "The description of the script goes here!") {
depends configureProxy, packageApp, classpath, loadApp, configureApp
def playerClass = classLoader.loadClass("gaming.Player")
//Skeptical about how a domain class would behave
//But a normal POGO should be good being used this way
def player = playerClass.newInstance([[name: "Bob"]] as Object[]) true)
println player
