Git error: unable to run post install scripts - git-for-windows

Git error after installation
I am getting this error after I am installing Git in Windows 10. I am unable to find a solution for this. What to do?


Brew install fails with 403 Unauthorized

Despite having installed other packages successfully with brew, I am unable to install maven.
After running brew install maven, I get the following error:
curl: (18) transfer closed with 9103121 bytes remaining to read
Error: maven: Failed to download resource "maven"
Download failed:
I am using the following versions of brew and git:
$ brew --version
Homebrew 3.3.8
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 7c983d9c784; last commit 2021-12-13)
Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 538992b1fb; last commit 2021-12-13)
$ git --version
git version 2.23.0
When visiting the failed download in my browser, I also get a 403 failure:
{"errors":[{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"authentication required"}]}
This error is strange to me because I would not think brew dependencies for public taps like for maven would require authorization.
My work network/VPN was causing this error. I was able to download successfully disabling my VPN and using my mobile network connection.

Trying to install aws-sam-cli through brew on ubuntu using "brew tap aws/tap" command ,getting error "fatal: Could not resolve HEAD to a revision"

just installed homebrew , brew --version gives below output
Homebrew 2.7.7
Homebrew/linuxbrew-core (no Git repository)
i have git version 2.27.0 installed , now im trying to run "brew tap aws/tap" command but getting the error "fatal: Could not resolve HEAD to a revision".
im using ubuntu version 20.04
git -C $(brew --repo homebrew/core) checkout master - this worked for me
Reference this issue - Installing upx with Mac Big Sur

Unable to install Dart 2.7.2

I'm trying to install Dart 2.7.2.
Initially I tried to install via:
brew install
Which gives an error:
Calling Installation of dart from a GitHub commit URL is disabled! Use 'brew extract dart' to stable tap on GitHub instead.
Next approach, I downloaded the file at:
And then updated DEVEL block to HEAD block, then ran:
brew install --build-from-source ./dart.rb
And now I'm getting this error:
Error: invalid attribute for formula 'dart': version ("")
And I've no idea what to do now...or how to go from here. Any tips?

Error: gobject-introspection: uninitialized constant Language::Python::Shebang

While executing the following command:
brew install opencv
I am encountered with the following exception:
Error: gobject-introspection: uninitialized constant Language::Python::Shebang
Could you please help me find the root cause for this and resolve it?
Language::Python::Shebang is the replacement for Language::Python.rewrite_python_shebang, which was deprecated in Homebrew 2.3.0
So you are likely using a version of Homebrew prior to 2.3.0 You can check your Homebrew version with brew --version.
Just doing brew update should update Homebrew to the latest version.
If you at some point added or changed a formula and worked locally on it you could be on a feature branch or your Homebrew working directory is changed so it does not update the master branch.
In these cases try the following:
cd /usr/local/Homebrew
git status
Discard or git stash your changes or git checkout master if you are on a feature branch
Once the working directory is clean you can brew update to update Homebrew

SHA1 error when using brew install ruby-build

I was using Linuxbrew(which is a linux equivalent of homebrew) to install "ruby-build"
command used:- brew install ruby-build
and here is the error that i got,
Error: SHA1 mismatch
Expected: 2599afa039d2070bae9df6ce43da288b3a4adf97
Actual: 6d840506239fc0b47ad5c1b14bd5e3e0edbeaa60
Archive: /home/User1/.cache/Homebrew/makedepend-1.0.5.tar.bz2
To retry an incomplete download, remove the file above.
Later I tried deleting the makedepend-1.0.5.tar.bz2 file and run the above command again, still the error persists.
