How to see more lines in the Appium Server log? - appium

How to see more lines in the Appium Server log? My log is to big and beginning lines are being lost.


Apache Beam logs messages with the wrong tags

Error logs don't log in the GCP console.
Warning logs do log as info (so I've been using them to log info messages). E.g.,
test = "hello debug world"
logging.warning("%s", test) # will log as info message in GCP dataflow console
Info logs don't log in the console either.
I'm using Apache Beam Python 3.7 SDK 2.23.0, but this seems to be an old issue.
Also happens by Apache Beam SDK itself, which logs errors silently at times as info.
Any idea what's causing this? Seems to be a bug on the Apache Beam side of things more than an scripting error.
You will have to change the drop down value from Info to some higher log level to see Error or Warning type messages. In the screeenshot the log level is set to Info and you are searching for a string error in the log entries and stackdriver is filtering based on it.

Disconnecting client with error: client socket write error: Broken pipe - passenger 5.0.2

When I start Phusion Passenger Standalone web server (version 5.0.2), I see the following error in the log (even though everything works fine otherwise):
ServerKit/Server.h:892 ]: [Client 1-1] Disconnecting client with error: client socket write error: Broken pipe (errno=32)
Any idea what might be causing it?
Note: I start the server with foreman start and I stop it with control-c.
Passenger author here. Actually, the issue maxd linked to has got nothing to do with it.
The "Disconnecting client with error: client socket write error: Broken pipe" is a harmless informational message. It's quite normal, but I forgot to give it a lower logging level. I will do that in the next release. You can safely ignore this message. Nothing bad is going on.

Grails application doesn't start in debug mode

A grails application i work on can not start on debug mode. During start up, the application waits endlessly after the first "Running Grails application" message. Waited for a very long time but no error message is given. What can i do to find the source of the problem? With debug mode turned off, project starts. Tried with grails 2.3.6 and 2.4.1.
The application is probably waiting for the remote debugger to connect. That is by design. Once you connect the remote debugger the process should continue the startup procedure.

Neo4j Startup Hanging when recovering the Database

We are running v1.9.1, (latest stable release), of Neo4j in Embedded mode. We have had a couple of situations where the process has shutdown unexpectedly and the neo4j.shutdown() has not been called.
Note: when this has occurred we know there is no outstanding updates or changes occurring to the neoDB. Also this is on a linux OS.
When the application is started up again and it starts the connection to neo4j it begins the recovery process but is hanging forever. The messages.log file shows:
2013-07-17 21:05:09.143+0000 INFO [o.n.k.i.t.x.XaLogicalLog]: XaResourceManager[nioneo_logical.log] recovery completed.
2013-07-17 21:05:09.143+0000 INFO [o.n.k.i.t.x.XaLogicalLog]: Recovery on log [/opt/pricing/data/database/app/nioneo_logical.log.1] completed.
2013-07-17 21:05:09.156+0000 INFO [o.n.k.i.t.TxManager]: TM opening log: /opt/pricing/data/database/app/tm_tx_log.2
2013-07-17 21:05:09.245+0000 INFO [o.n.b.BackupServer]: BackupServer communication server started and bound to /
2013-07-17 21:05:09.271+0000 INFO [o.n.k.i.t.x.XaLogicalLog]: Non clean shutdown detected on log [/opt/pricing/data/database/app/index/lucene.log.2]. Recovery started ...
2013-07-17 21:05:09.271+0000 INFO [o.n.k.i.t.x.XaLogicalLog]: [/opt/pricing/data/database/app/index/lucene.log.2] logVersion=3 with committed tx=317
What's most interesting, we copied the DB over to a desktop and created a little program that just starts the DB then shuts it down and ran it against the DB. It recovered no problems and in only a couple of seconds, (this may be because the hang process had partially recovered the DB, but we don't think so because the application does recover the DB if we kill it and try running it again)
We repeated this on the linux machine with the same successful results.
We are obviously working on trying ensure shutdown will always be called on an unexpected termination of the application, but the real problem is why is the recovery process hanging when starting up?
We did find the following!msg/neo4j/CBvuMybTRFw/NMIOpBjrIYIJ but that talks about running the DB as a server and just increasing the timeout. Although the point in the messages.log is exactly the same location as mine.
As a temporary solution if the recovery hangs we can run the little 'dummy' program to see if the DB will get fixed, but would rather get to the root cause.
Does anybody have any advice?
What does the CPU/memory/disk do when you say it hangs? Is everything quiet?
Also if you do a jstack or profile or similar of the JVM doing the recovery what does the "main" thread do?
Providing answers to these questions would help a great deal.

Neo4j Server Closing for no Reason?

I have a small database that was working fine just a day ago, but now, when I try to start it, the console claims that it succeeds in opening, but the web server hangs.
lsof -i | grep 7474
states that neo4j is listening to the port, and "close_wait"-ing, which I'm told means that the server side shut it down.
The only new error I get is that logback.groovy is missing, along with logback-test.xml, which is very odd, because I set logging to false in the neo4j config file.
Any idea what could be happening? Any one else encounter this problem?
Check messages.log for more detail about the shutdown reason.
