When to Use CSV from Web or Keeping Data in Xcode? - ios

I do not believe this has been asked before so please be easy on me.
I plan to have a flashcard app that when pressing the "next" button, will cycle randomly through them. There will be different categories for different topics which will be accessed through a relative UIButton.
I could add all my data as code in Xcode of course, but the only issue is that when a new flashcard is created the user will have to update the App via App Store.
I have found bits and pieces of information regarding JSON and CSV files and pulling that data from an online source, however, with allowing the user to press a button to randomly cycle through what will be essentially TextViews, I have hit a dead-end on finding if this is an effective option or if there are better options. I also struggle to find information related to imported to Xcode, however, there is more than enough information on exporting from Xcode to CSV.
Thank You!


Best practice for storing and updating images in Xcode project

I am building my flash card iOS app for reviewing my learning Japanese using SwiftUI language.
The problem is how to storing and updating my images(>500 images). Please help me, any suggestion is appreciated, thanks for reading my post.
I think you're asking about how to manage 500+ images in an Xcode project. You could just add all the images to your project and load them as you would any image. You could use asset catalogs, which have the advantage that they let you store different versions of a resource for use on different devices, and only the ones needed for the device the app runs on will actually be installed on the device. See How Many Images Can/Should you Store in xcassets in Xcode? and Asset Catalog Format Reference for more information about asset catalogs. But any way you slice it, managing 500+ images is going to be cumbersome. There's probably a better way...
Managing all those images in your app isn't just a problem for you as the developer; building them into the app will also create problems for the user. Even if each image is relatively small, having hundreds of them in the app will probably make the app huge. That means it'll take a long time to install, and the app will use a lot of storage on the device. Every time you release a new version of the app, with more words, or even just to fix a few small bugs, the user will have to download all that data all over again.
Instead, you should consider building an app that can fetch the data it needs from a server. Ideally, you could apply that approach to all your app's data, not just the images. Maybe you'll organize your flash cards into sets of a few dozen, so that you can fetch a set of cards and the associated images pretty quickly, and sets that the user hasn't used for a while can be removed to free up space on the device. You'll be able to update a set of flash cards without having to update the app, and when you do update the app your users won't have to download all the data all over again.
You've said that you're a beginner, so this approach might seems very difficult. That's OK, you can start with a simpler approach and then improve as you go along. For example, you might just put all the images on a server and fetch them one at a time as you need them. Your flash card data file could contain just a dictionary with words and the URLs associated with those words. There are lots of examples of loading an image from an URL here on SO and elsewhere, so I'm not going to provide code for that, but it won't be hard to find. The earlier you start thinking about how to design your app so that it can scale as you add more and more words, the easier it will be to maintain the app later.
500 images can have a huge size. Applications that published on Appstore have size limit and Apple does not recommend to make big apps.
Store them on server and load needed images on fly. Also you will get possibility to update your images, remove add new.
If you don't have a backend, you can use something easy and free (Firebase storage for example) or with minimal code writing on AWS.
If you need to keep them on device - store them as files in the Documents or another apps folder, do not use CoreData for it (you can keep only the list of names/urls in database).
After loading image to be displayed for user, you can prefetch next bunch of images.
Use Alamofire, or SDWebImage to load images from network (I prefer last). These frameworks can do many useful things with images.
To load images:
you can have a list of your images (just list of the names and urls)
you can know only path and names pattern and generate links dynamically (like https://myserver/imageXXX.png.

iOS background tasks synhronization app flow

I'm programming in iOS not so long. I was mainly programming UI related stuff like animations, custom UIControls etc.
I need in my new app to:
Display loading activity indicator and in the same time:
load some remote data from server parse them and store in local core data
load some data from local core data
get user position from location service
After this I have all data needed to display next view controller and dismiss loading indicator.
Question is how can I do this all? I need to support iOS9, iOS10, 11, 12. I understand that this needs to be done in background threads and then I need to merge all data from each task and switch to next view controller. I can't use any external libraries like rx-swift or promise-kit. Maybe there is any experienced iOS developer who can give me some main guidelines how to approach to this kind of application flows? I can imagine there is a lot of ways I can do it some of them are better and some of them are worse. Any guidelines would be very helpful for me. Thanks.
It's a very complex question and as you said it's possible to solve all this problems in several ways. But for sure i can give you some core-hints about which steps is better to follow:
Run in a separate thread the management of all stuff regarding to the Network communication. Maybe you can run it on a separate queue using the class DispatchQueue(). Once you received the data, in the same thread, maybe you can directly convert these information and store them inside a CoreData database.
To store into CoreData you need at first to know how it works, so basically search for some really easy tutorial about how to create from zero your first database inside XCode. After you have been able to run and execute a very simple one you will be able to pass to the second step and so try to integrate it with the data you have previously downloaded from the network. Here a good article for you: https://www.raywenderlich.com/7569-getting-started-with-core-data-tutorial .
To get the location is a separate field of study, because you have to study which background modes are allowed in iOS (And actually are allowed just a few). After that you will need to figure out in which category of background-location application your software belongs. After that you have to dig deep and discover how protocol and delegates works inside Swift/Objective-C in order to properly manage the last location value retrieved by the sensors. Here is a good article for you: https://www.raywenderlich.com/5247-core-location-tutorial-for-ios-tracking-visited-locations.
At the end when you interconnected all this flows you can think about how to display the loading indicator. Basically you need to drag and drop it from the tools into the storyboard, interconnect it by using the IBAction or IBOutlet, depending on when you wanna show it and in which specific case. And then use the relative method startAnimating or stopAnimating in the right code flow (It really depends on how you have structured all the previous bullet points).
Since your question was very general and it includes a lot of sub-steps, basically it really needs to be thorough studied and analysed.
I've tried to sum up as much as possible the most important bullet points. I hope the links i suggested to you will help a little bit. Good luck.

save to local storage swift

I am designing an idle clicker style app, as I am quite new to programming and thought it would be a good personal project. However I am trying to design the upgrades on a second ViewController menu, however every time that the user leaves the first ViewController, all the settings on that page are lost e.g. stats. I know that there are already similar questions, but they don't relate to my issue and I am having difficulties trying to understand them.
I was just wondering if someone had any way to save this progress both when the user moves to a new viewController and when the app is closed and reopened. Also this might be pushing it, but if you could describe what each part of the code does it would be very helpful.
Best is to use UserDefaults to store page contents. You can define key/value pairs and save and load values as needed. Look for it in the IOS documentation. It is very easy to implement it.

How do I go About Creating Exam Prep with Flutter?

I want to begin a mobile app project for my college, i want to make use of flutter but am a beginner. The app is going to base on past questions of various departments of my college.
The questions will popping randomly with timer. How do i go about this?
I also need suggestion whether to make the app Online or Offline.
Making it Online, am thinking of getting the random questions from a rest API that outputs results in JSON but some of the users of the app might not be able to afford buying internet Data.
Making it Offline, i need how to go about this with Dart/Flutter. and also i'd like the size of the app not to be much as having questions stored in the app (Offline) might increase the size of the app.
I need suggestions on how to achieve my aims with Dart/Flutter please.

Annotating PDFs: where to begin?

I'm taking a beginning mobile development class, and my professor wants me to jump right in and help him with an app of his written in Objective-C, and I have 3 months. I have taken a few other CS classes so far, but no next to nothing about mobile app development.
This app is basically a songbook that holds many PDF files of music scores. The first (of multiple things) that he wants me to add is the ability for a user to annotate the music score with highlighter, pen, and eraser. Since there are many music scores, I would need to have the app save these annotations for each score, and allow editing by the user later if needed (i.e. allow the user to go back and erase stuff and add more annotations to a given score).
I'm in the planning phase and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this. I was thinking of having the annotations occur on a second view layer, and then saving that layer as an image so that it can be overlaid back onto the music notes sheet at any time (for the user to view). My concern is, would the user be able to re-annotate this layer once it has been saved as an image (i.e. erase and add more annotations, then save it again)?
Or what's the best way to go about this? I would really appreciate any advice because I am in over my head!
Well This is very broad question to answer it but let me help you with some links and you will need to go through that like.
It will help you to start your requirements into app.
There are many 3rd party frameworks are there for PDF annotations:
PSPDFKit (Paid)
Poppler (OpenSource)
There are some SO Questions links which also helps you for PDF annotation
Add Annotation to PDF
Annotation on an PDF
Programmatically add annotations on PDF
Some Github Links
Note: LazyPDFKit - (No longer maintained - Use the source code to fix
the bugs)
Hope this will helps you in your research.
