Image processing technique for image segmentation - image-processing

I'm trying to create a model that segment various part of an aerial image.
I'm using a dataset found in kaggle:
My question regards about the right way of treat images for semantic segmentation.
In this case is it better to simply resize the images (e.g. 6000x4000 to 256x256 pixel) or is it better to resize them less but then create patches from it (e.g. 6000x4000 to 1024x1024 pixel and then patches in 256x256 pixel).
I think that resizing too much an image may cause the loss of information but at the same time patching could not guarantee a full view of the image.
I also found a notebook that got 96% accuracy just by resizing so i'm not sure how to proceed:

I think there is not one correct answer to this. Dependant on the amount and size of the areas you want to segmentate, it seems unlikely to get a proper/accurate segemantion with images of your size. However, if there are only easy detectable and big areas in the image I would definetly go for the approach without patches, since the patch-approach is way more complex as it has more variables to consider (size of patches, overlapping patches, edge treatment). It would save you a lot of implementation time for preprocessing and stichting afterwards.
TLDR: I would start without patching and - if the result is sufficient - stop there. Else, try the patching approach afterwards.


How to resize(reshape) the images in CNN? Mathematical intuition behind resizing

I have been working on Images for few months for my internship, and recently I have been wondering that is there a mathematical way of resizing the images.
This becomes a fairly difficult task to resize the images because many a times freshers like me have little experience about the pre-processing in Images.
Given that my problem statement was Gender classification using the human eye. However I found it difficult because
The images were 3 channel
The images were in rectangular shape (17:11)
I did try to resize the images by following few blogs which said to start small and then go up, while it could have worked I still did not understand how small. I resized them to 800,800 randomly and go Resource Exhaustive error(I was using GPU).
So I ask the community if there is any such mathematical formula or a generalized way of doing the resizing task.
Thank you in advance.
This partially answers your question. But, normally many people use transfer learning and a pre-designed architecture for computer vision tasks. Since almost all architecture is designed for square input shape, you can get a better results by making the shape of your input image squared. Another solution would be only padding your 17X11 to make it square by 0 values. (you need to test to see which one works best in your case, but the common practice is re-shaping to square.)
It is fine to have 3 channel images, almost all images are designed for 3 channel input ( even for BW images it is suggested to repeat the channel to have 3 channel input for the model)
About resizing
About resizing the image, in theory, you need to resize the image to the model you are going to use. For example, LeNet-5 accepts images of Mnist with size 28x28. In theory, larger images result in better model performance, but in your case, the images are super low resolution you can start with 28x28 or 224x224 architectures and later use bigger ones and see if it helps in your case.
About the error it's pretty normal your model size was going to be bigger than your GPU memory so, you see Out of memory error. you can use a smaller model ( and smaller input image size) with your device, or you need to use a device with bigger GPU memory.
Finally, you should consider the size of architecture you are going to reuse to determine the correct resize of the dataset you need. If you are designing your model then best starting point can be something around 28x28 ( basically using Lenet) and later developing based on needs/performance.
the resizing can be as easy as calling a Transform with Pytorch transforms like ( i mean you don't need to manually recreate a copy of the dataset just for resizing)

training custom object in YOLOv3, how does it work?

I got an project needs to detect person in anime-like style vedios
I just tested YOLOv3 608x608 with COCO in GTX 1050TI
however speed is only at about ~1.5FPS , but I need at least 10 FPS on 1050TI for my project
1.I want to know that does the number of the classes will effect detection speed? (I assume COCO is about finding 80 kinds object in picture? if I just need find one kind of object, will it go 80x faster?)
2.when I input image for training ,original image are 1920*1080, should I resize them to 608x608 before labeling and training? there any labeling tool should I use? in at <x> <y> <width> <height> seems need to be calculate and input by hand which seems too hard, maybe there is a tool I just need to crop where the object is in image?
4.if the object is not a square in image, how does YOLO know which part are object? How to avoid it train background as object?
do I have to remove all background and fill it as black, only keep the object in image? the output always a box? can I train and get output as mask? if I detect as mask, will it slower then box because it seems to be more information? get a good result, how many training image and test image should I make?
I know it's just some noob question in CV, however I really want to know this without spending weeks in training and find out answer myself , an answer will be appreciated!
You should be able to get output of corners coordinates by using some image annotation tool.
With enough images with different background for training, supposedly the model should be able to ignore background. A black background is still a background. I guess that's a kind of data augmentation, so it might help reduce overfitting.
If it does not support mask out-of-the-box, maybe you want to do background-subtraction as an extra step to process the output.
1) In my opinion, GTX 1050Ti is not enough to test YOLO v3. Because, the model size (i.e. the number of layers) of the YOLO v3 becomes extremely large compared with the previous versions. The number of classes will be not matter in this case. If you want fast test computing speed, you should upgrade your GPU like 1070Ti.
2) Whatever the size of input images, it will be resized into the pre-defined size, which is depicted as cfg file, by force, so you don't need to resize the input image.
1) I think it may affect the speed a bit in because as you use less classes you get less convolutional filters before each YOLO layer (you set it up in the .cfg file), but it's not likely gonna be an 80x speed up
2) Maybe? I mean, YOLO's gonna resize them when training and then testing, so maybe if you really want to you could, but high res images usually work better, in my experience.
3)I like the OpenLabelling (you can just Google it and it's on GitHub)
4) You may wanna give YOLO negative images that have nothing in them to prevent them picking up on a background, where there's nothing there
5)YOLO doesn't do masks
6)About 1k per class is what probably will work, you can get by with 500 but the rule of thumb is that the more, the better)
If you're interested, I've put out the whole series on YOLO on YouTube, so you may wanna check it out:

Feature detection on a small, noisy image with OpenCV

I have an image that is both pretty noisy, small (the relevant portion is 381 × 314) and the features are very subtle.
The source image and the cropped relevant area are here as well:
The task is to count the number of white-ish dots within the relevant area using Python but I would be happy with just isolating the lighter dots and lines within the area and removing the background structure (in this case the cell).
With OpenCV I've tried Histogram equalization (destroys the details), finding contours (didn't work), using color ranges (too close in color?)
Any suggestions or guidance on other things to try? I don't believe I can get a higher res image so is this task possible with the rather difficult source?
(This is not a Python answer, since I never used the Python/OpenCV binding. The images below were created using Mathematica. But I just used basic image processing functions, so you should be able to implement that in Python on your own.)
A very general "trick" in image processing is to think about removing the thing you're looking for, instead of actually looking for it. Because often, removing it is much easier than finding it. You could for instance apply a morphological opening, median filter or a gaussian filter to it:
These filters effectively remove details smaller than the filter size, and leave the coarser structures more or less untouched. So you can just take the difference from the original image and look for local maxima:
(You'll have to play around with different "detail removal filters" and filter sizes. There's no way to tell which one works best with just one image.)

blurred image removal in an image database

I have a dataset of about 2000 images. This database contains some blurred images.
How can I automatically remove the blurred images from this database?
I read about fourier transformation to remove the blurred images. First I need to transform my images into fourier domain and then by applying some threshold I will be able to identify the blurred images. Could anybody give me some sample code in matlab for this? I don't know how to determine the threshold. Are there any way to determining this threshold?
This task is really not so simple, if you remove all the images that doesn't contain high frequencies you will end up removing many images that contain smooth scenes even though they are not blurred.
There is no 100% in computer vision, the best thing for you (in my opinion) is to make a human aided software, your software should suggest on the images that it thinks should be removed, but the final call must be made by a human being.

How can I compare images of the same origin that were cropped?

Suppose I have an image file/URL, and I want my software to search it within a set of up to 100 images (or at least in that order of magnitude). The target image that the software should find should be the "same" image as the given image, but it should still be able to "forgive" slight processing on either of them (the two images may have been cropped differently, or they were compressed differently).
The question is - is this feasible a task, given that I won't have any of the images before the search is taking place (i.e., there won't be any indexing prior to the search.) Is it likely to work in subsecond time (remember that the compare set is quite small). And if feasible, which tools can I use for this task? This could be software components or even an online service (I can live with that for a proof of concept). Can OpenSURF help me here?
To focus my question further - I'm not asking which algorithms to use, at this point I would rather use an existing tool/API/service.
The target image that the software should find should be the "same" image as the given image, but it should still be able to "forgive" slight processing on either of them.
If "slight processing" doesn't involve rotation, but only "cropping", then simple cross-correlation should work, if there could be perspective correction, rotation, lens distortion correction, then things are more complicated.
I think this method is quite forgiving to slight color corrections. Anyway, you can always convert both images to grayscale and compare grayscale versions if you want.
To focus my question further - I'm not asking which algorithms to use, at this point I would rather use an existing tool/API/service.
You can start from cvMatchTemplate from OpenCV library (the link points to the C version of the API, but it's available also for C++ and Python). Use the cropped image as a template, and look for it in all your images.
If the images you compare have dark features on light backgrounds, you may benefit from using CV_TM_CCOEFF or CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED methods. They both subtract the average over the template area from both images. Normalized methods (CV_TM_*_NORMED) generally work better but are slower than their non-normalized counterparts.
You may consider to do some preprocessing with the images before the cross-correlation. If you normalize them first, the cross-correlation will be less sensitive to slight brightness/contrast modification. If you detect edges first, as suggested by #misha, you'll lose color/lightness information, but the results for contour overlapping will be much better.
jetxee set you off on the right track. However, if you simply use template matching, you can run into problems where the background interferes with your template matching result. For example, if your template is a building and your background is primarily light (e.g. desert sand), then the template matching will fail because the lighter background will always return a higher cross-correlation than the darker template. Here is an example of this problem.
The way you solve it is the same as what is in the link:
Perform edge-detection on both your template and the target image.
Throw original template and image away
Perform template detection using the edge-detected template and edge-detected target image
As far as forgiving slight processing, the edge detection step will take care of that. As long as the edges in the two images are not modified significantly (blurred, optically distorted), the approach will work.
I know you are not looking specifically for algorithms, but nonetheless, let me suggest the following which can accomplish exactly what you are trying to do, very efficiently...
For cropped versions of the same image, including rotation, the Fourier-Mellin transform or a log-polar transform (watch out for the artsy semi-nude drawing - good source however) will give you the translation, rotation and scale coefficients between the two images, allowing to to determine what operations were needed to go from one to the other.
