navigator.mediaSession.metadata not updating after page reload - mediasession

I am currently tying our audio player with mediaSession.
Everything is working as it should, when I hit play and update navigator.mediaSession.metadata, it's properly displayed in the notification on desktop and mobile.
But after I reload the page and hit play, the notification has always default values (website URL as a title and link rel="icon" for the artwork). This only happens after I reload the website. If I close it and open again the notification is working properly again.
Here's how it's done:
initialConfiguration: {
title: 'Initial Title',
artist: 'Initial Artist',
album: '',
artwork: [
{ src: "initial/artwork/url.jpg", sizes: "512x512", type: "image/jpg" },
currentMetadata: null,
setMediaSessionMetaData: function(){
let self = this;
if ('mediaSession' in navigator) {
if( !self.currentMetadata ){
self.currentMetadata = new MediaMetadata(self.initialConfiguration);
// Update existing metadata
self.currentMetadata.title = "New Title";
self.currentMetadata.artist = "New Artist";
self.currentMetadata.artwork = [
{ src: "new/artwork/url.jpg", sizes: '512x512', type: "image/jpg" },
navigator.mediaSession.metadata = self.currentMetadata;
This function works perfectly fine on first page load, when I hit play for the first time it loads the initialConfiguration and if I call the function again the title and artwork gets updated. But after reload, the notification has always default values ignoring my configuration.
Is there a bug in mediaSession, I didn't find anything regarding this issue on mediaSession github page ( and searching this issue gives me zero results.

After Searching for days and not finding anything....
I discovered a workaround. It has to do with the performance.navigation.type when you first open a page it is set to 0 and after a refresh it gets set to 1. I was curious if this had any effect on the mediasession so I figured out how to "Hard Refresh" the page by using, "_self");, because apparently that generates a "Hard Refresh". After that the mediasession works again. so what I did was setup an onload function that checks to see if performance.navigation.type == 1 and if so then do a "Hard Refresh"
window.onload = function() {
if (performance.navigation.type != 0) {, "_self");
Now when the user refresh's it will do a "Hard Refresh".
Also make sure to move the window. Onload line to the end of the javascript file or after the initial function


Issue displaying multiple video instances in flatlist

Im having some troubles displaying videos in a flatlist. It seems to be a specific iOS issue on real devices as it works fine in simulator and on android. Using react-native-video and in the error logs im getting AVFoundationErrorDomain with error code 11839. After searching a while it seems that the real devices have limits on how many video instances they can show at a time.
So I'm getting a black screen in the video component with greyed out controls with a crossed out play button. The structure is flatlist -> child -> Video. I’ve tried changing the order and moving the video component up a level but same issue. The flatlist will render items 10 at a time and can contain images or videos.
I’ve tried saving the key of the item that renders with onViewableItemsChanged prop and save it and a maximum of ten in redux.Then i fetch this array where the video component is rendered to only render the video component where the id of the item is same as in the array from redux. This should in theory only render items that are viewed or has been viewed recently.
Before this the videos wasn’t loaded at all now they are rendered for a while but after a couple has been rendered and played the issues is back. The actual component is alwayes rendered (if the keys/id has been saved and fetched to redux) but has a black screen
Anyone with another solution or input on my code to help me with this issues is greatly appreciated.
let feedIdsArr = [...state.savedFeedIds];
let newFeedId = action.payload;
if (feedIdsArr.length < 10) {
if (!feedIdsArr.includes(newFeedId)) {
} else {
console.log("SAVE_FEED_ID", feedIdsArr);
return {...state, savedFeedIds: feedIdsArr};
return dispatch => {
payload: id
if (this.props.savedFeedIds.includes(this.props.feed.feedItemId)) {
return (
source={{uri: url}}
style={this.calculateVideoAspectRatio(videoGallery, orientation)}
resizeMode={orientation === 'portrait' ? "cover" : null}
ref={r => this.player = r}
onError={err => console.log("VIDEO ERROR", err)}
onViewableItemsChanged = ({viewableItems}) => {
viewableItems.forEach(item => {
if (item.item.videoGallery) {

Style the default "No video source" / "No video permissions" black rectangle

When the user is prompted for a permission on Safari, the video element is shown as a black rectangle with a strikethrough play button. How do I change this element's styling? Does it have a specific ID / class / tag?
I'm using Quagga JS as a barcode scanner. AFAIK Quagga creates a video element, then asks for camera permission. The optimal result would be to hide the element using display:none;, but I can't think of any way to accomplish this. I need the element to display the camera feed once the scanner has its permission, but before that it should either paint the screen black or be hidden.
I've fixed it by hiding it via JavaScript and showing it once the Quagga Feedback has finished. Note that a pure CSS solution would be much prettier.
// Hide the preview before it's fully initialised.
inputStream: {
name: "Live",
type: "LiveStream",
target: document.querySelector('#videoBoundingBox')
decoder: {
readers: [
}, function (err) {
if (err) {
err = err.toString();
if ("NotFoundError")) {
// No camera found. The user is probably in an office environment.
// Redirect to previous orders or show a background image of sorts.
} else if ("NotAllowedError")) {
// The user has blocked the permission request.
// We should ask them again just to be sure or redirect them.
} else {
// Some other error.
// Hide the preview before it's fully initialised.
setResult("Initialization finished. Ready to start");
console.log("Initialization finished. Ready to start");

Set timeout for notifications.notify FireFox Addon SDK

Please help me with Notification in my Firefox add-on.
var notifications = require("sdk/notifications");
function showNotifcation(title, text) {
iconURL: data.url("img/icon.png"),
title: title,
text: text
setTimeout(notifications.close(), 1000);
Not work.
Without more information from you it is not possible to be sure as to what your problem/issue is.
However, a brief look at the sdk/notifications documentation, and source code, indicates that you are attempting to use a non-existent method: notifications.close(). There is no such method in sdk/notifications.
One possible reason for your attempt to use this method is that you are conflating the Web Notification API, more detail, with the Add-on SDK sdk/notifications.
The Add-on SDK, sdk/notifications, has no way for you to programmatically close the notification from your code. Thus, there is no way for you to set a timeout for the notification using this interface. However, in some operating systems/windowing systems there is already a default timeout for these notifications.
You will need to either display a panel on your own, or use the chrome interfaces described in User Notifications and Alerts.
In addition, it would be unusual for you to be able to just call setTimeout(). That will, under most contexts, not be defined. You would normally need to use sdk/timers with:
var { setTimeout } = require("sdk/timers");
In some contexts, you might be able to use window.setTimeout(), when window is appropriately defined (which you will probably have to set yourself).
Modifying the code from my answer to Prevent XUL notificationBox from closing when button is hit (if you want buttons, that answer will show you how to do it), and other answers of mine: Something along the lines of what I believe you desire would be (code for the timeout is at the bottom):
function showNotificationBox(text) {
//Create some common variables if they do not exist.
if (window === null || typeof window !== "object") {
// Add/remove a "/" to comment/un-comment the code appropriate for your add-on:
//* Add-on SDK:
var window = require('sdk/window/utils').getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
/* Overlay and bootstrap (from almost any context/scope):
var window=Components.classes[";1"]
if (typeof gBrowser === "undefined") {
var gBrowser = window.gBrowser;
let notifyBox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox();
//appendNotification( label , value , image (URL) , priority , buttons, eventCallback )
let theNotification = notifyBox.appendNotification(text, "Test notification unique ID",
notifyBox.PRIORITY_INFO_HIGH, [], null);
//* Add-on SDK:
var { setTimeout } = require("sdk/timers");
setTimeout(theNotification.close(), 10000);
/* Overlay and bootstrap:
let timerCallback = {
notify:function notify() {theNotification.close(); }
let closeNotificationTimer = Components.classes[";1"]
Note: I changed the timeout to 10 seconds from the 1 second which is in the code in your question. One second is a unreasonable amount of time to expect to show anything which you actually desire the user to see and understand.
The above implements the user notification in a notificationBox. As such it shows up within the Firefox window:
It is also possible to use the nsIAlertsService which is what sdk/notifications uses. This will normally display an alert box in the bottom right of the screen, potentially outside of the Firefox window (see image on nsIAlertsService for example). The notification may show up elsewhere depending on how you have your windowing system set up (this is OS dependent). However, the documentation did not have a method to clear the notification, or set a timeout. However, the interface definition does show that a closeAlert() method does exist. The source code for the sdk/notifications does not expose this to the Add-on SDK. Thus, you would need to use the chrome interfaces. I have updated the documentation to show closeAlert().
Such as (some code taken and modified from nsIAlertsService):
//* Add-on SDK:
var {Cc, Ci} = require("chrome");
/* Overlay and bootstrap:
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
function showNotifcation(title, text) {
var alertsService = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIAlertsService);
try {
//The second use of title is the alert name.
alertsService.showAlertNotification(icon, title, text, false, "", null, title);
} catch (e) {
// This can fail on Mac OS X
//* Add-on SDK:
var { setTimeout } = require("sdk/timers");
setTimeout(alertsService.closeAlert(title), 10000);
/* Overlay and bootstrap:
let alertTimerCallback = {
notify:function notify() {alertsService.closeAlert(title); }
let closeAlertTimer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces
I have only tested the above code with a bootstrapped/restartless Firefox add-on. Thus, the Add-on SDK code may be slightly off.

Blank Firefox addon panel page with multiple windows

I've followed MDN's document to create a toggle button addon.
Everything works fine except one problem:
Open a second browser window (cmd+n or ctrl+n) and click on the toggle button there
Click on the toggle button on the original browser window without closing the toggle button on the second window
the toggle button's panel becomes blank with the following error message:
JavaScript error: resource:///modules/WindowsPreviewPerTab.jsm, line 406: NS_ERR
OR_FAILURE: Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIT
// ./lib/main.js
var { ToggleButton } = require("sdk/ui/button/toggle");
var panels = require("sdk/panel");
var self = require("sdk/self");
var buttonIndex = 0;
var lastKnownButtonIndex = 0;
var button = ToggleButton({
id: "button",
label: "my button",
icon: {
"16": "./icon-16.png"
onClick: handleChange,
var panel = panels.Panel({
onHide: handleHide
function handleChange(state) {
if (state.checked) {{
position: button
function handleHide() {
button.state('window', {checked: false});
function assignButtonIndex() {
return (buttonIndex++).toString();
The complete addon is here:
To reproduce: Extract the zip file and $ cd testButton; cfx run and follow the above steps.
I really hope someone can help me with this. Thank you in advance!
It's a bug; you're not doing anything wrong. It's a racing condition between the windows' focus events, and the panel's event, that prevent somehow the panel's hidden event to be emitted properly.
You can try to mitigate with a workaround the issue until is properly fixed. I added some explanation in the bug: but in short, you can try to add a setTimeout to delay a bit when the panel is shown, in order to avoid the racing condition with the window's focus. Something like:
const { setTimeout } = require("sdk/timers");
/* ... your code here ... */
function handleChange(state) {
if (state.checked) {
setTimeout(() =>{ position: button }), 100);
I am currently using a workaround where I dynamically create a new Panel every time the user presses the toolbar button.
It is faster than the 100ms workaround and also handles a scenario where the user outright closes one of the browser windows while the panel is open. (The 100ms workaround fails in this case and a blank panel is still displayed.)
It works like this:
let myPanel = null;
const toolbarButton = ToggleButton({
onChange: function (state) {
if (state.checked) {
function createPanel(){
// Prevent memory leaks
// Create a new instance of the panel
myPanel = Panel({
onHide: function(){
// Destroy the panel instead of just hiding it.
// Display the panel immediately;

Caching webview content in Chrome app

I am working on a Chrome app that switches between medias shown in a webview tag. The medias must be updated when they change on my web server and it must keep playing when the internet or the server go down. My solution was to play the media from a programmatically managed local cache.
I programmed the Chrome app to download the content with webkitRequestFileSystem into persistent local storage and I try to access the files from there. The content ends up with URLs like this filesystem:chrome-extension://kbjjicmijilgpdpkicpbnceofdpfbjcb/persistent/my_file.html.
No matter what I do, I cannot access the local files. Neither the webview nor navigating directly to the file displays it in Chrome. It only shows a ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND error.
How should I go about showing this local content in my webview?
Here is my saveAsset() code (strongly inspired by this answer) :
function saveAsset(fs, url, filename, callback, failCallback) {
// Set callback when not defined
if (!callback) {
callback = function(cached_url) {
console.log('download ok: ' + cached_url);
if (!failCallback) {
failCallback = function() {
console.log('download failed');
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
xhr.addEventListener('load', function() {
fs.root.getFile(filename, {create: true, exclusive: false}, function(fileEntry) {
fileEntry.createWriter(function(writer) {
writer.onwrite = function(e) {
writer.onerror = failCallback;
var blob = new Blob([xhr.response], {type: ''});
}, failCallback);
}, failCallback);
xhr.addEventListener('error', failCallback);
And this is the code that sets the src attribute of the webview to that URL.
window.webkitRequestFileSystem(window.PERSISTENT, 1024*1024, function (fs) {
saveAsset(fs, url, filename, function(localUrl) {
$(contentSelector).attr("src", localUrl);
I never managed make the webview work with local content, but switching to an iframe does work perfectly. I have both cached and uncached content so it makes some confusing code, but I fixed my issue by using both a webview and an iframe and hiding the one which is not in use.
PS. For anyone trying to do this, the webview won't load its content correctly if it is hidden with display:none . I had to move it outside of the screen instead.
