Parallels dynamic stages in separate containers - jenkins

I have this pipeline that generates dynamic stages based on file content. I want the stages to run on different containers, so I thought to move the agent{docker{image ''}}} label to inside the stage in the generateStage() function but it's not possible since it's a scripted pipeline. How can I run these stages on separate containers, and still run them parallelly and generate them dynamically?
Would really appreciate your help.
def generateStage(job) {
return {
stage("stage: job") {
//do something
agent none
stage('parallel stages') {
agent {
image 'some-image:tag'
steps {
script {
parallelStages = list.collectEntries{
["$it": generateStage(it)]
parallel parallelStages

Instead of using the agent option, you can do something like the below.
def generateStage(job) {
return {
stage("stage: job") {
docker.image('your-image').inside {


Declarative dynamic parallel stages

I figure I’m doing something unorthodox here, but I’d like to stick to declarative for convenience while dynamically generating parallel steps.
I found a way to do something like that, but mixing both paradigms, which doesn’t seem to work well with the BlueOcean UI (multiple stages inside each parallel branch do not show up properly).
The closest I got was with something like this:
def accounts() {
return ["dynamic", "list"]
def parallelJobs() {
jobs = []
for (account in accounts()) {
jobs[] = stage(account) {
steps {
echo "Step for $account"
return jobs
# this is inside a shared library, called by my Jenkinsfile, like what is described
# under "Defining Declarative Pipelines in Shared Libraries" in
def call() {
pipeline {
stages {
stage('Build all variations') {
parallel parallelJobs()
The problem is Jenkins errors like this:
Expected a block for parallel # line X, column Y.
parallel parallelJobs()
So, I was wondering if there is a way I could transform that list of stages, returned by parallelJobs(), into the block expected by Jenkins...
Yes, you can. You need to return a map of stages. Following is a working pipeline example.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Parallel') {
steps {
script {
parallel parallelJobs()
def accounts() {
return ["dynamic", "list"]
def parallelJobs() {
jobs = [:]
for (account in accounts()) {
jobs[account] = { stage(account) {
echo "Step for $account"
return jobs

Quicker syntax for Jenkins identical parallel stages

I have some parallel stages in my Jenkins pipeline. They are all identical, except that they run on different agents:
stage {
parallel {
stage {
agent {
label 'agent-1'
steps {
sh 'do task number 468'
stage {
agent {
label 'agent-2'
steps {
sh 'do task number 468'
stage {
agent {
label 'agent-3'
steps {
sh 'do task number 468'
I want to add more parallel stages on more nodes, but the script is long and repetetive. What's the best way to rewrite this to tell jenkins to parallelize the same steps across agents 1, 2, 3, 4...etc?
Please see below code which will create and run the stage on multiple agents:
// Define your agents
def agents = ['agent-1','agent-2','agent-3']
def createStage(label) {
return {
stage("Runs on ${label}") {
node(label) {
// build steps that should happen on all nodes go here
echo "Running on ${label}"
sh 'do task number 468'
def parallelStagesMap = agents.collectEntries {
["${it}" : createStage(it)]
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('parallel stage') {
steps {
script {
parallel parallelStagesMap
More information is available at : Jenkins examples

Jenkins Pipeline Make a Stage as a Variable?

stages {
stage('Setup') {
stage('Parallel Stage') {
parallel {
stage('Executor 1') {
stage('Executor 2') {
stage('Executor 3') {
stage('Executor 4') {
Above is a skeleton of my Jenkins pipeline that has a setup stage and then a parallel stage that does the same thing four times for faster execution time.
Is there a way to define a stage as a variable to reduce the 4x code repetition and to reduce the number of edits I would have to make?
Yes, best way is to defined a function which generates stage and can be called in parallel.
Presuming that you are executing the stages into 1 agent in parallel.
In below sample pipeline generateStage is a function which replaces nested stages with function.
def jobs = ["Executor1", "Executor2", "Executor3"]
def parallelStagesMap = jobs.collectEntries {
["${it}" : generateStage(it)]
def generateStage(job) {
return {
stage("${job}") {
echo "Running stage ${job}."
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('setup') {
steps {
echo 'This stage will be executed first.'
stage('parallel stage') {
steps {
script {
parallel parallelStagesMap
Output of the pipeline is as below:
For more details please see my answer LINK
Only drawback is that you can not execute this pipeline arrangement directly after stages thats why parallelStageMap is called inside the script.

Run parallel inside steps of a stage in declarative jenkins

So, I want to run my parallel stages inside a stage but I also want to write some shared code by each parallel stage which I have written in steps of parallel parent stage
The problem I faced is that that the parallel stages are not being run
stages {
stage('partent stage 1'){
something here
stage('parent stage 2') {
steps {
// common code for parallel stages
parallel {
stage ('1'){
// some shell command
stage('2') {
// some shell command
For executing shared code you can define variables and functions outside of the declarative pipeline:
def foo = true
def checkFoo {
return foo
pipeline {
stage('parallel stage') {
parallel {
stage('stage 1') {
steps {
script {
def baz = checkFoo()
sh “echo ${baz}”
stage('stage 2') {
steps {
script {
def baz = checkFoo()
sh “echo ${baz}”
You can also write a shared library, which you can use in all or certain jobs.
I’ve deleted my first answer, since it was pure BS.

Can I create dynamically stages in a Jenkins pipeline?

I need to launch a dynamic set of tests in a declarative pipeline.
For better visualization purposes, I'd like to create a stage for each test.
Is there a way to do so?
The only way to create a stage I know is:
stage('foo') {
I've seen this example, but I it does not use declarative syntax.
Use the scripted syntax that allows more flexibility than the declarative syntax, even though the declarative is more documented and recommended.
For example stages can be created in a loop:
def tests = params.Tests.split(',')
for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
stage("Test ${tests[i]}") {
sh '....'
As JamesD suggested, you may create stages dynamically (but they will be sequential) like that:
def list
pipeline {
agent none
options {buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '7', numToKeepStr: '1'))}
stages {
stage('Create List') {
agent {node 'nodename'}
steps {
script {
// you may create your list here, lets say reading from a file after checkout
list = ["Test-1", "Test-2", "Test-3", "Test-4", "Test-5"]
post {
cleanup {
stage('Dynamic Stages') {
agent {node 'nodename'}
steps {
script {
for(int i=0; i < list.size(); i++) {
echo "Element: $i"
post {
cleanup {
That will result in:
If you don't want to use for loop, and generated pipeline to be executed in parallel then, here is an answer.
def jobs = ["JobA", "JobB", "JobC"]
def parallelStagesMap = jobs.collectEntries {
["${it}" : generateStage(it)]
def generateStage(job) {
return {
stage("stage: ${job}") {
echo "This is ${job}."
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('non-parallel stage') {
steps {
echo 'This stage will be executed first.'
stage('parallel stage') {
steps {
script {
parallel parallelStagesMap
Note that all generated stages will be executed into 1 node.
If you are willing to executed the generated stages to be executed into different nodes.
def agents = ['master', 'agent1', 'agent2']
// enter valid agent name in array.
def generateStage(nodeLabel) {
return {
stage("Runs on ${nodeLabel}") {
node(nodeLabel) {
echo "Running on ${nodeLabel}"
def parallelStagesMap = agents.collectEntries {
["${it}" : generateStage(it)]
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('non-parallel stage') {
steps {
echo 'This stage will be executed first.'
stage('parallel stage') {
steps {
script {
parallel parallelStagesMap
You can of course add more than 1 parameters and can use collectEntries for 2 parameters.
Please remember return in function generateStage is must.
#Jorge Machado: Because I cannot comment I had to post it as an answer. I've solved it recently. I hope it'll help you.
Declarative pipeline:
A simple static example:
stage('Dynamic') {
steps {
script {
stage('NewOne') {
echo('new one echo')
Dynamic real-life example:
// in a declarative pipeline
stage('Trigger Building') {
when {
environment(name: 'DO_BUILD_PACKAGES', value: 'true')
steps {
executeModuleScripts('build') // local method, see at the end of this script
// at the end of the file or in a shared library
void executeModuleScripts(String operation) {
def allModules = ['module1', 'module2', 'module3', 'module4', 'module11']
allModules.each { module ->
String action = "${operation}:${module}"
echo("---- ${action.toUpperCase()} ----")
String command = "npm run ${action} -ddd"
// here is the trick
script {
stage(module) {
You might want to take a look at this example - you can have a function return a closure which should be able to have a stage in it.
This code shows the concept, but doesn't have a stage in it.
def transformDeployBuildStep(OS) {
return {
node ('master') {
wrap([$class: 'TimestamperBuildWrapper']) {
} } // ts / node
} // closure
} // transformDeployBuildStep
stage("Yum Deploy") {
stepsForParallel = [:]
for (int i = 0; i < TargetOSs.size(); i++) {
def s = TargetOSs.get(i)
def stepName = "CentOS ${s} Deployment"
stepsForParallel[stepName] = transformDeployBuildStep(s)
stepsForParallel['failFast'] = false
parallel stepsForParallel
} // stage
Just an addition to what #np2807 and #Anton Yurchenko have already presented: you can create stages dynamically and run the in parallel by simply delaying list of stages creation (but keeping its declaration), e.g. like that:
def parallelStagesMap
def generateStage(job) {
return {
stage("stage: ${job}") {
echo "This is ${job}."
pipeline {
agent { label 'master' }
stages {
stage('Create List of Stages to run in Parallel') {
steps {
script {
def list = ["Test-1", "Test-2", "Test-3", "Test-4", "Test-5"]
// you may create your list here, lets say reading from a file after checkout
// personally, I like to use scriptler scripts and load the as simple as:
// list = load '/var/lib/jenkins/scriptler/scripts/load-list-script.groovy'
parallelStagesMap = list.collectEntries {
["${it}" : generateStage(it)]
stage('Run Stages in Parallel') {
steps {
script {
parallel parallelStagesMap
That will result in Dynamic Parallel Stages:
I use this to generate my stages which contain a Jenkins job in them.
build_list is a list of Jenkins jobs that i want to trigger from my main Jenkins job, but have a stage for each job that is trigger.
build_list = ['job1', 'job2', 'job3']
for(int i=0; i < build_list.size(); i++) {
build job: build_list[i], propagate: false
if you are using Jenkinsfile then, I achieved it via dynamically creating the stages, running them in parallel and also getting Jenkinsfile UI to show separate columns. This assumes parallel steps are independent of each other (otherwise don't use parallel) and you can nest them as deep as you want (depending upon the # of for loops you'll nest for creating stages).
Jenkinsfile Pipeline DSL: How to Show Multi-Columns in Jobs dashboard GUI - For all Dynamically created stages - When within PIPELINE section see here for more.
