Dataset from Datalayers source - storage

How can I extract the datalayer information from the development console (in any browser) and stored it in a CSV dataset?
I'm trying to get the datalayer from different web sites so I can have a dataset.
I have tried with Google tag manager, but it seems that it's used only with one web site.
Can you suggest any other tool, method ?


ODATA as an icCube data source

I am trying to load open data from the Dutch government. The data comes with a specific format that is specified in the pdf document you will find when searching on "Handleiding CBS Open Data Services".
What needs to be done to link to an open data source within icCube? Is this something specific (required new functionality) or can this be done with one of the existing datasources?
For the time being even though we support some json databases (e.g. MongoDB) there is no direct ODATA support.
It's possible to develop your own datasource. Excel plugin is an example of this.

Excel web query not recognizing tables on the page

Customers use web queries to grab data in the tables directly from our website and place them into excel where they can automatically work on it. while trying to grab data from our website, we noticed that table markers were not shown. excel is unable to recognize the tables on the web page.
Website was developed using RoR.
can someone help us with this issue?
You may want to consider using Power Query instead of regular web queries. With the "from Web" option you can get the DOM into Power Query and access any DOM element.

Building an interface from Spotfire (with its SDK) to the BO reporting environment

I just got a new task; I need to:
"Team have an Excel spreadsheet which contains basic data about subjects in a trial. A custom VB script in the Excel sheet allows them to generate BO reports. At a very high level, they are able to select a particular cell in the Pivot table and then execute a VB script via a custom button in the Excel sheet. The script generates an XML file containing metadata about those subjects and some additional parameters such as report title and saves the XML file to a watched directory. An external process picks it up and generates a fully-formatted BO report with complete details about the identified subjects from the drug safety database, and sends it to the user as a PDF in a new browser window.
So really this is not about doing data analysis within Spotfire (including R), but it is more to do with building an interface from Spotfire to the BO reporting environment. I believe this can be done with the Spotfire SDK, which uses IronPython as its scripting language, but I cannnot say for certain because I have very little experience in that area."
Is there any chance for some high level suggestion of what approach do I have to take in order to attain the functionality requested ?
I also dont have any exp with Spotfire's tibco technical support. Do you guys think I can ask any such questions to them ?

Using the Neo4j Server Web Interface for visualization on a Public website

I'm looking at visualization options for a graph database project that I have coming up. Part of the job is to provide an interactive visualization of the data for public website visitors.
The standard Neo4j Server Web Interface does all I would need it to and more. I was wandering if I could simply embed it in a webpage or provide a public url (that could be accessed without a login) that general users could use to view the visualization without being able to edit it or add nodes/relationships? If you know of any examples of how this can be done, I would be very grateful.
The Neo4j browser is an Angular.js application using d3.js as visualization. The code is all open source an on so you can check it out there.
In general is a good source for visualization blog posts as is
Check out Neo4j GraphGists. A GraphGist allows you to embed a Neo4j database, Cypher queries, and visualize the results in a web page. Lots of examples listed on the GraphGist wiki.
Also take a look at Mashed Datatoes, a bar chart, pie chart like visualization software for Neo4j.
It uses Movie database for demo. Try selecting "Person" as start label.

ASP.NET: How to retrieve data from access/Excel file?

A company is creating a web site for the organization I work for. Since the web site is still being developed, some modules are not yet there. For instance, in order to print data obtained from a query, one needs first to export it to Excel or Access. Then, from Excel or Access, it is important to do some adjustments (adjust columns width and rows height, modify titles, so on) to make it easy to print.
I would like to create a small web application that will avoid us doing those operations manually. Unfortunately, the other application is in JSP/Java while I only know ASP.NET/C#.
How can I retrieve all this data, which are either in Excel or Access, and reload them into my application for printing?
Thank you
This guy did a brilliant article on getting data from excel using, I have written a program based on his instructions and it is working fine with Excel 2007 files, and can handle very long column data as well.
Link to article
Have you considered writing a macro in Excel instead of trying to do everything on the server? Creating a macro in VBA isn't difficult, and you can distribute it as an Add-In to your users. Takes some good instructions for them to install it, but avoids all the potentially messy issues of import/export of Excel files.
