MKMapView refresh map after removing annotation - ios

I have the following function in an extension of MKMapView that let me reload a specific annotation and keep it selected if needed and the issue is every time the self.removeAnnotation is called, the whole map is reloaded (or at least all the pins "jumped" as if a reload occurred)
Is there a way to achieve a reload of a single annotation without having the visual of a whole map reloading ?
func reloadAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation, keepSelection: Bool = true) {
let isSelected = selectedAnnotations.contains(where: annotation.isEqual(_:))
//already tried **UIView.performWithoutAnimation** which decrease the jumping effect
// UIView.performWithoutAnimation {
// }
guard isSelected && keepSelection else {

In my experience the unwanted "whole map reloading" visual effect comes from the recalculation of clusters which is triggered by self.removeAnnotation(annotation) and self.addAnnotation(annotation).
So you have to avoid this methods if you just want to update some visual information.
My assumption is that your callout and/or title changed dynamically while selected and you reload because you want to render the changed callout information.
func reloadAnnotation(_ annotation: MKAnnotation, keepSelection: Bool = true) {
let annotationView = mapView.view(for: annotation) as? MyCoolAnnotationView
if let annotationView {
// do stuff like
annotationView will be nil if the annotation is not in the visible region or part of a cluster. In that case you don't want to reload anyways.
Instead of annotationView.setNeedsLayout() you might call your own method that does whatever you want.


Guard let is executing, but the code after it still works?

Ok, so I have a MapKit app, and just finished setting up the MKAnnotationView stuff. My MKAnnotationView class looks like this:
class JumpSpotAnnotationView: MKMarkerAnnotationView {
override var annotation: MKAnnotation? {
willSet {
// Extra safe, making sure there's no errors
guard (newValue as? JumpSpotAnnotation) != nil else {
print("The JumpSpotAnnotation or JumpSpotAnnotationView has something wrong if you are reading this. (JumpSpotAnnotationView)")
// Setting up UI for the little Callout bubble that appears when you tap the annotation to see more info
canShowCallout = true
calloutOffset = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
rightCalloutAccessoryView = UIButton(type: .detailDisclosure)
markerTintColor = .blue
And my mapView viewFor function in my view controller looks like this:
extension ViewController: MKMapViewDelegate {
func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
// Make sure the annotation entering the screen is a JumpSpotAnnotation, and exists
guard let annotation = annotation as? JumpSpotAnnotation else {
print("The JumpSpotAnnotation or JumpSpotAnnotationView has something wrong if you are reading this. (mapView viewFor func)")
return nil
// Downcast the dequeued view as a JumpSpotAnnotationView, and make sure it has the same identifier as the registered JumpSpotAnnotationView above in viewDidLoad
let dequeuedView = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationView(withIdentifier: "JumpSpotAnnotation") as? JumpSpotAnnotationView
dequeuedView?.annotation = annotation
// Return annotation views here
return dequeuedView
Honestly, I put the guard let's in each of those, because I saw someone else do it that way and assumed it would be safer. I'm not really sure what their purpose is, other than making sure an annotation is actually entering the view, and is of the right type of annotation that I specified (I think it does that, at least).
Anyway, when I actually add the annotations by pressing a button in my app, everything works flawlessly, exactly as I want it to, but the print statements inside of the guard let's are showing up in the debugger. I have no idea what's causing them, nor any idea why my code is still working after they've triggered, when the fact that the guard let's have executed should stop the code below them from executing, and mess up my app. Can anyone offer ideas or explanations? I should add that the print statement from the mapView viewFor func appears once, as soon as the app loads up, then, the print statement from my JumpSpotAnnotationView appears each time I add an annotation.
I want to make sure I'm not missing some huge error that I'll regret down the line.
There are some MKAnnotations that are not the class of JumpSpotAnnotation when func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? works. It must be from MKMapView so dont worry about it. Your guard let works well.

Mapbox: Refreshing an annotationView when the annotation changes

I have custom annotations that sometimes display a textView above them.
They don't display a textView if a variable named text on my annotation is nil.
An annotation may have text to display, but the value of the text variable could change while the annotation is being displayed. In this case I would like the annotation to refresh so that it is no longer displaying the textView.
I already have a delegate function that either creates an annotation with a textView if the annotations text variable is set and creates an annotation without a textView if the text variable of the annotation is not set, it works something like this, although this is not the actual code
func mapView(_ mapView: MGLMapView, viewFor annotation: MGLAnnotation) -> MGLAnnotationView?{
if annotation is MyCustomAnnotation{
if annotation.hasText(){
return MyCustomAnnotationView(hasText: True)
return ViewWithoutTextView(hasText: False)
But if the annotation changes from having text to not having text or vice versa while the annotation is already being displayed, then I don't know how to refresh this or call this again so that the right annotation view is displayed
As #Magnas said in the comment, you would have to remove the annotation and re-add it to update the state.
It would be better to create one custom annotation view that has the logic to handle hiding/showing of the text view inside it. Then you just hold onto a reference of the annotation and update that through the annotationView without going through and messing with map annotations at all.
A rough example (lots of blanks to fill):
// your methods in your custom annotation. Use these wherever you want to change things
class CustomAnnotation: MGLAnnotationView {
func showText() { }
func hideText() { }
// Define data structure to access your annotation with some kind of key
dataSourceToAnnotationView: [String: CustomAnnotation]
// save your annotations so you can access them later
func mapView(_ mapView: MGLMapView, viewFor annotation: MGLAnnotation) -> MGLAnnotationView? {
var annotationView = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationView(withIdentifier: "customReuseId")
if annotationView == nil {
annotationView = CustomAnnotation()
let key = "exampleKeyString"
dataSourceToAnnotationView[key] = annotationView as! CustomAnnotation
return annotationView

Showing MKAnnotation callout when clustered

I have a TableView that is used to show MapView annotation callouts when the cells are tapped.
In iOS 10 I can centre the MapView on an annotation then show it's callout using:
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let location = locations[indexPath.item]
mapView.setCenter(location.coordinate, animated: true)
mapView.selectAnnotation(location, animated: true)
locations is an array of MKAnnotations. I'm using MKPinAnnotationViews on iOS 10 and MKMarkerAnnotationViews on iOS 11.
iOS 11 automatically hides and shows MKMarkerAnnotationViews as you zoom the map.
This has the unfortunate side effect of preventing .selectAnnotation() from working reliably because the marker could still be hidden after centering the map.
I've seen the docs and understand why:
If the specified annotation is not onscreen, and therefore does not
have an associated annotation view, this method has no effect.
Is there a way to disable annotation clustering/hiding?
Or some way to force the selected annotation to be visible?
You can set the displayPriority of an MKMarkerAnnotationView to a rawValue of 1000 and the less interesting MKMarkerAnnotationView's displayPriority to something lower. This will cause that marker annotation to take precedence over others.
In your case, you will like want to hold a reference to the annotation that you would like to select, remove that annotation from the map view and add it again. This will cause the map view to request a view for the annotation again and you can adjust the priority so that it is higher than the annotations around it. For example:
func showAnnotation()
self.specialAnnotation = annotations.last
self.mapView.setCenter(self.specialAnnotation.coordinate, animated: true)
self.mapView.selectAnnotation(self.specialAnnotation, animated: true)
func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView?
let markerView = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationView(withIdentifier: "Marker", for: annotation) as? MKMarkerAnnotationView
let priority = (annotation as? Annotation) == self.specialAnnotation ? 1000 : 500
markerView?.displayPriority = MKFeatureDisplayPriority(rawValue: priority)
// optionally change the tint color for the selected annotation
markerView?.markerTintColor = priority == 1000 ? .blue : .red
return markerView
Where specialAnnotation is an object that conforms to MKAnnotation.

MKMapView follows user even when userTrackingMode is set to .none

I have an app that implements a MKMapView where I want to track and follow the user location, and I kind of managed to make that work, the only problem is that even when tracking is set to .none the map returns to the user location sometimes.
First of all, here's a GIF of it happening (uploaded to imgur because the file was too large for SO):
The icon on the lower right is supposed to indicate if the map is tracking the user location, on the GIF it's grey because it's supposed to be off.
The code for the button is:
var isFollowing: Bool {
get {
return chkFollow.checked
set {
chkFollow.checked = newValue
if newValue {
mapView.setUserTrackingMode(.follow, animated: true)
print("did set to follow")
else {
mapView.setUserTrackingMode(.none, animated: true)
print("did set to none")
I also set up the mapView(_, regionWillChangeAnimated) method to be the following:
func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, regionWillChangeAnimated animated: Bool) {
isFollowing = false
func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, regionWillChangeAnimated animated: Bool) {
mapView.userTrackingMode = .none
Neither worked correctly.
When I click the button the print statement works and prints "did set to none" on the console correctly so I know that the method is being called, just for some reason it still follows the user.
If there's any other info that helps, I'll gladly send it. chkFollow is a custom checkbox control, I don't think it's code is relevant here.
Thanks in advance!
Sorry everybody, I got it when I was recreating it in a sample project.
The problem was, I wanted the app track the user's position on start up, so I set UserTrackingMode to .follow inside mapViewDidFinishRenderingMap. So when the map moved enough to re-render everything that was being called and the map started tracking the user back again.
To solve it I added a bool variable (isFirstLoad) and only set up UserTrackingMode when the user first loaded the app. Thanks for the comments and sorry to take your time with this :)

Creating a dynamic subview in swift iOS Map app

This is my first foray into the app world so it's taken a lot of research to get to this point. I'm building a map application and am going for an interface similar to the zillow app seen below. I am trying to come up with the right approach that allows me to click on a map annotation and it brings up a smaller view where I can interact with it. So essentially I have a few questions:
Should I use a subview inside the map controller, or use a container view. Or is there another approach I haven't seen?
How do I push data from the annotation to that function?
How do I keep this subview hidden until an annotation has been clicked?
So far this is the closest thing I can find: Customize MKAnnotation Callout View?
I am new to iOS also, but I have done something similar to what you want to do. I have a view that shows some statistics, speed, bearing, etc. When someone clicks on the annotation, I toggle showing and hiding the statistics. There may be better ways, but here is what I did.
"Executive summary for your questions"
1 and 3) Use a subview over the map that you hide and unhide
2) Subclass both MKAnnotation and MKAnnotationView. Put the data you want to pass in a property of the subclassed MKAnnotationView, and then transfer the property to the MKAnnotationView when you create it. You can then retrieve it from the view passed in to didSelectAnnotationView.
1) and 3) I created a subview that sits on the mapView and set it as hidden in the story board initially. I then have a toggeleMarkerStatistics() func
tion that toggles the visibility of the view. So something like this
func toggleMarkerStatistics() {
if mapMarkerStatistics.hidden {
mapMarkerStatistics.hidden = false
} else {
mapMarkerStatistics.hidden = true
This function is called from within
func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, didSelectAnnotationView view: MKAnnotationView) { }
2) To get data into the didSelectAnnotationView, here is what I did.
I subclassed both MKAnnotation and MKAnnotationView and added properties to hold the data that I wanted to pass to didSelectAnnotationView. So something like this:
class MyAnnotation: MKPointAnnotation {
var myMarker: MyMapMarker?
class MyMKAnnotationView: MKAnnotationView {
var myMarker: MyMapMarker?
When you create the annotation, set the property, before you add the annotation to the map.
let annotation = MyAnnotation()
annotation.myMarker = marker
annotation.coordinate = location
annotation.title = "btw, you MUST have a title or bad things happen"
Then in viewForAnnotation, you will be given your custom annotation with the property you set after you created it and you are asked to create a view for this annotation. Now when you create this view, set the view property to annotation property before you return the view. Now the data you want to pass to didSelectAnnotationView will be available on the view passed to didSelectAnnotationView
func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, viewForAnnotation annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
let view: MKAnnotationView! = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier("marker") ?? MyMKAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: "marker")
view.annotation = annotation
view.canShowCallout = false // you need this to make this work
if let annotation = annotation as? MyAnnotation {
if let view = view as? MyMKAnnotationView {
view.myMarker = annotation.myMarker
return view
Now in didSelectAnnotationView, retrieve the data you set when you created the annotation:
func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, didSelectAnnotationView view: MKAnnotationView) {
if let view = view as? MyMKAnnotationView {
if let marker = view.myMarker {
toggleMarkerStatistics() // hide or unhide the view
// do something with your data
I tried to copy and simplify this from my code, which actually tries to support both Apple and Google maps, so hopefully I don't have any typo's, but I think is a good representation of the steps I take.
A few more things to note:
I think you must provide a title for the annotaion
I think you must set the view's canShowCallout to false
I think both of these requirements can be found in the documentation, but I don't have a pointer to this right now.
