Angular material menu flickers when hovering - angular-material

I'm trying to implement in my project an Angular Menu that displays upon hovering.
I've found This Example that pretty much fits for my needs, the only problem is that when i implement it in my project i'm experiencing a strange behavior - upon hovering - the menu starts flickering - like showing in the movie... i wonder if anyone has any clue what could have causing it since i could not reproduce it over stackblitz...


How to debug Ionic iOS swipe gesture issues

I am dealing with a weird bug on Ionic's iOS native build where I sometimes cannot swipe back or switch tabs once I transition to a new page using router.navigateByURL(...), and trying to debug this issue has been troublesome since I can't "see" how the gestures are handled. Does anyone know where I should be looking in the code for handling transition gestures?
Here's a video demo of the problem:
In the video, you can see me:
Swiping down to refresh using the ion-refresher element and you can see the page beneath (already entered a bug report for that part: )
Trying to tap the back arrow in the left corner
Attempting to swipe left to right to go back a page (hard to show that one)
Tapping the bottom tabs to transition to new tab, at one point, I tap on a tab that has an ion-fab element which appears in the bottom right because its z-index is higher than the "stuck" page.
Currently the best I've been able to do is by looking at the css classes that are added to the pages, but it's not much use....
Where app-release is the page you can see in the video and app-home is the page underneath the stack. It's my understanding that Ionic uses hammer.jsfor gestures, so I added it as a tag, please correct me if I am wrong. I cannot, for the life of me, recreate this bug consistently, but will often trigger 1 out of 50 tries.
I've been digging through the utils in Ionic Core to see where elements are being added and removed, with no luck.
I created a bug request for this here as well:
Are you using #angular/animations to make the transitions between the pages? I had some issues like yours, as you can see in my question.
Router navigate on Ionic with animation blinking on ios using angular animations
If I am right about the use of #angualar/animations I suggest to use a custom animation of the Ionic itself, and not te angular's. You can see an working example here of its use here:
Since I have less tem 50 rep I cant comment so I had to post this anwser not knowing if it was really your case. Hope it helps.

Xamarin Forms NavigationPage small part of previous page visible when navigating on iOS

I'm facing a very awkward trouble with my XF NavigationPage on iOS, and can't find anything about it on google. When I navigate from one page to another using Navigation.PushAsync there is 1pt line of previous page on the left of the screen visible untill replace that loading page's content from codebehind, you can see it here: screenshot (I actually have an image im my XAML and it's replaced with content that is loaded from server). If I disable animations with false param on PushAsync this dosen't happen.
Is there any way to preserve animations and get rid of this? Any suggestions appreciated, thank's in advance.
Update to the Latest version of Xamarin Forms, as I remember facing this bug on some previous version of XF probably 3.5 something but when i updated to the latest it started working
Good luck
Revert in case of queries

Tabbed bar app does not show any content

I'm in the early stages on an app and I haven't written any code yet so sorry for lack of it in this post. When I open the app, it shows the tabbed bar at the bottom with my pages I've set up but the actual pages are black. Cant figure out how to get around this. Is anyone familiar with this kind of issue?
I'm using storyboard and I started from an empty project.
Also forgot to mention I get an error message in the log that says Two-stage rotation animation is deprecated. This application should use the smoother single-stage animation.
I'm currently looking into remedying that issue but if anyone knows I'd appreciate an answer here as I assume it coincides with my current issue.

fixed position broken on contentEditable ios webkit safari

I want to create a wysiwyg-editor for ipad and have a toolbar with position:fixed - so that it's always available.
However, when I focus on div with contentEditable="true" the toolbar is not fixed any more.
Is this a bug?
Is there a workaround?
just found this while looking for the same thing - for the same reason...
we have a half-way solution to the toolbar, but it sort of wanders off-page and then resets to the correct position when the scroll finally stops. The solution isnt pushed to github yet, but it will be in the next couple of days. Best approach we have so far is a chunk of JS that forces the div back in place if we recognise we are working on iOS :-(
But you might want to check the editor we built in any case :-) or

TTLauncherView move item to other page

I have a TTLauncherView in my ios app. I have allowed users to edit and move their items around, however it does not appear that you can move the item from one screen to another, does anyone know how to do this?
that's looks like another a bug in three20 library. I just checked an old app of mine and moving items from page to page works fine. It means it might be another iOS 5 issue.
You can open a bug for it in, hopefully someone will fix it.
If I'll get around to it, i'll check it and fix it. I have a few apps using it, so I might need to do that.
I experienced a similar problem. It seems to be a bug just for the first icon on that page (i.e. creating a new page) - adding just add another icon to that page works fine (at least for me).
You can get around this bug by dragging the icon to the new page and releasing it on the first row (on the top of the page!). This isn't really satisfying, but perhaps a good starting point.
