macOS, iOS & tvOS documentation missing imports? - ios

I'm looking into iOS/tvOS docs for GCKeyboard & GCMouse types.
However Apple docs seem to be missing basic info such as what I import to use a type. For example C# docs always show what libraries are needed on MS websites for types. So do Googles Android docs. I'm not seeing this on Apples docs here:
Is there an easy way in ObjC or Swift to check where a type is from?
Does Apple provide any way to lookup what source file I should import for a type? How do people normally go about these lacking docs with xCode dev work?

Apple do indicate on its doc on which framework the class/object that the document referred to is relevant. See my picture for details. Its has a documentation hierarchy from the framework down to the objects and apis within it.
Specifically for GameController framework you’d use the following import
import GameController
A nice anecdote:
In older class and objects it is also customary to add the initials of the framework/library as a prefix for the name. In this case GC(i.e game contoller)Keyboard. Or UI(UIKit)ViewController. With newer libraries like SwiftUI and Combine they have stopped using the prefix.
The prefix was used due to legacy Objetive-C limitation for namespace.


#_implementationOnly no apple docs or status about it

#_implementationOnly import XXX
I would like to use but there is no any Apple documentation about it
do you know where I can find some official Apple docs about it?
what's the minimum Swift version supported for it?
is it still in beta or is it stable and official to use?
Generally all underscored properties and methods are not for regular usage (they tend to be either private APIs or development features). From the apple repo docs:
Underscored Attributes Reference
WARNING: This information is provided primarily for compiler and standard library developers. Usage of these attributes outside of the

Retrieving finder comment of a file in iOS application

I am trying to use the finder comment field of a file stored in the folder of my iOS application (I'm talking about local storage, not in the cloud). The function MDItemCreate that would enable me to do so easily is not available in iOS applications apparently, which must be why the build currently fails with the error warning : "Cannot find 'MDItemCreate' in scope". Apple documentation in fact states that this method is only available on MacOS.
I have tinkered with FileManager but it doesn't grant access to comments.
This topic seems related but the solution is quite opaque to me.
My understanding of Swift is rather limited, if you would be so kind as to provide a simple and detailed answer I'd be much grateful.
With thanks,
I'm not completely certain, but messages like "Cannot find 'X' in scope" are often due to a forgotten import statement. MDItemCreate(_:_:) (docs) seems to be part of the Core Services framework, which has been part of iOS since iOS 12. Have you imported the framework?
You can do this (at the top of your .swift file) as follows:
import CoreServices

How do I build a Cocoapod framework for swift, while keeping implementation details hidden?

I am trying to build an iOS swift framework to display encrypted photos. Photos are sent by my server (something like a hashed binary file) after calling a specific API with specific details. I will then decrypt the photo, and display it to the user.
Correct and point me in the right direction if I am wrong, but swift only allows frameworks - meaning no static library. And this will expose my implementation details (such as the method to decrypt my photo).
What I would like to achieve is to create a cocoapod distributable framework for paid developers to implement (once they subscribe to me). It is supposed to expose simple public APIs, and hide implementation details.
I have tried various ways to achieve that but to no avail. I would really like to keep the implementation to swift codes only, with minimal Obj-C codes.
Build a swift framework, and build an objective-c static library as a wrapper
But I cannot seem to get it to work. Any idea if this is possible?
Build a swift framework in a swift framework
Stupid idea, i'm able to see the framework's implementation details within the other framework...
Build a swift framework, and build an objective-c framework as a wrapper
I cannot seem to get this to work either...
I have been working on this project for about 2 weeks now, and have been all over Googling for it. Just in case anybody would like to try, you may try to do the following and check if it works.
Cocoapods Friendly Framework
Implementation Details Hidden
Uses Alamofire (or any public framework that connects to internet)
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Parse Swift Documentation?

I see that there are swift code examples in the iOS guide, however, when I'm looking in the official documentation, I cannot find a Swift version (i.e. method signatures are given in obj-c). Where is it located? or is it simply not available yet?
P.S. I use dash (by kapeli) it would be great to have such added to their docset as well.
just take objC and apply it 1:1 to swift ... only the syntax of the language changed -- EVERYTHING is identical (types, concepts) -- if you use those frameworks like parse or uikit or Facebook or whatever. they didn't miraculously change :)

Swift: How do you use an Objective-C function from a linked library?

I'm new to iOS development and playing with Swift for the sake of learning. As a small challenge, I'm trying to get the SSID of network to which a device is currently connected.
This is well-covered ground on Stack using Objective-C: iPhone get SSID without private library, for example ... but the Objective-C / Swift dance is causing me some conceptual challenges.
Specifically, the suggested solution (discussed in the above-linked post) is to call the function CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo() -- but, according to Apple's documentation, this function is not available in Swift.
So far
I've included (I think correctly) SystemConfiguration.framework by adding it to the Linked Frameworks and Libraries of the project. I've also brought it into the View Controller using import SystemConfiguration.
Do I need to also use import SystemConfiguration, or is that already done due to including the framework with my project?
Is there another / better way to include the SystemConfiguration library?
The big one: How, once the required library is imported, do you call the Objective-C function from the library?
Thank you!
I know this is not directly answering your question, but it's an answer to your problem.
You can do everything in swift in your case.
After importing the library,
import SystemConfiguration.CaptiveNetwork
You can immediately call:
and it will work.
Confirmed in Xcode 6.3.2.
Apple's interoperability book (from Understanding the Swift Import Process):
Any Objective-C framework (or C library) that’s accessible as a module
can be imported directly into Swift. This includes all of the
Objective-C system frameworks—such as Foundation, UIKit, and
SpriteKit—as well as common C libraries supplied with the system.
Regarding your specific questions:
The opposite is the case: you do not need to manually include Apple's frameworks. Xcode will automatically make them available to you given a valid import statement (such as import SystemConfiguration in your case), even – or rather: especially – in a playground!
Given the above import statement, SystemConfiguration is indeed imported since you can call its functions (e.g. SCCopyLastError() // --> __NSCFError) and access its constants (e.g. kCFErrorDomainSystemConfiguration // --> Unfortunately, CaptiveNetwork does not seem to be imported with it (e.g. CNCopySupportedInterfaces() // --> Use of unresolved identifier).
You should be able, however, to use this framework on the Objective C side and simply call your own wrapper functions from Swift. You just need to remember to include them among the imports listed in your bridging header (see Swift and Objective-C in the Same Project for more about bridging headers).
