Inserting an AnnotatedString into an EditText (Jetpack Compose) - android-edittext

I'm trying to solve the following issue. For example, I'm writing this text - "Hello *world*". After I stop writing, for example, after a second, the word "*world*" should be replaced by "world" in bold.
I've tried to do this, but so far it doesn't work.
val originalText = MutableStateFlow("")
val resultText = originalText
.flatMapLatest { text ->
val result = formatText(text) // create AnnotatedString
flow { emit(result) }
And trying to insert to EditText:
val resultText by viewModel.resultText.collectAsState(AnnotatedString(""))
value = TextFieldValue(resultText),
onValueChange = {
viewModel.originalText.value = it.text
label = { Text("Description") },
modifier = Modifier
The problem is that I can't achieve the following result: we write text to "EditText" and after a second it is formatted and inserted into the same "EditText".
Could someone tell me, please, how can I solve this issue?

I found out a solution, but I'm sorry for code. It's definitely worth improving.
ViewModel methods:
private var _wordList = mutableListOf<String>()
val wordList = _wordList
// Remove words that are not in the string
fun updateWordList(text: String) {
_wordList.forEach {
if(!text.contains(it)) {
fun getWords(text: String) : List<String> {
val regex = Regex("\\*(.*?)[\\*]")
val matches = regex.findAll(text)
return { it.groupValues[1] }.toList()
fun addWords(text: String) {
val words = getWords(text)
words.forEach { word ->
if(!_wordList.contains(word)) _wordList.add(word)
A method which create an AnnotatedString:
fun getAnnotatedString(text: String, words: List<String>): AnnotatedString = buildAnnotatedString {
words.forEach { word ->
if (text.contains(word)) {
val offsetStart = text.indexOf(word)
val offsetEnd = offsetStart + word.length
style = SpanStyle(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold),
start = offsetStart,
end = offsetEnd
After that we need to create the following variables:
val words = viewModel.getWords(description)
val descResult = if (words.isEmpty()) description else description.replace("*", "")
val formattedString = formatString(descResult, viewModel.wordList)
var textFieldValueState by remember {
mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue(annotatedString = formattedString))
val textFieldValue = textFieldValueState.copy(annotatedString = formattedString)
And finally, we define the OutlinedTextField:
value = textFieldValue,
onValueChange = {
if (tmp == it.text) {
textFieldValueState = it
description = it.text
textFieldValueState = it
label = { Text("Description") }


How to add a value coming from inside a compose function into a dataStore

I am building an Android app that uses Compose and Navigation. On one screen I have several form fields each in its own composable function, of which I want to store the values. I have managed to do so for a single form field that is in the main screen function as in this example like this:
fun Screen1(navController: NavController) {
val context = LocalContext.current
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val dataStoreName = StoreName(context)
val savedName = dataStoreName.getValue.collectAsState(initial = "")
Column( ) {
val patientName = remember { mutableStateOf("") }
Button(onClick = {scope.launch {dataStoreName.saveValue(patientName.value)}
navController.navigate(Screen.Screen2.route) }) {
Text(text = "Save & Next")}
OutlinedTextField( value = patientName.value,
label = { Text(text = "Name") },
onValueChange = { patientName.value = it })
Text(text = "Current information stored: " + savedName.value) } }
However, it is not clear to me how to adapt it when I have several fields each in it's own composable function. When I place the mutableState variable inside the textfield function it is not recognized by the code in the save button, and when I place it outside, the variable is not recognized by the textfield function...
This is one of the textfield function as I have them now, which I would call inside the column in the Screen1 function:
fun PatientNameField() {
val patientName by remember { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue("")) }
value = patientName.value,
label = { Text(text = "Name") },
onValueChange = { patientName.value = it } )
For your current problem you can pass the patientName as a parameter to your PatientNameField composable as shown below. This will help to maintain the state of patientName across your Screen1 and PatientNameField composables.
fun Screen1(navController: NavController) {
val context = LocalContext.current
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val dataStoreName = StoreName(context)
val savedName = dataStoreName.getValue.collectAsState(initial = "")
Column {
val patientName = remember { mutableStateOf("") }
Button(onClick = {
scope.launch { dataStoreName.saveValue(patientName.value) }
}) {
Text(text = "Save & Next")
//pass the patientName as a parameter to your Composable
Text(text = "Current information stored: " + savedName.value)
fun PatientNameField(patientName: MutableState<String>) {
value = patientName.value,
label = { Text(text = "Name") },
onValueChange = { patientName.value = it } )

Swift iOS Mask a string "Hello" to "Hxxxo"

extension String {
var masked: String {
// some logic which I have to write to mask string.
// I tried following and just shows x ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ
// replacingOccurrences(
// of: ".(.+).",
// with: "x",
// options: .regularExpression,
// range: nil
let helloWorld = "Hello World"
print("Masked string is - \(helloWorld.masked)")
Expected output is - "Hxxxxxxxxxd"
There is a Regular Expression way with lookaround
extension String {
var masked: String {
of: "(?!^).(?!$)", // RegEx
with: "x", // Replacement
options: .regularExpression // Option to set RegEx
You can enumerate the string and apply map transform to get the expected output:
extension String {
var masked: String {
self.enumerated().map({ (index, ch) in
if index == 0
|| index == self.count - 1 {
return String(ch)
return "x"
let str = "hello"
print("after masking \(str.masked)") // Output - hxxxo
The map transform will return an array, so use joined() to convert the array back to String. Also, note that you have to typecast ch to String as String(ch) because the type of ch is 'String.Element' (aka 'Character').
extension Sequence {
func replacingEachInteriorElement(with replacement: Element) -> [Element] {
let prefix = dropLast()
+ prefix.dropFirst().map { _ in replacement }
+ suffix(1)
extension String {
var masked: Self {
.init( replacingEachInteriorElement(with: "x") )
"Hello World".masked == "Hxxxxxxxxxd" // true
"H๐Ÿฆพ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿบ๐Ÿฅป๐Ÿธ๐Ÿฆˆ๐Ÿ„โ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿชd".masked == "Hello World".masked // true
"๐Ÿฅฎ".masked // ๐Ÿฅฎ
"๐Ÿฅถ๐Ÿ˜Ž".masked // ๐Ÿฅถ๐Ÿ˜Ž
[].replacingEachInteriorElement(with: 500) // []
My solution without using Regular Expression:
extension String {
var masked: String {
if self.count < 2 { return self }
var output = self
let range = self.index(after: self.startIndex)..<self.index(before: endIndex)
let replacement = String.init(repeating: "x", count: output.count - 2)
output.replaceSubrange(range, with: replacement)
return output
So far, I've found following solution.
extension String {
var masked: String {
var newString = ""
for index in 0..<count {
if index != 0 && index != count-1 {
newString.append(contentsOf: "x")
} else {
let array = Array(self)
let char = array[index]
let string = String(char)
return newString
If you want to leave first and last letters you can use this ->
public extension String {
var masked: String {
return prefix(1) + String(repeating: "x", count: Swift.max(0, count-2)) + suffix(1)
let hello = "Hello"
// Hxxxo
you can pass unmasked character count ->
public extension String {
func masked(with unmaskedCount: Int) -> String {
let unmaskedPrefix = unmaskedCount/2
return prefix(unmaskedPrefix) + String(repeating: "x", count: Swift.max(0, count-unmaskedPrefix)) + suffix(unmaskedPrefix)
let hello = "Hello"
hello.masked(with: 2)
// Hxxxo
let number = "5555555555"
number.masked(with: 4)
// 55xxxxxx55

Gradually and randomly visualize string

I am currently working on a simple program to gradually and randomly visualize a string in two iteration. Right now I have managed to get the first iteration but I'm not sure how to do the second one. If someone could give any example or advice I would be very grateful. My code looks like this:
let s = "Hello playground"
let factor = 0.25
let factor2 = 0.45
var n = s.filter({ $0 != " " }).count // # of non-space characters
var m = lrint(factor * Double(n)) // # of characters to display
let t = String( { c -> Character in
if c == " " {
// Preserve space
return " "
} else if Int.random(in: 0..<n) < m {
// Replace
m -= 1
n -= 1
return c
} else {
// Keep
n -= 1
return "_"
print(t) // h_l__ _l_______d
To clarify, I want to use factor2 in the second iteration to print something that randomly add letters on top of t that looks something like this h_l_o pl_g_____d.
Replacing Characters
Starting from #MartinR's code, you should remember the indices that have been replaced. So, I am going to slightly change the code that replaces characters :
let s = "Hello playground"
let factor = 0.25
let factor2 = 0.45
var n = s.filter({ $0 != " " }).count // # of non-space characters
let nonSpaces = n
var m = lrint(factor * Double(n)) // # of characters to display
var indices = Array(s.indices)
var t = ""
for i in s.indices {
let c = s[i]
if c == " " {
// Preserve space
t.append(" ")
indices.removeAll(where: { $0 == i })
} else if Int.random(in: 0..<n) < m {
// Keep
m -= 1
n -= 1
indices.removeAll(where: { $0 == i })
} else {
// Replace
n -= 1
print(t) //For example: _e___ ______ou_d
Revealing Characters
In order to do that, we should calculate the number of characters that we want to reveal:
m = lrint((factor2 - factor) * Double(nonSpaces))
To pick three indices to reveal randomly, we shuffle indices and then replace the m first indices :
var u = t
for i in 0..<m {
let index = indices[i]
u.replaceSubrange(index..<u.index(after: index), with: String(s[index]))
print(u) //For example: _e__o _l__g_ou_d
I wrote StringRevealer struct, that handle all revealing logic for you:
/// Hide all unicode letter characters as `_` symbol.
struct StringRevealer {
/// We need mapping between index of string character and his position in state array.
/// This struct represent one such record
private struct Symbol: Hashable {
let index: String.Index
let position: Int
private let originalString: String
private var currentState: [Character]
private let charactersCount: Int
private var revealed: Int
var revealedPercent: Double {
return Double(revealed) / Double(charactersCount)
private var unrevealedSymbols: Set<Symbol>
init(_ text: String) {
originalString = text
var state: [Character] = []
var symbols: [Symbol] = []
var count = 0
var index = originalString.startIndex
var i = 0
while index != originalString.endIndex {
let char = originalString[index]
if CharacterSet.letters.contains(char.unicodeScalars.first!) {
symbols.append(Symbol(index: index, position: i))
count += 1
} else {
index = originalString.index(after: index)
i += 1
currentState = state
charactersCount = count
revealed = 0
unrevealedSymbols = Set(symbols)
/// Current state of text. O(n) conplexity
func text() -> String {
return currentState.reduce(into: "") { $0.append($1) }
/// Reveal one random symbol in string
mutating func reveal() {
guard let symbol = unrevealedSymbols.randomElement() else { return }
currentState[symbol.position] = originalString[symbol.index]
revealed += 1
/// Reveal random symbols on string until `revealedPercent` > `percent`
mutating func reveal(until percent: Double) {
guard percent <= 1 else { return }
while revealedPercent < percent {
var revealer = StringRevealer("Hello ั‚ะพะฒะฐั€ะธั‰! ๐Ÿ‘‹")
for percent in [0.25, 0.45, 0.8] {
revealer.reveal(until: percent)
It use CharacterSet.letters inside, so most of languages should be supported, emoji ignored and not-alphabetic characters as well.

Swift concatenate string based on different values

I need to concatenate a string based on some logic but I cant figure out how to do it.
var filterString: String = ""
var hasFilter: Bool = false
if let catId = param["catid"] {
filterString += "cat_id=\(catId)"
hasFilter = true
if let subCatId = param["subcatid"] {
filterString += "sub_cat_id=\(subCatId)"
hasFilter = true
if let locationId = param["stateid"] {
filterString += "location_id=\(locationId)"
hasFilter = true
if hasFilter == true {
query.filters = filterString
This will only work if I have ONE filter in my query
Eg: query.filters = "location_id=4"
But if I happend to have two or more filters my query will break eg:
query.filters = "location_id=4cat_id=3"
If I have more then one filter I need to seperate it with a AND statement like this:
query.filters = "location_id=4 AND cat_id=3"
But I cant figure out how to do it since I never know what order the filter will come in or if there even will be one or more filters to begin with
I seem to get it working by:
var filterString: String = ""
var hasFilter: Bool = false
if let catId = param["catid"] {
filterString += "cat_id=\(catId)"
hasFilter = true
if let subCatId = param["subcatid"] {
if hasFilter == true {
filterString += " AND sub_cat_id=\(subCatId)"
} else {
filterString += "sub_cat_id=\(subCatId)"
hasFilter = true
if let locationId = param["stateid"] {
if hasFilter == true {
filterString += " AND location_id=\(locationId)"
} else {
filterString += "location_id=\(locationId)"
hasFilter = true
if hasFilter == true {
query.filters = filterString
One solution would be to put the filters into an array and then if the array isn't empty, combine the array values with an " AND " separator.
var filters : [String] = []
if let catId = param["catid"] {
if let subCatId = param["subcatid"] {
if let locationId = param["stateid"] {
if filters.count > 0 {
query.filters = filters.joined(separator: " AND ")
Maybe you can first create an array and append all the filters.
After that create another variable to append all the values in the array.
Another option using inline if statements:
var param = ["catid" : "111", "subcatid" : "222", "stateid" : "333"]
var filterString = ""
if let catId = param["catid"] {
filterString = "cat_id=\(catId)"
if let subCatId = param["subcatid"] {
filterString.appendContentsOf(filterString.characters.count > 0 ? " AND sub_cat_id=\(subCatId)" : "sub_cat_id=\(subCatId)")
if let locationId = param["stateid"] {
filterString.appendContentsOf(filterString.characters.count > 0 ? " AND location_id=\(locationId)" : "location_id=\(locationId)")
if (filterString.characters.count > 0) {
query.filters = filterString

Breadth First Search: Shortest Reach (BFS)
My strategy is to keep an array of the Node and its corresponding adjacent nodes using an integer and unordered set.
Then I start at the starting node and iterate throughout, keeping a set of all the corresponding adjacent nodes and terminating if I visit any node I've already visited.
Thanks for any Swifters willing to help me! Spent a day trying to figure it out and it's driving me crazy. :(
let testCases : Int = Int(readLine()!)!
for i in 0..<testCases
let inputArray : [Int] = String(readLine()!).characters.split(" ").map{Int(String($0))!}
let numberOfNodes : Int = inputArray[0]
let numberOfEdges : Int = inputArray[1]
var dictionary : [Int : Set<Int>] = [:]
var countDictionary : [Int : Int] = [:]
for j in 0..<numberOfEdges
let edge : [Int] = String(readLine()!).characters.split(" ").map{Int(String($0))!}
let start : Int = edge[0]
let end : Int = edge[1]
if let val = dictionary[start]
dictionary[start] = Set.init(arrayLiteral: end)
if let val = dictionary[end]
dictionary[end] = Set.init(arrayLiteral: start)
let temp : [Int] = String(readLine()!).characters.split(" ").map{Int(String($0))!}
let startPoint : Int = temp[0]
var traversed : Set<Int> = Set()
func iterate(node : Int, _ count : Int)
let newCount = count + 6
var temp : [Int] = []
if let val = dictionary[node]
for i in val
if let val = countDictionary[node]
if count < val
countDictionary[node]! = count
countDictionary[node] = count
if traversed.contains(node)
for j in temp
iterate(j, newCount)
iterate(startPoint, 0)
for z in 0..<numberOfNodes
if let val = countDictionary[z + 1]
if val > 0
print(val, terminator: " ")
print(-1, terminator: " ")
print(" ")
