I have configured the bitbucket webhook in jenkins. Everything is working fine. When we do any commit the build gets trggered in jenkins but when I create the PR of any branch then the PR build gets triggered very late in jenkins. Sometimes it takes 30 mins to trigger PR build. I checked the build queue also. no PR build is in queue too. Any suggestions why its happening
Context: We have a Jenkins 2.361.3 server and a local Bitbucket server with webhooks (on Push) that trigger multibranch pipeline jobs (declarative jenkinsfile mode) on Jenkins for every repo push. This works fine when we have a single multibranch pipeline job on Jenkins: the build is triggered for the correct branch.
New scenario: We want a second 'nightly' multibranch pipeline job on the same Jenkins server for the same Bitbucket repo, which we want to trigger on a fixed time every day for every branch that exists at that time. It should not trigger for repo pushes.
Actions taken: We created a second multibranch pipeline job, similar to the first one but now with a cron trigger in the jenkinsfile and this setting disabled: "Build when a change is pushed to BitBucket":
This setting is still enabled for the initial job.
On a repo push, only the initial job is triggered. The nightly job does nothing.
When the cron time hits, the night job is triggered.
On a repo push, both jobs are triggered. (also after Jenkins restart)
Additionally, the cron trigger works as expected.
Question: How to configure this system so that a repo push only triggers the initial job and not the nightly job?
It looks like the combination of BitBucket plugin (v223) and Multibranch Pipeline plugin (v716) does not adhere to the "Build when a change is pushed to BitBucket" setting.
Experiments performed:
Disabling the "Build when a change is pushed to BitBucket" setting for both jobs (and restarting Jenkins) --> both jobs are still triggered by a repo push
Remove the webhook from BitBucket and configure 'polling SCM' for both jobs --> this works but polling feels suboptimal and adds performance hits to the server.
We solved it using the “Suppress automatic SCM triggering” property in the ‘Branch Sources’ section of the Jenkins configure page for the job, as explained here.
The ‘Scan multibranch pipeline trigger’ setting only controls the scans (even though the text says ‘build’), and this will cause a trigger. The Suppress property lets a certain job ignore a webhook or scan trigger. And then the job is only triggered by its cron-trigger, which is what we wanted.
We have recently moved to GitHub. But we are facing issue as,
whenever any user is making any commit to the file it is automatically triggering build in Jenkins.
Now the issue is, If more that one developer is working on same project and they are making the commit. so for every commit, Jenkins build is being triggered.
How can we stop this automatic build in Jenkins whenever commit is made?
If you have enabled Github webhook, disabled it.
if you have Poll SCM Turn ON disabled it on the Jenkins Job
I have a Github project with a webhook to trigger the build on Jenkins.
It works pretty well. I used the option "Trigger builds remotely" from Jenkins.
In the final steps of the build, it updates some files to update the package version, and submit it back to github.
This triggers a new build, generating an infinity loop of builds.
How to prevent this extra build to be triggered?
I tried the option "Polling ignores commits from certain users" to prevent builds from the bot user. but it seems to work only with the Polling process, and not the remote trigger.
I have configured jenkins pipeline job which should be triggered by github push but it isn't.
I specified github project
I checked GitHub hook
trigger for GITScm polling And I run job manually.
I use ngrok so my localhost is visible. Important think is webhook is working fine because I tried do it with frystyle job and it was triggered.
Do you have any idea what is going on?
Here's my environment -
Jenkins V2.111 with Bitbucket Branch Source plugin V2.2.0
BitBucket V5.7.0
I have got the Multi Branch Pipeline Jenkins job working fine. The builds are triggered automatically - for a new branch created, new Pull Request created, updates on branches and updates on Pull Requests. However, I want the ongoing Jenkins builds to automatically abort when there is an update to the Pull Request. How do I achieve this?