How to process a concatenated CSV file using cypher query in neo4j - neo4j

I have a concatenated csv file with a certain delimiter. Example:
So I want to process the first part of the csv in one query and the other part in different query. Is there a way to process this csv file according to the delimiter in Neo4j?

It is possible to do this in Cypher but it is cumbersome and inefficient.
Here's a snippet using APOC:
LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///my.csv' AS line
WITH collect(line) AS lines
WITH lines, range(0, size(lines)) AS indexes
WITH, indexes) AS indexed
WITH indexed, [item IN indexed WHERE item[0][0] = "--------"][0][1] AS separator
[item IN indexed WHERE item[1] < separator] AS first,
[item IN indexed WHERE item[1] > separator] AS second
This gives:
│"first" │"second" │
(One can probably also do this without APOC by e.g. using reduce.)
With these collections returned, it is possible to UNWIND first or second and CREATE the related nodes. Still, it is going to be hard to read/write these queries and definitely slow to execute. So it's best to perform the split before loading the CSV using a scripting language (Bash, Python, etc.)


Can I load in nodes and relationships from a csv file using 1 cypher command?

I have 2 csv files which I am trying to load into a Neo4j database using cypher: drivers.csv which holds every formula 1 driver and lap times.csv which stores every lap ever raced in F1.
I have managed to load in all of the nodes, although the lap times file is very large so it took quite a long time! I then tried to add relationships after, but there is so many that needs to be added that I gave up on it waiting (it was taking multiple days and still had not loaded in fully).
I’m pretty sure there is a way to load in the nodes and relationships at the same time, which would allow me to use periodic commit for the relationships which I cannot do right now. Essentially I just need to combine the 2 commands into one and after some attempts I can’t seem to work out how to do it?
// load in the lap_times.csv, changing the variable names - about half million nodes (takes 3-4 days)
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS from 'file:///lap_times.csv'
AS row
MERGE (lt: lapTimes {raceId: row.raceId, driverId: row.driverId, lap: row.lap, position: row.position, time: row.time, milliseconds: row.milliseconds})
// add a relationship between laptimes, drivers and races - takes 3-4 days
MATCH (lt:lapTimes),(d:Driver),(r:race)
WHERE lt.raceId = r.raceId AND lt.driverId = d.driverId
MERGE (d)-[rel8:LAPPING_AT]->(lt)
MERGE (r)-[rel9:TIMED_LAP]->(lt)
RETURN type(rel8), type(rel9)
Thanks in advance for any help!
You should review the documentation for indexes here:
Basically, indexes, once created, allow quick lookups of nodes of a given label, for the given property or properties. If you DON'T have an index and you do a MATCH or MERGE of a node, then for every row of that MATCH or MERGE, it has to do a label scan of all nodes of the given label and check all of their properties to find the nodes, and that becomes very expensive, especially when loading CSVs because those operations are likely happening for each row in the CSV.
For your :lapTimes nodes (though we would recommend you use singular labels in most cases), if there are none of them in your graph to start with, then a CREATE instead of a MERGE is fine. You may want a composite index on :lapTimes(raceId, driverId, lap), since that should uniquely identify the node, if you need to look it up later. Using CREATE instead of MERGE here should process much much faster.
Your second query should be MATCHing on :lapTimes nodes (label scan), and from each doing an index lookup on the :race and :driver nodes, so indexes are key here for performance.
You need indexes on: :race(raceId) and :Driver(driverId).
MATCH (lt:lapTimes)
WITH lt, lt.raceId as raceId, lt.driverId as driverId
MATCH (d:Driver), (r:race)
WHERE r.raceId = raceId AND d.driverId = driverId
MERGE (d)-[:LAPPING_AT]->(lt)
MERGE (r)-[:TIMED_LAP]->(lt)
You might consider CREATE instead of MERGE for the relationships, if you know there are no duplicate entries.
I removed your RETURN because returning the types isn't useful information.
Also, consider using consistent cases for your node labels, and that you are using the same case between the labels in your graph and the indexes you create.
Also, you would probably want to batch these changes instead of trying to process them all at once.
If you install APOC Procedures you can make use of apoc.periodic.iterate(), which can be used to batch changes, which will be faster and easier on your heap. You will still need indexes first.
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate("
MATCH (lt:lapTimes)
WITH lt, lt.raceId as raceId, lt.driverId as driverId
MATCH (d:Driver), (r:race)
WHERE r.raceId = raceId AND d.driverId = driverId
RETURN lt, d, ir",
"MERGE (d)-[:LAPPING_AT]->(lt)
MERGE (r)-[:TIMED_LAP]->(lt)", {}) YIELD batches, total, errorMessages
RETURN batches, total, errorMessages
Single CSV load
If you want to handle everything all at once in a single CSV load, you can do that, but again you will need indexes first. Here's what you'll need at a minimum:
CREATE INDEX ON :Driver(driverId);
CREATE INDEX ON :Race(raceId);
After those are created, you can use this, assuming you are starting from scratch (I fixed the case of your labels and made them singular:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS from 'file:///lap_times.csv' AS row
MERGE (d:Driver {driverId:row.driverId})
MERGE (r:Race {raceId:row.raceId})
CREATE (lt:LapTime {raceId: row.raceId, driverId: row.driverId, lap: row.lap, position: row.position, time: row.time, milliseconds: row.milliseconds})
CREATE (d)-[:LAPPING_AT]->(lt)
CREATE (r)-[:TIMED_LAP]->(lt)

Neo4j imports zero records from csv

I am new to Neo4j and graph database. While trying to import a few relationships from a CSV file, I can see that there are no records, even when the file is filled with enough data.
LOAD CSV with headers FROM 'file:/graphdata.csv' as row WITH row
WHERE row.pName is NOT NULL
MERGE(accNo:AccountNumber {bName:row.Bank_Name, pAmt:row.Amount, pName:row.Name})
Followed by:
LOAD CSV with headers FROM 'file/graphdata.csv' as row WITH row
WHERE row.pName is NOT NULL
MATCH(accNo:AccountNumber {bName:row.Bank_Name, pAmt:row.Amount, pName:row.Name})
Edit (table replica):
TransactionId Bank_Name RefNo Keyword Amount AccountNumber AccountName
12345 ABC 78 X 1000 5421 WE
23456 DEF X 2000 5471
34567 ABC 32 Y 3000 4759 HE
Is it likely the case that the Nodes and relationships are not created at all? How do I get all these desired relationships?
Neither file:/graphdata.csv nor file/graphdata.csv are legal URLs. You should use file:///graphdata.csv instead.
By default, LOAD CSV expects a "csv" file to consist of comma separated values. You are instead using a variable number of spaces as a separator (and sometimes as a trailer). You need to either:
use a single space as the separator (and specify an appropriate FIELDTERMINATOR option). But this is not a good idea for your data, since some bank names will likely also contain spaces.
use a comma separator (or some other character that will not occur in your data).
For example, this file format would work better:
Your Cypher query is attempting to use row properties that do not exist (since the file has no corresponding column headers). For example, your file has no pName or Name headers.
Your usage of the MERGE clause is probably not doing what you want, generally. You should carefully read the documentation, and this answer may also be helpful.

Cypher Import from CSV to Neo4J - How To Improve Performance

I am importing the following to Neo4J:
category_parent category_child
CategoryName3 CategoryName10
CategoryName32 CategoryName41
Basically, categories_relations.csv shows parent-child relationships between the categories from categories.csv.
I imported the first csv file with the following query which went well and pretty quickly:
LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///categories.csv' as line
CREATE (:Category {name:line[0]})
Then I imported the second csv file with:
LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///categories_relations.csv' as line
MATCH (a:Category),(b:Category)
WHERE = line[0] AND = line[1]
I have about 2 million nodes.
I tried executing the 2nd query and it is taking quite long. Can I make the query execute more quickly?
Confirm you are matching on right property. You are setting only one property for Category node i.e. name while creating
categories. But you are matching on property id in your second
query to create the relationships between categories.
For executing the 2nd query faster you can add an index on the property (here id) which you are matching Category nodes on.
CREATE INDEX ON :Category(id)
If it still takes time, You can refer my answer to Load CSV here

store temp variables in neo4j

I have some cypher queries that I execute against my neo4j database. The query is in this form
MATCH p=(j:JOB)-[r:HAS|STARTS]->(s:URL)-[r1:VISITED]->(t:URL)
WHERE j.job_id =5000 and r1.origin='iframe' and r1.job_id=5000 AND NOT (t.netloc =~ 'VERY_LONG_LIST')
RETURN count(r1) AS number_iframes;
If you can't understand what I am doing. This is a much simpler query
WHERE NOT (s.text=~"badword1|badword2|badword3")
I am basically trying to match some words against specific list
The problem is that this list is very large as you can see my job_id=5000 and I have more than 20000 jobs, so if my whitelist length is 1MB then I will end up with very large queries. I tried 500 jobs and end up with 200 MB queries file.
I was trying to execute these queries using transactions from py2neo but this is wont be feasible because my post request length will be very large and it will timeout. As a result, I though of using
neo4j-shell -file <queries_file>
However as you can see the file size is very large because of the large whitelist. So my question is there anyway that I can store this "whitelist" in a variable in neo4j using cypher??
I wish if there is something similar to this
SAVE $whitelist="word1,word2,word3,word4,word5...."
MATCH p=(j:JOB)-[r:HAS|STARTS]->(s:URL)-[r1:VISITED]->(t:URL)
WHERE j.job_id =5000 and r1.origin='iframe' and r1.job_id=5000 AND NOT (t.netloc =~ $whitelist)
RETURN count(r1) AS number_iframes;
What datatype is your netloc?
If you have an index on netloc you can also use t.netloc IN {list} where {list} is a parameter provided from the outside.
Such large regular expressions will not be fast
What exactly is your regexp and netloc format like? Perhaps you can change that into a split + index-list lookup?
In general also for regexps you can provide an outside parameter.
You can also use "IN" + index for job_ids.
You can also run a separate job that tags the jobs within your whitelist with a label and use that label for additional filtering e.g. in the match already.
Why do you have to check this twice ? Isn't it enough that the job has id=5000?
j.job_id =5000 and r1.job_id=5000

NEO4J execute severals statement

How it's possible to run a collection of query like this (came from a spreadsheet copy) directly in one cypher query? one by one it's ok, but need 100 copy/paste
MATCH (c:`alpha`)
where = "a-01"
SET c.CP_PRI=1, c.TO_PRI=1, c.TA_PRI=2
return c ;
MATCH (c:`beta`)
where = "a-02"
SET c.CP_PRI=1, c.TO_PRI=1, c.TA_PRI=0
return c ;
and 100 other lines ...
you may try the 'union' clause, which joins the results of queries into one big-honkin result set:
That said - the root behavior of what you are trying to do could use some details - maybe there's a better way to write the query - you could use Excel to 'build' the unified query via calculations / macros, you could possibly write a unified query that combines the rules you are trying to follow, there's a lot of options, but it's hard to know a starting direction w/o context....
Talking about the REST API you can use the transactional endpoint in Neo4J 2.0, or the batch endpoint in Neo4J 1.x.
If you want to use the shell, have a look to the import page, in particular the neo4j-shell-tools where they're importing massive quantity of data batching multiple queries.
