Is thre any way that i can read properties from one .properties file into another in java springboot? -

I have a requirement o read values from one properties file and set it in another. I have two properties file: application-default.yml and application-prod.yml. I have send config vars in deployment enviroment and set the variable in Howerver, i need to set values for application-default.yml but i do not want to commit those values into source control.
My propoose solution: I create another file that contains the values needed for application-default.yml however, i can't seem to find a way to set those values in application-default.yml.
Hope you get my point and i appreciate any suggestion to achieve this.


Is there a way to view / edit the definition of a computed variable after it has been created?

I have created some new computed variables in SPSS. I would like to be able to view the definitions (to check for errors) and possibly edit them after the fact. I cannot find a way to do this or find any advice on the internet.
I can see the definitions in the saved syntax file but there does not seem to be a way to pull the definitions up and view them from the SAV file itself.
Note that this is NOT the same thing as recoding a variable - I want to be able to bring up something like the new variable dialog box for an existing computed variable, view the definition and, if necessary, edit it.
Double-click on the relevant output in your .SAV file.
Select, copy, and paste the COMPUTE statement to a Syntax file.
Edit the COMPUTE statement as desired.
Add the command EXECUTE. after the COMPUTE statement.
Select this block of code.
Click on the 'play' button in the ribbon (or, select Run > Run Selected).
This will recompute the variable.
CAUTION: When you run COMPUTE from syntax, you don't get the warning asking if you want to replace the existing variable.

How to create and load a configuration file in dxl

I have a script which saves some files at a given location. It works fine but when I send this code to someone else, he has to change the paths in the code. It's not comfortable for someone who does not know what is in that code and for me to explain every time where and how the code should be changed.
I want to get this path in a variable which will be taken from the configuration file. So it will be easier for everyone to change just this config file and nothing in my code. But I have never done this before and could not find any information on how I can do this in the internet.
PS: I do not have any code and I ask about an ultimate solution but it is really difficult to find something good in the internet about dxl, especially since I'm new with that. Maybe someone of you already does that or has an idea how it could be done?
DXL has a perm to read the complete context of a file into a variable: string readFile (string) (or Buffer readFile (string))
you can split the output by \n and then use regular expressions to find all lines that match the pattern
(i.e. key = value - where comment lines start with ; or #)
But in DOORS I prefer using DOORS modules as configuration modules. Object Heading can be the key, Object Text can be the value.
Hardcode the full name of the configuration module into your DXL file and the user can modify the behaviour of the application.
The advantage over a file is that you need not make assumptions on where the config file is to be stored on the file system.
It really depends on your situation. You are going to need to be a little more specific about what you mean by "they need to change the paths in the code". What are these paths to? Are they DOORS module paths, are they paths to local/network files, or are the something else entirely?
Like user3329561 said, you COULD use a DOORS module as a configuration file. I wouldn't recommend it though, simply because that is not what DOORS modules were designed for. DOORS is fully capable of reading system files in one line at a time as well as all at once, but I can't recommend that option either until I know what types of paths you want to load and why.
I suspect that there is a better solution for your problem that will present itself once more information is provided.
I had the same problem, I needed to specify the path of my configuration file used in my dxl script.
I solved this issue passing the directory path as a parameter to DOORS.exe as follow:
"...\DOORS\9.3\bin\doors.exe" -dxl "string myVar = \"Hello Word\"
then in my dxl script, the variable myVar is a global variable.

Passing property files in a loop to Ant script

I have a directory with a list of property files for different environment(DEV/STG/QA etc.,)
I want to call an Ant target in a loop with each of this file. How do I do this. I downloaded ant-contrib and tried using the foreach but I couldn't find any example where I can read property files one at a time and call the target. Any suggestions?
I have been looking at a lot of samples on this site and online, nothing seem to match my requirement.
As per apacche documentation :
<property file=""/>
reads a set of properties from a file called "".
so, if you have my.var=25 , then ${my.var} will get you its value 25. For your requirement you can iterate through the files based on 'env' name & do required tasks.

Ant possible to insert cmd line input key-value pairs to match a property file?

I have a property file includes key-value pairs:
I have an Ant target called "compute". I would like to override the values by referring to the key like this:
ant compute -Dkey1=this is my value
How would this be possible to do? Thanks.
ant compute -Dkey1="this is my value"
There are many ways to achieve this (Asking for user input with <input/> task, setting the var in the Global Properties (under Preferences->Ant), etc), but i know only those on Eclipse :S
By the way, if what you want is to change multiple variables-per-setting (like environments settings), you can use different property files, like, and, and then hard-code the variable values into those files.
Then you will only need ONE parameter at the beginning, specifying which "set" (file) of variables you wanna pick...
And your parameter will not override any other, it will be straight in the command line, like
ant compute -Denv="test"
ant compute -Denv=test
, that must work (unless Ant guide is wrong, and i don't think so).

How to add a set path only for that batch file executing?

Basically, I know I can go through my control panel and modify the path variable. But, I'm wondering if there is a way to through batch programming have a temporary path included? That way it is only used during that batch file execution. I don't want to have people go in and modify their path variables just to use my batch file.
Just like any other environment variable, with SET:
SET PATH=%PATH%;c:\whatever\else
If you want to have a little safety check built in first, check to see if the new path exists first:
IF EXIST c:\whatever\else SET PATH=%PATH%;c:\whatever\else
If you want that to be local to that batch file, use setlocal:
set PATH=...
#REM Rest of your script
Read the docs carefully for setlocal/endlocal , and have a look at the other references on that site - Functions is pretty interesting too and the syntax is tricky.
The Syntax page should get you started with the basics.
There is an important detail:
set PATH="C:\linutils;C:\wingit\bin;%PATH%"
does not work, while
set PATH=C:\linutils;C:\wingit\bin;%PATH%
works. The difference is the quotes!
UPD also see the comment by venimus
That's right, but it doesn't change it permanently, but just for current command prompt.
If you wanna to change it permanently you have to use for example this:
This will change it permanently and yes, you can overwrite it in another batch script.
