Creating a hierarchical menu in Vaadin 23 - vaadin

I returned to the Vaadin ecosystem after some years out and I can't find the good old Tree component for creating a left navigational menu hierarchies in Vaadin 23.
What I found is a TreeGrid, however, it is explicitly stated in the docs, that it is not intended for that use case: "Tree Grid is not meant to be used as a navigation menu."
In the docs for Tree from the V8 we see that the Tree was intended for menus: "A typical use of the Tree component is for displaying a hierarchical menu".
So it seems now there is a gap - there is no dedicated component in Vaadin for hierarchical menus. How to fill this gap in Vaadin 23?


Vaadin 23.3 close tooltip by clicking on the text

I'm upgraded to Vaadin 23.3 Preview because of Tooltip component. Works and looks great. Only one question - I use the tooltip as a toggletip. I added an icon to my textfield and manually open tooltip by clicking it. In order to close the tooltip, I have to click the icon one more time. Is it possible somehow to close the tooltip by clicking the tooltip text also?
That's not supported, as the Tooltip feature is not intended to be used for anything interactive. As the docs say:
Tooltips only support plain text content. They aren’t focusable and
can’t contain interactive elements.
Due to technical (and especially accessibility) reasons, interactive popups like that need a different implementation. There are some vague plans to add such a feature to the Vaadin platform in the future, however.
One component in the Vaadin's Directory that can be considered better suited for the task is Popup.

How to add Hierarchical Tags in Redoc

Currently Redoc only supports 2 depths of menu on the left hand panel. Is there any way, we can add one more depth? Someone has already created issue for this -

What is the best component practice for creating non-ribbon visual menus on Delphi Forms?

I'm am revamping some menus to tidy them visually and streamline my use of third part libraries in favour of using Delphi components where possible (I was using the very flexible DevExpress TdxBar). I want to ditch this third party use and create a menu with layout similar to the following:
After some experiment I see that I can use a TCoolBar to host (at left) a TActionMainMenuBar which provides the File..Help menu items (using action categories) and then a TCoolBand to host buttons for the stuff to the right of 'Help'.
I've no need for user rearrangement of menu items or toolbar docking. All my menu item targets are actions. My question relates to whether this is in fact the easiest way of achieving a mix of a 'main menu' with tool buttons or whether there is a better way that I'm missing. Any suggestions must relate to Delphi built in components. I already know and have used, menu components from other third party libraries.
Thanks for any help.

How can I put an eclipse editor inside another eclipse editor?

I am trying to develop an eclipse plug-in that has an editor. The editor needs to show two instances of another editor (showing two different documents), and a toolbar. The internal editors are coming from another plugin. The toolbar needs to control the two internal editors (e.g., when clicking a button, change the background color of some items in one of the internal editors, assuming the internal editor has the API to change background color of course).
Can this be done? Any hints on how to start?
Many thanks for your advice.
You can try and see if a MultiPageEditorPart could be helpful in your case.
* A multi-page editor is an editor with multiple pages, each of which may
* contain an editor or an arbitrary SWT control.
I would have the logic of the editors as SWT Composites. Then the Editor is just a wrapper on top of the composites.
This way, you can create a new editor that combines functionality of other editors by combining the composites in different ways.
Extending VonC's answer, then you can have the composites as tabs in the MultiPageEditor, or just combine them anyway you want

Silverlight 3 Treeview

Is there any way one can display the Silverlight 3 (Either toolkit version or the built-in Blend version) treeview horizontally?i.e. instead of top to bottom, I wan to go from left to right.
There is no inherit method of the treeview to accomplish this. However, you might be able to achieve this by changing the ItemsPanelTemplate and the ItemsTemplate.
This forum discusses it in more detail.
