translation of view based on values on graph y axis in Swift - ios

I want to implement line chart like this image. I have already bar chart implemented which display proper value based on scaling like
barView.transform = CGAffineTransform.init(scaleX: 1, y: self.projectionValue)
Now i want to do same in line chart but using transformation as i can not change height of bar but move to view on specific value so how can i do this?


iOS Charts zoom property

I am using iOS charts library and in my application there could be lots of x axis values for my bar chart view but, I need to show few of them. I have tried to do it with barChartView.setVisibleXRangeMaximum(12) though it is causing some weird issues. (Like Bar chart's bar fill all x-axis) Instead of using that function I am trying to use zoom property barChartView.zoom(scaleX: 4, scaleY: 0, x: 0, y: 0) . However, I am not sure how many x axis values come when I draw the chart. In some cases, it's 60,84 or 800. How can I calculate right zoom ratio to accomplish for showing 10-12(any number between them enough for me) x-Axis values?
You might want to use:
barChartView.setVisibleXRange(minXRange: 10.0, maxXRange: 12.0)
instead of:

Core Plot horizontal bar chart on negative y-axis

I have a requirement to draw Core Plot horizontal bar chart with everything on the negative y-axis. I.e. the first index should appear at -1, like below:
I have figured out how to draw horizontal Bar Chart. But figuring out how to draw them in an "inverted" manner (to let user scroll downward with the tallest bar on top). My thought:
1) Convert the Y-index to negative
2) offset the Y-axis to the top of the graph instead of bottom
Is there any better way to do it?
I have found a historical article that's similar to my request (core-plot iOS reversed Y axis).
I have got what I needed after using this:
CPTPlotRange plotRangeWithLocation:CPTDecimalFromFloat(-yMax-1) length:CPTDecimalFromFloat(yMax)
P.S. you need to add the -1 to the Location parameter (-yMax-1) otherwise the horizontal bar at index 0 will not be shown clearly.

Draw only part of data in Highcharts

I looking for a way to only draw part of the data set in area chart. There is a slider above the chart that can limit the range of one series in the chart while other stile rendered in whole. I wonder whats the best way to do this. The only idea at the moment is to redraw the chart every time the slider moves but I'm afraid this could result in worse performance. Maybe this could be done with something like mask on the SVG element.
I came up with a simple solution by just clipping the svg graph with an clip path:
//var chart is the actual HighChartsInstance;
var renderer = chart.renderer;
var group = renderer.g().add();
var clipPath = renderer.createElement("clipPath"); = 'clip';
var rect = renderer.rect(0, 0, 200, 400).add(clipPath);
this.clippingMask = rect.element; //reference to the clipping rect which width is changed by the slider
chart.series[1].group.element.setAttribute('clip-path', "url(#clip)");
chart.series[1].group.element.childNodes[0].setAttribute('clip-path', "url(#clip)");
You have a few ways
use highstock which contains "slider"
use highstock.js and highcharts chart with scroller
use highcharts chart without scroller and in case when you move your own scroller, then use setExtremes()
I think one option is to modify the series data which you want to restrict, and then call:
where 'n' is the number of the series you are truncating. newData is a copy of the series data with the unwanted points taken out. You will need to specify x and y values in the series in order for it to be plotted in the correct position.

Axis Lables Rotation

Hi I am using HighStock 1.2.4
I do have multiple series and separate yAxis for each series. I am calculating height and topPadding and creating stacked series.
Now, I am facing two problems.
I have used rotation with yAxis to rotate labels but its not rendering correctly.
I have also used rotation for X Axis labels, but the last series position is getting messed with X Axis Labels.
1) I'm not sure why it's not rendering correctly, if you want to move a little to the left use x: property for title.
2) First, I think you need to set proper align for xAxis.labels (right). Then make higher chart to make sure you have enough space for a chart.
And jsFiddle:

How to position labels for plotbands on y axis in Highcharts

This Link is a similar example from which i'm working on. I'm trying to place the labels for plot bands on y axis. But as you can see the labels are overlapping on the chart which isn't that good. If i wanna color the labels with the same color of the corresponding plotbands, the label doesn't show up. Is there a way to place it completely outside without overlapping?
Thanks in advance.
A possible solution is to add right margin to the chart, and move the labels over.
Add a marginRight to the chart, and on each label, use x to determine its starting x position.
x: 90 on each label. the fiddle.
I think it's not possible to do it yet.
If you add labels to the plotbands it will overlap them.
You can align your labels but if you set x more than your chart width, it will not appear on your chart.
