Expected an irrelevant argument, but found a relevant argument - agda

In the following program, I'd like to define fsplit′ recursively:
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module _ where
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
lemma : ∀ {x y} → x + suc y ≡ 1 → 0 ≡ y
lemma {x = x} {y = y} p = sym (snd (m+n≡0→m≡0×n≡0 {x} {y} (cong predℕ (sym (+-suc x y) ∙ p))))
fsplit′ : ∀ {k} (fj : Fin (suc k))
→ (flast ≡ fj) ⊎ (Σ[ fk ∈ Fin k ] inject< ≤-refl fk ≡ fj)
fsplit′ {k = zero} (j , fst₁ , p) = inl (Fin-fst-≡ (lemma p))
fsplit′ {k = suc k} (0 , q) = inr (0 , Fin-fst-≡ refl)
fsplit′ {k = suc k} (suc j , q) with fsplit′ {k = k} (j , pred-≤-pred q)
... | _ = ?
My aim is to pattern match on the result of the recursive call fsplit′ {k = k} (j , pred-≤-pred q). Using the with construct, however, leads to the following error message from Agda
Expected an irrelevant argument, but found a relevant argument
when checking that the type
(k j : ℕ) (q : suc j < suc (suc k)) →
((k ,
0 ,
(λ i →
(λ i₁ .o →
(primPOr i (~ i) (λ .o₁ → suc k) (λ .o₁ → suc k) o))
(j ,
fst q ,
(λ i →
(hcomp (doubleComp-faces (λ _ → suc (fst q + suc j)) (snd q) i)
(+-suc (fst q) (suc j) (~ i))))))
Σ (Σ ℕ (λ k₁ → Σ ℕ (λ k₂ → k₂ + suc k₁ ≡ k)))
(λ fk →
(fst fk ,
suc (fst (snd fk) + 0) ,
(λ i →
(λ i₁ .o →
(primPOr i (~ i)
(λ .o₁ →
(λ i₂ .o₂ →
(primPOr i₁ (~ i₁) (λ .o₃ → suc k)
(λ .o₃ → suc (fst (snd fk) + suc (fst fk))) o₂))
(λ i₂ .o₂ →
(primPOr i₁ (~ i₁)
(λ .o₃ →
(λ i₃ .o₄ →
(primPOr i₂ (~ i₂)
(λ .o₅ →
(doubleComp-faces (λ _ → suc (fst (snd fk) + fst fk))
(snd (snd fk)) i₃)
(+-suc (fst (snd fk)) (fst fk) (~ i₃))))
(λ .o₅ → suc (fst (snd fk) + suc (fst fk))) o₄))
(+-suc (fst (snd fk)) (fst fk) i₂)))
(λ .o₃ → suc (fst (snd fk) + suc (fst fk))) o₂))
(fst (snd fk) + suc (fst fk)))))
(λ .o₁ → suc (fst (snd fk) + 0 + suc (fst fk))) o))
(+-zero (fst (snd fk)) i + suc (fst fk)))))
(j ,
fst q ,
(λ i →
(hcomp (doubleComp-faces (λ _ → suc (fst q + suc j)) (snd q) i)
(+-suc (fst q) (suc j) (~ i)))))) →
((suc k ,
0 ,
(λ i →
(λ i₁ .o →
(primPOr i (~ i) (λ .o₁ → suc k) (λ .o₁ → suc k) o))
≡ (suc j , q))
Σ (Σ ℕ (λ k₁ → Σ ℕ (λ k₂ → k₂ + suc k₁ ≡ suc k)))
(λ fk →
(fst fk ,
suc (fst (snd fk) + 0) ,
(λ i →
(λ i₁ .o →
(primPOr i (~ i)
(λ .o₁ →
(λ i₂ .o₂ →
(primPOr i₁ (~ i₁) (λ .o₃ → suc (suc k))
(λ .o₃ → suc (fst (snd fk) + suc (fst fk))) o₂))
(λ i₂ .o₂ →
(primPOr i₁ (~ i₁)
(λ .o₃ →
(λ i₃ .o₄ →
(primPOr i₂ (~ i₂)
(λ .o₅ →
(doubleComp-faces (λ _ → suc (fst (snd fk) + fst fk))
(snd (snd fk)) i₃)
(+-suc (fst (snd fk)) (fst fk) (~ i₃))))
(λ .o₅ → suc (fst (snd fk) + suc (fst fk))) o₄))
(+-suc (fst (snd fk)) (fst fk) i₂)))
(λ .o₃ → suc (fst (snd fk) + suc (fst fk))) o₂))
(fst (snd fk) + suc (fst fk)))))
(λ .o₁ → suc (fst (snd fk) + 0 + suc (fst fk))) o))
(+-zero (fst (snd fk)) i + suc (fst fk)))))
≡ (suc j , q))
of the generated with function is well-formed
What is going on here? How do I do a recurse-and-branch in the definition of fsplit′?


Termination checking failed to prove ∃-even′ : ∀ {n : ℕ} → ∃[ m ] ( 2 * m ≡ n) → even n

The PLFA exercise: what if we write the arithmetic more "naturally" in Quantifiers chapter (https://plfa.github.io/Quantifiers/) ?
∃-even′ : ∀ {n : ℕ} → ∃[ m ] ( 2 * m ≡ n) → even n
∃-odd′ : ∀ {n : ℕ} → ∃[ m ] (2 * m + 1 ≡ n) → odd n
I have make the type right. But have got Termination checking failed for the following functions:
dbl≡2* : ∀ n → n + n ≡ 2 * n
dbl≡2* n = cong (n +_) (sym (+-identityʳ n))
+-suc1 : ∀ (m : ℕ) → m + 1 ≡ suc m
+-suc1 m =
m + 1
m + (suc zero)
≡⟨ +-suc m zero ⟩
suc (m + zero)
≡⟨ cong suc (+-identityʳ m) ⟩
suc m
help1 : ∀ m → 2 * m + 1 ≡ suc (m + m)
help1 m =
2 * m + 1
≡⟨ sym ( cong (_+ 1) (dbl≡2* m) ) ⟩
m + m + 1 -- must use every rule
≡⟨ +-assoc m m 1 ⟩
m + (m + 1)
≡⟨ cong (m +_) (+-suc1 m) ⟩
m + suc m
≡⟨ +-suc m m ⟩
suc (m + m)
∃-even′ ⟨ zero , refl ⟩ = even-zero
∃-even′ ⟨ suc m , refl ⟩ rewrite +-identityʳ m
| +-suc m m
= even-suc (∃-odd′ ⟨ (m) , help1 m ⟩)
∃-odd′ ⟨ m , refl ⟩ rewrite +-suc (2 * m) 0
| +-identityʳ m
| +-identityʳ (m + m)
| dbl≡2* m
= odd-suc (∃-even′ ⟨ m , refl ⟩)
For the normal version, the same mutually-recursive define can work fine.
∃-even : ∀ {n : ℕ} → ∃[ m ] ( m * 2 ≡ n) → even n
∃-odd : ∀ {n : ℕ} → ∃[ m ] (1 + m * 2 ≡ n) → odd n
∃-even ⟨ zero , refl ⟩ = even-zero
∃-even ⟨ suc x , refl ⟩ = even-suc (∃-odd ⟨ x , refl ⟩)
∃-odd ⟨ x , refl ⟩ = odd-suc (∃-even ⟨ x , refl ⟩)
∃-even′ ⟨ zero , refl ⟩ = even-zero
∃-even′ ⟨ suc m , refl ⟩ rewrite +-identityʳ m
| +-suc m m
= even-suc (∃-odd′ ⟨ m , help1 m ⟩)
∃-odd′ ⟨ m , refl ⟩ rewrite +-suc (2 * m) 0
| +-identityʳ m
| +-identityʳ (m + m)
| dbl≡2* m
= odd-suc (∃-even′ ⟨ m , refl ⟩)
Your recursive calls are:
∃-even′ ⟨ suc m , refl ⟩ -> ∃-odd′ ⟨ m , help1 m ⟩
∃-odd′ ⟨ m , refl ⟩ -> ∃-even′ ⟨ m , refl ⟩
In the first one, suc m -> m decreases, but refl -> help1 m (on its surface) increases. If you passed refl as the second argument to ∃-odd′, then the termination checker would accept it, since it means the second argument stays the same, while the first one strictly monotonically decreases over a complete chain of two calls.
So how can we change that first recursive call to ∃-odd′ ⟨ m , refl ⟩? By rewriting by sym (help1 m):
∃-even′ ( suc m , refl ) rewrite +-identityʳ m
| +-suc m m
| sym (help1 m)
= even-suc (∃-odd′ (m , refl))
This code is then accepted by the termination checker.

Constructing squares with constraints in an isSet type

This is in continuation of this question, based on this answer. Using the technique explained by Saizan, and factoring my fromList-toList proof a bit to avoid the problematic recursion, I managed to fill in all but one cases of fromList-toList. I think it's easiest if I just show everything I have:
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module _ where
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything hiding (assoc)
data FreeMonoid {ℓ} (A : Type ℓ) : Type ℓ where
[_] : A → FreeMonoid A
ε : FreeMonoid A
_·_ : FreeMonoid A → FreeMonoid A → FreeMonoid A
εˡ : ∀ x → ε · x ≡ x
εʳ : ∀ x → x · ε ≡ x
assoc : ∀ x y z → (x · y) · z ≡ x · (y · z)
squash : isSet (FreeMonoid A)
infixr 20 _·_
open import Cubical.Data.List hiding ([_])
module ListVsFreeMonoid {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (AIsSet : isSet A) where
listIsSet : isSet (List A)
listIsSet = isOfHLevelList 0 AIsSet
toList : FreeMonoid A → List A
toList [ x ] = x ∷ []
toList ε = []
toList (m₁ · m₂) = toList m₁ ++ toList m₂
toList (εˡ m i) = toList m
toList (εʳ m i) = ++-unit-r (toList m) i
toList (assoc m₁ m₂ m₃ i) = ++-assoc (toList m₁) (toList m₂) (toList m₃) i
toList (squash m₁ m₂ p q i j) = listIsSet (toList m₁) (toList m₂) (cong toList p) (cong toList q) i j
fromList : List A → FreeMonoid A
fromList [] = ε
fromList (x ∷ xs) = [ x ] · fromList xs
toList-fromList : ∀ xs → toList (fromList xs) ≡ xs
toList-fromList [] = refl
toList-fromList (x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷_) (toList-fromList xs)
fromList-homo : ∀ xs ys → fromList xs · fromList ys ≡ fromList (xs ++ ys)
fromList-homo [] ys = εˡ (fromList ys)
fromList-homo (x ∷ xs) ys = assoc [ x ] (fromList xs) (fromList ys) ∙ cong ([ x ] ·_) (fromList-homo xs ys)
fromList-toList-· : ∀ {m₁ m₂ : FreeMonoid A} → fromList (toList m₁) ≡ m₁ → fromList (toList m₂) ≡ m₂ → fromList (toList (m₁ · m₂)) ≡ m₁ · m₂
fromList-toList-· {m₁} {m₂} p q = sym (fromList-homo (toList m₁) (toList m₂)) ∙ cong₂ _·_ p q
fromList-toList : ∀ m → fromList (toList m) ≡ m
fromList-toList [ x ] = εʳ [ x ]
fromList-toList ε = refl
fromList-toList (m₁ · m₂) = fromList-toList-· (fromList-toList m₁) (fromList-toList m₂)
fromList-toList (εˡ m i) = isSet→isSet' squash
(fromList-toList-· refl (fromList-toList m))
(fromList-toList m)
(λ i → fromList (toList (εˡ m i)))
(λ i → εˡ m i)
fromList-toList (εʳ m i) = isSet→isSet' squash
(fromList-toList-· (fromList-toList m) refl)
(fromList-toList m)
((λ i → fromList (toList (εʳ m i))))
(λ i → εʳ m i)
fromList-toList (assoc m₁ m₂ m₃ i) = isSet→isSet' squash
(fromList-toList-· (fromList-toList-· (fromList-toList m₁) (fromList-toList m₂)) (fromList-toList m₃))
(fromList-toList-· (fromList-toList m₁) (fromList-toList-· (fromList-toList m₂) (fromList-toList m₃)))
(λ i → fromList (toList (assoc m₁ m₂ m₃ i)))
(λ i → assoc m₁ m₂ m₃ i)
fromList-toList (squash x y p q i j) = ?
Sets are groupoids so I thought I can try doing exactly the same in that last case as before, just one dimension higher. But this is where I start failing: for some reason, two of the six faces cannot be constructed using the fact that FreeMonoid is a set. In more concrete terms, in the two missing faces in the code below, if I just try to refine by putting isSet→isSet' squash in the hole (with no more arguments specified), I already get "cannot refine".
Here's my code for the four faces that I managed to fill in:
fromList-toList (squash x y p q i j) = isGroupoid→isGroupoid' (hLevelSuc 2 _ squash)
{fromList (toList x)}
{fromList (toList y)}
{fromList (toList (p i))}
{p i}
{fromList (toList (q i))}
{q i}
{λ k → fromList (toList (p k))}
{fromList-toList x}
{fromList-toList y}
{λ k → fromList (toList (squash x y p q k i))}
{fromList-toList (p i)}
{fromList-toList (q i)}
{λ k → squash x y p q k i}
{λ k → fromList (toList (p (i ∧ k)))}
{λ k → p (i ∧ k)}
{λ k → fromList (toList (q (i ∨ ~ k)))}
{λ k → q (i ∨ ~ k)}
f2 = isSet→isSet' squash
(fromList-toList x) (fromList-toList (p i))
(λ k → fromList (toList (p (i ∧ k)))) (λ k → p (i ∧ k))
f3 = isSet→isSet' squash
(fromList-toList y) (fromList-toList (q i))
(λ k → fromList (toList (q (i ∨ ~ k)))) (λ k → q (i ∨ ~ k))
f5 = isSet→isSet' squash (fromList-toList x) (fromList-toList y)
(λ k → fromList (toList (p k)))
(λ k → p k)
f6 = isSet→isSet' squash (fromList-toList (p i)) (fromList-toList (q i))
(λ k → fromList (toList (squash x y p q k i)))
(λ k → squash x y p q k i)
The reported types of the two missing faces are:
(λ k → fromList (toList (p (i ∧ k))))
(λ k → fromList (toList (p k)))
(λ k → fromList (toList (squash x y p q k i)))
(λ k → fromList (toList (q (i ∨ ~ k))))
(λ k → p (i ∧ k))
(λ k → squash x y p q k i)
(λ k → q (i ∨ ~ k))
Of course, I make no claims that the existing four faces are correct.
So I guess my question is either, what are the two missing faces, or alternatively, what are the correct 6 faces?
The six faces are not arbitrary ones between the endpoints, they are given by the type and other clauses of fromList-toList.
To find them out we can use the strategy from the other answer but one dimension higher. First we declare a cube define through conging of fromList-toList:
fromList-toList (squash x y p q i j) = { }0
r : Cube ? ? ? ? ? ?
r = cong (cong fromList-toList) (squash x y p q)
We can then ask agda to solve the six ?s by C-c C-s and after a little cleanup we get:
r : Cube (λ i j → fromList (toList (squash x y p q i j)))
(λ i j → fromList-toList x j)
(λ i j → fromList-toList y j)
(λ i j → squash x y p q i j)
(λ i j → fromList-toList (p i) j)
(λ i j → fromList-toList (q i) j)
r = cong (cong fromList-toList) (squash x y p q)
in this case we are able to use those faces directly as there's no problem with recursion.
fromList-toList (squash x y p q i j)
= isGroupoid→isGroupoid' (hLevelSuc 2 _ squash)
(λ i j → fromList (toList (squash x y p q i j)))
(λ i j → fromList-toList x j)
(λ i j → fromList-toList y j)
(λ i j → squash x y p q i j)
(λ i j → fromList-toList (p i) j)
(λ i j → fromList-toList (q i) j)
i j
By the way, if you are going to prove more equalities by induction it may pay off to implement a more general function first:
elimIntoProp : (P : FreeMonoid A → Set) → (∀ x → isProp (P x))
→ (∀ x → P [ x ]) → P ε → (∀ x y → P x → P y → P (x · y)) → ∀ x → P x
as paths in FreeMonoid A are a proposition.

Pushing a path along a pair of paths originating from its endpoints

Suppose I have, using the cubical-demo library, the following things in scope:
i : I
p0 : x ≡ y
p1 : x' ≡ y'
q0 : x ≡ x'
q1 : y ≡ y'
How do I then construct
q' : p0 i ≡ p1 i
One way is by contracting singleton pairs with J, there might be simpler proofs though.
open import Cubical.PathPrelude
q' : ∀ {A : Set} (i : I) (x : A)
x' (q0 : x ≡ x')
y (p0 : x ≡ y)
y' (p1 : x' ≡ y')
(q1 : y ≡ y') → p0 i ≡ p1 i
q' i x = pathJ _ (pathJ _ (pathJ _ (\ q1 → q1)))
Another one I've come up with is I think closer to the spirit of the original problem instead of going around:
slidingLid : ∀ (p₀ : a ≡ b) (p₁ : c ≡ d) (q : a ≡ c) → ∀ i → p₀ i ≡ p₁ i
slidingLid p₀ p₁ q i j = comp (λ _ → A)
(λ{ k (i = i0) → q j
; k (j = i0) → p₀ (i ∧ k)
; k (j = i1) → p₁ (i ∧ k)
(inc (q j))
This one has the very nice property that it degenerates to q at i = i0 definitionally:
slidingLid₀ : ∀ p₀ p₁ q → slidingLid p₀ p₁ q i0 ≡ q
slidingLid₀ p₀ p₁ q = refl
I've found another solution to this, which is more explicit that it is gluing together a prefix of p0 (flipped), q0, and a prefix of p1:
open import Cubical.PathPrelude
module _ {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} where
midPath : ∀ {a b c d : A} (p₀ : a ≡ b) (p₁ : c ≡ d) → (a ≡ c) → ∀ i → p₀ i ≡ p₁ i
midPath {a = a} {c = c} p₀ p₁ q i = begin
p₀ i ≡⟨ transp (λ j → p₀ (i ∧ j) ≡ a) refl ⟩
a ≡⟨ q ⟩
c ≡⟨ transp (λ j → c ≡ p₁ (i ∧ j)) refl ⟩
p₁ i ∎

Mutually recursive proofs

I have a standard untyped lambda calculus definition and some operations and I'm trying to show a property related to the associativity of substitutions. Unfortunately, I have to show a lot of code to make things clear.
open import Data.Nat renaming (ℕ to Nat) using (zero ; suc ; _+_)
open import Data.Vec.Properties
open import Data.Vec
using (Vec ; [] ; _∷_ ; map ; lookup ; allFin ; tabulate ; tail ; head)
open import Data.Fin using (Fin ; zero ; suc)
open import Function using (_∘_ ; _$_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open ≡-Reasoning
data WellScopedTm : Nat → Set where
var : (n : Nat) → Fin n → WellScopedTm n
lam : (n : Nat) → WellScopedTm (suc n) → WellScopedTm n
app : (n : Nat) → WellScopedTm n → WellScopedTm n → WellScopedTm n
↑_ : ∀ n → Vec (Fin (suc n)) n
↑ _ = tabulate suc
rename : ∀ {n m} (t : WellScopedTm n) (is : Vec (Fin m) n) → WellScopedTm m
rename {_} {m} (var _ i) is = var m (lookup i is)
rename {n} {m} (lam _ t) is = lam m (rename t (zero ∷ map suc is))
rename {n} {m} (app _ t u) is = app m (rename t is) (rename u is)
-- q
q : (n : Nat) → WellScopedTm (suc n)
q n = var (suc n) zero
-- id
idSub : (n : Nat) → Vec (WellScopedTm n) n
idSub n = tabulate (var n)
-- weakening (derived)
lift : {n : Nat} → WellScopedTm n → WellScopedTm (suc n)
lift t = rename t (↑ _)
-- p
projSub : (n : Nat) → Vec (WellScopedTm (suc n)) n
projSub = map lift ∘ idSub -- or tabulate (lift ∘ (var n))
-- sub
sub : ∀ {n m} → WellScopedTm n → Vec (WellScopedTm m) n → WellScopedTm m
sub (var _ i) ts = lookup i ts
sub (lam _ t) ts = lam _ (sub t (var _ zero ∷ map lift ts))
sub (app _ t u) ts = app _ (sub t ts) (sub u ts)
-- composition of homs
comp : ∀ {m n k} → Vec (WellScopedTm n) k → Vec (WellScopedTm m) n → Vec (WellScopedTm m) k
comp [] _ = []
comp (t ∷ ts) us = sub t us ∷ comp ts us
Specifically, I want to show that
compAssoc : ∀ {m n k p} (ts : Vec (WellScopedTm n) k) (us : Vec (WellScopedTm m) n)
(vs : Vec (WellScopedTm p) m) → comp (comp ts us) vs ≡ comp ts (comp us vs)
compInSub : ∀ {m n k} (t : WellScopedTm n) (ts : Vec (WellScopedTm k) n)
(us : Vec (WellScopedTm m) k) → sub t (comp ts us) ≡ sub (sub t ts) us
The proofs I came up with rely on each other, the proof of associativity is this
compAssoc [] us vs = refl
compAssoc (x ∷ ts) us vs = sym $
trans (cong (λ d → d ∷ comp ts (comp us vs)) (compInSub x us vs))
(sym (cong (_∷_ (sub (sub x us) vs)) (compAssoc ts us vs)))
However, in the lambda case of the second property, I have to use associativity in the two open goals and the termination checker complains.
compInSub (var _ zero) (v ∷ ts) us = refl
compInSub (var _ (suc x)) (v ∷ ts) us = compInSub (var _ x) ts us
compInSub (app n t u) ts us =
trans (cong (λ z → app _ z (sub u (comp ts us))) (compInSub t ts us))
(cong (app _ (sub (sub t ts) us)) (compInSub u ts us))
compInSub (lam n t) ts us = sym $
lam _ (sub (sub t (q _ ∷ map lift ts)) (q _ ∷ map lift us))
≡⟨ cong (lam _) (sym $ compInSub t (q _ ∷ map lift ts) (q _ ∷ map lift us)) ⟩
lam _ (sub t $ q _ ∷ comp (map lift ts) (q _ ∷ map lift us))
≡⟨ cong (λ x → lam _ (sub t $ q _ ∷ comp x _)) (mlift=xs∘p ts) ⟩
lam _ (sub t $ q _ ∷ comp (comp ts (projSub _)) (q _ ∷ map lift us))
≡⟨ cong (λ x → lam _ (sub t $ q _ ∷ comp _ (q _ ∷ x))) (mlift=xs∘p us) ⟩
lam _ (sub t $ q _ ∷ comp (comp ts (projSub _)) (q _ ∷ comp us (projSub _)))
≡⟨ cong (λ x → lam _ (sub t $ q _ ∷ x )) {!!} ⟩ -- compAssoc ts (projSub _) (q _ ∷ comp us (projSub _))
lam _ (sub t $ q _ ∷ comp ts (comp (projSub _) (q _ ∷ comp us (projSub _))))
≡⟨ cong (λ x → lam _ (sub t $ q _ ∷ comp ts x)) (p∘x∷ts (q _) (comp us (projSub _))) ⟩ --
lam _ (sub t $ q _ ∷ comp ts (comp us (projSub _)))
≡⟨ cong (λ x → lam _ (sub t $ q _ ∷ x)) (sym {!!}) ⟩ -- compAssoc ts us (projSub _)
lam _ (sub t $ q _ ∷ comp (comp ts us) (projSub _))
≡⟨ cong (λ x → lam _ (sub t $ q _ ∷ x)) (sym (mlift=xs∘p (comp ts us))) ⟩
lam _ (sub t $ q _ ∷ map lift (comp ts us))
Is the termination checker right to disallow the calls on associativity I commented? If not, any remedies?
Lastly, some postulates so that the code typechecks
postulate p∘x∷ts : ∀ {n k : Nat} (t : WellScopedTm n) (ts : Vec (WellScopedTm n) k) → comp (projSub k) (t ∷ ts) ≡ ts
postulate mlift=xs∘p : ∀ {n m : Nat} (xs : Vec (WellScopedTm n) m) → map lift xs ≡ comp xs (projSub n)

Substituting equal term in equality proof

I have the following definition
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
data _≅_ (A B : Set) : Set where
mkBij : (f : A → B) (g : B → A)
→ (∀ a → a ≡ g (f a))
→ (∀ b → b ≡ f (g b))
→ A ≅ B
And I'm trying to show transitivity. I have what I need, but I don't know how to combine them to get the proof object I want. This is the proof so far.
transtv : ∀ {A B C} → A ≅ B → B ≅ C → A ≅ C
transtv (mkBij f₁ g₁ x y) (mkBij f₂ g₂ w z) =
mkBij (λ x₁ → f₂ (f₁ x₁)) (λ z₁ → g₁ (g₂ z₁))
(λ a → let xa = x a
wb = w (f₁ a)
in {!!})
(λ c → let zc = z c
yb = y (g₂ c)
in {!!})
In the first hole, I have these: (the second hole is identical)
Goal: a ≡ g₁ (g₂ (f₂ (f₁ a)))
wb : f₁ a ≡ g₂ (f₂ (f₁ a))
xa : a ≡ g₁ (f₁ a)
Now, it's obvious that if I replace f₁ a with g₂ (f₂ (f₁ a)) in xa I get to the goal. But I don't know how to do this substitution in agda. What kind of function or language construct do I need to do this?
You can write it very compactly as
trans xa (cong g₁ wb)
Or, using Function._⟨_⟩_:
xa ⟨ trans ⟩ (cong g₁ wb)
I solved it with equational reasoning in the following way:
transtv : ∀ {A B C} → A ≅ B → B ≅ C → A ≅ C
transtv (mkBij f₁ g₁ x y) (mkBij f₂ g₂ w z) =
mkBij (λ x₁ → f₂ (f₁ x₁)) (λ z₁ → g₁ (g₂ z₁))
(λ a → let xa = x a
wb = w (f₁ a)
in begin
≡⟨ xa ⟩
g₁ (f₁ a)
≡⟨ cong g₁ wb ⟩
g₁ (g₂ (f₂ (f₁ a)))
(λ c → let zc = z c
yb = y (g₂ c)
in begin
≡⟨ zc ⟩
f₂ (g₂ c)
≡⟨ cong f₂ yb ⟩
f₂ (f₁ (g₁ (g₂ c)))
