Authentification error when trying to pull base image from Docker Hub using Dockerfile and podman - docker

I would like to create an image that is based on ubuntu:focal from dockerhub. I have edited /etc/containers/registries.conf to include (it's a bit confusing to me why it's the top-level domain is this compared to for the website but never mind):
unqualified-search-registries = ["", ""]
I created an access token in my Docker Hub profile and ran
podman login -u USERNAME --authfile auth.json
inside the directory where my Dockerfile is so that I have everything bundled together. This creates an authentification configuration file similar to this one:
"auths": {
"": {
"auth": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
which can then be used for the building:
podman build --authfile=./auth.json .
The above command is executed from within the same directory. When I run it I get a menu with two options ( and since those are the registries I have configured to be available to my local installation. Once I choose I get
STEP 1/5: FROM ubunut:focal
? Please select an image:
Trying to pull
Error: error creating build container: initializing source docker://ubunut:focal: reading manifest focal in errors:
denied: requested access to the resource is denied
unauthorized: authentication required
Here is my Dockerfile:
FROM ubunut:focal
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y locales && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& localedef -i en_US -c -f UTF-8 -A /usr/share/locale/locale.alias en_US.UTF-8
ENV LANG en_US.utf8
I'm quite new to creating images so my mistake is probably obvious. It is definitely not in the Dockerfile itself (although errors are not excluded) since the building process fails at the step 1 - pulling the base image.

I will not delete the answer as silly as my mistake is so that other can learn from it. Also the question provides instructions how to login and use authentification files, which imho is not that obvious when reading the podman documentation on this matter.
It's ubuntu and not ubunut. A simple typo yet fatal.


how do I add root certificate and keep only in docker build time?

the question has 2 parts, the 1st part: how to add root certificate? is simple and we can have reference from like How do I add a CA root certificate inside a docker image?
the 2nd part, which is what I actually want to ask, is: how to keep the root certificate only in docker build time?
maybe we can use buildctl and RUN --mount=type=secret; but it cannot cover all cases.
say I would like to pass sites with self-signed certificate like:
RUN curl https://x01.self-signed-site/obj01
RUN npm install --registry https://x02.self-signed-site/npm
RUN pip install -i https://x03.self-signed-site/pypi/simple
RUN mvn install
thus, we need to config certificate for each tool:
(prepare certificate and prepare .npmrc, .curlrc, ...)
(for, curl, npm, pip, we can use env vars; but we cannot guarantee we can use this way for other tools)
therefore, we need to download self-signed certificate into image and also modify some files to apply the cert config. how to keep the change only in build time (no persistent layer in final image)?
we resolved this problem by using docker save and docker load; but currently, docker load does not work as we expect (see also how to keep layers when do `docker load`)
anyway, below is our solution in pseudo-code:
docker save -o out.tar <image>
mkdir contents && cd contents
tar xf ../out.tar
open manifest.json, get config <hash>.json as config.json
remove target layers in:
- config.json[history]
- config.json[rootfs][diff_ids]
- manifest.json[0][Layers]
remove layer tarballs (get layer_hashes from maniefst.josn[0][Layers]):
- <layer_hash>/*
fill gap between missing layers:
- <layer_hash_next>/json[parent] = <layer_hash_prev>
tar cf ../new.tar *
docker rmi <image>
docker load -i ../new.tar

How do I add an additional command line tool to an already existing Docker/Singularity image?

I work in neuroscience, and I use a cloud platform called Brainlife to upload and download data (linked here, but I don't think knowledge of Brainlife is relevant to this question). I use Brainlife's command line interface to upload and download data on my university's server. In order to use their CLI, I run Singularity with a Docker image created by Brainlife (found here). I run this using the following code:
singularity shell docker://brainlife/cli -B
I also have the file saved on my server account, and can run it like this:
singularity shell brainlifeimage.sif -B
After running one of those commands, I am able to download and upload data, usually successfully. Currently I'm following Brainlife's tutorial to bulk download data. The tutorial uses the command line tool "jq" (link), which isn't on their docker image. I tried installing it within the Singularity shell like this:
apt-get install jq
And it returned:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock
E: Unable to locate package jq
Is there an easy way to add this one tool to the image? I've been reading over the Singularity and Docker documentations, but Docker is all new to me and I'm really lost.
If relevant, my university server runs on Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS, and I am using terminal on a Mac laptop running MacOS 11.3. This is my first stack overflow question - please let me know if i can provide any additional info! Thanks so much.
The short, specific answer: jq is portable, so you can just mount it into the image and use it normally. e.g.,
singularity shell -B /path/to/jq:/usr/bin/jq brainlifeimage.sif
The short, general answer: you can't modify the read only image and need to build a new one.
Long answer with several options and specific examples:
Since singularity images are read only, they cannot have persistent changes made to them. This is great for reproducibility, a bit inconvenient if your tools are likely to change often. You can rebuild the image in several ways, though all will require sudo permissions.
Write a new Singularity definition based on the docker image
Create a new definition file (generally called Singularity or something.def), use the current container as a base and add the desired software in the %post section. Then build the new image with: sudo singularity build brainy_jq.sif Singularity
The definition file docs are quite good and highly recommended.
Bootstrap: docker
From: brainlife/cli:latest
apt-get update && apt-get install -y jq
Create a sandbox of the current singularity image, make your changes, and convert back to a read-only image. See the singularity docs on writable sandbox directories and converting images between formats.
# use --sandbox to create a writable singularity image
sudo singularity build --sandbox writable_brain/ brainlifeimage.sif
# --writable must still be used to make changes, and sudo for correct permissions
sudo singularity exec writable_brain/ bash -c 'apt-get update && apt-get install -y jq'
# convert back to read-only image for normal usage
sudo singularity build brainlifeimage_jq.sif writable_brain/
Modify the source docker image locally and build from that. One of the more... creative options. Almost sudo-free, except singularity pull doesn't accept docker-daemon so a sudo singularity build is necessary.
# add jq to a new docker container. the value for --name doesn't matter, but we use it
# in later steps. The entrypoint needs to be overridden in this case as well.
docker run -it --name brainlife-jq --entrypoint=/bin/bash \
brainlife/cli:1.5.25 -c 'apt-get update && apt-get install -y jq'
# use docker commit to create an image from the container so it can be reused
# note that we're using the name of the image set in the previous step
# the output of docker commit is the hash for the newly created image, so we grab that
IMAGE_ID=$(docker commit brainlife-jq)
# tag the newly created image with a more useful name
docker tag $IMAGE_ID brainlife/cli:1.5.25-jq
# here we use docker-daemon instead of docker to build from a locally cached docker image
# instead of looking at docker hub
sudo singularity build brainlife_jq.sif docker-daemon://brainlife/cli:1.5.25-jq
# now check that it all worked as planned
singularity exec brainlife_jq.sif which jq
# /usr/bin/jq
ref: docker commit, using locally cached docker images

Running Docker on Google Cloud Instance with data in gcsfuse-mounted Bucket

I am trying to run a Docker container to analyze data in a Google Cloud Bucket.
I have been able to successfully mount the Bucket using gcsfuse, and I tested that I could do things like create and delete files within the Bucket.
In order to be able to install other programs (and mount the bucket), I installed Docker (and didn't use the Docker-optimized instance option). If I run Docker in interactive mode (without mounting a drive), it looks like it is working OK.
However, if I try to run Docker in interactive mode with the mounted drive (which is the gcsfuse-mounted Bucket), I get an error message:
user#instance:~/bucket-name/subfolder$ docker run -it -v /home/user/bucket-name:/mnt/bucket-name
docker: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/home/user/bucket-name': mkdir /home/user/bucket-name: file exists.
I hope that I am close to having this working: does anybody have any ideas about a relatively simple fix for this error message?
BTW, I realize that there are other ways to run DeepVariant on Google Cloud, but I am trying to makes things as similar as possible to what I am doing on AWS (plus, I may need to do some extra troubleshooting for analysis of one of my files).
Thank you very much for your help!
FYI, this is how I mounted the Bucket:
#mount directory:
export GCSFUSE_REPO=gcsfuse-`lsb_release -c -s`
echo "deb $GCSFUSE_REPO main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gcsfuse.list
curl | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install gcsfuse
#restart and mount directory:
#NOTE: please make sure you are in your home directory (I encounter issues if I try to mount from /mnt)
mkdir [bucket-name]
gcsfuse -o allow_other --file-mode 777 --dir-mode 777 [bucket-name] ./[bucket-name]
and this is how I installed Docker:
#install Docker for Debian:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg2 \
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository \
"deb [arch=amd64] \
$(lsb_release -cs) \
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y --allow-unauthenticated install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
#fix Docker sock issue:
sudo usermod -a -G docker [user]
#have to restart after this
For anyone experiencing a similar error / issue - here is what worked for me. Steps I took:
First unmount the disk if it's already mounted: sudo umount /mounted_folder
Remount the disk using the below command, listing the credentials file to be used explicitly
sudo GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/home/user/credentials/example-asdf21b0af7.json gcsfuse -o allow_other bucket_name /mounted_folder
Should now be connected successfully without further errors :)
NOTE: This command needs to be run everytime after restarting the computer / VM. Formatting this into fstab could probably be done so one does not need to manually execute these steps upon each restart.
EXPLANATION: What I did here was explicitly specifying the credentials via a credentials JSON for the user / service account with appropriate access (Not explained here on how to get this but should be googl-able) and referring to that json in the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable option, as suggested by this answer: The need for this environment variable option is likely due to gcsfuse not registering the same level of access as the activated acount in gcloud config for some reason.
I think I figured out at least a partial solution to my problem:
As mentioned in this tutorial, you also need to run gcloud auth configure-docker.
I found you also needed to exit and restart your instance, but this strictly solved the original error message for this post.
I think got a strange message, but perhaps that is more about the specific container. So, I ran another test:
docker run -it -v /home/user/bucket-name:/mnt/bucket-name cwarden45/dnaseq-dependencies
This time, I got an error message about storage space on the instance (to be able to download and run the Docker container). So, I went back and created a new instance with a larger local hard drive:
1) From the Google Cloud Console, I selected "Compute Instance" and "VM instances"
2) I clicked "create instance" (similar to before)
3) I select "change" under "boot disk"
4) I set size to 300 GB instead of 10 GB (currently, towards bottom-right, under "Size (GB)")
Similar to before, I choose 8 vCPUs for the "Machine type", I selected "Allow full access to all Cloud APIs" under "Identity and API access", and I checked boxes for both "Allow HTTP traffic" and "Allow HTTPS traffic" (under "Firewall").
I am not selecting "Deploy a container image to this VM instance," which I believe is how I got Docker installed with "sudo" to be able to install gcsfuse.
I also have to call this a "parital" solution because this allows me to run the Docker container successfully in interactive mode, but the mounted bucket appears empty within Docker.
For another project, I noticed that executables could work if I installed them on the local hard drive under /opt, but not if I tried to install them on my bucket (in order to save the installation time for those programs each time). On AWS, I believe I needed to use EFS storage instead of S3 storage to do something similar, but I will keep learning more about using the Google Cloud Bucket for mounted storage / analysis.
Also, it is a different issue, but I noticed that I could fix an issue with running exectuable files from the bucket from changing the command from gcsfuse [bucket-name] ./[bucket-name] to gcsfuse --file-mode 777 --dir-mode 777 [bucket-name] ./[bucket-name] (and I changed the example code accordingly)
I noticed more recently that the set of commands above is no longer sufficient to be able to have a functional directory (I can't add or edit files, for example).
Based upon this discussion, I thought that I needed to add the -o allow_other parameter.
However, if that is all I do, I get the following error message
fusermount: option allow_other only allowed if 'user_allow_other' is set in /etc/fuse.conf
I can resolve that error message if I uncomment the corresponding line in that file. However, that still doesn't resolve having the right file permissions in the mounted directory.
So, I then tried editing my /etc/fstab file, by adding the following entry
[bucket-name] /home/[username]/[bucket-name] gcsfuse rw,allow_other,file_mode=777,dir_mode=777
I am also accordingly editing the content at the top (for whatever seems like it might help).
Also, please note that this was not a Docker-specific issue. This was necessary to essentially do anything within the bucket. Plus, I haven't actually solved this new problem.
For example, I still can't create files as root, after changing to the superuser via sudo su - (as described here)

docker login fails on a server with no X11 installed

I am trying to deploy a docker configuration with images on a private docker registry.
Now, every time I execute docker login, I get the following error message:
error getting credentials - err: exit status 1, out: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY
The only solution I found for non-MacOS users was to run export $(dbus-launch) first, but that did not change anything.
I am running Ubuntu Server and tried with both the Ubuntu Docker package and the Docker-CE package.
How can I log in without an X11 session?
Looks like this is because it defaults to use the secretservice executable which seems to have some sort of X11 dependency for some reason. If you install and configure pass docker will use that instead which seems to solve the problem.
In a nutshell (from
sudo apt install gnupg2 pass
gpg2 --full-generate-key
This generates a you a gpg2 key. After that's done you can list it with
gpg2 -k
Copy the key id (from the line labelled [uid]) and do
pass init "whatever key id you have"
Now docker login should work.
There are a couple of bugs logged on launchpad regarding this:
This works: sudo apt remove golang-docker-credential-helpers
You can remove the offending package golang-docker-credential-helpers without removing all of docker-compose.
The following worked for me on a server without X11 installed:
dpkg -r --ignore-depends=golang-docker-credential-helpers golang-docker-credential-helpers
and then
echo 'foo' | docker login -u dockeruser --password-stdin
bug reported in debian:
bug reported on ubuntu:
secretservice requires a GUI. You can use pass without a GUI.
Unfortunately, Docker's documentation on how to configure Docker Credential Helpers is quite lacking. Here's a comprehensive guide how to configure pass with Docker (tested with Ubuntu 18.04):
1. Install the Docker Credential Helper for pass
Find the url for the latest version of docker-credential-pass from . For example:
# substitute with the latest version
# download and untar the binary
wget $url
tar -xzvf $(basename $url)
# move the binary to a dir in your $PATH
sudo mv docker-credential-pass /usr/local/bin
# verify it works
docker-credential-pass list
2. Install and configure pass
apt install pass
# create a gpg2 key
gpg2 --gen-key
# if you have issues with lack of entropy, "apt install haveged" and try again
# create the password store using the gpg user id above
pass init $gpg_id
3. docker login
docker login
# You should not see any credentials stored in "auths" section.
# "credsStore": "pass" should have been automatically added.
# If the value is "secretservice", replace it with "pass".
cat ~/.docker/config.json
# verify credentials stored in `pass` store now
There is a much easier answer than the ones already posted, which I found in a comment on
The solution is to rename docker-credential-secretservice out of the way
e.g: mv /usr/bin/docker-credential-secretservice /usr/bin/docker-credential-secretservice.broken
Once you do this, docker login works regardless of whether or not docker-compose is installed. No other package additions or removals are necessary.
I've resolved this issue by uninstalling docker-compose which was installed from Ubuntu repo and installing docker-compose by official instruction at
What helped me on Ubuntu 18.04 was:
Following the steps in #oberstet 's post and uninstalling the golang helper
Performing a login after the helper uninstall
Reinstalling docker via sudo apt-get install docker
Logging back in via sudo docker login

Yum update fails -Centos 7 - dockerbuild

I have frequently built docker container using centos 7 as base image. But now I am getting error when I run,
RUN yum update add \
bash \
&& rm -rfv /var/cache/apk/*
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, ovl
One of the configured repositories failed (Unknown),
and yum doesn't have enough cached data to continue. At this point the only
safe thing yum can do is fail. There are a few ways to work "fix" this:
Contact the upstream for the repository and get them to fix the problem.
Reconfigure the baseurl/etc. for the repository, to point to a working
upstream. This is most often useful if you are using a newer
distribution release than is supported by the repository (and the
packages for the previous distribution release still work).
Run the command with the repository temporarily disabled
yum --disablerepo=<repoid> ...
Disable the repository permanently, so yum won't use it by default. Yum
will then just ignore the repository until you permanently enable it
again or use --enablerepo for temporary usage:
yum-config-manager --disable <repoid>
`subscription-manager repos --disable=<repoid>`
Configure the failing repository to be skipped, if it is unavailable.
Note that yum will try to contact the repo. when it runs most commands,
so will have to try and fail each time (and thus. yum will be be much
slower). If it is a very temporary problem though, this is often a nice
yum-config-manager --save --setopt=<repoid>.skip_if_unavailable=true
Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base/7/x86_64 Could not retrieve
error was 14: curl#6 - "Could not resolve host:;
Name or service not known" The command '/bin/sh -c yum update add
bash && rm -rfv /var/cache/apk/*' returned a non-zero code: 1
I also saw few resolutions to use "dhclient" but this error happens when i do docker-compose build.
I ran into this problem attempting to run the same Dockerfile, which fetched several software packages using yum, on two different platforms; one macOS, the other an Ubuntu 16.04-based Linux OS (elementaryOS Loki), both using the official packages from
My theory is that the Linux package is just more restrictive out of the box, security-wise, than the macOS one. Maybe this is configurable with some kind of /etc/something config file, but I don't have the expertise with Docker to say for sure. EDIT: See my comment below.
What I can say is there was no additional configuration required for me on macOS (10.11 El Capitan); just docker build . worked fine, and yum processes from the Dockerfile were able to reach all the remote repositories.
In the Ubuntu-derived Linux distro, however, it was necessary to use
docker build --network host .
followed by
docker run -it --network host <image> <command>
when I wanted to run a process inside that image which required internet access.
This may be the case for other Debian-derived systems as well.
There are, of course, security considerations which need to be taken into account when allowing a long-running Docker container to communicate through the host network adapter, unrestricted, and one would do well to review the appropriate documentation in that regard.
My assumption is that for some reason network behavior in docker varies based on distribution.
Try to use:
docker run -d --net mybridge centos
docker network create -d bridge mybridge
docker run -d --net mybridge centos
It should start working. Or just edit /etc/hosts and add mirror address
root cause of the issue is, container proxy settings were wrong. Just corrected the proxy settings at the below location and worked.
