SV_DEPTH and UAV Combination in Pixel Shader - directx

I want to update a UAV in my pixel shader, which outputs to SV_DEPTH with the depth buffer set to standard depth buffer settings.
Question is - does the depth buffer only affect SV_TARGET outputs, or will it also be used to prevent update to the UAV ?


What can vertex function do except for mapping to clip space?

The Metal Shading Language includes a lot of mathematic functions, but it seems most of the codes inside Metal official documentation just use it to map vertexes from pixel space to clip space like
RasterizerData out;
out.clipSpacePosition = vector_float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
float2 pixelSpacePosition = vertices[vertexID].position.xy;
vector_float2 viewportSize = vector_float2(*viewportSizePointer);
out.clipSpacePosition.xy = pixelSpacePosition / (viewportSize / 2.0);
out.color = vertices[vertexID].color;
return out;
Except for GPGPU using kernel functions to do parallel computation, what things that vertex function can do, with some examples? In a game, if all vertices positions are calculated by the CPU, why GPU still matters? What does vertex function do usually?
Vertex shaders compute properties for vertices. That's their point. In addition to vertex positions, they also calculate lighting normals at each vertex. And potentially texture coordinates. And various material properties used by lighting and shading routines. Then, in the fragment processing stage, those values are interpolated and sent to the fragment shader for each fragment.
In general, you don't modify vertices on the CPU. In a game, you'd usually load them from a file into main memory, put them into a buffer and send them to the GPU. Once they're on the GPU you pass them to the vertex shader on each frame along with model, view, and projection matrices. A single buffer containing the vertices of, say, a tree or a car's wheel might be used multiple times. Each time all the CPU sends is the model, view, and projection matrices. The model matrix is used in the vertex shader to reposition and scale the vertice's positions in world space. The view matrix then moves and rotates the world around so that the virtual camera is at the origin and facing the appropriate way. Then the projection matrix modifies the vertices to put them into clip space.
There are other things a vertex shader can do, too. You can pass in vertices that are in a grid in the x-y plane, for example. Then in your vertex shader you can sample a texture and use that to generate the z-value. This gives you a way to change the geometry using a height map.
On older hardware (and some lower-end mobile hardware) it was expensive to do calculations on a texture coordinate before using it to sample from a texture because you lose some cache coherency. For example, if you wanted to sample several pixels in a column, you might loop over them adding an offset to the current texture coordinate and then sampling with the result. One trick was to do the calculation on the texture coordinates in the vertex shader and have them automatically interpolated before being sent to the fragment shader, then doing a normal look-up in the fragment shader. (I don't think this is an optimization on modern hardware, but it was a big win on some older models.)
First, I'll address this statement
In a game, if all vertices positions are calculated by the CPU, why GPU still matters? What does vertex function do usually?
I don't believe I've seen anyone calculating positions for meshes that will be later used to render them on a GPU. It's slow, you would need to get all this data from CPU to a GPU (which means copying it through a bus if you have a dedicated GPU). And it's just not that flexible. There are much more things other than vertex positions that are required to produce any meaningful image and calculating all this stuff on CPU is just wasteful, since CPU doesn't care for this data for the most part.
The sole purpose of vertex shader is to provide rasterizer with primitives that are in clip space. But there are some other uses that are mostly tricks based on different GPU features.
For example, vertex shaders can write out some data to buffers, so, for example, you can stream out transformed geometry if you don't want to transform it again at a later vertex stage if you have multi-pass rendering that uses the same geometry in more than one pass.
You can also use vertex shaders to output just one triangle that covers the whole screen, so that fragment shaders gets called one time per pixel for the whole screen (but, honestly, you are better of using compute (kernel) shaders for this).
You can also write out data from vertex shader and not generate any primitives. You can do that by generating degenerate triangles. You can use this to generate bounding boxes. Using atomic operations you can update min/max positions and read them at a later stage. This is useful for light culling, frustum culling, tile-based processing and many other things.
But, and it's a BIG BUT, you can do most of this stuff in a compute shader without incurring GPU to run all the vertex assembly pipeline. That means, you can do full-screen effects using just a compute shader (instead of vertex and fragment shader and many pipeline stages in between, such as rasterizer, primitive culling, depth testing and output merging). You can calculate bounding boxes and do light culling or frustum culling in compute shader.
There are reasons to fire up the whole rendering pipeline instead of just running a compute shader, for example, if you will still use triangles that are output from vertex shader, or if you aren't sure how primitives are laid out in memory so you need vertex assembler to do the heavy lifting of assembling primitives. But, getting back to your point, almost all of the reasonable uses for vertex shader include outputting primitives in clip space. If you aren't using resulting primitives, it's probably best to stick to compute shaders.

How does WebGL set values in the depth buffer?

In OpenGL, depth buffer values are calculated based on the near and far clipping planes of the scene. (Reference: Getting the true z value from the depth buffer)
How does this work in WebGL? My understanding is that WebGL is unaware of my scene's far and near clipping planes. The near and far clipping planes are used to calculate my projection matrix, but I never tell WebGL what they are explicitly so it can't use them to calculate depth buffer values.
How does WebGL set values in the depth buffer when my scene is rendered?
WebGL (like modern OpenGL and OpenGL ES) gets the depth value from the value you supply to gl_Position.z in your vertex shader (though you can also write directly to the depth buffer using certain extensions but that's far less common)
There is no scene in WebGL nor modern OpenGL. That concept of a scene is part of legacy OpenGL left over from the early 90s and long since deprecated. It doesn't exist in OpenGL ES (the OpenGL that runs on Android, iOS, ChromeOS, Raspberry PI, WebGL etc...)
Modern OpenGL and WebGL are just rasterization APIs. You write shaders which are small functions that run on the GPU. You provide those shaders with data through attributes (per iteration data), uniforms (global variables), textures (2d/3d arrays), varyings (data passed from vertex shaders to fragment shaders).
The rest is up to you and what your supplied shader functions do. Modern OpenGL and WebGL are for all intents and purposes just generic computing engines with certain limits. To get them to do anything is up to you to supply shaders.
See for more.
In the Q&A you linked to it's the programmer supplied shaders that decide to use frustum math to decide how to set gl_Position.z. The frustum math is supplied by the programmer. WebGL/GL don't care how gl_Position.z is computed, only that it's a value between -1.0 and +1.0 so how to take a value from the depth buffer and go back to Z is solely up to how the programmer decided to calculate it in the first place.
This article covers the most commonly used math for setting gl_Position.z when rendering 3d with WebGL/OpenGL. Based on your question though I'd suggest reading the preceding articles linked at the beginning of that one.
As for what actual values get written to the depth buffer it's
ndcZ = gl_Position.z / gl_Position.w;
depthValue = (far - near) / 2 * ndcZ + (near - far) / 2
near and far default to 0 and 1 respectively though you can set them with gl.depthRange but assuming they are 0 and 1 then
ndcZ = gl_Position.z / gl_Position.w;
depthValue = .5 * ndcZ - .5
That depthValue would then be in the 0 to 1 range and converted to whatever bit depth the depth buffer is. It's common to have a 24bit depth buffer so
bitValue = depthValue * (2^24 - 1)

DirectX 11 Depth Rendering

Is it possible to get the depth values from the depth stencil buffer? Right now, I have a depth shader that renders the distance of each pixel using 1.0f - (outputPosition.z / outputPosition.w) from the vertex shader.

HLSL correct pixel position in deferred shading

In OpenGL, I am using the following in my pixel shaders to get the correct pixel position, which is used to sample diffuse, normal, position gbuffer textures:
ivec2 texcoord = ivec2(textureSize(unifDiffuseTexture) * (gl_FragCoord.xy / UnifAmbientPass.mScreenSize));
So far, this is what I do in HLSL:
float2 texcoord = input.mPosition.xy / gScreenSize;
Most notably, in GLSL I am using textureSize() to get accurate pixel position. I am wondering, is there a HLSL equivalent to textureSize()?
In HLSL, you have GetDimensions
But it may be costlier than reading it from a constant buffer, even if it looks easier to use at first to do quick tests.
Also, you have alternative, using SV_Position and Load, just use the xy as an uint2, you remove the need of an user interpolator carrying a texture coordinate to index the screen.
Here the full documentation of a TextureObject

Math behind Tex2D in HLSL

Could someone explain the math behind the function Tex2D in HLSL?
One of the examples is: given a quad with 4 vertices, the texture coordinates are (0,0) (0,1) (1,0) (1,1) on it and the texture's width and height are 640 and 480. How is the shader able to determine the number of times of sampling to be performed? If it is to map texels to pixels directly, does it mean that the shader needs to perform 640*480 times of sampling with the texture coordinates increasing in some kind of gradients? Also, I would appreciate if you could provide more references and articles on this topic.
After the vertex shader the rasterizer "converts" triangles into pixels. Each pixel is associated with a screen position, and the vertex attributes of the triangles (eg: texture coordinates) are interpolated across the triangles and an interpolated value is stored in each pixel according to the pixel position.
The pixel shader runs once per pixel (in most cases).
The number of times the texture is sampled per pixel depends on the sampler used. If you use a point sampler the texture is sampled once, 4 times if you use a bilinear sampler and a few more if you use more complex samplers.
So if you're drawing a fullscreen quad, the texture you're sampling is the same size of the render target and you're using a point sampler the texture will be sampled width*height times (once per pixel).
You can think about textures as an 2-dimensional array of texels. tex2D simply returns the texel at the requested position performing some kind of interpolation depending on the sampler used (texture coordinates are usually relative to the texture size so the hardware will convert them to absolute coordinates).
This link might be useful: Rasterization
