I am using this All-in-one-messenger in Mac and WhatsApp in iPhone.
Usually, an image could be downloaded from the interface but a video could not.
So I wonder if one could download the video by looking for it in the temporary data folder. I have tried to search by type and size of the video but cannot find any.
Does any one know where does the temporary files locating in the Mac?
I am writing a PDF file on an iPhone running iOS 11, using Cordova File Plugin (in Ionic). The file is created successfully (e.g. in a location like file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/CDFC4E19-082F-4878-9168-F4A735CDAFEB/Documents or file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/DA918690-B345-438A-B26D-2EA21D618341/Library/Cloud), but then I can't find the file on the iPhone. I have tried setting the directory to cordova.file.documentsDirectory as well as cordova.file.syncedDataDirectory. When I run the Files app on the iPhone, it shows no recent documents, nor any documents at all. I can't find the file on the phone to view it outside of my app.
Where do I have to save the file to make it findable outside of the app?
I think I've answered this myself. Viewing a PDF that an app created is just not a thing on iOS, as useful as that may be. You can of course do that on Android, which is far more useful. It appears that to view the PDF, you have to use iTunes on an iMac to download the file from the phone. Jumping through those Apple hoops, which I am slowly becoming accustomed to, I was able to view the file in the cordova.file.documentsDirectory location.
In my App I would like to import various document types (video, audio, photo's, pdf and text). I can use UIImagePickerController for the photo's and videos. I can use UIDocumentPickerViewController to get all file types from an iCloud drive - but this does not seem to find any files I have created on this device (and not added to iCloud). I feel like I am missing something fundamental. NSOpenPanel is there for OSX, is there nothing equivalent for iOS?
UIDocumentPickerViewController can only access files in iCloud or a similar service (eg DropBox). There is no way to access files outside your app's sandbox. They must first be moved (or copied) to iCloud.
I was developing an ios application for file backup. In that I need to list and enable user to pick up files from any folder and need to do email backup like media and image picker.
I am struckup here with a bottle neck. I can't triger populating the list of document and email list for the user to pick. I had tried many codes, but it is not working.
I was working with the simulator.
Could anyone share their insight?
You should be more precise : do you want to pick up any file from any application on your device or just in your application library folder ? You can't access others applications folders.
You can find more information about the file system here :
iPhone do not have a file browser.
The only place that a iPhone app can take file is from photo album.
Every application keeps its files in its private place.
I am using Xamarin to develop an IOS app. Here the user has an option to download audio files to the document folder within the app, and play it later on.
But i would like to provide an option for the user to access it in music folder or somewhere else, so that user does not have to come back to app to listen it.
Like we save images to camera roll, can we save mp3 or any other audio file to default music folder in IOS. Any solution or ideas using xamarin or xcode are welcome.
Note: I already know about File Sharing with itunes, i am looking for something else explained above.
As I know this isn't possible due to the limitations within iOS
For a school project, I am writing an iOS iPad application in which the user is capable of inputting sentences into core data that are used elsewhere in the system; however, my professor has now asked for another feature in which the user is capable of somehow entering sentences from some other interface than the iPad's keyboard. For instance, the most desirable solution is to be able to write sentences into text files and import them into the application through iTunes.
I have seen a few different apps capable of receiving files through iTunes, such as the VLC app in which the user can place videos into the VLC app's video storage. This allows VLC to then load the videos. I'm wondering if there is a good way or even if it's possible to do this with text files in my app, so that I may then read them into core data.
This is possible... First of all you need to add a value to your info.plist file which enables iTunes file sharing (like with VLC etc.) "UIFileSharingEnabled -> YES"
Then you can store files through iTunes. These files are put into your applications "Documents" - directory... When launching your application, you will need to check if new files are available and handle these changes...
You can also add document types / extensions, so that when you are sent an email with a txt file, it can be opened with your application. How do I register a custom filetype in iOS